Chapter 147
Zuo Jing and You Jing looked at each other and nodded, affirming categorically, "We choose the divine priest!"

Vivian blinked, her voice filled with curiosity and respect, "Everyone who chooses a priest has something special in mind. What do you want to do?"

"We want to truly ban all slave trade in the world. No one should be born a slave!"

The voices of the two sisters were loud and firm. At this moment, the auditorium was silent, and everyone else focused their attention on the two sisters.

They were all born slaves, and their lives were originally written as walking corpses. However, they were transformed by a little girl named Hu Liena, and they even had the opportunity to hold power.

For this reason, Zuo Jing and You Jing want to change the source of evil, which is also their choice for the future.

"Add me."

"And I."

"I want to help too!"

After the slow silence, there were raised hands and firm voices. Yes, they jumped out of the fire pit because of the blessing of fate. Now they are committed to destroying the fire pit, saving more of their former selves, and becoming the new Hu Liena.

. . .


Guang, who looked at the list carefully, did not show any rejection when he listened to Vivian describing the nuns' vision. Instead, he nodded slightly.

"That's fine. This is what Nana and the others want to do. The slave trade is just like the evil soul master. It is impossible to solve it completely, just like it is impossible for a person to erase his own shadow."

"Speaking of great aspirations, Vivian, do you still remember the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who is no less than Buddha in the legend of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple?"

Vivian was stunned for a moment and said, "Is it the great wish that if hell is not empty, you will never become a Buddha, and all sentient beings will be saved, then you can realize Bodhi?"

"That's right." Guang said with a solemn expression, "This ambition will never be fulfilled, not because there are too many evil ghosts in hell to kill, but because as long as the human world exists, there will be an endless supply of evil ghosts."

"For one thing that is eternal, close to Tao, close to heaven and earth, rather than living things, that's why the power is incredible. This is the essence of a god priest, which is to transform oneself in the direction of the innate god."

Guang looked melancholy when he said this, as if he thought of something and gave up the idea of ​​continuing the discussion.

"The job transfer materials have been prepared. To be on the safe side, let's complete it in five days. I'll be in charge and you'll be the one to do it. Since they have this awareness, I won't hesitate to give them a chance."


Tiandou City, Tiandou Palace,

Emperor Xueye, who was sitting on the golden throne, rubbed his temples. He did not expect that the Haotian Sect's two teams failed in their operations, but he did not know the news that the four elders were involved in the capture.

Originally, he planned to act cautiously and stick to his ancestral property until the royal family recruited a new titled Douluo to enshrine him.

He didn't know much about soul master training at the beginning, but he was full of confidence in planning to use the power of a country to cultivate a titled Douluo.

However, the Soul Douluo under his command was not stupid, and he bluntly told Emperor Xueye that although the Tiandou Empire had abundant resources, Titled Douluo were not created by piles of resources.

There may be a hope of successfully cultivating ten or eight Contras, but there is no certainty at all in cultivating Titled Douluo. In comparison, the method of attracting talents through lottery is more reliable.

As a result, his imperial brother, Prince Snow Star, suggested that Wuhun Palace was the force with the most titled Douluo, and it had been researching new technologies in recent years. The materials transported by their transport team were of great use in cultivating talents.

Moreover, the Haotian Sect can also build a good relationship, right? Xueye hesitated for a while and chose to cooperate conservatively, only providing information and leaving the specific actions to the Haotian Sect. Afterwards, the Haotian Sect would share [-]% of the harvest with the Tiandou royal family.

Of course, the current situation is enough to prove that Xue Ye's caution is correct, but what gives him a headache is the issue of remuneration. Haotian Sect failed two teams, but there were still four teams that were successful.

But the Haotian Sect didn't even pay the advance payment, they just drew cakes. Even the Haotian Sect just sent an urgent letter, asking the Tiandou royal family to fully cooperate with the Haotian Sect's people in a raid on the Spirit Temple in the early hours of tonight. .

If they don't cooperate, Haotian Sect will not only refuse to pay them, but they will also expose the Tiandou royal family's involvement.

Looking at this face, Xue Ye also let out a long sigh. He had known for a long time that Wuhundian was not a good person, but he never imagined that Haotian Sect was also a piece of shit.

Xue Ye's next targets were naturally Prince Xue Xing, the minister of civil and military affairs, and his own spy chief - Contra Xiang Yingjiao, who was in charge of intelligence and royal protection.

Just now, Yingjiao has made it clear about the power situation of the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City. The Wuhun Temple is now an empty shell, and everyone has been moved to the Holy Light Courtyard and cannot enter or leave.

According to the spies' reply, the person in charge was not Platinum Bishop Salas, but two unfamiliar elders, the titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace.And an elder installed a strange arrangement in the jungle outside the Holy Light Courtyard. Now the entire jungle has pure white light particles flying all the time, which is particularly obvious when it is dark.

"Brother Imperial, I think we still need to give full support to Haotian Sect. We can't just evacuate the nobles near the Holy Light Courtyard and be done with it."

