Chapter 141

Wuhun Hall, Worship Hall, in front of the Angel Statue,
Qian Daoliu stood in the center, standing there like an evergreen pine. He was the white jade pillar holding up the sky and the purple gold beam that held the sea.

Under his hands, the Wuhun Palace prospered, and even though he abdicated and lived in seclusion in the Enshrinement Hall for many years, no high-level soul master could ignore his presence.

Whether it was the terrifying soul power oppression on his body that was as terrifying as the deep sea or the deep majesty he had accumulated over the years, it was enough to make most people in Wuhun Hall feel awe, including most of the titled Douluo in the Elder Hall.

But at this moment, Pope Bibi Dong standing in front of him was obviously one of the exceptions.

Looking at Bibi Dong, who was facing a tit-for-tat confrontation without any retreat, Qian Daoliu's majestic expression did not change, but he sighed secretly in his heart.

Compared to his deceased only son Qian Xunji, Bibi Dong's performance was undoubtedly much better. This is the aura that the Pope of Wuhun Palace should have.

"I already know about the attack on the transport team." Qian Daoliu's voice was filled with undisguised anger, "I have already arranged the investigation team in Tiandou City. Wu and Liu will lead the team and bring the magic bear with them. , Ghost Leopard, Guillotine and Tianfeng.”

"Don't worry about Tang Chen. I will arrange a meeting with him to resolve the issue. If you want to handle it personally, I can give you the command."

"It's not necessary at the moment. I have something to do tomorrow and I can't confirm the itinerary." Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu, from just looking at him to looking at the angel statue behind him.

"But my people are not under the jurisdiction of the worshipers even if I am not around. I still have to make this point clear."

"No problem. The two newly promoted Titled Douluo solved the robbers of two transport teams and captured alive the fourth elder of the Haotian Sect. They performed very well. They deserve to be rewarded when they come back."

Qian Daoliu's tone was calm and he did not reprimand Bibi Dong's subordinates for hiding their strength. He only wanted to see the results. It was a good thing that Wuhun Palace had reduced its losses in this matter.

"But one thing, where is Qian Ren Snowman? As a grandfather, I haven't seen my granddaughter for a week." Qian Daoliu's voice contained a hint of oppression.

Tiger poison cannot eat its seeds, and after so many years of living together peacefully, he was not originally very worried about Qian Renxue's safety.

It's just that such a long time has passed, and he was a little worried that he couldn't sense Qian Renxue's condition with the help of the sacrificial weapon this morning, which made Qian Daoliu tense up.

What exactly is the trip that granddaughter Qian Renxue talks about?Several of Bibi Dong's disciples also seemed to be missing.

"If nothing else happens, they will be back tomorrow."

"Nothing unexpected?" Qian Daoliu's eyes widened, and the aura on his body became deeper and deeper, "What does this mean?"

"My subordinates and students are also with her." The gray soul of death emerged from Bibi Dong's body, which was not enough to resist Qiandaoliu's aura, but it was impossible to stand firm on the three-acre area in front of her. question.

"If you have any objections, just don't let her go a second time this time." A cold voice flowed from the bright red lips, and Bibi Dong's eyes became colder. She didn't really like Qian Renxue being close to Guang. .

But deep down in her heart, she didn't want to go too far with Qian Renxue, so she just let it go.

If Qian Daoliu is willing to be the bad guy, she is still very happy.

"Tomorrow?" Qian Daoliu hesitated, "Is this the reason for your delay?"


"Then I will wait until tomorrow." Qian Daoliu, who was feeling a little uneasy, continued, "I can not explore your secret for the time being, but if anything happens to Xiaoxue, I must intervene."

"Yes, but after she comes back this time, she must withdraw from subsequent actions because the risks are inevitable." Bibi Dong took a step forward and responded forcefully, "Since you can't bear the risks, then don't get involved."

After a moment of silence, Qian Daoliu had no intention of going back on his words, even though he vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Bibi Dong has three disciples who can bear the risk, but Xiaoxue is his only direct descendant and his most beloved granddaughter. He cannot accept any risk of harming her.

If nothing else goes wrong, he can pave a road to the sky for Xiaoxue. Not a single piece of the 10-year-old soul bone angel set Qianxunji has been refined, so it has not been lost.

Although the divine examination was difficult, he, as the examiner, added angels and gods. . .Let Xiaoxue become the new god and use this to unify Douluo Continent, there is still a lot of certainty.

Bibi Dong had little hope of becoming a god himself, let alone helping Xiaoxue arrange a better future. Qian Daoliu restrained himself, he didn't want to interfere with Bibi Dong's secret.

The atmosphere in the enshrinement hall was too strong, and there was not much room for improvement. Since the position of Pope was given to Bibi Dong, Qiandaoliu's attitude towards Bibi Dong was inherently laissez-faire.

He knew everything about the Holy Light Academy, potions, artificial martial arts, etc. Bibi Dong undoubtedly had a secret, but was there any difference between this secret in Bibi Dong's hands and in his hands?

