Chapter 109 Twins
Tang San himself did not understand basic blacksmithing, so he was only responsible for the design and assembly of all hidden weapons. Under normal circumstances, all parts were made by the Tangmen's own blacksmith shop in Sichuan.

But the three top hidden weapons in Xuantian Baolu's Hundred Solutions are extremely eye-catching just for their parts. Isn't that just asking Tang San's own forging master from the Tang Sect in Sichuan to make them for himself?
Not to mention that the precious materials needed were beyond what Tang San could earn from his usual corruption, so he chose to take risks and cooperate with other forces.

At the cost of trading some non-confidential secrets of the Tang Sect and some blueprints of hidden weapons, Tang San got what he wanted.

This is also the hidden core reason why Tang San chose to jump off Guijianchou without hesitation. When he jumped, he was the pure and pure Tang Sanshao, and all the filthiness disappeared with his death.

As for the consequences of the secrets he betrayed to the Tang Sect in Sichuan, it has nothing to do with him being a dead person.

Anyway, he has already created the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus, a pearl with hundreds of hidden weapons, and his own internal strength has been unable to improve due to his qualifications. From then on, he has no obsession with leaving his name in history.

Tang Ri, Jack shook his head and sighed. Indeed, no matter what kind of rotten person Tang Ri is, he is Tang San's biological father and cannot be avoided.

"Then you should discuss it with your father. After all, you have to go to Notting City to work as a student."

There have been two soul masters in the village this year, and there is a high probability that there will be a big guarantee next year. Coupled with the disappointing impression of Tang San, Village Chief Jack has no intention of accompanying Tang San to personally persuade Tang Ri.

"There are still three months left before the registration period for this year's Notting Soul Master Junior College. If you are willing to work as a work-study student, please come to me one and a half months in advance. If you are late, I will sell this place to other villages."


After all, Tang San was a man of two generations, and he quickly adjusted to his condition. After all, he didn't understand soul masters, and he only went to East Spider Academy for two reasons.

The first is to obtain the opportunity to open the pulse and directly let Xuantian Kung walk on the Sunshine Avenue.

The second is to obtain the soul ring and break through the first-level bottleneck of Xuantian Kung.

Although the first point is regrettable, Tang San doesn't think that this secret method is unique to only one academy, and there will always be a chance in the future.

The second point is what Tang San urgently needs. At the same time, he can get to know the soul master better when he arrives at the soul master academy, so he is also somewhat interested in the work-study student quota at the junior soul master academy in Notting City.

But what good things could come from a small village? Tang San, who estimated that the work-study student quota was of average value, would not be in a hurry. He wanted to get his father Tang Ri's consent and see what his opinion was.

Tang San left lonely, and Duolong, who didn't care at all, pulled Wan Hu over and gave him a few words. He wouldn't wait until March. He would leave Holy Soul Village with Wan Hu and Beini in three days.

After confirming that they had settled down in the third-level Holy Light Academy in Notting City, Duolong had to quickly return to East Spider Academy. The annual vacation was coming to an end.


"A working student at the Junior Soul Master Academy?" Tang Hao's voice was filled with contempt from the bottom of his heart, "By the way, your martial spirit has awakened. What kind of martial spirit is it? What is the level of your innate soul power?"

"It's the innate soul power, the Blue Silver Grass martial soul."

Innately full of soul power?Tang Hao raised his eyebrows.

Blue silver grass!Tang Hao's eyes widened and his body trembled violently. It was as if he was not interested in anything and had a very rare and obvious change.

"Blue Silver Grass, Blue Silver Grass." Tang Hao murmured to himself. The strange thing was that he was not surprised that Tang San's useless martial spirit, Blue Silver Grass, actually had innate full soul power.

"You want to become a soul master?" Tang Hao suddenly raised his head and stared at Tang San closely.

The second-generation Tang San didn't know why, but when he saw his good-for-nothing alcoholic father subconsciously taking a step back, he felt an indescribable feeling of shrinking in his heart.

Obviously he has an adult mentality, and his strength and speed have surpassed that of an adult. Why would he be afraid of an alcoholic?Is this dad?Tang San suppressed the doubts in his heart and straightened his chest.

"I think, I heard from Village Chief Jack that as long as you have full soul power and get a soul ring, you can become a soul master. I want to become a work-study student and let the academy help get the soul rings."

"Hmph, the academy is helping you obtain soul rings. What you think is so beautiful. The school is only responsible for imparting the knowledge of soul masters. Why should they help you with hunting soul rings?"

"The real helper is also a core student, not a work-study student with no money and no power like you." Tang Hao sat on the chair and taunted with his eyes closed.

Unable to obtain the spirit ring, Tang San felt depressed. It seemed that obtaining the spirit ring would be out of the question in the short term, and he would most likely have to rely on himself.

Xuantian Kung has no further progress. If you want to improve your combat power, the best way is to use the many hidden weapons in Hidden Weapon Baijie. Hidden weapons require parts, and parts require raw materials and forging, so. . .

"Then I'll be a blacksmith, and I can support us at the same time. Dad, didn't you promise me that you would teach me how to make farm tools?"

Tang Hao slowly opened his eyes, and Tang San saw excitement in his eyes. Unknowingly, Tang Hao's right fist had been clenched, and an extremely cold aura appeared on his old face.

