Chapter 105 Quota
"If you want to be a qualified blacksmith, remember what I said, if you use high-quality materials to create artifacts, then you are not the best blacksmith, at most you are just a synthesizer. If you use ordinary iron to create artifacts, you are a master craftsman."

Tang Hao, who was once a master craftsman, was very arrogant. At this moment, Tang San also had a longing for the profession of blacksmith.

In addition, seeing that Tang San could actually wield a forging hammer that only adults could use, Tang Hao naturally thought that Tang San had a natural talent for divine power, which was very suitable for him to be a blacksmith and worthy of his attention.

Drink less wine and bring back more brown rice. This is Tang Hao's change. As for the forging skills, he still doesn't teach him at all.

Although Tang Ri's father still seemed indifferent to outsiders, in the eyes of Tang San, it was already a huge and heart-warming improvement.

He had the Xuantian Technique to increase his strength, and the Mysterious Jade Hand to protect his palms. Blacksmithing was certainly very hard, but with Tang San's desire, his body and spirit were not so tired.

More than ten days had passed, and the Holy Soul Village outside was celebrating the New Year with joy, and Tang San also completed his ten thousand hammer training.

But what made Tang San unwilling was that even if he practiced so hard and constantly exhausted and restored the internal power of Xuantian Kung, he still couldn't break through the first bottleneck.

Fortunately, due to his hard work, the piece of pig iron has changed greatly. Not only does it look much better, but its size has also been reduced to a quarter of its original size.

Tang San thought he understood what his father Tang Ri wanted to express. Steel was made a hundred times, and no matter how bad the quality of the metal was, it would become high-quality metal through continuous forging and purification.

On the same day, Village Chief Jack also came to Tang Ri's house. Looking at Tang San who was still staying at home during the Chinese New Year, he sighed and his eyes became much lighter.

He briefly told Tang Ri and his son that the awakening ceremony would be in three days, and remembered to report to the center of the village early, and then turned around and left without saying anything more.

Tang Ri felt much more comfortable when he saw that Village Chief Jack had become less talkative. He turned around and asked Tang San to continue forging the iron block to the size of a fist, without even mentioning his promise to teach Tang San how to forge after ten thousand strokes.

He also had his reasons. The initial ten thousand hammers were just a casual number that he wanted Tang San to give up. Now that Tang San wanted to learn some real skills from him, a master craftsman, he had to show enough qualifications to let him See.

Now his evaluation of Tang San was not satisfactory, and he was ready to give some pointers in the next forging.


Three days later,
In the center of Holy Soul Village,
The martial arts awakening ceremony was held in a cabin. Old Jack and the seven children arrived early, and Doron also came with his sister.

He came not only to cheer up his sister Beni, but also to discuss something that he and Grandpa Jack had long ago: in addition to the martial arts awakening ceremony, he also wanted to carefully test the physical fitness of the children.

In the past, the admission standards of Dongzhu Academy were very simple and crude when it was decentralized to villages. As long as a child could lift an 80-pound stone lock over his head, he could go to Holy Light Academy for further testing.

Even if you fail the subsequent mental test and meridian test, you can still choose to stay in the Holy Light Academy.

However, the 80-pound stone lock is difficult for ordinary adults to reach. Only those with natural supernatural powers can hope to achieve it.

Doron's sister Beni can lift a 50-pound stone lock, which is far beyond the level of her peers, but she is still far from the standard.

The benefit Duolong brought to the village was the three free places in the third-level Holy Light Academy. Village Chief Jack was extremely excited after learning the good news.

This is equivalent to giving them two soul master quotas in Holy Soul Village for free. With the Duolong brothers and sisters, even if all the children this year are still wiped out, there will still be four soul masters in their Holy Soul Village.

Whether compared to the history of Holy Soul Village itself or other nearby villages, this achievement can be said to be the best. As a village leader, he has a bright face.

After a heated discussion between him and Doron after lunch, Jack also decided on the use of these two quotas, so that the two children with the best physiques this year would get the quotas.

Even if the children's performance is not up to standard, Village Chief Jack will temporarily reserve the quota, and it will not be too late to finalize the quota through the test next year. It is better to do this than to leave a bad impression on the Holy Light Academy in Notting City.

You must know that the Eastern Spider Academy recruits students from the entire pan-continent, but this is not the case at the Holy Light Academy. Most of its new blood chooses orphans raised since childhood to ensure the purity of their beliefs and members.

Except for the sub-category students who passed the re-examination of Dongzhu Academy, which will be accepted with a high look, other foreign children, whether they are sect children, royal aristocrats or commoners, will not be accepted.

The open note is naturally an exception, but what is stamped on it is Bibi Dong's small seal. How many exceptions are there?

The most important thing is that the initial light martial soul cannot solve the problem with a holy light potion worth [-] gold soul coins.

Although the martial spirits are the same, the speed of soul power cultivation inside the Holy Light Academy and outside the Holy Light Academy are completely different concepts. Even the power that the initial light martial spirit can exert is completely different.

Just like what Guang said at the beginning, the Initial Light Spirit is a popular martial spirit with very ordinary and ordinary values. Its greatest value is that it can communicate with the Holy Light of the Origin.

