Chapter 146 Occupation
"Vivian's apostle ability and the magic circle are a perfect match. It's a pity that the Morning Light Holy Soil Formation requires time to fully exert its power. The one just set up now is not enough to transform the holy soil. Otherwise, even if Tang Chen comes, he will lose two front teeth. .”

Just looking at the soft white light rising in the air and nodding lightly, he would not choose to believe that Tang Chen was an honest man who kept his promise. The current layout of the Holy Light Courtyard was laid out according to the standards of Tang Chen's raid.

The Morning Light Holy Earth Formation and the consecrated ancient woods here will become a solid shield for the Holy Light Courtyard even if this storm passes.

As the Holy Light Courtyard gradually grew larger, Guang originally planned to add special arrangements just in case, and this time it happened to be in place in Tiandou City in one step.

Moreover, once the holy soil begins to transform, the environment here will also undergo drastic changes. The speed of spiritual masters of the Holy Light series in the Holy Light Courtyard will at least double.

The price is that other soul masters have difficulty even recovering their basic soul power in the Holy Light Courtyard. More than 99% of the vitality of heaven and earth in the void is holy light. This is a terrifying force that can slowly assimilate and distort even the will of heaven and earth.

After the most important security issue was resolved, Guang found a quiet room to sit cross-legged and meditate, concentrating on controlling the Jinxing Demon King to deal with the space door.

As for the job transfer and training of the 20 quasi-soul masters, he gave it to Vivian with full authority, both to train her and to train her team. He only needed to accept it at the end.

Guang Guang also made it clear to Vivian about their future responsibilities. The Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire each have five major cities with spirit main halls.

He plans to assign ten people to these ten cities to serve as the deans of the first-level Holy Light Academy, and the remaining ten people will take over the affairs of the trial.

Previously, he had asked Dugu Bo to temporarily recruit high-quality soul masters who could be replaced one after another. Now that Wuhun Palace is secretly expanding, Bibi Dong's other departments are enough to accommodate them.

The current Holy Light Academy is just a bud, and it will take at least more than ten years before it can grow into a powerful force. In this regard, Light's plan is generally consistent with the program of Wuhun Palace.

It is true that the level of their soul masters has dropped a bit since they changed jobs, but with the bonus of the Holy Power Pool, it is not a problem to increase their strength by 20 levels. What's more, after changing jobs, their martial arts are no longer blank slates like the Initial Light.

. . .

"Well, if you are interested in matters related to the Holy Light Academy, please step forward. If you are interested in serving in the Tribunal, please stay where you are." Vivian saw the faces of the nuns who had similar auras in the auditorium, and their faces were full of intimacy, and their voices were very soft.

"Very good, you, you, you..." Vivian walked forward and pointed to the ten people who took the first step, "The ten of you will be inducted into the Holy Light Academy."

"There are three major categories of employment, and each major category has three sub-categories of occupations that can be changed."

As she spoke, Vivian carefully took out the scroll from the storage ring and spread it on the table for everyone to watch. She also explained it to make it easier for them to choose.

"The three broad categories are warriors who focus on physical practice, priests who focus on spiritual practice, and saints who focus on special practice directions."

"Warriors are divided into three types of job transfers according to the degree of emphasis on physical training: strong warrior, complete physical attack, advocating high resistance, strong recovery and huge strength. It is the transfer with the strongest survivability and the easiest achievement under normal circumstances. Job."

"However, because this profession is on the front line of the battle, its safety is relatively poor. If you don't practice well, you can easily be targeted by some strange and cunning means."

"The second type of scout is similar to the strong warrior, but its resistance and recovery are inferior. It has an additional direction of hiding and is better at speed than strength."

"The third type of knight, this is a career change that should be carefully considered. The advantage is that this career can be developed in all aspects, whether physical or spiritual, whether it is strength, speed, or even recovery resistance."

"But people's energy is limited, and the biggest problem is not being good at learning. Nine out of 10 people who choose this job transfer will be mediocre, and only one great talent can be produced among a thousand people."

"However, the knight direction is more adaptable, because all aspects can be learned, and those in the Inquisition can also consider this direction."

Vivian still prefers the warrior direction. Her apostle's core ability is based on life. The second awakening will focus more on the body rather than the spirit.

"Priests also have three job transfers: Judgment Priest, Tranquility Priest and Divine Priest. Judgment Priest's divine skills are better at destruction, while Silent Priest is good at assisting and healing."

"As for the last divine priest, it requires a threshold and is very dangerous." Vivian looked a little complicated, "You have to be pious enough and keep your heart, so you have to be aware enough to make big aspirations. Can be transferred."

"If you want to know more, you can find me in private. I won't go into details here. You just need to know that it is more difficult to achieve a priest than a knight."

"And the final direction of the saints is to practice three kinds of secret powers, which cannot be summarized simply by strength. They are divided into object-finding apprentices, prisoner-body apprentices and thousand-skill apprentices."

