Chapter 143 Systems
Notting City, a remote place behind Notting College,
The jungle here is dense and there are many mosquitoes, so few people come here. Tang San chose this place to practice hidden weapon techniques because of this.

There is a rock wall near the foot of the mountain with a lot of gravel on the ground, which is very convenient for Tang San to practice hidden weapons on a daily basis. After all, he is poor now and has nothing but silent sleeve arrows.

The experience of his previous life was the most accurate guidance, allowing Tang San to master the basics of hidden weapons in a few years.

However, children's development changes greatly, so the necessary hidden weapon training must not be neglected, especially after Tang San learned that his Bluesilver Grass was a useless martial spirit, he became even less concerned about the development of the martial spirit.

Anyway, they are useless martial souls, and no matter how much they are developed, the price/performance ratio is mediocre. How can they compare with the Xuantian Baolu, which can be called the secret code of magical skills.

Yu Xiaogang didn't care that Tang San didn't pay much attention to the development of Bluesilver Grass, because Tang San was still young and could only focus on improving his soul power. In his opinion, martial soul development was worth investing in at least after level 20. .

"Off?!" Tang San, with purple eyes, looked at the rock wall ten meters away and his eyes widened. Even if he was throwing rocks instead of standard concealed weapons, there shouldn't be such an obvious deviation.

He carefully observed the hand that he had just used to throw the hidden weapon. There seemed to be something wrong with the hand tendon where he had just recovered from the injury. Could it be that the injury was not healed yet?
Tang San's expression was gloomy and uncertain. As a member of the Tang Sect, the importance of his hands was self-evident. He was already very annoyed that his Xuan Yu hands had to be repaired after their skills were broken.

If the injuries to his hands and feet had sequelae that affected his ability to use hidden weapons, then even if Wang Sheng died ten thousand times, it would not be enough to satisfy his hatred!

Thinking of this, Tang San no longer cared about practicing hidden weapons, but carefully checked the injuries all over his body.

"There's nothing wrong with the face." Looking at the reflection in the water, Tang San felt a little relieved. Although the appearance in this life can only be said to be average, in the future it can be said to be delicate with a little more care.

Then came the injuries to his hands and feet. Tang San carefully sensed his own condition while using hidden weapons.

"Asshole!" After the test, Tang San's face was as frighteningly dark as the bottom of an iron pot. There was indeed something wrong with his injury!
Once the hands and feet are tired, they will occasionally trigger twitches, and the aim of the concealed weapon will be directly crooked. However, this problem will not occur at the beginning. It seems that the more tired you are, the easier it is to twitch.

Maybe it was because the injury didn't heal properly. Tang San shook his head and stopped continuing. He planned to take a good rest for a month and see how things went.

A broken book is rolling in an unknown dimension. There are four strange twisted fonts written on the cover like a parchment scroll. Each stroke is like a living black insect that is constantly changing. The cover opens automatically, and the writing automatically appears on the title page. .

The wild Son of Destiny is detected, "Sen Luo Vientiane Book·Part Volume·Fragmentary Volume" anchors the target, the parasitism is completed, the disguise is completed, the first target is repaired, and the second target is the story.

"Congratulations, lucky man, the book of omniscience and omnipotence has chosen you. As long as you complete all the tasks in the book of omniscience and omnipotence, you will gain the power of omniscience and omnipotence and become the strongest god king."

Tang San, who had originally planned to leave, heard the sudden sound in his head and his hair stood up. He subconsciously turned his head left and right and rubbed his ears, realizing that the sound was not received from his ears, but sounded directly from his mind.

"Who are you? What are your intentions with me?" Tang San's whole body was tense and his face was full of guard. He was a man of two generations, and it was not easy to deceive children.

"One, two, three, the host did not refuse the binding of the omniscient and omnipotent book, the binding was successful." The emotionless mechanical voice did not stop speaking because of Tang San's warning.

The next moment, Tang San saw an ancient book in his mind, with a broken parchment cover. The four ancient characters on it were the Douluo Continent font that Tang San was familiar with. They were omniscient and omnipotent. In one corner of the book, Tang San said: A small bright red character slowly emerged.

"What an omniscient and omnipotent book, I don't know anything about it. Unbind it quickly!" Tang San, who was full of doubts, instinctively rejected this unknown change.

"Unbinding the book of omniscience requires half of the host's current lifespan, half of its luck, and half of its destiny. Are you sure you want to unbind it?"

Tang San's expression froze when he heard this. Half his lifespan is already terrifying. A person's life span is only a hundred years old. If he really loses half of his lifespan, wouldn't it be so soon when he reaches the age of teacher Yu Xiaogang? Damn it.

As for half of the luck and destiny, Tang San didn't know what it was?But a vague instinct told him that these two things might be more precious than longevity.

"The binding will not be released for the time being." Tang San, who insisted that a hero should not suffer the immediate consequences, quickly waved his hand to stop him.

However, what Tang San didn't notice was that the invisible power of the world also stopped acting after Tang San lifted his will to exclude. This fragment of a book from outside the world of Douluo Continent indeed has magical abilities.

