Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 136 High medical fees

Chapter 136 High medical fees
The Holy Light Academy's healing medicine sells for 600 a bottle, and 5 bottles equals 3000 gold soul coins.

This small half of the money was earned by Wuhun Palace. With a dark face, Yu Xiaogang asked Li Kunlun again whether the 8000 gold soul coins meant that he had cured all of Tang San's injuries or just the injuries in his hand tendons and hamstrings.

"Other treatments can be given to you as a bonus, but the wounds on his face are not shallow, and he still needs a bottle of treatment potion, which you need to pay for yourself."

Li Kunlun spread his hands. His clinic was famous among the aristocratic circles for being honest and honest. Various packages were clearly marked with prices. If you think it is expensive, just choose the cheaper one.

As for people who can’t afford the cheapest package, are they still considered aristocrats?I just don’t have money to go to other clinics for treatment.

8600 gold soul coins!Yu Xiaogang looked at the few savings he had left and cried without tears. His pension money had just lost a zero out of thin air.

He couldn't count on the second-grade Baicao Liquid at that auction, so he could only buy a few tubes of the first-grade Baicao Liquid to see if he could imitate it, otherwise his little savings wouldn't be able to cover Tang San's daily consumption.

Of course, Yu Xiaogang's idea of ​​imitating Baicao Liquid was not groundless. The main reason was that he had a batch of raw materials rich in soul power.

Facts have proved that the 20-year reputation of Li Kunlun’s clinic in Notting City is really not an exaggeration.

After Yu Xiaogang came back from the Holy Light Academy after buying 6 bottles of healing potion, he worked in the operating room for a few hours before pushing Tang San out of the operating room who had generally recovered.

Not only did it clean up the blood stains on Tang San from head to toe, but it also changed his swollen pig head back to its original shape. In the end, even Tang San's pale complexion, which had lost too much blood, returned to rosy.

Looking at Tang San's healed skin, Yu Xiaogang breathed a sigh of relief. Without needles and threads, it was almost impossible to leave scars on the wound.

Li Kunlun, who looked pale, explained, "My soul power cultivation is not enough to support this level of wound healing, so I need a large amount of healing medicine to assist in healing."

After saying that, he waved to the nurse, motioning her to look at Tang San. At the same time, he hung a closure sign in front of the clinic. He had earned at least 3000 gold soul coins from this order, so a day off wouldn't be too much.

He was not saving money to buy a house, but to build a good relationship with the people of the Holy Light Academy.

The Holy Light Academy only auctions the second-grade Baicao Liquid, but this does not mean that they do not have higher-grade Baicao Liquid.

He has already inquired about it. The third-level Holy Light Academy in Notting City has third-level Baicao Liquid, but it is an internal benefit for the high-level officials.

As long as you build a good relationship and the price is higher, it may not be impossible to buy it privately.

Whether he can break through the bottleneck of level 40 Soul Sect with his qualifications can only rely on this kind of good thing.

. . .

"My hands, my face!" Tang San suddenly woke up and got up from the hospital bed, cold sweat the size of soybeans dripping from his forehead.

But when he subconsciously raised his hands, he was stunned. Are his hands okay? !Could this really be a nightmare?

"Xiao San, you finally woke up!" Yu Xiaogang, who was guarding the hospital bed, subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Tang San waking up. Fortunately, fortunately, his 8600 gold soul coins were not wasted.

"Teacher, where am I?"

Only then did Tang San notice that this place was not the classroom dormitory he was familiar with, but a single room he had never seen before. The sheets and quilts were all white, and there was a young sister dressed in white beside him.

"Mistress, this is the clinic ward." Yu Xiaogang held back his heartache and asked in a gentle and caring tone, "How are you? Are there any other discomforts?"

Ward?Tang San's face turned pale. After carefully feeling his hands, his face turned pale. Years of hard work on his mysterious jade hands disappeared. He subconsciously mobilized his soul power to sense the strangeness in his hands.

Seeing Tang San frowning, the nurse on the side quickly reminded: "Little patient, your injury is just healed and very fragile. Please be careful and don't move around. You will be fine after three days of rest. "

"That's right, Xiao San, don't move around. Just say what you need. Be careful of the injuries on your hands and feet." Yu Xiaogang was startled when he saw Tang San's movements. If the wound opened, he wouldn't have a second stroke of 8600 .

Seeing that Tang San had followed the advice and leaned quietly on the pillow, Yu Xiaogang asked with a cold expression: "Xiao San, which teacher did this? I will definitely avenge you."

His precious disciple Tang San is not only the world's greatest genius, he is only six years old, and his level 13 soul power cultivation is No. 1 among all the students of Notting Academy.

The one who could beat him like this must be a stronger soul master. Yu Xiaogang felt that there was a high probability that he was a great soul master, or even a soul master.

Notting College does not allow outsiders to enter, and only teachers who meet this requirement can do so!

"It's not the teacher, it's Wang Sheng, the newly graduated work-study student Wang Sheng!" Tang San, who had already roughly checked his condition, held back his body's excitement to prevent his injury from getting worse, but his eyes were blazing like a furnace.

There is hatred, doubt, shame and unwillingness, as well as the slightest gratitude to Yu Xiaogang. "Wang Sheng?" Yu Xiaogang, who probably remembered who Wang Sheng was, was puzzled, "How is that possible? Isn't he just an ordinary work-study student?"

