Chapter 137 Transport Team

"Wang Sheng was born in Xiaoqiu Village. He has an ordinary family. His mother died young and his father was an alcoholic and a gambler. It is said that his relationship is extremely bad. I have sent people to check and there is no trace of him in Xiaoqiu Village."

The dean of Notting College looked helpless at Yu Xiaogang who had been found in a hurry. If Wang Sheng was still a student, he would have no less than ten options for Yu Xiaogang to choose from.

But Wang Sheng had just graduated, and he had no good way to control him.

"No, I think he joined Wuhun Palace. As long as you, the dean, reveal that Wang Sheng is a morally corrupt student, Wuhun Palace will take care of him."

Yu Xiaogang firmly affirmed that his plan was very simple, which was to turn Wang Sheng into a piece of stinky shit so that no force would be willing to protect him.

When the time comes, Wang Sheng is a little soul master, and he, Yu Xiaogang, can't deal with it how he wants to deal with it?

"But the school can't make any public announcement about this matter." The dean pondered for a moment and shook his head. He was just the dean in charge, and he didn't run Notting College.

"There must be a reason to say Wang Sheng is morally corrupt. His reputation among the students is not low now, and the teachers usually have a fair impression of him. The most I can do is make a public announcement about the harm done to Tang San and others, and then submit Wuhun Palace and City Lord’s Mansion.”

"But you know very well what happened last time. Wang Sheng and Xiao Chenyu are on the same side. Xiao Chenyu's father is the city lord, and Wang Sheng has joined the Spirit Hall. I guess the reaction between the two parties will not be ideal."

The dean thought about the words and replied that at his age, he was already past the stage of reasoning. In the world of soul masters, what they compete for is the level of soul power, their strength, and their background.

To put it bluntly, if reasoning really works, then the first person to be unlucky is the aristocracy of the Tiandou Empire.

He knew Yu Xiaogang's situation best. He was just a paper tiger. There had been no contact with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect for a long time.

At most, he was on the safe side to continue to provide Yu Xiaogang with a freeloading position, but he would never do anything to help Yu Xiaogang commit perjury.

"Isn't Wang Sheng's morals corrupt enough?" Yu Xiaogang said with a sullen face, "He spread rumors about the teacher and brutally attacked his juniors. How dare you defend such a person, Dean?!"

Looking at the furious Yu Xiaogang, the dean fell silent. In fact, what Yu Xiaogang said was correct, but the only senior teacher was Yu Xiaogang, and the only junior was Tang San.

What's more important is that Yu Xiaogang and Tang San have a deep personal grudge against Wang Sheng. Tang San had even had a knife attack a week ago. These are things that everyone in Notting College knows.

In this case, if he really reported it as Yu Xiaogang said, then any investigator sent down from above would be able to get involved.

Of course, if Yu Xiaogang is really related, then he will not refuse to help. However, the relationship between Yu Xiaogang and Wuhun Palace is not good, and the relationship between Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has been severed. What else does he have left?
"Xiao Gang, I hope you can understand me. Notting College is a public college, not a private college run by me. I will urge Wuhun Palace and the City Lord's Mansion to give an early answer on this matter."

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's cold and charcoal face, the dean couldn't help but add, "Of course, since Wang Sheng has graduated, the college will never get involved in his affairs. If you have anything to do with it, you can use your soul on your own." Teacher's method to solve it."

In the end, Tang San's injury was determined by Notting College as a personal grudge between Wang Sheng and Tang San. Since Wang Sheng had graduated, the matter was transferred to the City Lord's Palace for handling.

The meaning of the City Lord's Mansion is also very clear. Now that Tang San has recovered and there is a personal feud, the most important thing is that both of them are soul masters.

Then in accordance with the relevant laws of the Tiandou Empire, Wang Sheng was sentenced to one month in prison and compensated for Tang San's medical expenses, nutrition expenses and mental loss expenses.

Of course, we can't just listen to Tang San and Yu Xiaogang's words on this matter, after all, there are no other witnesses.

Therefore, a notice was issued to the outside world, giving Wang Sheng himself one month to come to the city lord's palace to defend himself. If he exceeded the time limit, he would be sentenced according to the planned punishment.

If Wang Sheng himself cannot be caught within three months, it will be reported to the higher-level Noah City, which will issue a wanted order for all subordinate cities.

Of course, because Tang San was not a noble but also a commoner, the wanted amount was paid and drawn up by Tang San himself.

As for Wuhun Palace, after hearing the news that Tang San was fine, Mathieu Nuo also specifically asked the two soul master students from Notting College who came to receive the soul master subsidy - Xiao Wu and Xiao Chenyu.

In the end, he chose to give up Tang San and sided with Wang Sheng. He wrote a letter of recommendation and sent it to the main martial arts city of Fasnuo, the provincial capital, recommending Wang Sheng to serve as a low-level deacon there.

As for Wuhun Palace's internal punishment, Wang Sheng's two additional monthly benefits were suspended for one year.


The Wuhun Palace transportation team heading to Tiandou City,

Compared with the transport team going to the main Wuhun Temple, the transport team going to the Wuhun Temple not only doubled the standard personnel, but also added a carriage to the team. Guang and Vivian headed to Tiandou City together.

