Chapter 142 Mass Production
Tiandou Empire, Haotian Sect, Sect Hall.

Tang Chen was sitting on the main seat, high up. Below him on the right stood the former sect leader Xiaotian Douluo Tang Xiao. On the left, the Great Elder, the Third Elder, the Fifth Elder and the Seventh Elder were lined up.

"Yuan Chen, I remember that my order was to secretly attack a transport team of Wuhun Palace to explore the secrets of Wuhun Palace's changes over the years. I gave this to you because you are the most stable person."

Touching the scarlet bloody magic sword next to the seat, Tang Chen looked at the great elder Tang Yuanchen with eyes full of accountability. He didn't mind Tang Yuanchen's big appetite.

However, the people are not satisfied with the snake swallowing the elephant, and the benefits are not too much, but their belly is full. The gains of the four transport teams are made up of dozens of experts, including an elder at the Title Douluo level. This is not a loss. Is it big?
More importantly, his original intention was to make a fortune in silence, and he tried his best to turn this matter into a headless public case, and secretly contacted other forces to do it together.
Now that Qian Daoliu's evidence is solid, what's the point of sending the interview letter directly to his face?

"This matter is indeed my responsibility, and I am willing to be punished." Tang Yuanchen took a step forward and handed over his hands, choosing to admit his guilt directly.

Although this incident was a huge accident outside of intelligence on Wuhun Palace, judging from the results, the Star Luo Empire's conservative choice to avoid the imperial capital's transport team was correct. Not only did they not suffer as big a loss as they did , and the harvest is more.

"There must be punishment, but now is not the time to talk about it." Looking at the great elder Tang Yuanchen who had a good attitude towards admitting his mistakes, Tang Chen nodded slightly. Compared to his direct lineage, the elders' power ratio was somewhat unbalanced.

For this reason, he specially arranged Tang Xiao to be the person in charge of Haotian College, just so that he could enrich his team and gain a firm foothold under Tang Yuanchen.

After this incident, he could justifiably eliminate all the elders from Haotian College, and with the newly obtained resources, he hoped that Tang Xiao would not disappoint his grandfather.

"Where are the Second Elder and Sixth Elder now?"

"They are in Tiandou City, waiting for an opportunity to rescue the fourth child."

Tang Yuanchen responded helplessly. He originally wanted to rescue the fourth elder and redeem his merits before Tang Chen knew about it. Unfortunately, the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City was heavily guarded, and the second and sixth elders who arrived in a hurry did not find the opportunity.

"You should take the people there yourself. Be sure to bring enough people so that nothing can be missed." Tang Chen hesitated and looked at Tang Yuanchen and ordered. The fourth elder must be rescued.

He is not only the face of the Haotian Sect, but also the precious fighting power of the Titled Douluo. In other sects, he is strong enough to serve as the leader of the sect.

"Sect Master, where are you?" The third elder took a step forward and asked tentatively. In fact, the theoretical level of the seven elders was not very different. The increase in manpower was a numerical advantage.

However, Tang Chen was in a completely different realm from them. It was a qualitative change. If he could take action, the Haotian Sect's passivity would be completely reversed.

By then, not only will they be able to rescue Lao Si and other clan members, but the people in Tiandou City's Spirit Temple will also be captured by them.

In the end, their Haotian Sect had prisoners in hand, and their sect leader Tang Chen was better than Qian Daoliu. Together with other first-rate forces, they might not be able to resist the branch of Wuhun Palace and even change the world.

"No." Tang Chen shook his head. This idea of ​​burning the boat is unrealistic. "In terms of combat power, I am only slightly better than Qiandao Liu."

"Even having this Shura Blood Sword is not enough, because the angel gods enshrined in Wuhun Palace are real." Unless Tang Chen looked at the Shura Blood Sword with deep eyes, he could pass the new Shura Eight or even the Nine Shura Test .

But he had been studying the new Eight Asura Tests for six years and still couldn't figure it out. Killing the 99-year-old Deep Sea Demonic Whale King in the ocean sounded much more difficult than the original Eight Asura Tests.

Of course, Tang Chen would not be afraid as long as his opponent was not a god, but if he wanted to go to the ocean to kill the spirit beast, he would inevitably have to cooperate with Poseidon Island and meet her. . .

"In addition, Qiandaoliu's speed is unparalleled in the world. If we really want to start a war, don't even think about it, even if we are evenly matched. The result will most likely be a change of sides."

"I can lead people to bulldoze Wuhun City, but our Haotian Sect's mountain gate will also be trampled by Qiandaoliu. If I really push that guy, don't be shy. Even if I guard the sect, you are not safe."

"There is only one consequence for destroying the balance. Both sides will suffer. Qian Daoliu and I both know this and will never allow it."

"Peace talks are the inevitable result, but if you, Yuan Chen, can lead someone to rescue the fourth child, I will have nothing to worry about in the peace talks and won't lose too much benefit. Do you understand?"

Tang Chen stood up, scarlet soul power covering his whole body, "I estimate that Qian Daoliu will send his subordinates to take action. Tang Xiao will go to defend Haotian Academy. Yuan Chen, you and the second elders will join them. You must move quickly." "

As soon as he finished speaking, scarlet wings appeared from behind Tang Chen, and the next moment the strong wind roared, and he disappeared and flew out of the hall, "Qian Daoliu, don't worry, I will keep an eye on him."