"He graduated, that is, he just broke through level 10 and obtained the first soul ring. It is estimated to be a 10-year soul ring. He has a soul power cultivation level of 11. How could he have the ability to hurt you like this? Could it be that he used something? A dirty trick?"

Looking at Yu Xiaogang who was full of doubts, Tang San's face couldn't help but feel slightly hot, and he also had the same confusion.

If Tang San is the pure white swan flying in the sky, then Wang Sheng is a toad carrying venom. There is no comparison between the two.

But why could Wang Sheng hurt Tang San like this?This is as nonsense as a toad kicking a swan into a puddle.

Tang San was also puzzled. It was true that he underestimated the enemy and failed to use the Blue Silver Grass soul skill to entangle him in time, but Wang Sheng couldn't even talk about a sneak attack.

His century-old spirit ring, the huge gap in physical fitness between his front and back, and the strange dagger in his hand, these three things were undoubtedly doubtful when Tang San thought about them now.

Regarding Yu Xiaogang, Tang San had no intention of hiding anything, including the iron gadget (sleeve arrows) found on him during first aid, and found an excuse to give it to him as a self-defense gift from his elders.

"A century-old soul ring and a sharp dagger mean that Wang Sheng is supported by someone behind his back." Yu Xiaogang pursed his lips. A work-study student naturally does not have any background.

Studying at Notting College means that the forces he can come into contact with are also very limited, and the only one who meets the conditions, Yu Xiaogang's face darkened, "Xiaosan, if my guess is correct, Wang Sheng has most likely joined the Spirit Hall. .”

"The century-old soul ring and the dagger should be the benefits of the Wuhun Palace for newcomers. It seems that his abnormal physical fitness may also be the secret medicine of the Wuhun Palace. Everything makes sense."

"Martial Spirit Hall!" Tang San's face darkened, "Can Wang Shengdu join the Spirit Hall even when he is 12 years old?"

"The requirements for the peripheral deacons of the Wuhun Palace are not high, because they are recruited to work directly. The people who come to your village to help you awaken the Wuhun are the deacons of the Wuhun Palace."

Yu Xiaogang explained carefully: "Their talents are average, and even if they devote themselves to practicing, their soul power level will not increase much faster."

"In contrast, joining the Spirit Hall does require a variety of chores, such as awakening spirits, guarding, transport team escorts, etc., but there will also be corresponding welfare rewards."

"Wang Sheng's 12-year-old age to become a soul master is definitely considered the youngest among low-level deacons, so it is normal for him to receive some compensation when he first joins."

"I estimate that his great increase in strength this time is probably due to the exchange of some kind of potion that increases his strength in a short period of time and saves his life. With the use of soul skills, he has almost the physical fitness of a second-level soul master to crush you with force and speed."

"This kind of potion is usually very precious and has side effects. Wang Sheng himself will never be in trouble." Yu Xiaogang patted Tang San on the shoulder and consoled him.

"Teacher, how will this matter be handled?" Tang San raised his head with a look of reluctance. He had learned from the nurse that his injury was not serious, but this did not mean that Wang Sheng could get away with it.

"Xiao San, don't worry. Even if Wang Sheng graduates, he is still a student of Notting College. The fact that he caused serious harm to you cannot be tampered with. He will definitely be punished as he deserves."

Yu Xiaogang categorically affirmed that it was unrealistic to ask Wang Sheng to sacrifice his life to apologize, but he had to make his life worse than death. He would not be able to escape even the huge compensation and jail time.

"But Xiao San, if Wang Sheng really joins the Spirit Hall, then we can't be in a hurry." Yu Xiaogang said to Tang San seriously, "Your body is the most important, take good care of your injuries."

"Leave the matter of seeking justice for you to the teacher. Although Wuhun Temple is powerful, it still needs face. Wang Sheng is just the most ordinary low-level deacon. If something goes wrong, even the Wuhun branch in Notting City will not be affected. I will spend all my energy to protect a murderer who harms my junior students."

Yu Xiaogang made a very clear calculation in his mind. First, he would find the dean of Notting College to label this incident as an extremely vicious incident, and then spread the word about Wang Sheng's moral corruption.

Then he went to search for information about Wang Sheng joining Wuhun Palace and spread rumors. Wuhun Palace, which cared about face, would naturally not care about a little soul master.

When the time comes for him, Yu Xiaogang, to pull the family's tiger skin again, Wuhun Palace will most likely give him a satisfactory answer. At that time, he can also use this matter to build up his reputation in front of Tang San.

"Teacher, I believe you." Tang San carefully restrained the viciousness in his eyes, even if Wang Shenghui was as pitiful as a bereaved dog, he would not have the slightest pity.

How had he, Tang San, ever suffered such a big loss in his two lifetimes?This Wang Sheng already had a way to die!

He agreed with the future described by his teacher Yu Xiaogang, but it was not enough to make Wang Sheng bankrupt and go to jail. Tang San gritted his teeth, and when he recovered from his injuries, he would carefully make a batch of hidden weapons so that Wang Sheng could taste them.

Paired with toxins, Tang San wanted Wang Sheng to taste all kinds of hidden weapons and poisons, and then become a true useless person, and finally die in endless despair and pain. This was the ending he deserved.

Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang's leaving back and licked his lips. He was so anxious in his heart, hoping to see Wang Sheng's miserable state as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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