Chapter 144 Temptation
With only 500 points, you can know the location of the Thousand Sword Killer King, and with 4000 points, you can ensure that the sequelae of the limbs are resolved. To be honest, Tang San was moved when he saw this.

Even if he only completes three monthly tasks to earn one hundred points every month, he can accumulate enough points to make a wish in more than three years.

If he works harder, he will have a chance to complete his quest for knowledge this month. Even if he tries his best, he can collect the wish points in a year.

And looking at the tasks, the rewards of the optional tasks are obviously more generous relative to the difficulty. Completing the six monthly tasks only costs 200 points, while one optional task costs at least 100 points.

There is even a 1000-point mission that is not very difficult. Of course, this is just for Tang San who is good at sneak attacks with hidden weapons. Other kids of the same age would have a hard time killing chickens for him.

But the key is, is this true?Tang San hesitated. These tasks were not very difficult for him, but they were definitely not easy either. Don't work for a year in vain and it would be a huge loss.

Let's first see if we can find any trace of Wang Sheng. Tang San frowned. It would be absolutely fine for 500 points this month and next month. He could still bear this risk.

On the third page that Tang San couldn't see, new fonts continued to appear.

[The luck sharing contract is completed, and the world power sharing contract is completed. . .Party A: "Sen Luo Wan Xiang Shu·Volume·Volume of Lies", Party B: Tang San]

At the same time, in Tang San's sight, the book returned to the previous title page.

[The novice gift pack has been generated, would you like to receive it? 】

"Is there a gift package?" Tang San's eyes lit up, he would be a bastard if he didn't take advantage of it, "Get it."

Title page【Gift package has been received】

Page [-]【The contract has been signed】

[Congratulations, you have obtained 5 optional task refresh cards, 5 knowledge seeking refresh cards, 5 wishing refresh cards and temporary mall redemption qualifications]

"What are the temporary mall redemption qualifications?" Tang San scratched his head, this point seemed to have other uses.

[Can I enable the temporary mall redemption qualification? 】

"Turn on."

The parchment was turned to the fourth page. Of course, from Tang San's perspective, this fourth page was the third page.

[Temporary mall (duration 1 year, products refreshed monthly)

Regular items:

1. The primary spirit improvement potion can slightly improve the quality of the host spirit, but there is an upper limit.Quantity: 100, price: [-] points.

Second, the primary soul power enhancement potion can slightly increase the host's soul power and is effective before level 30.Quantity: 1, price: 100 points.


6. The gambler's dice (100 sides). Randomly throw the dice to get the unknown effect directly on it. One side with [-] points has a positive effect, and the remaining sides have equivalent negative effects.

Quantity: 6, price: up to 500 points. For points greater than or equal to 300, you can specify a positive effect on one side, such as recovering from injuries, gaining good luck, etc. There is an upper limit.

Note: The special rewards obtained by perfectly completing 6 monthly tasks may be eligible for temporary mall redemption.

Improving martial souls and increasing soul power made Tang San's eyes even more eager. When he saw that the Gambler's Dice could actually restore injuries, Tang San's eyes lit up.

Instead of spending 4000 points to make a wish, this gambler's dice seems to be more cost-effective. As long as he spends 500 points to maximize the probability, he, Mr. Tang San, does not believe that he will be unlucky enough to encounter the one-sixth negative possibility.

In contrast, he has a honeyed confidence that he can shoot with a one-sixth chance of recovering from injury.

As for the 10-year-old soul bone fragments, he had heard from Yu Xiaogang that they were legendary soul bones. The price of 2 points was indeed very affordable, after all, the original price was 20.

There is indeed nothing wrong with the thing, but the waiting period for these 100 fragments is too long. Even if they are refreshed every month, Tang San will only get 12 fragments at most this year.

Even if the monthly tasks can be completed perfectly in the future and new temporary mall redemption qualifications can be issued seamlessly, it will still take more than 8 years.

Of course, if the 10-year-old soul bone is really as magical as the teacher Yu Xiaogang said, it will be a sweet piece of cake, but it is just out of reach.

Seeking knowledge, Tang San really wanted to try the effect. Tang San was also very interested in the good things in the mall, but the problem was that Tang San didn't have any points now.

This novice gift package does not give points, but displays the mall, coupled with the desire for knowledge, it is like a kitten is placed in Tang San's heart. "No, even if I want to avoid the punishment of the monthly tasks, I have to quickly complete the three monthly tasks." Tang San suppressed the desire in his heart and returned his gaze to the title page at the beginning.

Among the six tasks, for Tang San, the second task of killing a soul master of the same level was obviously the easiest for him. He could also get a large amount of gold soul coins from him to complete the first money-making task. .

In this way, the third task of recruiting a younger brother and the fifth task of purchasing high-quality ore can also follow the trend.