As long as the Wuhun Hall can benefit from this, that's fine. As for the old guys who serve in the Hall, they have already reached the top of the world and don't need to be greedy anymore.

After level 95, it can be said that my nature is self-sufficient and I don’t seek anything from outside. A peaceful and enlightened heart is more important than anything else. ——————————

"Why are there still skeleton soldiers? There are not many living creatures, so we can't bring too many." Hu Liena reminded as she looked at the undead creatures captured alive by Qian Renxue and Xie Yue.

It is true that the senior brother needs experimental materials, but it is more cost-effective to dismantle and transport things like skeleton soldiers as materials. Just remove the good bones and put the soul fire into the soul burning furnace.

"This skeleton soldier is very different. It is silver-white all over, and its basic quality is far higher than that of ordinary skeleton soldiers. It is a special material. Let's take it back and show it to my brother."

"How about disassembling its skull separately." Xie Yue proposed a new plan, "Bring only one skull in the living area, and disassemble its body into the dead area and bring it back."

"Sounds good." Hu Liena nodded, "These undead creatures seem to have a unique evolutionary sequence. Sister Erlong has caught two bigger abominations before. Their arms are no longer chains, but hooks."

"In addition, we also caught two new undead creatures." Hu Liena counted the harvest excitedly. "One is an elemental life composed of rocks and lava, which is very similar to the hellfire recorded in the classics."

"And the corpse witch that Sister Qingyuan captured is even more valuable. It is actually intelligent!"

"That's right." Liu Erlong, who was flying with dragon wings fanning behind his back, dropped a strange spider with twelve legs. "Since they are intelligent, we can dig out information from his head without having to worry about it. Field exploration intelligence.”

"But that guy has a tough mouth." Xie Yue shrugged. He had also seen the corpse witch. It was said that it was the lower level of the lich and was slightly stronger than the zombies.

"Sister Erlong, what is this? It doesn't look like an undead creature." Hu Liena was very curious as she looked at the half-dead spider bound by flame chains on the ground.

Although this spider looks a little ferocious, it is much more normal than skeletons, zombies, abominations and the like.

"It seems to be the Crypt Demon Spider, a kind of spider soul beast that likes to live in caves. It is good at using poison and is afraid of flames." Xie Yue explained that he had seen it in books before.

"Wouldn't that be a good fit for teacher!" Hu Liena's face was full of excitement. She probably knew the main purposes of exploring the new world, and finding a suitable 10-year soul ring for teacher Bibi Dong was one of them.

Since the undead creatures here have stronger high-ranking beings, the Crypt Demon Spider race should also have big ones.

"That's right." Liu Erlong also nodded. This was her plan to capture the underground demon spider alive and bring it back to Douluo Continent.

What she encountered was not a lone Crypt Demon Spider. She had already killed several other weaker Crypt Demon Spiders. But the strange thing was that the dead Crypt Demon Spider did not generate a soul ring. Other undead creatures is also like this!

Therefore, she planned to take these living creatures back to see if they would generate soul rings if they died in Douluo Continent.

. . .

The sixth soul skill, Qingluan Fire Feathers!

The green feathers penetrated the skull of the bone dragon below like a javelin, and the blue soul fire in the skull was ignited by the Qingluan Fire.

Feeling unprecedented pain, the Bone Dragon looked up to the sky and roared, opening its mouth wide and spitting out pale dragon flames at the firebird in the sky.

Qing Yuan, who was standing at the neck of the cyan firebird, waved his hand, and the cyan flame shield condensed and collided with Long Yan.

"It was so easy for me to find a bone dragon on the last day."

The flame shield dissipated, and the firebird waved its wings, tearing apart the blue and white fire clouds. Qingyuan looked at the sluggish bone dragon below and nodded with satisfaction.

"In this case, this operation will be considered complete. We have collected a lot of various undead creatures. I think Hikaru will be very happy."

Qingyuan's eyes were sharp, and the firebird's aura under his feet swooped down. The two wide fire wings were like two broadswords, and the green flames left subtle distortions in the void.

The huge white bone dragon head of the bone dragon suddenly fell to the ground. Qingyuan quickly loaded the dragon head with blue soul fire into the living storage soul guide, and then packed up the bone dragon's body and took it away.

A moment later, Qingyuan, who was wearing an invisibility cloak, did not choose to fly, but chose to leave invisibly on the ground.

She was not afraid of the big guys caused by these movements. She didn't want to bring trouble to her home base. She was about to return, but she couldn't let such an incident cause any accidents.

To be honest, she was really fed up with this hellish place. The environment was extremely poor and the living conditions were very ordinary. She had to eat Bing Liang Pills for three meals a day, and there were only three flavors to whet her appetite.

In comparison, even her messy residence in Douluo Continent, which was as messy as a pig's nest, seemed like paradise.

"There is nothing wrong with what Qian Renxue said. This place is a living hell." Qing Yuan pouted and made up her mind. After returning, she must talk to Guang about how to improve the quality of life.

(End of this chapter)

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