Chapter 106
"Really lifted it up."

Seeing the largest stone lock being lifted above Tang San's head, the other children couldn't help but exclaim in sincere admiration, their eyes full of envy. Tang San was going to have a big future.

They heard from their parents that 6 years ago, Duolong lifted the stone lock and was taken to the Spirit Hall in Notting City by the deacon of the Spirit Hall to participate in the first enrollment assessment of the East Spider Academy and soared into the sky.

Is it possible that a second miracle will occur in their Holy Soul Village?

Duolong also took the lead and clapped his hands in surprise. What did he have to be jealous of? They were all from the same village. In fact, there was not much difference between the classmates in the school. It mainly depends on the degree of hardship acquired.

However, there was some confusion on his face. He was a real little fat guy back then, and he could barely lift an 80-pound stone lock with all his flesh.

In comparison, Tang San was as thin as a firewood stick. It was said that he had not had enough to eat since he was a child. How could he think that boy could lift a stone lock more easily than he did.

And in the applause of the crowd, Tang San didn't even put down the stone lock immediately. Instead, he turned slightly like a proud little rooster, enjoying the envy and praise of others.

Village Chief Jack also had a happy look on his face, but there was a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes. Tang San's current energy level was not at all as tired as before, which showed that this child was telling lies.

The usual politeness is all disguised. No surprise, this is all the fault of Tang Ri, the drunkard. How could such a lazy father raise a good son?

It's a pity that he discovered it too late. After the Wuhun Awakening Ceremony, Tang San was about to rush to his future. It was hard for him, an ordinary village leader, to say anything.

No matter what, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Once outside, he, an old man, won't be able to control that much.

But if Tang San really gets admitted to the East Spider Academy and becomes Duolong's disciple, he still has to tell Duolong to be on guard against his disciple.

"Congratulations, Tang San, it's now confirmed that you will definitely become a spirit master in the future." Duolong politely expressed his goodwill to this fellow countryman.

But it just stopped there. If it was another familiar child, Duolong would have already pulled him over to rub his head, and talk to him in detail about the re-examination.

Although he didn't have special tools to accurately test the spirit and meridians, he could guess something based on their daily training.

Most children with good mental strength have clear ears and eyes, quick thinking, and smooth meridians. He can also use his own soul power to test the smoothness of his main meridians.

The Sanxiu Soul Lord does not have this ability, but Duolong has passed the second stage of the elastic ball training, and his mental control over the soul power has become very subtle.

Seeing that Duolong and Village Chief Jack were just saying polite words with smiles on their faces, Tang San, who put down the stone lock, felt a little uneasy and felt a little irritated as he looked at the other little brats gathered around.

Thinking that there would be a re-examination later, Tang San held back his temper and came to Duolong and asked respectfully, "Senior Duolong, do you know the content of the re-examination?"

"There's no need to talk about seniors." Duolong looked at the short-faced little man in front of him and shook his head. He didn't like this little man very much.

"It's not confirmed yet that we are classmates, but for the sake of fellow villagers, you can ask me five common sense questions." Doron looked at Grandpa Jack next to him, and he was not stingy with his effortless saliva.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble Brother Duolong. I want to ask about the details of the re-examination?"

Tang San, whose respectful expression remained unchanged, secretly gritted his teeth as he watched Duolong, who kept his distance.

Bastard, he is just a child and has already bowed his head to admit his mistake. Doesn't he, Duolon, have no tolerance for being so big?
Since Duolong was unkind today, don't blame him for Tang San being unjust in the future. As for those five questions, they should be regarded as the interest for him to endure the humiliation today.

"The initial test is simply a test of strength, that is, the body, so in addition to checking whether there are hidden diseases in the body, the retest mainly tests two aspects."

Duolong's voice was not quiet. Since he was speaking out of friendship with his fellow villagers, it was natural that he wasn't just talking to Tang San. Village Chief Jack and other children also came over to listen.

"The first is mental strength, and the second is the condition of the meridians."

"Psychic power? Meridians?" Village Chief Jack and the other children looked confused. Although Tang San's expression remained unchanged, his heart was filled with turmoil.

Qi, meridians and spirit, aren’t these three the qualifications of essence, energy and spirit?Regardless of the so-called martial arts spirit, a child who meets these three conditions must meet the genius standards of the martial arts sect in his previous life.

And when he lifted an 80-pound stone lock, Tang San himself knew very well that how could he have 80-pound physical strength when his body was so hungry? Most of it was made up by the internal strength of the Xuantian Technique.

Compared with the pure brute strength of other children, he was taking advantage of it. Even looking at the admission standards of the East Spider Academy, Jing and Qi should be tested separately. In other words, he was actually cheating by using the internal power of Xuantian Gong.

"Mental power is similar to testing soul power. There are special tools, and the smoothness of the meridians is also checked by special people." Duolong took the trouble to briefly explain the spirit and meridians to everyone.

"Spirit is related to the control of one's own strength. If your strength is an army, then the spirit is the marshal of this army."

"The meridians are mainly to cooperate with the practice of meditation, because the college arranges collective meridians for all students every year. Six times in a total of six years, all eight meridians and meridians are opened to be considered the best."

