Chapter 145 Holy Land
One dragon gives birth to nine sons, and each of the nine sons is different. Along with the historical evolution, the Crypt Demon Spider also has different development routes.

For example, the 12-legged crypt spider that Qing Yuan and the others brought back is an ancient crypt spider that conforms to the records in the classics. It is good at all kinds of strange magic, especially poison magic.

However, the Crypt Demon Spider currently existing in Douluo Continent has taken a completely different development route. It has 8 legs and a lean body shape. It is good at various changes in spider silk, but its spider silk itself does not contain toxins.

And the number is small. At least in the Star Dou Forest, there has been no news of 10-year-old crypt spiders in the past hundred years. Even high-level [-]-year-old spiders are rare.

Otherwise, Bibi Dong would not let go of this high-level spider soul beast that is on par with the Human-Faced Demon Spider. Its innate skill Spider Web Cage has two rare characteristics: instantaneous and invisible. It can be said to be a spider-like martial soul. One of the division’s favorite hunting targets.

For example, Bibi Dong's third soul skill hunts the Man-Faced Demon Spider. Death Spider Web Binding, a powerful single-target control soul skill, was extremely useful when she was young.

However, for the current Bibi Dong, the spider web cage is not very fragrant. Her spider web has the triple blessing of ink jade sacred bamboo, 10-year-old soul bone and 10-year-old soul ring, which has reached a certain limit.

On the contrary, the old variety of Crypt Demon Spider discovered in the World of the Undead this time was more to her liking. The poison type was also its relative shortcoming, but in comparison, Bibi Dong valued the Crypt Demon Spider's spiritual attributes more.

Soul beasts who are good at magic will never be poor in mental strength. The most important thing is that there is a Crypt Demon Spider King in the world of the dead. If nothing else, he should be at the level of a 10-year-old soul beast.

Isn't this a coincidence?What made Bibi Dong even more happy was that there were nine kings. Aren't those the nine walking high-quality 10-year-old soul rings and soul bones?

Bibi Dong's own soul ring level is almost full, but she still has her subordinates and disciples. Whether out of love or selfishness, Bibi Dong hopes that they can continue to become stronger.

Even if the resources of this world are ruined, they are richer than the Star Dou Forest, the largest in Douluo Continent. Thinking about the three melons and two dates in the Star Dou Forest, Bibi Dong is a little confused.

She always felt that there were many discrepancies between the Star Dou Forest recorded in the classics and the Star Dou Great Forest in reality. She didn't know whether it was due to problems in the original records or some changes that she didn't know about.

As for the question of the extraordinary strength of the ten undead world monarchs, Bibi Dong didn't care at all. She had absolute confidence in her own strength.

The stronger the opponent is, the more powerful the soul bones and soul rings they produce will be. Speaking of this, Bibi Dong clenched her fists. The rarest soul bones and soul rings on her body undoubtedly come from the Azure Bull Python.

When it was forcibly advanced to a state similar to that of a small green dragon, although it was very difficult to kill, the harvest made her extremely satisfied.

Now, many of the Death Spider Emperor's soul rings have been completely refined, and five of the six soul bones on her body have been completely digested. The only one that has not been completely digested is the right arm bone produced by the Azure Bull Python.

However, completely absorbing the soul bone is also of great benefit to her. Bibi Dong estimates that her current energy intensity should be equivalent to that of a Titled Douluo at the peak of level 96. If she can completely absorb the soul bone of the Azure Bull Python, she can probably break through to level 97. strength.

If you fill up the last two soul ring vacancies and the head soul bone vacancies, it will be absolutely no problem to break through level 99 and keep pace with Qiandao Liu in terms of practice alone.

Bibi Dong feels extremely confident in her own situation. Her qualifications have been at the top level since she was a child. After meeting the light again, she has made further progress. Until now, she has never known what the bottleneck is?

If the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor's martial soul, together with its soul rings and soul bones, could be completely refined, Bibi Dong's eyes were so profound that she didn't even know what unknown realm she would reach.

But one thing is that at that time, she was definitely not a level 99 peerless Douluo. No, she was definitely not something that could be summarized by the concept of soul master.

"Sir Pope, there is one thing that may cause some trouble." Qingyuan handed the materials in his hand to Mashiro and turned to look at Bibi Dong, "We killed these undead soul beasts in the world of the dead, but no soul rings were produced."

"I don't know if it's because of the environment, or because undead creatures and soul beasts are different so they don't produce soul rings."

Qing Yuan's meaning is very clear. If it is the second reason, then in the world of the undead, only a few soul beasts such as the Crypt Demon Spider can produce soul rings, and their value will be greatly reduced.

If it was the first reason, it would be even more troublesome. They could just capture the weak undead creatures alive and bring them back to Douluo Continent to kill them.

Powerful undead creatures, like the kings Bibi Dong mentioned, can be easily defeated and killed, but the difficulty of capturing them alive and killing them is undoubtedly even higher.

"It doesn't matter." Bibi Dong waved her hand, "As long as it is a powerful creature, the soul ring is just one of its forms and can be transformed through rituals."

As Professor Guang's student with the most students, Bibi Dong's understanding of energy and living beings is undoubtedly very different from that of traditional soul masters, and she is also the closest to Guang's perspective.