But it itself was severely damaged. If Tang San rejected it wholeheartedly and attracted the attention of the world's consciousness, this broken book would not do anything head-on. The so-called price was just a verbal threat.

"I have received the host's willingness to accept the Omniscient Book. The Omniscient Book adheres to the principle of friendship and voluntariness. If the host wants to unbind, he can do so anytime and anywhere."

As if sensing the crazily rising negative emotions in Tang San's heart, the mechanical voice spoke again, "The Omniscient Book has the power of omniscience and omnipotence. As long as the host works hard to complete the task and obtains points, it can exercise the two abilities of seeking knowledge and making wishes."

"As long as the points are high enough, even the secrets of the world can be understood, and even the realm of gods can be achieved instantly."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Tang San's eyes widened, knowing everything he wanted to know and realizing any wish in his heart. If this omniscient and omnipotent book were true, wouldn't it be more fragrant than Xuantian Baolu!
Thinking about it, he, Tang Sanshao, has great luck, as evidenced by Xuantian Baolu and his two lives. When he came to Douluo Continent, his luck was low, probably because he was in trouble at this moment.

Not paying attention to Tang San's excitement, the emotionless mechanical sound stopped completely, and the book in Tang San's mind opened its cover.

[Monthly tasks:
100. Earn [-] gold soul coins.

[-]. Kill a soul master or soul beast of the same level.

10. Recruit [-] younger brothers.

3. Forge [-] high-quality hidden weapons.

[-]. Go to the market to find a piece of fine ore.[-]. Confess your love to the most beautiful girl nearby and succeed.

Completing three of the above tasks is considered qualified and you can receive a base point reward of 100 points. The rewards for completing four and five tasks will be increased by 20% and 50%. The rewards for completing all tasks will be increased by 100% and you will receive additional special rewards.

If the task is completed less than 3 pieces, 100 points will be deducted for each piece. If the points are insufficient, the corresponding size of the host's body will be deducted randomly according to the degree of the gap (the host's life will not be affected)

Optional tasks (refreshed monthly)

100. The story of confession: At [-] o'clock at noon, in the Notting College cafeteria, he jumped on the table and shouted "My Tang San's martial spirit is the useless martial spirit Blue Silver Grass, I am not worthy of studying at Notting College" three times, at least [-] people witnessed this event.

Award 100 points.

[-]. Erotic story: Convince teacher Yu Xiaogang to take you to the red light street to experience the wonderful lust of adults.

Award 100 points.

[-]. Weird story: Running naked around the Notting College playground for ten consecutive days.

Award 100 points.

[-]. The story of immorality: For three consecutive days, strong laxatives were added to the water that teacher Yu Xiaogang drank.

Award 100 points.

100. Moral story: Cover up your identity and save 10 beggars for [-] copper soul coins.

Award 100 points.

7. Horrible story: Kill 7 classmates anonymously in [-] days, and write the words arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust on their bodies with their blood.

Reward 1000 points and start the follow-up story session next month.

Tang San carefully looked at the content on the page. It was obvious that this task could be refreshed once a month and was divided into monthly tasks and optional tasks.

He chose three optional tasks to complete. The difficulty was acceptable to him, and the punishment was randomly losing a small part of his body. Fortunately, his life was not affected. Tang San looked at his hands and feet, his expression ugly.

Not to mention anything else, even missing a finger is a severe pain that he cannot bear. Xuantian Baolu is an authentic Taoist sect. It is practiced from head to toe and is related to each other. It can be said that one move affects the whole body.

Even if the missing body part was small, it was still unacceptable. Tang San suddenly remembered something and touched his eyes, then looked at his crotch, and felt a cold wind blowing from his back.

Anyway, the task wasn't too difficult. Tang San gritted his teeth. It was unrealistic to complete them all, but there was still no problem with the three items, not to mention the 100-point reward after completion.

Thinking of the points, Tang San couldn't help but ask, "How can I exchange the points into rewards?"

The mechanical sound no longer sounded, and the book page automatically turned to the next page. The title on the left read "Seeking Knowledge", and other than that, the bottom was blank.

The title on the right reads "Make a Wish", which is the same as the one on the left.

As if in response to Tang San's question, words appeared on the originally blank page.

[Every month, the host has an opportunity to seek knowledge and make a wish. The omniscient and omnipotent book will generate corresponding point requirements based on the size of the host's request. By paying the points, a series of stories can be opened. At the end of the story, the host can get the answer or result he requested. 】

[Would you like to customize this month’s knowledge seeking and wish making? 】

"Customized." Tang San looked at his hands and feet and blinked. What made him most anxious now was the sequelae of his hands and feet.

It would be great if it could be solved. By the way, he could also use it to check the authenticity of this omniscient and omnipotent book and the value of the so-called points.

"I want to know Wang Sheng's current location and make a wish to perfectly solve the sequelae of my limbs."

[Yes, seeking knowledge and making wishes are being generated. . . 】The original handwriting disappeared, and new handwriting appeared under the headings of seeking knowledge and making wishes.

[Finding Wang Sheng’s current location requires 500 points to start the series of stories. 】

[Perfectly solving the sequelae problem of the host's limbs, 4000 points are required to start the series of stories. 】

(End of this chapter)

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