Chapter 111 Concierge
"Hey, you bunch of unruly people." The concierge, who was startled by the child, reacted and became furious. The proof of Wuhun's branching of the temple could not be false, and the concierge also knew it.

However, the people who come to see off the new students are generally a little more interesting, especially civilian families.This is why it is said that the king of hell is easy to deal with, but the devil is difficult to deal with.

But the country bumpkin in front of him obviously didn't understand what he meant. It seemed that the money would be difficult to collect. Naturally, the angry concierge had nothing nice to say, "Returning to the Saint Soul Village is almost the same as the Beggar Village."

"What did you say!" Holy Soul Village is the pride of all villagers. Village Chief Jack, Wan Hu and Beni all glared at the concierge.

The concierge was startled again by the three people and almost fell down. How could this countryman have such a bad temper? Shouldn't he be as timid as a mouse?
The concierge, who thought he had lost face, also lost his mind and cursed at the weak one among the four who was silent.

"What? You're not convinced. I said you are from a beggar's village. Am I wrong? Look at this little poor guy. His clothes are all patched."

"I think you should go find a place to beg. Our Noting College is not a charity. Get out of here, get out of here."

The anger in Tang San's eyes could hardly be concealed after being accused. This concierge didn't understand one truth, that is, a biting dog never barks.

In other words, there were three people in the middle across from the concierge, otherwise Tang San would have taken action long ago. That's it, Tang San had already activated the safety of the arrows in his left arm, preparing to end the concierge's life.

He was mean, bullied the weak, and spoke obscenely to him, Tang San. It was obvious that this concierge already had a plan for death.

"Hmph, you guys are looking down on others, we are from the Holy Light Academy!" Penny, who was so angry, suddenly thought of something and shouted angrily.

"Okay, stop it." A middle-aged man came from a distance and shouted to stop the concierge.

"Holy Light Academy?!" The concierge was stunned for a moment and then trembled all over. He turned his head when he heard the middle-aged man's voice, and the anger on his face suddenly turned into flattery. The change was so fast that it was unimaginable.

He nodded and bowed to the visitor and said, "Master, you are back." He subconsciously stepped back behind the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked about 50 to [-] years old, with short black hair parted in the middle. He had an ordinary appearance, a fair face without a beard, and a fat body, but he had a bit of a fierce aura that would make ordinary people feel a little nervous.

"You said you are from the Holy Light Academy?" The middle-aged man frowned, no longer paying attention to the concierge behind him, and stared at the little girl, "What evidence do you have?"

Beini did not speak, Wan Hu next to Lala raised his right hand, and a soft white light appeared.

"The Initial Light Martial Spirit is indeed a trainee of the Holy Light Academy." The middle-aged man's voice was a little solemn, and the concierge behind him was even more pale, and his body was shaking like chaff.

Who in the entire Notting City doesn't know that the Holy Light Academy is directly under the Pope of the Spirit Hall and has the same status as the local Spirit Hall. Most spirit masters would not dare to offend him, let alone a well-connected concierge.

Moreover, the Holy Light Academy is well-known for protecting shortcomings. As long as anyone dares to touch any official member of the Original Light Spirit, it is not an exaggeration to say that they will bite them like a mad dog to the end.

"Come out and apologize, or do you want to die?"

The middle-aged man glared at the concierge behind him. Even the City Lord's Mansion wouldn't dare to offend someone wearing the same pair of pants from the Holy Light Academy and the Wuhun Branch. Noting College would not keep a concierge because of this.

The concierge staggered out from behind the middle-aged man and lay on the ground, "I, no, I really didn't know that these two were adults of the Holy Light Academy, and this uncle, I'm sorry, I'm guilty, I apologize."

clap clap clap!
The crisp big ear scraper hit him in the face without hesitation. The concierge was really scared. He was still obsessed with what happened at the Holy Light Academy a year ago.

You must know that the third-level Holy Light Academy has only opened its doors in Notting City for two years, which is the moment when it establishes its power.

"There are other children." The middle-aged man looked at Tang San in shabby clothes and his eyes flashed. He just seemed to have heard the innate soul power?
"Little brother, I was wrong and I apologize."

"Okay, okay." Beini and Wan Hu looked confused. They didn't know that they just said their names and showed off their martial arts spirit, and this mighty concierge was paralyzed with fear.

"Village Chief Jack, Tang San, then you go in and report. If there's nothing else, we'll leave first." Feeling uncomfortable all over, Beni hurriedly pulled Wan Hu away.

The middle-aged man also looked at the concierge who breathed a sigh of relief with disgust, and walked up to Village Chief Jack, "Old sir, can you show me the certificate from Wuhun Palace?"

The middle-aged man who carefully examined the certificate looked at Tang San again, and then spoke to Village Chief Jack.

"It's proven to be true, old sir. I apologize to you on behalf of the academy for what happened just now. Leave this child to me."

Seeing that this soul master, who was obviously a teacher from Notting College, treated him so politely, the anger in Village Chief Jack's heart had long since dissipated, and he happily pulled Tang San over.

"No need to apologize, no need to apologize. We are not good either. Teacher, then this kid will trouble you. Tang San, follow the teacher in, but you must be obedient."