Ten thousand gold soul coins can only allow a person with a useless martial soul to exchange his martial soul for a cheap martial soul to cultivate his soul power and become a soul master, that's all.

Therefore, the quota for the Holy Light Academy is far from as simple as [-] gold soul coins. Village Chief Jack, who understands all this, notified all children of school age to report to the village center in advance.

The purpose is to let everyone be the first to lift the stone lock and test the physical fitness of the children before Master Su Yuntao arrives.

"30 pounds."

"10 pounds."

"10 pounds is unqualified." "20 pounds."

"10 pounds is unqualified."

"50 pounds."

"10 pounds."

The 7 children were tested very quickly, and the results can only be described as unsatisfactory.

If Beni's 50 kilograms is considered excellent, 30 kilograms is probably the lowest qualification level of Holy Light Academy, and 20 kilograms can only be said to barely meet the standards for taking Holy Light potions.

Taking Shengguang Potion under 20 kilograms may cause certain adverse reactions, and it must not be taken under 10 kilograms.

"It seems that the most we can give Wan Hu this year is this quota."

Duolong is also sensible. The senior gave him the note out of trust in him. He will never give out the quota to someone who is not qualified.

"There's still one kid who hasn't been tested."

Village Chief Jack shook his head rationally and looked at the head of the village with dissatisfaction on his face. Did Tang San take his words to heart that he could be late for such an important matter?

"And there's that kid named Tang San, right?" Duolong also reacted, but he didn't express any objection. If Tang San really had the ability to pass the test, he wouldn't mind helping his fellow villagers.

Seeing that Grandpa Jack was a little anxious, Doron turned his head and comforted him.

"It's okay, Grandpa Village Chief. This year is the admissions season for Dongzhu Academy. Deacon Su Yuntao will definitely be much slower than before, because children from other villages also have to lift stone locks to go through the process."

Seeing that the other children were a little bored, Doron took out the last remaining candy bars in his pocket and distributed them while telling them about the scenery outside.

Although their martial arts souls are most likely to be useless and they can only work as farmers in the Holy Soul Village for the rest of their lives, they can know the scenery outside and at least tell it to the next generation with longing.

At three o'clock in the morning, Tang San came over from the west end of the village. Seeing the disappointed look on the face of Village Chief Jack, he couldn't help but feel nervous and quickly pretended to be tired.

"Grandpa Jack, I just finished the forging exercise. I'm sorry that I'm a little late."

"Forging? Are you going to be a blacksmith like your father?"

Village Chief Jack's face looked better. Tang San didn't pay attention to the spirit awakening ceremony and he didn't need to persuade him. Being a blacksmith was a pragmatic choice.

This year, Holy Soul Village has guaranteed to have two soul masters, Beini and Wan Hu, so his obsession with having a soul master in the village has faded away too much.

Then he was a little confused, "Can you wield the forging hammer now?"

"That's right, I plan to inherit my father's business and learn forging. At least this will be a job that can make a living." Tang San hesitated and nodded, "Besides, I am born with supernatural power, so forging hammers is not difficult for me."

"Born with divine power!" Jack's eyes lit up, and he turned around to see that Doron had no intention of rejecting him at all, and his mind was filled with excitement.

If Tang San really performs well, then it's not impossible to give him the last spot. Of course, the requirements must be higher. At least 30 kilograms is definitely not enough to pass. 40 kilograms is enough.

In addition, Tang San had to sincerely apologize to Duolong. There should be no bad blood between the two. After all, the quota came from Duolong. As the village chief, he had to think about the problem from Duolong's point of view.

"This is Tang San." Village Chief Jack told him in detail about the quota.

To put it simply, martial soul awakening is a score test. Different innate soul power and martial soul quality are different score levels. Talents with high innate soul power can apply to join major forces and will have a broader space for development.

Children with average innate soul power and martial soul quality can only choose to do casual cultivation, and at most go to the Junior Soul Master Academy to complete the study of basic soul master knowledge.

The quotas for East Spider Academy and Holy Light Academy are similar to those for sports students. As long as you meet special requirements, it doesn't matter if you have a useless martial soul and no innate soul power. You will still be admitted and have a bright future.

And this special requirement is very simple, it is strength.

As long as Tang San lifts a 40-jin stone lock, he has a chance to get a place in the Holy Light Academy. If he can lift an 80-jin stone lock, it will be even more amazing. He can go to the Holy Light Academy in a big city to take the Eastern Spider Academy admissions reexamination.

Travel expenses are included, and even if he fails the re-examination, the local Holy Light Academy will invite him to become the new blood of the local Holy Light Academy.

After listening to Village Chief Jack's words, Tang San was also filled with excitement. The hard target test was much more reliable than the illusory spirit awakening ceremony.

As for the vague meaning in Village Chief Jack's words, Tang San raised his head and dismissed it at all. He was joking, Tang San, who practiced Xuantian Baolu and killed all his peers in an instant, still needed a place in the Holy Light Academy?
Duolong didn't care about this, and directly waved his hand to signal Tang San to lift the stone lock, and he would know if it was a mule or a horse pulling out.

"I can lift an 80-pound stone lock!"

(End of this chapter)

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