Chapter 156

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye five days passed, and the opening ceremony of Qibao Glazed Tile Sect Academy was ready to begin.

On the way from Heaven Dou City to Qibao Glazed Tile Sect's new academy, it was crowded with people one after another.

These people are not only the local residents of Tiandou City, but also many people from other places within the jurisdiction of the Tiandou Empire.

Their purpose of coming here is very simple, Qibao Glazed Tile Sect established a new academy.

Students are welcome, regardless of whether they have soul power or not, as long as they awaken their martial soul, they can enter under the age of 25.

This point was Ning Fengzhi's changed request in consideration of participating in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition.

In case a commoner genius joins, wouldn't it just happen to enter, Guan Hong, the participating team?
As for the qualifications for the Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition, for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, it should not be too simple.

The change of this condition, coupled with the fact that the academy has a Titled Douluo in charge, and will teach the students of the academy from time to time, once the news spreads.

In an instant, many people were attracted to Heaven Dou City, wanting to find out.

They don't care about whether people without innate soul power can practice. It's quite attractive to see such things as Titled Douluo.

With the intention of joining in the fun, more and more people came.

It's just that there are many places that are relatively remote. It was too late to receive this news, and it was obviously impossible to catch up.

But even so, there are still a lot of people.

The hotels and hotels in Tiandou City were almost full, and many tents were set up outside the city.

Fortunately, there were Tiandou soldiers on both sides of the official road to assist. Otherwise, just the movement of this number of people might have caused some riots or something.

At Tiandou South City Gate, the soldiers guarding the city saw a traveling team and quickly began to drive people to the left and right.

"Disperse quickly, disperse quickly. His Majesty is on his way out. The rest of the gang should give way quickly!"

Waves of shouts rang out, and many soldiers who followed immediately evacuated after hearing it, leaving a road for the carriage team to pass.

"It turned out to be His Majesty. Could it be that he also wanted to go to the academy built by the Qibao Glazed Sect?"

"That's for sure. As the Qibao Glazed Sect is a sect that supports the Tiandou royal family, your majesty will definitely give it some face if the other party opens an academy."

Seeing that it was the carriage of Emperor Tiandou Xueye, everyone began to kowtow at the roadside.

Carriages drove away from the Tiandou City Gate, and each one of them walked towards the academy built by the Qibao Glazed Sect.

In addition to Emperor Xueye's carriage, other members of the royal family and many other big families followed behind. Their purpose was to participate in the opening ceremony of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Even Wuhun Palace sent Salas, one of the four platinum bishops, to congratulate him.

Moreover, Salas is still the most powerful among the platinum bishops, with a soul power as high as level 88 Contra, which can be said to be a good deal.

In the carriage, Salas looked towards the direction of the construction of the Qibao Glazed Sect Academy, and couldn't help but murmured: "Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, an auxiliary sect also established an academy, and the commotion is so big, I don't know if I have nothing to do. , or what to do.”

The Qibao Glazed Sect's actions today can be said to have spread to the entire Douluo Continent.

At least the three major forces of Tiandou, Xingluo and Wuhundian have been fully publicized. Maybe the Sea Spirit Master on the west side has not been notified in place.

Especially if the Qibao Glazed Sect is released to the outside world, as long as they are old enough and have a martial spirit, they can come to the academy to register.

Even if you don't have innate soul power, it doesn't matter. The academy has this method, which allows you to practice acquired soul power and possess acquired soul power.

This alone is enough to make the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect a laughing matter for many major forces in the Douluo Continent.

Talent is something that is destined at birth.

Whether everyone can become a soul master has been decided the moment they awaken in Wuhu.

Since the birth of the Douluo Continent soul master system, there has never been an example of someone who had no innate soul power but could still become a soul master.

Why, are you, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, unique enough to be able to help humans change their destiny against the will of heaven?Do you really think it’s easy to change your destiny against the will of heaven?
This time I went there just to give the Qibao Glazed Sect some face.

If we have all this time, we might as well go and be happy. Being happy is really troublesome.

Sarath complained in the carriage.

In fact, not only Salas, but also many of the forces who went there did not believe that the Qibao Glazed Sect could change their fate against the will of heaven.

In Emperor Xueye's carriage.

At this time, he slowly opened his eyes, as if he had finished thinking about something, and turned to look at his eldest son: "Qinghe, what do you think Sect Leader Ning wants to express with this move?"

On the side of the carriage, Xue Qinghe was originally observing the crowd around him, but came back to his senses after hearing his father's question.

After thinking about it in his mind, he replied: "Father, I feel that the teacher opened the academy for only one reason. That is that the number of disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect is too small, or in other words, the Qibao Glazed Sect does not have fresh blood to fill the vacancies. This is the next best thing.”

For a sect, new disciples are, to some extent, more important than the strong ones.

Because, if the continuation of a sect does not have the injection of fresh blood, then the sect will surely die soon.

As long as there is fresh blood, this means that the future of a sect will usher in new strong men.

Xue Ye has always been very satisfied with his eldest son. After nodding, he said, "I think so, but Qinghe, do you think what Sect Leader Ning said is true or false?"

Hearing this, Xue Qinghe thought for a while and asked: "What my father said, but what the teacher said, can ordinary people without innate soul power be able to practice?"

Xue Ye nodded without saying anything, just looking at Xue Qinghe.

After confirming that this was the case, Xue Qinghe expressed his opinion: "Father, Erchen feels that the teacher is not a person who is aimless, although this incident is very shocking. But Erchen feels that the teacher is not without this kind of person." ability."

"Oh, why so sure?"

Looking at the eldest son's expression, he saw that there was no hesitation on his face, which made Xue Ye stunned.

You must know that when Ning Fengzhi said this, no one in the court believed it.

"Father, you are just trying to flatter me." Xue Qinghe laughed sarcastically for a while, then asked: "Can the teacher's words be trusted? I think my father already has the answer in his mind, so why bother asking me more? ?”

Xue Ye nodded and praised: "Yes, I also hope this matter is false, but I know Feng Zhi very well."

“And it’s because I know him that I understand how true his words really are.”

Speaking of this, Xue Ye couldn't help but sigh.

"If Feng Zhi really solves this problem, then the future Douluo Continent may not be decided by our Tiandou Empire..." Xue Ye couldn't help but look out the window.

That direction is the Qibao Glazed Sect.

If the Qibao Glazed Sect can really make ordinary people become soul masters, then if time passes, the leader of Douluo Continent will have to be replaced...

Seeing Xue Ye's sad look, Qian Renxue couldn't help but think about why the Qibao Glazed Sect made such a big move.

But soon, a figure she met in the Tiandou Soul Fighting Arena two years ago appeared in her mind.

"Could it be someone?"

The reason for Qian Renxue's suspicion was simple: the timing was too coincidental.

Entered Qibao Glazed Sect for one year.

The Qibao Glazed Sect sells pills called elixirs, and now they are doing something about it.

She won't believe this, everything is just a coincidence...

(End of this chapter)

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