Chapter 102 Six years later

"Wuhu, take off, Master, I'm finally home. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I don't know what delicious food my parents have prepared."

On the small road leading from Notting City to Holy Soul Village, a strong young man carrying a big bag ran very fast on the road. He was not possessed by a martial spirit, but he had a circle of cyan soul power attached to his body.

The cyan airflow not only offset the air resistance in front of him, but also supported him from bottom to top, making him as light as a swallow.

The effect of martial soul possession is actually more obvious, but the soul power consumption is also large.

Having returned home to visit relatives for so many years, the young man has rich experience. He knows that keeping his soul power reserve above four-fifths is a sane and safe move. This is what the academy specially instructed them to do before leaving.

"After passing the hill in front, we arrive home. My hometown is still so friendly this year."

Duolong chose to climb the mountain directly with excitement on his face. It was too troublesome to take a detour. He walked on a hill of several hundred meters like walking on flat ground, and his speed was not slower than on the flat ground.

"Hey, isn't that that kid from someone's family?"

Looking at a thin little boy with short black hair not far away, Duolong said hello excitedly. They were all fellow villagers in the same village. The boy looked familiar, and he looked about the same age as his sister.

Although his clothes were shabby and his complexion was slightly sallow, his eyes were bright and he still looked very energetic.

"you are?"

Tang San looked at the tall and strong young man. No matter how different his clothes or conversation were from him, he couldn't help but feel a little bitter and jealous in his heart. But the young man didn't look unfamiliar, he seemed to have seen him before.

"Hi, I'm Doron from the east end of the village. Do you know my sister Beni?"

He was particularly excited to see Duolong, who was from the same hometown, and subconsciously reached behind his hand, preparing to take out some delicious candies for the little brother in front of him.

"I don't know." Tang San replied with a cold expression, turned around and left directly. He was a second-generation person and had nothing to talk about and play with children, so he was the most withdrawn in the village.

In his opinion, the eyes of the children of the same age looked at him without the respect he was familiar with in his previous life. It could be seen that the children in the whole village hated the poor and loved the rich. They must be laughing at his poor background in the village.

But it doesn't matter, Tang San has Xuantian Baolu with him, and sooner or later he will not be on the same level as them. He only needs to practice Xuantian Baolu secretly by himself.

However, Tang San looked impatient when he thought of Xuantian Baolu. Xuantian Baolu is divided into six parts, among which Xuantian Gong, the internal part, is the foundation. However, his Xuantian Gong was stuck at the first level of peak three months ago. Before.


Doron, who stretched out his palm and took out the nougat, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he looked at the child's indifferent back. The joy of returning home was somewhat diluted.

But he didn't mean to get angry with the child. If he didn't kiss, he wouldn't kiss. In the past years, he didn't even have enough things in his backpack.

Duolong stuffed the nougat back into his backpack and looked at his hometown under the hill with a smile again and walked happily.

Even though the brat just now was somewhat of an eyesore in front of him, Duolong quickened his pace and passed by Tang San with a whoosh, but he accidentally raised some smoke and dust as he passed by.

The smoke and dust were sparse and less than one meter high. Even an ordinary child would choke twice at most. This was a lesson for him to return his grievances and return them.

With a gloomy expression, Tang San fanned away some smoke and dust around him, patted the clothes on his body slightly, and looked at Duolong who had already run very far away with a shocked expression on his face.

His ghostly presence has already reached its first level. In terms of speed, even an adult can't match it on this bumpy country road. But compared to that guy named Duolong, he is simply out of reach.

You must know that one of the essences of his Tang Sect is speed. Being inferior to others in speed is indeed unbearable for Tang San.

However, seeing that Duolong looked at least six or seven years older than him, in a few years he would definitely be no worse than Duolong when he broke through to the second level of ghost tracking. Tang San silently encouraged himself in his heart.

"Sure enough, this world also has strange powers?"

Tang San, who was originally somewhat disdainful of the gossip in the village, changed his mind. Perhaps in addition to Xuantian Baolu's cultivation, he should also learn about something called martial arts.

Especially in the current special situation where Xuantian Technique cannot advance even an inch, thinking of this, Tang San slightly regretted his rudeness just now.

It was obvious that the eldest child named Duolong knew Wuhun far better than the ordinary people in the village. He might even have mastered the power called Wuhun, so that he could have a physical fitness far superior to that of an adult at this age.

"Forget it, that guy is obviously a petty and unreasonable person, I didn't do anything wrong." Tang San thought of Duolong's insulting Yanchen just now and threw away a trace of regret.

Mostly angry in his heart, he is just a child, how can that Duolong bully the weak? It is obvious that he is not a good person, that is, he has no strength now, otherwise. . .


At the entrance of the village, "Grandpa Jack, long time no see. You still like walking around the village so much."