Village Chief Jack gave Tang San a few more instructions before returning the way he came. It was quite hard for him, and he only had one whole day to go back and forth to Notting City.However, this time he was wearing the new clothes and shoes bought by Beini and Wan Hu. He was quite satisfied with the trip. After returning, he could stop by other villages to brag to some old friends.

The middle-aged man took Tang San's hand and smiled at him, but the stiff smile was a bit sinister, that is, Tang San, the other timid children would probably have been frightened to tears.

"Let's go in."

After walking into the school, Tang San looked at the middle-aged man with some affection. He could naturally tell from the scene just now that the concierge was afraid of the Holy Light Academy where Beni and Wan Hu were.

If the middle-aged man didn't speak, the concierge who insulted him the most would be ignored.

"Teacher, thank you."

Seeing Tang San take the initiative to speak, a smile appeared on Yu Xiaogang's lips. The fish took the bait. How could a genius martial soul with full soul power be just Blue Silver Grass?
It was rare for him to meet this young man in such a down-and-out state. He couldn't miss such a God-given opportunity. He, Yu Xiaogang, had finally found the talent he had been searching for for more than ten years!

Of course there was no scene where Yu Xiaogang's tiger body shocked Tang San and he bowed his head, but he couldn't fake it when he read a lot of books in Wuhun Palace.

Using the secret of Tang San's twin martial souls as a breakthrough, Yu Xiaogang dragged Tang San into the realm of soul masters that was completely unfamiliar to him and fooled him.

Tang San, who was finally deceived, took a step back and opened the distance between himself and the master. Then, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to the master respectfully.

"Teacher, please accept me as your disciple."

It’s done. The excited Yu Xiaogang held back his inner excitement. As long as he was the first to decide on the title of master and disciple, this relationship could not be changed in this life.

However, he had also gained some experience in the city over the years, and continued to maintain his aloof appearance while dragging Tang San to report to the Academic Affairs Office.

Director Su and other teachers from the Academic Affairs Office were reluctant to gossip when they saw Yu Xiaogang. Although Yu Xiaogang's reputation in the soul master world was mixed, they were not qualified to talk about the soul power cultivation of a high-level soul master.

It's true that Tang San was born with full soul power, but it was not satisfactory to find a soul master teacher from Lan Yincao, the soul master. He was at least better than a few of them, right?

After that, Tang San went to the seventh dormitory of the work-study students to put his luggage. He first defeated the original boss of the work-study students, Wang Sheng, and then was defeated by the new little girl Xiao Wu using jutsu skills because of his lust.

A 6-year-old girl, Xiao Wu, became the eldest daughter of Qishe, and everyone else called her Sister Xiao Wu. However, after that, Xiao Wu acted very ignorant of the world and didn't even know how to recognize coins.

Tang San, who also had no money, was helpless and could only follow the enthusiastic Wang Sheng to the cafeteria for a meal.

However, because of Wang Sheng's statement that the master was a freeloader and a prostitute, Tang San immediately turned against him.

He had just finished choosing and kowtowed three times. If the teacher was really rubbish, what would become of Tang San?idiot?fool?Blind?

But this time, Yu Xiaogang no longer ate in the cafeteria, so Tang San could only eat dry food and drink cold water. Then he went to the door of Yu Xiaogang's dormitory and waited for half an hour before returning to Yu Xiaogang, who was full of oil.

Yu Xiaogang attached great importance to this ultimate hope of realizing his ideal. While filling his stomach, he also did not forget to pack a chicken drumstick for Tang San as an extra meal.

"Thank you, teacher." Tang San's eyes were moist for a moment as he looked at the chicken legs. On the one hand, he was touched by Yu Xiaogang's concern, and on the other hand, he was filled with emotion that he had finally seen meat and fish since he was born.

There wasn't even a pheasant on the hill next to the village, and there was no river passing by. Tang San was really unlucky.

"Okay, eat quickly. I have something to say to you after eating. Young man, you can't waste your time." Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San impatiently, wanting to see what his other martial spirit was?
Later, the appearance of the Clear Sky Hammer surprised Yu Xiaogang, and when he contacted Tang San's last name, he quickly thought of the former Clear Sky Douluo Tang Hao who killed his enemy Qian Xunji.

Do you want to report Tang Hao?This thought flashed through Yu Xiaogang's mind. As a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus clan, even if he was renounced, Wuhundian was an enemy that he could not sympathize with.

What's more, after reporting Tang Hao, where could he find such a suitable student?Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San with burning eyes.

Twin martial souls and Clear Sky Hammer, the two combined together make a Clear Sky Hammer soul master with a black soul ring that lasts ten thousand years. With great late-stage potential, he is definitely one of the best in the world when developed.

"Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, and the formal classes will start the day after tomorrow. However, for you, this is just a waste of time. The most important thing now is to enable your martial soul to continue practicing."

Yu Xiaogang hesitated for a moment. He should be able to fight against the century-old spirit beast without using his spirit skills now. After all, Tang San only had the first spirit ring.

"I thought carefully about it after I accepted you as my disciple this morning. You will leave the academy with me tomorrow morning. I will take you to find a suitable soul ring to advance you to the soul master level."

(End of this chapter)

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