"Looking for objects, divination, and the final instructions touch on the elusive destiny."

"The essence of imprisoning the body, integrating the body, and finally unifying it is to use strength to practice. I am good at getting started in some directions that cannot be practiced orthodoxly."

"The Taoist who has thousands of arts and methods to the end, focuses on studying the principles of heaven and earth, and learns the introduction of ritual formations."

"The above nine professions are the directions you can choose at will. The following three are special profession transfers of the Tribunal, including assassins, spies and hunters."

"In addition, there are three professions that require special qualifications, namely the marksman, the necromancer and the necromancer."

"One more thing. Although you can freely choose from the fifteen professions, considering the diversity, the first five professions can have a maximum of three people, and the following professions can have a maximum of two people. First-come, first-served."

Vivian looked forward to it. If possible, she would naturally hope that the people present would choose different careers and achieve different excitement.Many professions here have been put into a lot of effort. Although Holy Light originally had 33 professions, due to practical factors, Light can only provide 15 professional options.

The nuns' hearts are equally devout, but their natures are different. As soon as Vivian asked them to choose, someone gave the answer.

"I choose strong warriors."

"I choose to worship in silence."

"I choose strong warriors."

"I choose to worship in silence."

"I choose scout."

. . .

The selection of strong warriors, quiet priests and scouts was quickly filled up. Vivian was a little surprised. Logically speaking, few girls were willing to choose the strong warrior profession.

However, this job transfer itself does not care about the innate conditions of girls. As long as more effort is spent to make up for it in the early stage, there will be no difference in strength compared with men in the middle and later stages.

She was quite surprised that no one was interested in the knight job. Logically speaking, although there were many mediocre people for this job transfer, there should be a lot of people who signed up.

After almost half of the people made their selections quickly, the remaining nuns became more cautious and asked Vivian in more detail.

"Sir, may I ask what the job of an object-seeking apprentice is mainly about? Is it strong in combat?"

"Oh, this is an advanced professional fortune teller. The final profession is the Ming Saint, which is equivalent to the realm of a titled Douluo. The core ability is to find things."

"Divination is a fortune teller on the street. The fortune teller can predict and change fate by telling fortune tellers. He has little fighting power, but he is best at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, so there is no need to worry about danger."

"Sounds good, I choose to be an apprentice of finding objects." A fair-faced black nun with long straight hair nodded gently, looking for objects?She still can't let go of the lost past. Maybe this job transfer can help her find the truth.

"Sir, where is the apprentice in prison?" A young-looking, tall, short-haired nun touched her head in confusion.

"This is the most troublesome. You need to go to the Wuhun Palace for major surgery to transform your body into an acquired prison body. It can absorb and imprison strange creatures that are stronger than yourself, and you can borrow the abilities of this creature."

"In the later stage, you can completely absorb it and experience various strange feelings that human soul masters cannot experience, but the danger is extremely high."

"Um, forget it. By the way, sir, what are the specific qualification requirements for marksmen, soul controllers and necromancers?"

"You are all unqualified as a necromancer, and the same goes for necromancers. If you are interested in being a marksman, you can give me your hand, and I will show you whether you have the heart of a shooter."

Vivian shook her head. The necromancer requires a very high affinity with living beings, which is the ability to socialize across races. The necromancer, on the other hand, requires a very high affinity for undead creatures.

Someone started the conversation, so the other nuns in the remaining professions naturally wouldn't ask, and Vivian didn't mind explaining it to them in depth.

"Assassins are good at explosions..."

"A spy has the core skills of thousands of people. Not only can he change his appearance and completely simulate his aura, but he can also have an affinity beyond ordinary people..."

"The core skill of a hunter, hunting, is similar to that of an object-finding apprentice, except that you are looking for people instead of things..."

Among the 20 nuns, the obvious differences can be seen between Zuo Jing and You Jing. Their focus is also what surprised Vivian the most. "Sir, are the priests the most devout believers?"

Vivian was silent for a long time, and the other nuns also gathered their attention. They didn't know much about this priest, but after hearing what Vivian meant, they subconsciously felt that they were not qualified, so they didn't ask any more questions.

"God priests do need unwavering awareness, but devotion to the Holy Light alone is absolutely not enough." Vivian considered the words and tried to explain as clearly as possible.

"You need to make a great wish and establish the god in your heart. This wish must be recognized from the bottom of your heart and does not violate the Holy Light. The most important thing is that this wish must not be fully realized."

"For example, the ambition of unifying the world is not feasible, but it is possible to prevent fighting from happening anywhere as far as the eye can see."

"You need to fulfill this wish in this life. The outline cannot be changed but the details can be deleted. And the God in your heart cannot be shaken, otherwise it will be a dead end."

"This job transfer is very powerful. It can contribute to the greatest extent for what you want to do."

(End of this chapter)

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