Chapter 103 Tang San
"Soul Master!"

Grandpa Jack was also shocked. This was a fourth-rank soul master, right? Even Master Su Yuntao of the Wuhun Hall in Notting City seemed to be only a third-rank soul master, right?

Duolong is at least ten years younger than Su Yuntao, and his soul power level is even higher!

"Doron, you will definitely become a great soul master in the future." Grandpa Jack stretched out his hands and grasped Doron's shoulders tightly, his eyes full of hope.

Their village was named Holy Soul because there was a Soul Saint, but that was a long time ago, and now has a brand new history been passed down in his hands?

"Well, I will definitely obtain the Blue Moon Winged Divine Wolf Spirit in the future and become a titled Douluo with a unique title."

Duolong, who is tall and strong, naturally doesn't care about the strength of Grandpa Jack's arm, and he set the goal of surpassing Soul Saint a long time ago with the encouragement of his senior.

"Title Douluo!" Grandpa Jack's heart froze. That was the end of the soul master, the tenth rank, the highest in the legend, and the highest honor in the entire Douluo Continent.

Grandpa Jack took a long breath to calm down, looked carefully at Doron, who was full of lively and confident face, and patted his thick shoulder, "Good boy, Grandpa Jack believes you can do it."

"Okay, Grandpa Jack, let's talk about things in the village." Doron, who always felt that something was wrong with Grandpa Jack's state, chose to change the topic.

Speaking of the village, he saw the figure of the brat in the distance, seemingly walking into the blacksmith shop at the west end of the village.

"Grandpa Jack, I met that child on the hill when I came back. What was his name? Is he the blacksmith's child?"

"Which one?" Grandpa Jack looked carefully in the direction Duolong pointed. There were no affairs in this village that Jack didn't know about.

"Oh, it's little Tang San." Seeing the blurry figure walking directly into the blacksmith shop, Grandpa Jack recognized it directly.

"He is very polite to his elders and is a sensible child. It's a pity that he has an alcoholic father who doesn't care about anything. Hey, it's also pitiful."

Grandpa Jack was also deeply impressed by Tang San's low-income family. He had helped little Tang San a lot in difficult times. Otherwise, with Tang Ri's method of raising children, he would have believed that the child had died.

"Does he have much contact with the children in the village? I saw him going up the mountain alone, and he seemed to be very withdrawn."

"When you said that, I remembered it. It is true that little Tang San rarely had contact with the villagers, and I didn't see him for a long time. After hearing what you said, I guess he went up the mountain alone."

"Hey, I have to say something to him next time I meet him. It's too dangerous for this six-year-old kid to go up the mountain alone. Wouldn't it be better to play with the children in the village?"

The responsible Grandpa Jack clapped his hands. The hill of a few hundred meters is only for adults. It is very dangerous for a six-year-old child to go up the mountain alone. Moreover, the day after the year will be the awakening of martial arts. If anything happens, he will regret it for the rest of his life. of.

Grandpa Jack was still so kind-hearted, Duolong scratched his head, Tang San, he remembered, he heard about it when he came back two years ago.

I heard that it was a migrant family, a father and son. He forgot the name of Tang San's father. It was said that he was a lazy drunkard, but the farm tools he produced were of good quality.

Thinking of this, the knot in Duolong's heart dissipated. It was normal for the brat named Tang San, who was a single alcoholic father, to have a withdrawn temper. Anyway, I had never seen their family visiting each other in the past few years, and this year was probably no exception.

"Then Grandpa Jack, I'm going home first."

Thinking of this, Duolong put his mind back to his home. His parents were fine, but his sister Beni was about to awaken her martial spirit.

Although he had some expectations, Duolong also knew the level of his family. No, to be precise, none of the dozens of children in the entire Holy Soul Village in the five years after him had innate soul power.

Every year, one work-study student quota in the village was reluctantly sold to other villages by the village chief Jack, and the money earned could be used to maintain the few infrastructures in Saint Soul Village.

For example, he leveled the dirt roads, repaired the wells, and opened up a few acres of fields. Grandpa Jack carefully kept the remaining money in preparation for supporting the next talented child.

Therefore, sister Beni is probably a useless martial soul without innate soul power, just like him, Duolong.

His Dongzhu Academy recruits students every three years, and this year is indeed the enrollment season, but the admissions standards, Duolong rubbed his eyebrows, theoretically can pass with half the level of Sister Miga.

But it seems that it is difficult for his younger sister to reach this half standard. He had obtained the boxing skills from the Holy Light Academy from his seniors very early, but after two years of training, Beni still had a clear gap.

All I can say is that the key point is to look at qualifications. If East Spider College was so easy to get into, the college would be overcrowded long ago.

Duolong calculated the number of dormitories in his college. There are less than 150 dormitories for four people in a room, which is the number of fifth-year students. When he is in his 20s, he will probably have to make room for his juniors.

It's a pity that my sister can't go to East Spider Academy, but there's nothing I can do about it, and Duolong also has a backup plan. Since he can't go to East Spider Academy, the third-level Holy Light Academy in Notting City is also very suitable.