As for the task of the fourth high-quality hidden weapon, Tang San shook his head. Things happened suddenly in the past week, and he basically didn't go to the blacksmith shop. His current forging skills were not enough to produce 3 high-quality hidden weapons within a month.

Unless he can purchase a piece of iron mother and then work from the beginning to the end of the month, there is no hope. If he can get the ore this month and the task remains unchanged next month, then he can try to complete the task.

As for the first confession task, Tang San gave up immediately. The most beautiful girl near him was undoubtedly Xiao Wu, and it was already difficult to confess to her with a thick skin. The task had to be successful only if the confession was successful.

Tang San just wanted to roll his eyes at this. He and Xiao Wu were jealous enemies now. This task was extremely difficult. He only hoped that this task could be changed into another one next month.

As for those optional tasks, Tang San was a little hesitant. The rewards for these tasks were pretty good. Even if he wanted to try Seeking Knowledge or Gambler's Dice this month, the 500 points required for regular tasks would definitely not be enough.

If you don't complete the monthly tasks, you will get less than 200 points, which means Tang San still needs 400 points and needs to complete four of the first five optional tasks.

The last mission was so shocking that even Tang San didn't dare to act rashly. Wang Sheng's incident taught him a great lesson. Without hidden weapons for self-defense, he would most likely not be able to defeat even the second-level spirit master.

If he really wanted to kill seven people in a row in the academy, it would take seven days to complete, and Tang San didn't have much confidence that his identity would not be exposed.

Of course, if he really had this ability, he would definitely kill Xiao Wu first. Tang San rolled his eyes and confessed to the most beautiful girl. If he killed Xiao Wu, could he be replaced by someone else?

He is really a clever little guy. Tang San patted the back of his head proudly. Now, he has to often go to remote places outside the school to check out people.

With the silent sleeve arrows and the stainless steel dagger that Yu Xiaogang had given him for self-defense, he could even kill the great soul master if he was attacked by surprise.

Tang San, who already knew spirit masters very well, knew very well that there was a huge gap between spirit masters before they were possessed by martial spirits and after they were possessed by martial spirits, and because of consumption, no one would remain possessed by martial spirits all the time.


"Huh." Bibi Dong breathed a sigh of relief looking at the figure walking out of the space door.

The masked man in gray robe who was debugging the equipment next to him had a golden light in his eyes. He saw that there were no problems with the six people walking out, and then lowered his head again.

"Your Majesty the Pope, I am fortunate to have lived up to my mission." Qingyuan, the last one to walk out of the space door, came to the front of the team and bowed slightly to Bibi Dong before replying.

As the captain, she not only brought the five team members back intact, but she also completed the task very well.

"Hand over the things to Mashiro, and you should go back and rest quickly. The second exploration plan of the World of the Dead has been postponed."

Bibi Dong pulled Hu Liena and Xie Yue to her side for a closer inspection. When she saw the little fox looking left and right, she flicked her head, "Your senior brother has something to do in Tiandou City. He won't be back until some time later."

"Guys, just leave your things to me. I will seal them in the warehouse." Mashiro stepped forward and crossed his arms in front of him, nodding slightly.

"Our harvest is quite good." Qingyuan walked forward with excitement and waved to her team members, "You can just go back and rest, I will report back."

Seeing that the other five people were about to leave, Bibi Dong looked at Qian Renxue and said, "Qian Renxue, you can go directly back to the enshrining hall. The great enshrining minister has something to do with you."

"I understand." The expression on Qian Renxue's face also became much calmer, and she turned around and left without saying anything.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit cold, the little fox rolled his eyes and hurriedly took Bibi Dong's hand, "Teacher, we found the arachnid soul beast Crypt Demon Spider, please see if it's suitable."

Qingyuan also touched the ring, and a twelve-legged magic spider, tightly tied with iron chains, appeared on the laboratory platform.

"The Crypt Demonic Spider is almost extinct in the Douluo Continent. The spirit and poison systems are really suitable for me." Bibi Dong walked to the unconscious spider and put his hand on its ferocious brilliance without hesitation. superior.

Eight green eyes suddenly opened. Before Qingyuan and the others could alert themselves, the Crypt Demon Spider subconsciously curled up its body and lowered its head.

In its perception, the humanoid creature in front of it was filled with the aura of the Spider King, even more terrifying and pure than the aura of the monarch.

"Top ten monarchs, the Crypt Demon Spider King." Bibi Dong's eyes were illuminated by the golden color of spiritual power. Although the Crypt Demon Spider in front of her could not speak, its soul did not dare to face Bibi Dong's outgoing spiritual power. There was no resistance at all.

"Dread Knight, Lich, Bone Dragon, Skeleton, Zombie, Abomination, Wraith, Shadow, Hellfire, Crypt Spider, ten major races, ten monarchs."

Bibi Dong let go of her hand. The crypt spider didn't have much information in its mind, but it could build an overview of the world of the undead.

(End of this chapter)

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