"Soul master? What's the use of a soul master? Not to mention just a useless martial soul, even the most powerful martial soul, what use can the most powerful soul master be? He's just a waste, and he can't even defeat a woman. "

woman?Tang San, who didn't know what was going on, looked at Tang Ri in front of him a little strangely.

"Except for you, there is no child with innate soul power in Holy Soul Village this year, right?" "Yes, but Village Chief Jack said that even a useless martial soul without innate soul power can become a soul master. It is said that Brother Duolong brought him back Opportunity."

"A waste martial soul without innate soul power can also become a soul master, are you kidding me?" Tang Hao stared at Tang San with burning eyes, and only calmed down after seeing that he didn't look like he was lying.

After listening to Tang San's narration, Tang Hao frowned even more. Wuhun Palace actually had such incredible technology.

Then he frowned when he heard that the strength of artificial martial arts was average. So what if he spent a lot of money on artificial martial arts?No matter how much waste there is, it is still waste.

"By the way, I seem to have heard of that Duolong. He is said to be the most outstanding soul master in the Holy Soul Village. I have never seen him before. How old and powerful is he?"

"12 years old, three-ring soul master."

"Huh?" Tang Hao, who had just closed his eyes, opened his eyes wide again. A 12-year-old Soul Master is really not bad, let alone a remote small village. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Village Chief Jack said he is a genius studying at East Spider Academy."

"There's nothing wrong with the name of genius. Which college does Dongzhu College belong to?" Tang Hao was a little confused. It's impossible for a college with students of this level to be unknown.

"It's the academy of Wuhun Palace. Brother Duolong said that their dean is the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong."

The wooden chair Tang Hao was sitting on exploded into powder, and an oppressive aura of terror filled the blacksmith shop. Tang San was half-kneeling on the ground in an instant. The feeling of near-death oppression made him unable to even think.

However, the breath came and went quickly, but Tang San, who was almost scared to death, looked at his father Tang Ri with a confused look on his face. He had certainly had good vision in his two lifetimes.

Tang Ri's feeling of oppression just now was not inferior to that of a top internal master who had all eight meridians open. He was the kind of master whose internal energy was filled with eight magical sutras, which was equivalent to the eighth level of Xuantian Gong.

His cheap alcoholic father is actually a hidden master? !
Tang Hao, who barely restrained his breath, stood up. The name Bibi Dong had really been missing for a long time. It wasn't just how deep the personal hatred between her and him was, but using her as an introduction made Tang Hao think of what happened six years ago. .

Looking at Tang San who got up without being stunned, Tang Hao was slightly surprised and said, "Show me your Spirit Blue Silver Grass."

The strength and the double pressure from his own father made Tang San dare not say anything else. He raised his right hand and a blue grass appeared.

Tang Hao's eyes were blank as he looked at Lan Yincao, and he was muttering something incomprehensible. After so many years, he finally found some similarities with Ah Yin in Tang San.

But compared to Ah Yin's noble Blue Silver Emperor with golden lines, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass really couldn't withstand closer inspection.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao suddenly turned his head and walked to the back room. He wanted to drink. Maybe in his confusion, he would have a chance to see Ah Yin again.


Tang Hao waved his hand impatiently, "Don't disturb me." After saying that, he opened the curtain and entered the room.

"But, I still have a martial soul."

Twin martial spirits, blue silver grass in the right hand and Haotian Hammer in the left hand.

After seeing his son Tang San inherit the Clear Sky Hammer, which he considered to be the top martial spirit, and Tang San's innate soul power, Tang Hao's mentality finally changed.

It turned out that his idea was very simple. If Tang San had no talent, then just let him linger in this world until he was wiped out.

It would be nice to have full innate soul power, and it would be nice if the Bluesilver Grass could bring back some of his thoughts about Ah Yin, but there was no hope. Tang San couldn't even match Tang Hao's strength, so what's the use?
But twin martial spirits are two completely different concepts, even more talented than Tang Hao when he was young.

The biggest example is Bibi Dong. Tang Hao has been tossing and turning in the past six years, and he still doesn't understand why there is a clear gap between him and Bibi Dong.

He is obviously older, and his Clear Sky Hammer spirit is obviously the strongest in the world, why is he still losing so obviously?
In the end, Tang Hao finally found the difference between the two, twin martial spirits!

Therefore, his son Tang San, who also has twin martial spirits, also possesses the strongest martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer. He has some hope of overpowering Bibi Dong in destroying the Spirit Hall in the future.

In an instant, Tang Hao, who wanted to understand everything, made a 180° turn towards Tang San.

It turns out that Tang Ri had no hope at all, so he took his son Tang San to live a miserable life and become a soul master?Become a blacksmith?Everything is meaningless in the face of Zhongtian's Wuhun Palace.

Tang Hao now has renewed hope, counting on his son Tang San to make a comeback and fight against the Spirit Hall while maybe finding a clue about A Yin.

That's right, Tang Hao, who was not completely stupid, also realized after learning the news that Bibi Dong was not dead. There was a high possibility that A Yin's soul bones and grass seeds were in her body.

Because Bibi Dong was the last person to leave the scene!

(End of this chapter)

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