Chapter 108 Reversal
"Okay!" Su Yuntao had the completely opposite reaction to the same Wasted Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass. The last worry in his heart was gone. This time the grand prize was guaranteed.

As we all know, the Wasted Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass has always had 0 innate soul power, which can be said to be one of the most common situations for special talents.

Although the probability was very small, Su Yuntao had to consider another fact, what if Tang San did not have a useless martial spirit and had no innate soul power.

Yes, whether it is the special talents recruited by Dongzhu Academy or the free quota at Holy Light Academy provided by Duolong, there is actually a most basic and obscure condition.

That is, it is best for the innate soul power to be 0, and the martial soul itself is very weak, and it is best to waste the martial soul, so that it can be easily replaced with a new artificial martial soul and avoid unnecessary rejection reactions.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Dongzhu Academy only recruits special talents with useless martial souls. They, Dongzhu Academy, also recruits normal soul masters with extremely talented talents, accounting for more than half of them.

Even because the teaching performance of Dongzhu College is better than that of Wuhun College, and because of Dean Bibi Dong's favoritism, now Dongzhu College's pan-continental enrollment is the first crop, while Wuhun College's is the second crop.

If the innate soul power is level 8 or above, the martial soul must also be outstanding.

This point is checked by Guang in person every year. The local initial test is for innate soul power. The specific martial soul needs to be considered by Guang personally.

According to the enrollment experience of the first two classes, in addition to the normal top-level martial arts, mutated martial arts and rarer categories are more popular, and the strong attack and agility attacks are the least valued.

The reason is also very simple. The artificial martial souls produce their own strong attack system and agility attack system. Considering the rationality of the soul master team, it is not unexpected that such a situation occurs.

A little man from a small village can awaken an ordinary martial spirit. It is already a blessing to have two levels of innate soul power, such as Su Yuntao himself.

If you want innate soul power of level eight and above, hehe, even if you add Notting City, Su Yuntao has never heard of it, let alone seen it with his own eyes.

Naturally, Tang San didn't know this. Duolong on the other side just watched the fun calmly, and Tang San didn't bother to talk about it without asking him.

"Then just lift the 80-pound stone lock for me to see again. Then set a time and I will take you to the Holy Light Academy to take the reexamination." Su Yuntao said to the little man in front of him in a gentle tone.

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet?"

"Tang San." Tang San pursed his lips and spoke quickly as Su Yuntao was about to put away the blue crystal ball, "Uncle, you haven't tested my soul power yet."

The warmth brought by the golden light brought a very strange feeling as it circulated in his body. The awakening of the martial soul made him feel that his Xuantian Kung seemed to have undergone subtle changes.

At the same time, he also wanted to know the difference between his own internal force and the martial souls of this world.

"You want to test your soul power, so it's not a troublesome thing."

Su Yuntao handed over the blue crystal ball helplessly. He didn't pull Tang San down on purpose.

On the contrary, he meant well. The useless martial soul Lan Yincao didn't have innate soul power and it didn't show up even after trying it. Why should Tang San be embarrassed?

Moreover, it would be a bad thing if it really lit up, damn it!Su Yuntao was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him!
The blue crystal ball lit up like a bright light bulb in Tang San's hand, filling the entire wooden house with soft blue light.

Not to mention Su Yuntao, this time even Duolong stared at the crystal clear sapphire in Tang San's hand with wide eyes.

"It's actually full of soul power!"

Green light was released from Su Yuntao again, and the crystal ball bounced Tang San's palm away. Su Yuntao stared at Tang San, his expression could be described as extremely complicated.

Reluctance, doubt, anger, and even doubt about life, many emotions blend together, making Su Yuntao's handsome face with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes become particularly weird.

"My bonus, my promotion, my goddess!" Su Yuntao stretched out his hand as if to grab something, but in the end he found that there was only air left.

Tang San, who noticed the abnormality in the crystal ball, was also full of doubts, "Uncle, what is innate soul power?"

Su Yuntao, whose brain had completely shut down, subconsciously expressed common sense about innate soul power.

To put it simply, only those with innate soul power can practice soul power and become a soul master. The higher the innate soul power, the better the soul power cultivation talent.

Coupled with the soul ring theory that Duolong just told, full innate soul power is the highest innate soul power that can be achieved before obtaining the first soul ring.

It turns out that my inner strength is soul power. Tang San suddenly realized what happened to his innate soul power.

In a sense, Tang San cheated with the Xuantian Technique. Children in Douluo Continent didn't awaken their spirits before they were six years old, so how could they cultivate their soul power?
And Tang San's Xuantian function allowed a child under six years old to practice for several years in advance. The so-called full innate soul power was actually mixed with a lot of acquired soul power.

This is a good thing, and it involves his biggest secret, so Tang San will never take the initiative to explain.

"Deacon Su Yuntao, my innate soul power can be considered a bonus. I will lift the stone lock next, right?"

Tang San, who was full of expectations, looked at Su Yuntao's proud face and glanced haughtily at Duolong next to him.

how about it?
He lifted 80 kilograms of stone locks, his meridians and mental state were excellent, and he had innate soul power.The new students' quota in the Eastern Spider Soul Master Academy is as easy as grabbing something from a bag, so why lick your face and go to Duolong to beg for the free quota in the Holy Light Academy that you are waiting for.

