Chapter 148
For most soul masters, meditation cannot completely replace sleep. Even diligent soul masters usually meditate in the first half of the night and sleep in the second half of the night.

The soul masters of the Holy Light Academy are no exception, but because of the soul masters in the Spirit Temple, there are many more soul masters on duty at night than usual.

In addition, the light flakes in the air provide their own lighting, making vigilance at night even easier.

But Wang Jin, who was behind the remote hut, didn't think so. Looking at the level of alert in the Holy Light Courtyard and the order just issued by the superiors, he seemed to hear his superiors transforming into Hydra and saying to him: "Go and arrest Master Tang Monk and his disciples." Get rid of it."

MMP, they only have twelve spies in total, and the highest soul power is not the Soul King. It is outrageous enough to dig metal stakes in the jungle, let alone burn down the auditorium.

The security every night is arranged by the above. Even if they use some means, there are only 6 people on duty tonight, and they are all patrolling outside. The people in the Holy Light Courtyard over the auditorium don't let others get close at all.

Wang Jin was full of bitterness. As an old man, he naturally understood that his superiors were using them as dead soldiers. If they really took action, most of them would be dead.

The other spies nearby were also very worried, especially one of them, Qingtou, who was the youngest, but his loyalty to the Tiandou Empire came from the bottom of his heart. If he hadn't been older, he might have been able to sneak into the Holy Light Academy.

Seeing that his subordinates were all timid. After all, everyone knew the danger of tonight's operation. Wang Jin cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, tonight's operation is related to the important arrangements of the motherland."

"Our mission is a state matter. His Majesty is paying attention to us. Wuhun Palace's ambitions are disturbing the peace. The well-being of the people is closely related to our actions tonight."

"First there is the empire, then there is the family. Everyone, the time has come to devote your lives to the empire!"

. . .

Seeing the spies with much calmer expressions leaving to prepare for tonight's operation, Wang Jin let out a long breath and held it in like a deflated rubber ball.

The rhetoric he just said was at most deceiving the young half, but it doesn't matter. He has arranged for them to burn down the auditorium. With the kerosene in the storage ring, this task is not difficult to carry out, but they just don't want to escape alive. .

As for him and a few other old fritters who had a bright mind, they naturally chose the only way to survive, patrolling the jungle and digging metal piles.

He had already decided that digging four would be enough, and he planned to dig all the outermost ones.

It was obvious that the superiors would not let them work in vain. They opened a road to the dungeon area in the north and attracted attention in the auditorium in the south. Someone would definitely raid from the north.

When the time comes, what the people are doing when they rush in has nothing to do with these spies who have finished their work. Taking the opportunity to cross the wall and escape is the right way.

As you get older and have seen more, you will naturally be less likely to be fooled. Loyalty to the emperor and patriotism can only be used to fool young and ignorant people.

Of course, they are not without patriotism. The Tiandou Empire has existed for thousands of years, and the people on this land have a heartfelt sense of identification with it.

It's just that what they did tonight will most likely not be the people of Tiandou, but the top nobles. Wang Jin and others knew this very well.

The most important thing is that they are not extinct. They have their own families when they reach age. It is naturally best to go back alive to see their wives and children.

It would be nice if those fat-headed bastards could only get a little less than half of the double pension left, but the rest was in the hands of his wife. Wang Jin couldn't expect her to be a widow for him, and would most likely remarry.

Living until retirement is the most common and simple wish of this group of old spies.


"Are you sure that pile was placed here?" Wang Jin looked at the big pit that was as high as two people below and turned his head to look at his men in silence.

"This is it. It is said that they were asked to dig a five-meter-deep pit. It must have not been dug yet." The spy who participated in the digging of the pit frowned at the changing jungle around him, and his originally determined tone gradually became hesitant. .

The appearance of all parts of this jungle is similar. In addition, these ancient trees are generally thicker and their leaves are white and shiny. He is not sure whether the place where he dug the hole during the day is here.

However, the six soul masters worked quickly. Three were shoveling down below, one was moving soil, one was on guard, and Wang Jin supervised the work. It took less than 10 minutes to build this four-meter-long pit.

"Boss, there's something wrong with the soil down there. It feels a little weird and seems to be harder to dig." The spy who brought up a basket of soil from below placed the basket in front of Wang Jin.

"It's really different." Looking at the slightly white soil in the basket, Wang Jin reached out and touched it. It was a little warmer than other soil.

"It seems the place is right, it's down there, hurry up and dig!" Wang Jin took out another basket and went down to move the soil to speed up the progress. He didn't know why, but he always felt inexplicably uneasy.

It should be time. This one pit will take more than ten minutes, and five or six pits will take more than an hour. It is too unsafe.

Forget it, he quickly dug three metal piles and ran away. Wang Jin shook his head. Only by working harder could he feel calmer.

"Boss, I found it!"

. . .Wang Yi is Wang Jin's nephew and has good eyesight. He is looking into the distance on the top of an ancient tree.