Xuexing subconsciously touched his ring. The Haotian Sect had given him a lot of benefits at the beginning, but now he didn't want to spit out the fat he had eaten.

Moreover, the relationship between Wuhun Palace and him was very deep. How could he miss the opportunity to retaliate and make him uncomfortable?

"Your Highness, your words are wrong. Now that Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect are powerful, we are trying to survive in the cracks. We really shouldn't be too public. The best choice is to keep a low profile and bide our time."

The civil servant said sincerely that in recent years, the Tiandou Empire had just fully replenished the losses suffered six years ago, and the best solution would be to accumulate national strength and train its own soul masters.

Emperor Xue Ye looked at his younger brother and civil servants below with expressionless expressions. He actually liked the minister's opinion more, but what was the meaning of trying to survive in the cracks?Their Tiandou is one of the only empires in the Douluo Continent, how can they be said to be so unworthy.

Moreover, he is still very interested in the gains from the Haotian Sect. If he really does nothing, this reward is probably a no-brainer.

"What do you think, Lieutenant?" Xue Ye turned to look at Wu Chen.

"I obey your Majesty in everything." Wu Chen nodded first and then reminded, "But Your Majesty, we have to look at the price of Haotian Sect before making a choice. We can no longer be left empty-handed."

"Well, what Ai Qing said makes sense. We still need to prepare the relevant matters for helping, but we have to negotiate the remuneration with the people from the Haotian Sect."

Xue Ye nodded, it should be like this, otherwise the Haotian Sect would just give him some rags afterwards and it would be regarded as a reward. Their Heavenly Dou would be at a big loss.

"Your Majesty, our Tiandou Empire's high-end combat power cannot be compromised. If we really want to help, we might as well start from the other side." Shadow Dragon and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs looked at each other. If they really wanted to send soul masters to help, they would most likely be the unlucky ones.

"Say." The lessons learned six years ago were still vivid in his mind, and Xue Ye himself didn't want to take risks.

"We can mobilize all the dead soldiers and spies in the Wuhun Palace to lead the way for the Haotian Sect's people, and on the other hand destroy the layout of the Wuhun Palace and create chaos within it to facilitate the Haotian Sect's operations."

"In this case, if there is an accident, we Tiandou will not be implicated, and the loss can be accepted. We just lose the spies of the Spirit Temple."

"That's it, Xuexing, you are responsible for receiving the people of Haotian Sect, and Yingjiao you are responsible for arranging the dead soldiers." Emperor Xueye directly set the tone.

His recent thoughts have been on recruiting and training soul masters. In the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition two years ago, he used his titles and money to recruit many young soul masters. After two years, he felt good. He planned to participate in the competition three years later. Big investment.


Ten people wrapped in black robes were moving around on the deserted roof. In front of them, there were two guides who were dressed in night clothes but were obviously not traveling together.

Tang Yuanchen didn't care about the somewhat perfunctory attitude of the Tiandou royal family. Haotian Sect was used to being domineering and did not need help from others. Otherwise, it would be safer to use the same excuse to find Ning Fengzhi of Qibao Glazed Sect.

Their five titled Douluo and five soul Douluo and Soul Saint with flying martial spirits can advance, attack, retreat or defend. As long as the target is correct, tonight's operation will be successful.

Someone accurately led the way, and they soon arrived at the outskirts of the Holy Light Courtyard. This place was quieter than other urban areas, with not a single person under the bright moonlight.

The surrounding nobles heard the news early and temporarily moved away from the place. The remaining commoners also moved out temporarily if they had the conditions, leaving only half the conditions to stay at home uneasily.

However, the Holy Light Courtyard is very dazzling in the dark night. It is shrouded in white light and looks like a dream. The mystery reveals danger.

In a secluded corner, Tang Yuanchen called to the two leading parties to take out a map and point out the location of the Holy Light Courtyard dungeon. The people of the Haotian Sect were just reckless, not stupid.

Their first goal is to save people, first to rescue the fourth child, and then to retaliate and destroy others.

Although the two leading parties had lower soul power levels, they were very clear-minded and articulate, and they could explain things clearly to the people of the Haotian Sect in a short time.

Because this land was originally a school and the dungeon of the Holy Light Courtyard was newly built, the captured Haotian Sect members must be in the dungeon, and the dungeon is located to the north of the center of the Holy Light Courtyard.

First, they will arrange for the dead soldiers to destroy the layout of the Holy Light Courtyard, which is the unknown number of metal pillars buried in the jungle. It will not be a problem for their manpower to plan out the five or six pillars on the back.

Then the remaining spies will concentrate their efforts and burn down the auditorium south of the central area to attract attention. When they see the fire outside, they will rush in from the north of the Holy Light Courtyard as quickly as possible.

With lightning speed, he defeated the dungeon guards and rescued the people. Whether Tang Yuanchen advanced or retreated was none of Tiandou's business.

After listening to the arrangements of Tiandou's leading party in detail, Tang Yuanchen nodded with satisfaction. The Tiandou Empire was still quite good, otherwise it would have been really troublesome for the Wuhun Palace's human sword to be on Lao Si's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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