Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 104 Pretending to be a bitch

Chapter 104 Pretending to be a bitch
"Yeah." Tang San, who had finally gained some substantial benefits by pretending to be pitiful, said softly. Since Xuantian Baolu's various special skills were at a bottleneck, it really didn't matter whether he went up the mountain to practice.

However, "Grandpa Jack, what does the awakening ceremony mean?"

Speaking of the awakening of the martial soul, Jack cleared his throat with a solemn expression, "Each of us has our own martial soul, and when we are about six years old, we will undergo an awakening ceremony."

"Having a martial spirit will enhance our abilities in certain aspects. Even the most ordinary martial spirit will be helpful."

"If you have an outstanding martial soul and can practice it, then you may even become a soul master. The awakening ceremony only happens once a year, and I can't let you miss it."

"The awakening ceremony is for the deacon of the Notting City Martial Soul Branch to personally help the children in our village awaken. The deacon is a soul master at the level of a great soul master."

Tang San was already full of curiosity about spirit masters, and now he would not let go of the opportunity.

However, Grandpa Jack is not a soul master himself. Even if he is the village chief, in the final analysis he is just an old man from the country, so his knowledge about soul masters is very limited.

Even so, this bit of basic common sense in the spirit master world was extremely precious to Tang San, who was completely blank.

He knew the ten ranks of soul masters, the approximate level of the great soul master who was the deacon of Wuhun Palace, and the origin of the name of their Holy Soul Village.

Finally, Jack hesitated and said, "Xiaosan, there is no conflict between you and Duolong who just came back, right?"

He is over 60 years old, and he has sharp ears and eyes. Even if he is not mature, he can still detect something is wrong.

With Duolong's character, if he met the mistress, how could he ask him for the name and information of the mistress later, and the mistress would also react very coldly to Duolong.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but think of Xiao San's unsociability and almost no communication with children of the same age. This is not good, very bad.

Tang Ri and Tang San, father and son, were like seeds carried by strong winds. Without communication with the villagers, it was like seeds that had not taken root. When the wind outside blew, they would float to other places.

Dolon?It was the bastard who deliberately threw ashes at him. Speaking of this, Tang San remembered that that guy seemed to be away from the village all year round, so he could take this opportunity to give Village Chief Jack a side note.

The next moment, Tang San poked his palm with his thumb nail, subconsciously pursed his lips, and his eyes turned red. "Brother Duolong and I have no conflict."

He looked like he didn't have 300 taels of silver in this place. Even an adult could tell that something was wrong.

"What's going on?" Jack frowned as he looked at Tang San. Is there really some misunderstanding?
"It's nothing. It's just that Brother Duolong ran too fast when he met me. He kicked up a lot of dust and fell all over me. It's okay, Grandpa Jack. Brother Duolong must be eager to go home, so he ran so fast."

"You mean Doron didn't say hello to you at all, but just passed by you?" Jack's brows furrowed even more tightly. If he was just passing by, how could Doron specifically ask him for Tang San's name.

Sensing the change in Jack's expression, Tang San subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but thinking that there were only two people on the mountain, he and Duolong, without a third party, it wouldn't be too much for him to delete some parts and make some modifications.

At least Duolong Yanghui is the real reality, not something he made up.

"No, I only saw him running past me quickly with a backpack on his back." Tang San affirmed without changing his expression.

"Then how do you know his name is Duolong?" Jack's eyes were blazing. Duolong only returned to Holy Soul Village during the Chinese New Year, and Tang San's family never visited during the Chinese New Year, so they probably didn't know each other.

Even though they looked familiar, it was normal to not know the name like Duolong. How could Tang San be so sure that the person who came back from the outside was called Duolong?
Normally, you should at least ask to avoid making mistakes, right?
"I..." Tang San's expression froze. Of course he didn't know Dolong before, but it was just the first time he met Dolong that he subconsciously took in his name.

"I heard it from the people in the village." Tang San, reluctantly looking for words to make up for it, quickly turned his brain, but he usually had no contact with the villagers at all, and most of them didn't even know their names, so it was difficult to make them up.

"Alas." Jack looked at Tang San deeply and then changed the subject, "Tang San, since you have a conflict with your brother Duolong, then don't come to my house in a few days."

"Because my family makes dumplings mainly to entertain your brother Duolong. He is an excellent soul master. He broke through the fourth-level soul master realm at the age of 12."

"Originally, I was thinking about asking him if you had any questions about the soul master, but now it seems I'd better forget it."

"Grandpa Jack, me."

Tang San heard Grandpa Jack address him from being close to the mistress to being more distant. Coupled with the change in his tone, he didn't know that he had stepped into a trap.

Before he could open his mouth to redress, Jack stood up and shook his hand.

"Needless to say, in two days grandpa will send your family a piece of bacon and some white flour to celebrate the New Year. You should also be prepared. The awakening ceremony after the New Year will determine the fate of you children throughout your life."

Looking at Village Chief Jack's leaving figure, Tang San clenched his fists subconsciously and gritted his teeth. Wasn't he a spirit master?
This biased old guy doesn't care about rules, reason, or ethics. It's obvious that Village Chief Jack is so partial because Duolong is a soul master.

