Chapter 157 Sword Soul Academy
"There are more people here."

Looking at the surrounding crowd, Tang San suddenly had a feeling in his mind that this is how the academy enrolls.

Compared with Shrek Academy's original registration, today's Qibao Liulizong Academy's registration seems to be much more spectacular.

Feeling emotional for a while, Tang San turned his head to look at Yu Xiaogang, and asked: "Teacher, didn't we say we were going to some Lanba Academy, why did we come here again?"

"Yes, Master, we finally came to Heaven Dou City, and we didn't have a good rest. In the end, we traveled all the way to attend such an entrance ceremony. Is it really necessary?"

Dai Mubai looked at the academy in front of him, he knew it was founded by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

When he thought of Guan Hong, Ning Rongrong and that bitch Zhu Zhuqing all in there, he felt even more disgusted.

There is an indescribable sense of resistance in my heart.

He couldn't help touching the right cheek, this place was left by Guan Hong a month ago, and he still feels very painful until now.

"Little San, Mubai, you must know that knowing yourself and your enemy is invincible in every battle."

"Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect now establishes an academy with a very obvious purpose, that is, to participate in the Continental Senior Soul Master Competition in a year's time."

"I don't know the name of this academy for now, but we need to know that Guan Hong, Xiao Wu, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Zhu Zhuqing will definitely participate in it."

"According to the requirements for a team of at least seven people in the Soul Master Competition, Guan Hong and the five must be the main force."

"A month has passed, and the two of you have greatly improved in strength, so the five Guan Hong people must also be the same. I brought you two here today just to let you have some understanding, so that you can judge your future. opponent."

"I am certain of one thing. This academy founded by the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will definitely be a stumbling block in our Soul Master Competition."

The reason why Yu Xiaogang is so sure is very simple.

The day after Guan Hong and others left, Yu Xiaogang started special training for Tang San and Dai Mubai.

The content of the special training is very simple, which is soulless running, plus some self-established exercise methods, plus some simple medicinal bath training.

The results are obvious.

After I trained Tang San and Dai Mubai using these methods, their soul power did not increase much.

But his physical fitness has improved by [-]% compared to before.

You know, I have only been training for less than a month!
Such great results have been achieved.

What's more, this method was so effective when Guan Hong of Notting College was training and observed and formulated the training plan.

How terrifying will the effect of Guan Hong's own training method, coupled with the exclusive medicinal bath, be?
Can't imagine, really can't imagine.

Compared to Yu Xiaogang, Dai Mubai, and Tang San, Flanders and others have been observing the surroundings.

In other words, I have been looking at the size of the college in front of me.

Big, really big, ridiculously big!

It can be said to be a city.

shhhhhh! ! !
Between the bumps, a bunch of unusual sounds arose among the noise.

The next moment, there was a banging sound.

When they looked up, their eyes seemed to have light.

I saw a huge flower appearing in the sky from time to time. It appeared in the sky for a moment, but soon disappeared.

"Wow, what is this? It's beautiful!"

"I don't know. I guess it's a special product of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect?"

"By the way, what is this battle going to be about? Could it be that the ceremony is about to begin?"

"It should be so. Look at the one-foot-high platform at the front. There are already people sitting on it. It seems like school is about to start."

The onlookers were all talking about the flowers exploding in the sky.

From behind, Ma Hongjun looked at these and couldn't help but turned around and asked: "Brother Hong, what is this? Isn't it too pretty?" Not to mention Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were looking at each other. It wasn't moved at all.

"This thing is called fireworks. It's something I messed up at will. It's harmless." After explaining casually, he looked at Oscar and said: "Oscar, prepare the flying mushroom sausage. As an existing student of the college, we will return it later. I want to show my face on stage.”

"Don't worry, I'm ready." When Oscar responded, five flying mushroom sausages appeared in his hand.

Guan Hong nodded, looked at Ma Hongjun on the other side and said, "Okay, Fatty, have you remembered what I warned you before? I need you to release your martial spirit later and show it off."

Except for the appearance of the two super Douluo Jian and Gu.

They also need to go out and show off their talents to attract a group of people.

Especially a guy like Ma Hongjun, who reached level 12 soul power at the age of 27.

Because I have to participate in the Soul Master Competition, I have to hide my soul power level a little bit, but I don’t need to.

Ma Hongjun's soul power broke through to level 27 in this month.

Logically speaking, Zhu Zhuqing, whose soul power also broke through to level 27 when he returned to the Qibao Glazed Sect, should also come out.

But he thought about the two spirits, a ghost civet cat and an evil fire phoenix, and the expressiveness of the latter was obviously more shocking.

The reason for this is very simple. There is still one person left in the Soul Master Competition, so Ma Hongjun can perform.

Later, I will dance a swordsmanship on the stage and show off my soul power, hoping to attract some talented soul masters.

Otherwise, when the time comes, I will have to randomly recruit a disciple from the sect to make up the number.

It's a pity that old guy Dugu Bo has gone somewhere, and he hasn't seen anyone since he came back. His Holy Soul Grass still needs to be transplanted.

During the conversation, the fireworks above had finished setting off, and the last wave of fireworks formed eight characters.

The opening ceremony officially begins.

Those who walked up to the podium were Xue Ye, Xue Qinghe, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, Gu Rong, Salas, Meng Shenji, and Yu Yuanqing.

The identities of those who went up to the podium were very extraordinary.

The Emperor of the Tiandou Empire, the next heir to the Tiandou Empire, the sect master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, a titled Douluo, the four platinum bishops of the Wuhun Palace, the chief of the Tiandou Royal Academy, and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

In addition to the Haotian Sect, which has been closed down, and the Xingluo royal family from far away in the Xingluo Empire, all the big and famous forces in the Douluo Continent came to support him.

First was the speech by Ning Fengzhi, the dean, as well as speeches by Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, the two vice-deans, and Xue Ye, the honorary dean.

Next, there are blessings from Xue Qinghe, Salas, Meng Shenji and Yu Yuanqing.

Why Guan Hong is not the dean is Guan Hong's own consideration.

He is still young, and he still understands that a big tree attracts wind. He can just announce it when he becomes strong in the future.

The speeches of several people were very simple, without the long speeches of the contemporary principals of Blue Star.

I have to say, this is a good trend.

The microphone was transferred to Ning Fengzhi.

He turned around, looked at Xue Ye and Xue Qinghe who had already arrived at the stone monument, and said loudly.

"Then from now on, His Majesty and His Royal Highness will be responsible for the academy."


After the last sound fell, Xue Ye and Xue Qinghe used their strength at the same time to lower the red cloth covering the stone tablet.

Immediately afterwards, four powerful words were introduced into the eyes of everyone present.

Sword Soul Academy.

(End of this chapter)

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