Considering that it would be more appropriate to hand over the affairs of the Tribunal to Vivian, we planned to let Vivian preside over the unified training in Tiandou City this time to gain some prestige.After that, he followed the transportation team and Salas back to Wuhun City, and then Vivian freely chose the next stop of the trip according to her and A-yin's plan, starting from Tiandou City.

The transport team took mostly spacious roads that have been repaired all year round. Coupled with the good shock-absorbing structure of the carriage, it can ensure a good comfortable experience even at a relatively fast speed.

In the middle of the transport team, there was a four-wheeled carriage pulled by a tall horse. Soft satin covered the surroundings and the floor. The huge windows opened and soft sunlight shone in.

There were some snacks and white paper on the rectangular table. Vivian and Guang were sitting on both sides. Guang was writing with a pen while patiently teaching Vivian what to do when they arrived in Tiandou City.

"Dean of the Tribunal, will I not be able to do a good job?" Vivian sat across from Guang with some restraint. She had never had leadership experience before.

"You are strong enough and have the highest authority. Even just sitting in that position, you are stronger than others." Guang felt very calm about leaving this matter to Vivian.

Has Qian Daoliu done anything practical in the past few decades as the chief enshrined person of Wuhun Hall and even the entire enshrined hall?But who dares to say that they are useless?With their strength, as long as they sit there, they can ensure that the Wuhun Palace is as stable as Mount Tai.

In the same way, Vivian is the only apostle granted authority under the Hand of Light, and the power of the Holy Light she can control is definitely beyond the limits that ordinary people can imagine.

In addition, Vivian's body is the transformed body of the Sainted Blue Silver Emperor, so just looking at the level of a soul master, she is almost at the level of a soul saint.

"What you have to do is very simple. Teach them to successfully transfer jobs. From now on, they will be your core team in the Tribunal. By the way, what benefits can you give them with your ability without affecting yourself?"

Click, Guang tapped the table twice with his nails. The Blue Silver Emperor represents life and control, and the strengthening of the Holy Light will not deviate from these two general directions.

For him, the apostle's ability is a variable beyond his control. This is a flaw that logically should not appear, but with the birth of the flaw, the Holy Light will also give birth to new possibilities in the apostle.

"I can brand them and have a special second awakening." Vivian put her slender, soft white hand on Guang's hand without any rejection. Guang could see her secrets clearly just by thinking about it. Chu.

"You." Guang rubbed her little head, her short milky white slightly curly hair between his fingers, "Don't do this again."

Even if the girl's secret was opened to him, he had no intention of taking a step inside.

"Since you have the means, then do what you want." Guang's eyes were full of soft doting. Vivian squinted her eyes and gently rubbed Guang's palm like a kitten.


. . .

On the hill in the distance, a group of masked men in long gray robes were hiding in the jungle bushes. Their voices were full of excitement as they watched the transport team in the distance.

"Fourth Elder, the people from Wuhun Palace are here. It looks like there are a lot of good things. The size of the transport team is twice as large as that of an ordinary transport team."

"Jie Jie, the number of good things here is not only doubled, but the quality is definitely better. Those two cowards Dai Tianquan and Xue Ye don't dare to do such a thing. The emperor of the empire is just a false name."

"That's right, we, Haotian, will do what the empire doesn't dare to do. Also, everyone, listen up. We will rob what the empire does not dare to do. We will kill what the empire does not dare to kill. In a word, we will do what the empire can do. We must do what the empire cannot do, and we must do what the empire cannot do. Our Haotian Sect leader is number one in the world, and there are nine titled Douluo in our sect. What can’t we do?”

The middle-aged man at the head's voice was full of unruly energy, and nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black appeared under his feet. He was clearly a titled Douluo. His terrifying aura radiated unbridledly in all directions, and he charged forward with his feet in the void. The transport team to Wuhun Palace.

Dozens of other men in gray robes also followed with their martial souls possessed. Their soul rings ranged from five-ring soul kings to seven-ring soul saints.

"Alert!" The positive and negative captains in charge of the transportation team were both soul saints. When they saw the menacing and unkind man in gray robe and mask coming from a distance, his expression changed drastically. Who would have thought that someone would dare to rob Wuhun Palace's transportation team heading to Tiandou City.

Especially when they saw Ling Du Xukong's figure at the front and the nine soul rings under his feet, the two of them directly possessed their martial souls and launched the strongest seventh soul skill, the martial soul avatar.

The seventh soul skill is the true form of the soul of the coiling dragon stick.

The seventh soul skill, the true form of the blood-devouring demon bear.

A demonic bear standing tall on the ground appeared at the front of the transport team, its black fur painted with bright red blood streaks of evil energy.

Beside the Demonic Bear, there was a long golden stick higher than it, with a four-clawed dragon hovering above it. With the golden light flashing, the dragon stretched out its head from the long stick and let out a deafening roar.

"Which one of you is in front of me?" Yixiong and Yilong looked at the opponent's figure stagnating in the void and felt chills on their backs. They did not dare to cross the thunder pool first, "This is the transport team of Wuhun Palace, please retreat quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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