Of course, she only has a rough understanding of the principles. She doesn't know how to convert creatures from other worlds into soul rings and soul bones into specific ritual formations. But she has confidence in Guang and will give it to him when he comes back from Tiandou City. Otherwise it’s over.

"But why should I transform it into a soul ring and then absorb it and digest it?" Bibi Dong suddenly thought of something and lowered her head and muttered. The soul ring and soul bones transformed by the magic circle must be completely digested in the end, so why is she doing this in vain?
Now, strictly speaking, she has already broken away from the category of soul master, and all the soul rings she practiced with her titled Douluo are gone.Then can she eliminate the intermediate link and directly refine the soul ring and soul bones?After all, after the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor obtained the seventh soul ring, the potential of his martial soul had been fully unleashed.

"We'll talk about everything after your senior brother and I come back. Erlong, you take them to have a good rest. I'll give you a week's leave. This is a bonus of 50 gold soul coins. You guys can share it equally and relax."

After coming back to her senses, Bibi Dong took out five simple black iron rings with silver patterns from her arms and threw them to Liu Erlong, then turned to look at Qingyuan.

"It's urgent. We have to head directly to Tiandou City. We'll talk about the matter on the way." Bibi Dong's voice contained an undisguised coldness.

This time the Wuhun Palace's transport team lost a total of 9 soul saints. As the current pope, how could she, Bibi Dong, be the one who suffered the loss? !
If she hadn't been worried about the unknown risks that might arise from Qingyuan's team and needed her to go to the rescue personally, she would have gone to the Third Enshrined Qingluan Douluo and set off.

"What's the matter, teacher?" Hu Liena and others, sensing something was wrong, focused their attention on Bibi Dong.

"He's just a young member of the Haotian Sect. Don't worry, it won't cause any trouble. You just have a peaceful vacation." Bibi Dong waved her hands nonchalantly, "However, Qian Renxue will probably have to quit exploring the world of the dead in the future, so be mentally prepared. "

"Axue, why?"

"She is the only granddaughter of the great worshiper Qiandaoliu. That old man can't bear the risk. Let her come and go as she pleases. If you don't adapt, I can discuss with your senior brother and let him fill the position."

Bibi Dong stretched out her hand to touch Hu Liena's short golden hair, her eyes full of doting. She truly regarded Hu Liena as her own, and in comparison, Xie Yue's relationship was inferior.


Tiandou City, Holy Light Courtyard,

The originally somewhat empty building was now close to saturation. Middle and high-level soul masters from the Wuhun Temple came in with large and small bags to fill up the original empty rooms.

The low-level soul masters have been temporarily dismissed to the entire Tiandou City by Platinum Bishop Salas. No matter how tyrannical the Haotian Sect's people are, they can't turn Tiandou City upside down for some low-level soul masters. The Tiandou royal family still has a shame. .

Even if the old royal priest of the Tiandou Imperial Family, who has the title of Douluo, is certain to die of old age, after all, the Tiandou Empire occupies half of the territory of the Douluo Continent, which is more or less a sign.

If Haotian Sect doesn't give face, the plan to unite other first-class forces to fight against Wuhun Palace will not be easy to implement. No force will want to overthrow Wuhun Palace and replace it with a more domineering force.

Salas was responsible for arranging the people from Wuhun Temple, while Guang led Vivian and the people from Holy Light Courtyard to set up a large magic circle.

It sounds troublesome, but in fact, the arrangement of the magic circle is not very difficult. First, take out a large number of rare metal ingots, quickly process them with light into 108 cylindrical alloys, and then engrave secret patterns on them.

Afterwards, Guang invited all the members of the Holy Light Courtyard to conduct a large-scale sacrifice in the auditorium, and cooperated with the Holy Power Pool to consecrate the alloy pillars with Holy Power.

During this period, Guang arranged for Salas to find a group of agile soul masters to accurately dig 108 pits in the jungle outside the Holy Light Courtyard, with 72 in the outer circle and 36 in the inner circle.

Then Guang personally buried the formation nodes 6 meters underground and left part of the holy power. When all 108 nodes were buried, the Morning Light Holy Soil formation could be officially activated.

Moreover, Guang also arranged for people to drop a drop of special liquid at the root of every tree in the jungle. The main components of the liquid were the original liquid diluted in the Saint Power Pool, and a drop of Vivian's blood.

After Vivian's special treatment, that drop of liquid can stimulate the potential of the tree, promote the evolutionary awakening of the ancient tree's essence, and evolve to the level of a soul beast in a short period of time.

Of course, the most important thing is that every ancient tree that receives a gift from Vivian will form a life mark and be completely controlled by Vivian with almost no loss.

In other words, the forest outside the Holy Light Courtyard can become the incarnation of Vivian in a short period of time.

This forest is the largest flora in Tiandou City, with a radius of more than twenty miles. Within this range, Vivian can expand the Holy Light Domain without any consumption.

Combined with the magic circle amplification, it is possible to mobilize the entire holy power pool in the Holy Light Courtyard to increase itself without any sluggishness. For other holy power pools in the entire Tiandou Empire, even the farthest ones can be mobilized by at least 10%. .

Compared with Vivian, who could only move 1-5% in the air, it was a huge difference. Before the support from Wuhun Palace arrived, they only had to stick to it and they could be called absolutely safe.

(End of this chapter)

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