Grandpa Jack, the village leader, greeted Duolong as he basked in the sun enthusiastically. He put down his backpack and took out the prepared New Year gift for him. It was thanks to Grandpa Jack's help that he was able to go to Notting City to participate in the freshman selection of East Spider College.

Duolong will never forget this kindness in his life, not to mention that Grandpa Jack has always been worried about the big and small affairs of their Holy Soul Village. It can be said that he is dedicated to his duty to the extreme.

"No, no, Duolong, you are already a soul master. There is no need to be so polite to an old man like me."

Grandpa Jack is an old man in his 60s. He looks very strong and strong, and his hair and clothes are very clean and tidy.

Grandpa Jack was also happy from ear to ear when he saw Doron going home to visit his relatives.

This is the most outstanding soul master in their Holy Soul Village in recent years. He was even chosen by the Wuhun Palace and went to the Wuhun City, the legendary number one city in the continent, for further training.

Over the years, not only has he gained quite a reputation in front of the village chiefs of several nearby villages, but Master Su Yuntao from Notting City has also been very kind to him, praising him for his skill in educating children and for bringing up such a good boy like Duolong.

"This is my personal New Year gift for you." Doron took out a large package of kielbasa and a sealed bag of cream biscuits from his backpack.

"I bought this kielbasa in Notting City. The biscuits are distributed by the school. They are delicious. I will give you a pack and you can take it home and try it."

"Oh, you're still so polite, kid. Remember to come to my house in two days and I'll ask your grandma to make you dumplings stuffed with pork and pickled vegetables."

Grandpa Jack carefully accepted Doron's New Year's gift, not because he was greedy, but because Doron was too stubborn. He couldn't push it away in the first year, but later he got along with it.

This child's character is truly impeccable. He goes to Wuhun City so far away and only comes back once a year, but he never forgets to bring him something.

Most of the things in Duolong's backpack are for his family, and some are given to him, the village chief. The rest will be distributed to children in the village who visit during the Chinese New Year.

Of course, occasionally there would be a few lazy guys in the village who made some sarcastic remarks about why Duolong didn't buy one for everyone in the village, and the things Duolong gave away were not very valuable.

These people were all severely punished by his Grandpa Jack. How much money can a child have?And if he has money in the future, it will be his own. Will he have to support you losers when he grows up?

The key is the mind. Do you understand the mind?This good boy Duolong will definitely be successful in the future and will lead the village to prosperity, Jack said.

To be honest, Grandpa Jack is also very grateful to the East Spider Academy mentioned by Duolong. It is very rare that he does not need tuition and other miscellaneous fees in the Soul Master Academy.

Not to mention the delicious food and drinks as Duolong said, the travel expenses back home are included every year, and there are various benefits that allow children from ordinary families like Duolong to return home in fine clothes and celebrate the New Year.

For this reason, one of the few things Grandpa Jack taught Duolong was that since East Spider Academy treats its students so well, he must repay his kindness in the future and never be a white-eyed wolf.

Other soul master academies are paid for teaching, and graduation means you will get both money and goods.

The treatment at Dongzhu Academy is better than that of other major sects. Even if you don't stay in school as a teacher after graduation, you should still work hard in other departments of Wuhun Palace. This is the old man's simple and unpretentious concept.

Moreover, Wuhun Palace is a powerful force as famous as the Empire, and Duolong himself will not suffer. Grandpa Jack also sees this clearly.
After delivering the things, Duolong did not choose to leave directly, but continued to chat with Grandpa Jack. He didn't know much about the situation in the village after not returning for a year, so he just wanted to ask Grandpa Jack.

Especially if there is anything going on in his family, his father and mother Doron know about it, and they always report good things but not bad things, so Doron always asks Grandpa Jack if there are any problems that he can solve during the annual vacation.

He, Duolong, is a serious soul master, and the big problems in the village are easy to solve in his hands, let alone the problems at home.

"The weather in the village is going well this year, and the harvest is very good." Grandpa Jack was also very happy when talking about this year's situation.

"It's all because you, the little dragon, appeared in the village, and the feng shui improved accordingly, so it went so smoothly."

"Grandpa Jack was joking, what does this have to do with me." Hearing that everything was fine in the village and at home, Doron was completely relieved and chatted with Grandpa Jack.

"By the way, how are you doing at school this year? Your soul power has improved a lot compared to last year."

Old Jack expressed emotion on his face, who would have thought that he just gave it a try, but in the end Duolong really transformed from a useless martial soul to a genius?

People outside had rumors that the Spirit Hall had a way to change one's fate against the will of heaven, so that the useless spirit could be replaced by another spirit so that one could become a spirit master. Jack had witnessed the miracle with his own eyes.

"Hey, Grandpa Jack, I just obtained the third soul ring and became a soul master."

Duolong rubbed his hands with a proud look on his face. If this was nothing to say at school, Sister Miga might even drag him into making sandbags if he talked too much, but it would be too exciting to go back to his hometown and show off.

(End of this chapter)

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