As for Su Yuntao's strange expression, in Tang San's opinion, it was completely a sign that he was shocked by his talent and subverted common sense. Alas, real geniuses are always difficult for ordinary people to understand, and he, Tang San, was obviously one of them.

Is it a good thing to be born with full soul power?This very simple question has now become a difficult problem for Su Yuntao for the first time.

"Alas." Su Yuntao finally came to his senses and let out a long sigh. Not only Tang San, but also Village Chief Jack sensed something was wrong with his voice and expression.

"Tang San, you don't need to lift this stone lock. Congratulations on becoming a spirit master, but Blue Silver Grass is indeed a useless martial spirit."

"Even if your martial spirit is just a farm tool, it is still much stronger than the useless martial spirit Blue Silver Grass. In that case, I can somewhat..."

Su Yuntao took a long sigh, put the Awakening Stone and the crystal ball back into the package like an eggplant beaten by frost, left a piece of evidence, and turned around to leave this sad place.

Although the feeling of losing something again was really bad, he was not angry with the innocent child.

"No, Deacon Su Yuntao, what do you mean by this? Don't you mean that by lifting 80 kilograms of stone locks, you can get the re-examination qualification of Dongzhu Academy?"

Tang San looked at Su Yuntao, who was about to run away, with a bewildered face. Now it was his turn to have his brain shut down, "I can lift an 80-pound stone lock. If you don't believe me, you can take a look."

Su Yuntao, who was already heartbroken, was no longer willing to spend any energy in speaking on Tang San. He shook his head and walked towards the next village without even looking at it.

"Lord Su Yuntao, is there something wrong with Tang San?" Village Chief Jack also looked confused. In any case, Tang San was now a member of their Holy Soul Village. He, the village chief, had to stand up regardless of circumstances. Ask why.

"Village Chief, I know what's going on."

Duolong pulled the village chief next to him and shook his head. It was precisely because he knew the cause of the matter that he understood the reason for Su Yuntao's despair.

What a joke, who would have thought that Lan Yincao, a useless martial soul, could actually be born with full soul power, and that was on the premise that he could lift an 80-pound stone lock.

Being born with full soul power is a good thing for most children, but for Tang San's special situation, it is difficult to explain clearly.

Tang San looked at the young man who was leaving, how could he just give up? This was a great opportunity for him to have all eight of his extraordinary meridians open at the age of 12.

At this moment, Su Yuntao was not a handsome young man, but a roast duck that flew away from his mouth. Tang San had even licked its duck butt. . .

"Deacon Su Yuntao, Su Yuntao"


Su Yuntao, who took the trouble, finally couldn't help the evil fire in his heart and roared at the little man. When he saw him lying on the ground in fright, he flicked his sleeves, quickened his pace and turned away as if he saw something disgusting.

"Tang San's innate full soul power does not meet the standards for special talents, and the Wasted Spirit Blue Silver Grass does not meet the normal admissions standards, so this is why Deacon Su Yuntao gained and lost again."

Duolong reluctantly explained to Village Chief Jack that he didn't like Tang San but had no intention of targeting him. Who knew that their Holy Soul Village would actually have a weirdo who was born with full soul power and useless martial soul.

"But he can lift an 80-pound stone lock. Duolong, you have a place in the Holy Light Academy." Village Chief Jack couldn't help but feel a little pity when he looked at the little guy who fell to the ground with an expression of disbelief.

"The Holy Light Academy also needs to transform martial souls. They won't accept those with innate soul power above half a level. Even the orphans trained by the Holy Light Academy themselves will be sent to the nearest junior soul master college to work as part-time students if this happens."

And if he doesn't like Tang San, then he doesn't intend to use his heart. Duolong shook his head secretly in his heart, but there was no need to tell Grandpa Jack about this.

"A work-study student? Our village does have a quota for a work-study student at Notting Junior Soul Master College every year. Anyway, no one needs it this year, so why not compensate him for it."

Village Chief Jack walked up to Tang San and comforted him softly. If you can't take the high-end route, you can still take the regular route. Although the Notin Junior Soul Master Academy is inconspicuous in the Douluo Continent, it is better than being a complete casual cultivator.

"Grandpa Jack, you have to ask my father."

After Tang San came back to his senses, he could barely control his explosive mentality. This soul master academy, which sounded like an average soul master, would be better to ask Tang Ri for his opinion.

If it was the East Spider Academy and it involved his own great opportunity, then Tang San would naturally definitely join, no matter what his father Tang Ri's opinion was.

Family love is certainly precious, but in Tang San's eyes, it also needs to be compared with something.

In the previous life, the elders of Tang Clan in Shuzhong raised him as an orphan and treated him like his own son. He was far more responsible than Tang Ri in this life.

Except for the inner sect disciples limited by the sect rules, everything that could be given was given, otherwise why would Tang San be so obviously superior to the outer sect and call himself Young Master Tang San.

But Tang San didn't choose to steal the Xuantian Treasure Record in the end, or even. . .

(End of this chapter)

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