. . .

Tang Xiao was given a job by Tang Chen, and it was difficult for Tang Yuanchen, a guilty minister, to arrange it, so he left the three elders to guard the Haotian Sect's mountain gate, and took the other two elders to Tiandou City at full speed.

The Clear Sky Hammer is the world's number one offensive weapon spirit. Tang Yuanchen and other elders firmly believe this. In their opinion, as soul masters with the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, as long as their opponents are not above level 95 Then there is nothing to fear.

Therefore, the five of them, rounded up, are five level 95 titled Douluo. Therefore, there is no need for any conspiracy rules, just arrive at Tiandou City as quickly as possible and attack the Spirit Temple.

As for why the Fourth Elder was captured, it was probably because he underestimated the enemy and was shamelessly attacked by the opponent. There are no Titled Douluo stationed in the Wuhun Temple. Even if there are two Titled Douluo, the advantage is still five against two. ——————————

"Arrange for everyone in the Spirit Temple to go to the Holy Light Courtyard." Looking at the respectful Salas in front of him, Guang did not take off his mask. His identity was the hidden titled Douluo under Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong's eldest disciple became banned at the age of 16. If this news spreads, Tang Chen will personally kill him if nothing happens.

Salas did not doubt that he was there. The identity of the person who could capture the fourth elder of the Haotian Sect and produce the Bibi Dong warrant would naturally not be false.

What's more, Poison Douluo Lonely Bo also arrived at the same time to prove the authenticity of the warrant, and he had also seen another female account holder who was Bibi Dong's personal assistant.

But what the person in front of me said was too outrageous. The Holy Light Courtyard was only newly built. Shouldn't it be the people from the Holy Light Courtyard who came to the Spirit Temple to take refuge?

"Your Majesty, is our Spirit Temple transferred to the Holy Light Courtyard?"

"Yes, there is a pool of holy power over there. I can set up a formation to defend it. Your defense will only have some effect on the Soul Saint. If the Haotian Sect's Titled Douluo attacks, there will be no advantage at all."

"But, sir, the Wuhun Temple is too old and is the core hub of the entire Tiandou Empire. It is really difficult to relocate." Salas looked embarrassed. There are too many paper documents and other precious items here. .

If it is left unattended and vacant, it is easy for someone to covet it.

"Use the storage soul guide to pack and seal it directly to the Holy Light Academy warehouse, and then move it back when support arrives."

"Sir, there are still too few rare items like storage soul guides. Even in our Spirit Temple, there are only about twenty. We must at least move them to tomorrow."

"Here." Guang took out a cloth bag from his arms and threw it over, "Everyone will move to the Holy Light Courtyard to take refuge before tonight. I will go there to set up the magic circle first."

"Uh." Salas looked at Guang who turned around and walked away with an embarrassed look on his face. This adult can't be a hands-off shopkeeper. He opened the bag and found dozens of identical black iron rings.

The style is very simple, but it looks very round without burrs, and the silver lines on it have a natural beauty.

Saras looked at it carefully and his eyes widened, "Damn! Are these all storage soul guides?!"

. . .

The storage soul guide given to Salas by Guang is a new product released this year. The standard space is 3 meters * 3 meters * 3 meters, which is 27 times larger than the original one cubic meter space.

On the one hand, it is related to the improvement of Silong and others' skills, on the other hand, there are also improvements in materials. Guang used the void experiment in Laboratory [-] to produce a batch of mithril enchanted with void attributes.

Finally, coupled with the gradually improving technology, large-capacity storage soul guides can be mass-produced on a small scale.

This kind of luxury product, which was originally technologically obsolete, has begun to develop rapidly towards practicality in Wuhun Palace, which will bring great convenience to the outstanding soul masters directly under Wuhun Palace.

In addition to personal use, Guang also plans to eliminate and replace the small-capacity storage soul guides at the beginning, and auction an appropriate amount at the Holy Light Academy's auction every year to collect gold soul coins.

Holy Light Academy,
Vivian looked at the nuns in front of her with great satisfaction. The information received was still somewhat delayed. Now all 20 of them had broken through the level 30 bottleneck. This was simply unimaginable from the perspective of traditional soul masters.

Even among the top three martial spirits, the Clear Sky Hammer, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, there will always be bad ones.

The fingers on each hand are both long and short, and soul masters of the same martial spirit will have significantly different training speeds even in the same environment.

The diligence and innate soul power of the soul master will greatly affect the speed of soul power improvement. The best example is the Dai family of the White Tiger Spirit.

But in the Holy Light Academy, as long as she is pious enough, her soul power cultivation speed must be the best.

Just Zuo Jing and You Jing, the other 18 people are all civilian girls trained by Tiandou Auction House since childhood.

Ning Fengzhi bluntly said that he had no soul. Not to mention Hu Liena and others, even Guang didn't agree with this. They were just closed-minded and lacking.

As long as they have the right guidance, they will also have their own color, and it will be more pure.

However, the light does not let them choose. Everyone will have their own uniqueness, even if they believe in the same original holy light.

(End of this chapter)

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