If it weren't for the confidentiality, Tang San would have really wanted to yell into Village Chief Jack's ears. He, Tang San, was the future master of hidden weapons, and would definitely be stronger than that Duolong.But that Duolong is actually a fourth-level soul master, with a higher soul power than the deacon who presided over the martial soul awakening ceremony? !
Thinking of Tang San's face full of surprise, he also suppressed the anger boiling in his heart. He had to understand again that a good man will not suffer the immediate consequences.

If Doron's side is really as good as what Village Chief Jack said, he wouldn't mind bowing his head and apologizing. When the time comes that the two of them have settled their differences, it would be nice for Doron to help him.


A few days later, Village Chief Jack came to Tang San's father, Tang Ri, carrying a small piece of bacon and some white flour. He was furious when he saw Tang Ri looking like a senior drunkard.

Tang Ri looked to be close to 50 years old. He was in good health and tall and burly. However, he was dirty and smelly, and his torn robes were never washed or changed.

The hair that has not been cut or washed for a long time is messier than a chicken coop, not to mention the disgusting beard on his face.

His eyes were dull and dull, and his fairly upright face had an unhealthy sallow color. Compared with the village chief Jack, who was more than ten years older than him, they were completely opposite.

Village Chief Jack and Tang Ri turned around and left angrily after saying a few words that didn't agree with each other. Tang Ri looked at Village Chief Jack's back with anger in his eyes.

Isn't it just a guy who is more than ten years older than him?He is also worthy of being the pretentious elder of Tang Hao.

That's right, he is Tang Hao, the most wanted criminal in Wuhun Palace. Because Wuhun Palace's wanted manhunt is so intense, they even sent deacons to spread the news to the villages.

Tang Hao, who couldn't use his original name, was too lazy to think of a new name, so he used half of his name as the pseudonym Tang Ri. He worked as a blacksmith for 6 years in this small village at the border of the two empires.

Hmm, but Lao Deng didn't come empty-handed. At least he knew to bring something. Tang Hao looked at the white noodles and bacon and nodded.

Steamed bacon is perfect for drinking. As for the white noodles, Tang San can make them however he likes. Growing up, this guy has nothing in common with Ah Yin, and he doesn't have the slightest bit of affection for him.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao felt sad, Ah Yin, his Ah Yin!
Tang Hao turned around and went back to the back room to dig out half a bottle of wine, and shouted at the same time: "Xiaosan, go steam the bacon, and you can watch the cooking yourself."

"Dad, this is what Grandpa Jack gave us to make dumplings for the Chinese New Year."

Tang San hesitated for a moment. The decades of experience in his previous life had a far greater impact on him than the six years of his new life. Being able to eat dumplings was also a way of remembering his past.

"What did you say?" Tang Hao glared at him impatiently.

"I want to eat dumplings during the New Year." Tang San's voice was very delicate.

"Hmph." Seeing Tang San shrinking, Tang Hao became even more impatient, "Then can you make dumplings?"

"Making dumplings?" Tang San looked confused. Yes, he used to be responsible for eating in Tangmen. How should he make dumplings?Just add water to the noodles?And they have neither cutting boards nor rolling pins at home.

"You don't know anything and you just steamed the bacon and sliced ​​it. I'll buy two more bottles of wine. This is not enough."

Not long after, Tang Hao came back with the wine bottle. Seeing that Tang San had steamed the bacon, he nodded with satisfaction. He picked up the rusty kitchen knife full of gaps and flipped it up and down. After a while, a plate of bacon slices was as thin as cicada wings. Enough.

After casually pouring some soy sauce, Tang Hao ate the bacon and drank wine. As for Tang San, looking at the white noodles, he was a little worried. He was quite familiar with cooking porridge, but how to make pasta?

"If you don't know how to cook, just cook porridge. I'll use the white flour to replace it with brown rice after two days." Tang Hao rubbed his somewhat shriveled stomach and scolded him. After drinking this little wine, he would have to drink some porridge to fill his stomach, otherwise he would have an empty stomach. Sleeping is not comfortable.

"I know." Tang San hesitated for a moment, but then he mustered up the courage to propose to his father Tang Ri that he wanted to be a blacksmith. He took a fancy to the newly arrived piece of pig iron.

Unlike the pig iron with many impurities in the past, this piece of pig iron contains some iron mother. Perhaps he can take this opportunity to create his first hidden weapon in this world.

It's a pity that Tang Hao's eyesight is not bad at all. After Tang San said it, he could tell that this piece of pig iron was different.

Regarding Tang San's request to become a blacksmith, he directly gave him an entrance test of epic level difficulty, took another fifty centimeter square piece of ordinary pig iron, and asked him to hammer it ten thousand times.

Not to mention that the little food Tang San ate every day was not enough to do heavy physical work, even the hammer used for forging required the strength of an adult to swing.

To be honest, if Tang San wasn't a second-generation man at this moment, practicing Xuantian Baolu, children from normal families would definitely be played to death.

The most important thing is that this entry test is not to become a soul master, but one of the lowest professions in the entire Douluo Continent, blacksmith.

(End of this chapter)

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