Originally, there was no need to be vigilant at night. The sooner the task was completed and the earlier the escape was, the safer it would be. As a result, the white light in the Holy Light Courtyard remained day and night, and ordinary people could see it dozens of meters away.

Generally, a soul master can see hundreds of meters, but with his good eyesight, he can see nearly a thousand meters from a tree.

To be honest, the treatment as a spy in the Holy Light Courtyard over the years was really good. Even his uncle Wang Jin often read the encyclopedia of soul master theories carefully and told him to study hard.

However, a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as one's own doghouse. Wang Yi's eyes are firm. He is from Tiandou, the Tiandou royal family is the orthodox one, and the Wuhun Palace is an outsider.

"That's right, no matter how good the Wuhun Palace's welfare is, it is still stolen from Tiandou, so there is no need to feel guilty."

"Traitor of the Holy Light." A cold female voice suddenly appeared in Wang Yi's ears. His whole body instantly became numb, and cold sweat the size of soybeans oozed from his forehead and back.

Wang Yi opened his mouth wide and wanted to shout loudly like a carp out of water, but he couldn't make any sound and couldn't move his body at all.

The jagged silver-white vines covered his whole body tightly, piercing his flesh and taking over his body.

The huge pain caused Wang Yi's face to turn a ferocious purple-red color, but he was still unable to move or speak, and his vitality was not even weakened in the slightest. The World Food Grass even "kindly" injected vitality into him to prevent him from dying or even comatose.

"The spies from the Wuhun Temple have been captured alive." Vivian looked down at the five people digging the hole with a calm voice. She was satisfied that there were no other people in the Holy Light Courtyard.

A golden figure appeared next to Vivian, "It seems that the Haotian Sect's action should be tonight."

"Don't we need people stationed in the dungeon? I feel like there are more than just these spies." Vivian waved her hand, and the food world grass sent Wang Jin, who was tied up as solid as a mummy, to Guang.

"This guy seems to be the leader."

"Let me take a look." Guang stretched out his broad hand that looked like a dragon's claw and pressed it on Wang Jin's face, his eyes flashing with light and shadow. "Well, there are still six suicide squads, and they actually plan to attack and burn down the auditorium."

"Burn the auditorium?! Bastard!" Vivian's face was filled with coldness, and the food world grass that bound the six people subconsciously contracted, emitting a crackling and bloody smell.

"Just kill them. I have already informed Salas to lead people to guard the dungeon area." Guang took off the sword claw on his other hand, pointed his fingers on Vivian's forehead and eyebrows, and passed the information to the other six people. Vivian.

She can now control the food world grass to cover the entire Holy Light Courtyard, and even people here can easily deal with other spies from a distance.

"The auditorium was lit on fire at one o'clock in the morning. It seems that they wanted to play a trick of attacking in the east and attacking in the west, opening a gap in the north so that the people of Haotian Sect can rescue people." Guang continued to read Wang Jin's memory and nodded lightly.

"Are these all Tiandou's spies? This Soul King is the leader. When the time comes, they will have to explain the situation at the wall to the people coming tonight before they can retreat."

Although Wang Jin didn't know that most of the people who came to raid tonight were from the Haotian Sect, Guang didn't doubt it. The Tiandou Empire didn't even have a titled Douluo, so he would be crazy to take such a big risk to save Haotian. Zong people.

These spies are probably all the help they can provide to the Haotian Sect.

"The other spies have been dealt with." Vivian, who had closed her eyes for a moment, opened her eyes, "What should we do, Master? Do we need to notify everyone to get up and prepare for the Haotian Sect's raid?"

"You really don't like to change your words, Vivian." Guang gently rubbed Vivian's short, milky white natural curly hair and released the sword claw covering Wang Jin's face.

"No, Master, I remember you were called Guang." Vivian frowned, tears glistening at the corners of her eyes, "But I forgot your name."

"It's okay." Guang held Vivian in his arms and patted her back gently, "I don't remember my name, but I still miss you calling me that."

"There's no need to worry about this. You can call her whatever you want." Guang looked down at Vivian's face and comforted her softly. He had a hunch that his name was not as simple as forgetting.

"More than this, Vivian, are you interested in working with me to give Haotian Sect a blow?" Guang's voice was cold, and Vivian's attention was also attracted.

She showed no mercy to Tiandou's spies, let alone the coming visitors from Haotian Sect.

"I listen to the young master."

"It's not my style to insist on being beaten." The light and shadow around the body moved. After a moment, a new Wang Jin appeared in front of Vivian, "Let's give them a surprise."

"The Haotian Sect thinks that with Tang Chen in our Spirit Hall, we will never start a war easily. But looking at it from another perspective, there are thousands of Taoists in our Spirit Hall. Would Tang Chen dare to start a war? Even if the Haotian Sect died in several title fights, Luo level elder."

(End of this chapter)

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