"The meridians not only affect the speed of soul power improvement, the speed of soul power recovery and the burst of soul power are all related to the eight extraordinary meridians. Even the best ones can practice the related secret skills of the Eight Scenery Gods." Duolong touched the back of his head proudly. This year there are a few outstanding students who have fully opened up the eight extraordinary meridians, while the other students have between 5 and 7.

Although it is said that there will be a chance to win the opportunity to open the pulse alone in the future to make up for the shortcomings, but everyone also knows the principle of taking one step quickly and taking another step quickly.

"So the patency of this meridian is very important. The better the patency, the better the effect of opening the meridians."

"If the eight extra meridians are innately smooth, even one of them, then there will probably be no big problem if all eight meridians are unblocked in the next six years, and you will definitely pass the re-examination."

"Brother Duolong, is there anyone who has all eight congenital meridians?"

"Of course, our captain Miga has all eight innate meridians. He is an unparalleled talent. His soul power cultivation speed is even more ridiculous than those of top martial arts." Duolong touched his chin enviously.

"But it's just this one. The second batch of junior students are gone. I don't know if there will be any in this year's third batch?"

Are the eight congenital extraordinary meridians unblocked? !Tang San's face froze. The Eight Wonderful Meridians mentioned by Duolong and the Eight Wonderful Meridians mentioned by Xuantian Baolu couldn't be the same thing.

If it is really the same thing, then what kind of monster is their captain?He had lived for such a long time in his previous life, but he had never heard of any sect sending out a monster with unimpeded eight meridians.

Practice fast?Can you feel unhappy now that all eight meridians are unblocked?Tang San's eyes gleamed as he knew the benefits of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

If one of the meridians is not open, he is a cripple without legs, then if the eight meridians are unblocked, he is a crab with eight legs, able to walk as he pleases.

Take the Xuantian Baolu in his hand as an example. The original text states that those who have access to the eight meridians of the Qi Meridian are omnipotent in heaven and earth.

In order to achieve the eighth great achievement of Xuantian Kung, there are also prerequisites for opening up all the eight extraordinary meridians.

To put it more realistically, if Tang San now had access to the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, his internal energy cultivation speed would be at least twice as fast as it is now.

It is because opening up the eight extraordinary meridians is of great benefit to cultivating internal strength, and it is extremely difficult to open the meridians the day after tomorrow, so the internal masters in Tang San's previous life were obsessed with opening up the meridians, and even used the number of unblocked meridians as a measure of strength.

As for someone who has all eight congenital meridians, it is simply unimaginable.

Tang San was absolutely right when he said "monster". If this were placed in his previous life, it would have been the legendary innate Taoist body, an unparalleled talent destined to be able to reach the pinnacle of cultivation.

Of course, no matter how talented others are, they are not as talented as themselves. Compared with his own lack of knowledge, Tang San's head almost turned into a lemon shape.

But what really made Tang San so distracted that he couldn't care less about lemons was another piece of information Duolong revealed. East Spider Academy can help students open their pulses!
The eight extraordinary meridians will be opened up the day after tomorrow!This is a heaven-defying method that has never been recorded in Xuantian Baolu.

"Brother Duolong, did you say that all eight of your extraordinary meridians were opened this year?" Tang San's eyes widened. Eight meridians were opened at the age of 12. This was something he had never dared to think about before.

However, this guy from a small village in front of him did it. No, how could someone like him have such potential? Tang San gritted his teeth, it must be the secret method of the East Spider Academy.

"That's right." Duolong felt a little more complicated. His family knew about his family affairs, and his eighth channel was actually not smooth. But in the end, the senior gave him a little help and everything became clear.

"Did the eight extraordinary meridians open when you were 6 years old?"

Seeing Tang San eagerly asking, Duolong frowned, "One of my meridians is not open. The overall smoothness of my meridians is good. Two meridians were opened the first two times. You have already asked three questions."

it is good!
Tang San couldn't hide the disguise on his face, and was so excited that his lips almost reached his ears. Since Duolong, a country villager, could do it, there was no reason why Tang San, a second-generation young master, couldn't do it.

If he could open up the Eight Extraordinary Meridians before the age of 12, he would have absolute confidence to reach the ninth highest level in the legendary Xuantian Gong, where the three flowers gather together and the five qi rise to the source.

He, Tang San, would join the East Spider Academy no matter what, so as to gain the opportunity to open his veins.

As for the genius Duolong mentioned, he, Tang San, had Xuantian Baolu in his hand and had six great skills in his possession. Step by step, he would definitely be able to catch up.

Just like what his alcoholic father taught him in this life, steel is made after repeated forging and purification, and no matter how poor the quality of the metal is, it will become a high-quality metal through constant forging and purification.

Thinking of this, Tang San also calmed down. In the future, when everyone has access to all eight meridians, they will all be at the same starting line.

At the same time, Tang San has the Xuantian Treasure Record that is unknown to this world. This is the crystallization of thousands of years of wisdom of the Tang Sect in Xishu, another world.

When the time comes, he will rely on this, not to mention the bully Duolong in front of him. He will not even look down on the innate Taoist Miga.

(End of this chapter)

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