The Initial Light Martial Spirit is not as good as the Yusanjia in the academy, but it can still be regarded as a spirit master. If my sister has a chance to stand out, she will have complete promotion channels. The most important thing is that the benefits of the Holy Light Academy are good.

The Holy Light Potion from the outside world costs 1 gold soul coins, but as long as a 6-year-old child passes the Holy Light Academy's assessment and joins the Holy Light Academy, he or she will be eligible to take the Holy Light Potion for free.

Not to mention that the Holy Light Academy also provides various subsidies, including food and accommodation, shoes, clothes, daily necessities, soul ring hunting, and double the amount of gold soul coins subsidized by soul masters.Compared to the relatively busy atmosphere of East Spider Academy, going to Holy Light Academy to become a nun may be more suitable for a lazy cat like Penny.

Moreover, he got three free test coupons from the seniors. In addition to his sister Beni, other children in the village also had the opportunity to go to the third-level Holy Light Academy in Notting City to become a soul master.

He hasn't told Grandpa Jack about this yet. Firstly, the chatting time has been very long. Secondly, the place for chatting is not suitable. Finally, it is best to discuss this with his family in advance.

Grandpa Jack just happened to invite him, and it wouldn't be too late to talk when he goes to Grandpa Jack's house to eat dumplings in two days.


"Hello, Grandpa Jack!"

Tang San was very respectful and polite to the old village chief of Holy Soul Village. On the one hand, Grandpa Jack was indeed a dedicated village chief who deserved the respect of the whole village.

On the other hand, Tang San had also received favors from him over the years, and no doubt he would also need the help of this kind-hearted village chief in the next few years.

Finally, there is another reason, because of his father Tang Ri. . .

"Mistress, you are so polite."

Jack looked at the child carefully, especially the joints and knees, and felt relieved when he saw that there were no scratches or anything like that.

"Grandpa Jack, come in and sit down, I'll get you a bowl of water." Tang San hesitated for a moment with unconcealed embarrassment on his face.

"Hey, I won't go in your house."

Looking at the dim door of the adobe house that smelled of wine, Grandpa Jack shook his head. He was afraid that the stool inside would break, and he couldn't get over the threshold of sharing a bowl with more than a dozen gaps with that drunkard Tang Ri.

Seeing little Tang San with his head lowered and poking his toes on the ground, he felt a pang of sympathy in his heart. This kid looked thin, and his family didn't have any fireworks during the New Year.

"Grandpa Jack, I'm not thirsty. I'm just getting older and like to get more sun. Let's go over there and sit in the sunshine."

As he spoke, Jack glanced into the adobe room again. It was dark and quiet, "Is your father Tang Ri sleeping again?"

"Yes." Tang San nodded in a sullen voice.

"Alas, it is the duty of us villagers to rise at sunrise and rest at sunset. Xiaosan, you cannot imitate your father. Even if we, the villagers of Holy Soul Village, cannot become soul masters, we must still abide by our duties."

The two of them found a suitable stone to sit on at the west end of the village. Jack cleared his throat, and Tang San was also thinking about asking the village chief about the spirit master.

"Mistress, have you been running to the mountains every day lately?"

Grandpa Jack's words made Tang San's heart skip a beat. Could it be that someone discovered him practicing Tang Clan's secret technique? He had carefully avoided people, but he was still seen.

No, the Tang Sect's secret knowledge is absolutely secret, and there is no room for error. For the sake of the sect's justice and to cover up his own secrets, he can only do special things at special times.

Who dared to pry into the Xuantian Baolu, the core secret skill of the Tang Sect that only the inner sect was qualified to practice.

Even if an internal skill like Xuantian Kung couldn't be seen by a peek, the Ghost Shadow Tracking Footwork was still easy to learn secretly, which Tang San had extensive experience with.

The child's face carefully concealed the adult's murderous intent. Tang San looked at Grandpa Jack and asked, seemingly unintentionally.

"Grandpa Jack, has anyone seen me? I just want to go to the mountains to find some food to fill my stomach."

"It's not like your brother Duolong saw you when he went home to visit relatives this year. I think you usually don't see people, so you probably go up the mountain."

Jack looked at the very thin little Tang San with some regret, not knowing that although the little Tang San was only six years old and suffered from malnutrition all year round, his strength and speed were already much higher than those of an adult.

Don't ask why, just ask that Xuantian Baolu is awesome. Xuantian Kung Fu is a top-level internal force technique. Xuan Yu Hand, Purple Devil Eyes, Ghost Shadow Trace, Control Crane and Capture Dragon, and Hidden Weapon Hundred Solutions are all top-notch self-created soul skills.

"Don't go up the mountain anymore. There's nothing to eat on the mountain at this time of year. It's very dangerous for a little kid like you. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. It would be great to play more with people of the same age in the village and visit each other."

Looking at Tang San's pitiful and thin face, Jack sighed, "I'll be making dumplings at home in the next two days. Come and have a bowl too, and I'll give you a piece of bacon. It's good to have something meaty during the Chinese New Year."

"Listen to grandpa and don't go back to the mountain. The awakening ceremony will be held after the new year, so don't delay the important event."

(End of this chapter)

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