Chapter 149 The Fall
In the early morning, a fire blazed from the center of the Holy Light Courtyard. Tang Yuanchen and others, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed towards the north wall of the Holy Light Courtyard without any hesitation.

They had seen two figures in the jungle behind the wall 10 minutes ago sending out secret signals that only Tiandou spies knew, which showed that everything went well with the plan.

"How come it's just you two, and where are the others?" Tang Yuanchen and others seemed to be walking on flat ground facing the 3-meter-high wall. They frowned at the two people behind the wall. Did Tiandou send such a small number of people to respond?

"Sir, everyone else has gone to create chaos. The two of us are here to show the way." Wang Jin pulled his nephew Wang Yi behind him and walked forward quickly.

The two guides following Tang Yuanchen glanced at them and nodded. Wang Jin and Wang Yi had no problem, "Sir, they are our people."

"Then act quickly." Tang Yuanchen stepped forward and reached out, intending to grab Wang Jin in front of him to use as a human navigation. This would save time to the greatest extent and reach the dungeon area as quickly as possible to rescue the fourth child.

Logically speaking, Tang Yuanchen's movements could be said to be as fast as thunder. As the Soul King, Wang Jin would never be able to react, and even if he could react, he would not dare to resist.

But this Wang Jin is not that Wang Jin.

"Do it." Guang's voice sounded in Vivian's heart behind her.

The next moment, Guang rushed forward to meet Tang Yuanchen's approaching figure. The disguise of his soul power was instantly torn apart. He stepped heavily on the ground with his front foot, and the energy and soul power in his body were twisted together.

The real dragon's claws!

Golden sword scales emerged from under Guang's skin, and the five fingers turned into five sharp daggers in the strong wind.

The sword claws easily cut through the air, and then penetrated Tang Yuanchen's chest flesh, tearing the fascia, until it hit his ribs, it was slightly stagnant.

"No!" Tang Yuanchen, who was about to react, possessed his martial soul at the fastest speed while concentrating all his soul power on his chest. For a moment, his flesh and blood were comparable to jade, and his muscles and bones were as strong as gold and iron.

"Possessed by martial spirit." A black sledgehammer appeared in his hand, and the black armor condensed with soul power pinched Guang's sharp claws.

"The true meaning of holy light lies in assimilation. Do you know what the essence of the blazing sun is?" Guang's voice was calm. The center of the sun pattern on the back of his left hand was lit up, and the next moment his left hand emitted a dazzling flame.

"In burning."

As smooth as a hot blade cutting through tofu, Guang's sword claws easily broke through the ribs, grabbed the warmth full of life into the palm of his hand, and then pierced the muscles, bones, skin and flesh of his back.

Guang's arm passed through Tang Yuanchen's chest, and most of his forearm pierced out from his back. In the center of his palm, he held a blood-red heart.

The light on Tang Yuanchen's chest was the same as that of a normal soul master, but the forearm stretched out behind his back showed no signs of flesh and blood. It was a blazing energy state, with red, blue, and purple flashing in sequence among the pure white. colors, and finally only pure white remains.

Just by looking at the flames, you can feel the vision being faintly ignited, but strangely there is no heat wave spreading, as if all the pure temperature is concentrated in the forearm and sword claws.

The confrontation between Guang and Tang Yuanchen seemed complicated, but in fact it was just a matter of seconds.

"Brother!" The expressions of the elders around him changed drastically and they realized that they were possessed by martial spirits.

On the other side, Vivian's eyes turned pure white, and a crown representing the dominance of life emerged from her head. She was dressed in gorgeous clothes and holding a scepter.

"The Morning Light Holy Soil Formation is activated."

"The Holy Light Realm unfolds."

"The Imperial Power of Life·Frenzy and Prosperity!"

Thousands of world-eating grasses sprouted from the ground and twisted wildly towards the other 11 people present.

At the same time, looking down from the sky, snow-white formations lit up from the ground. The light flakes in the air were more than ten times thicker the next moment, and a huge white hemisphere enveloped the entire Holy Light Courtyard.

Dozens of ancient trees nearby also grew and grew crazily under the white holy light, even tearing the earth apart, and uprooting the trees as if they were lifting their feet.

The heart held by the sword claw of Guang's left hand ignited with golden fire, which also ignited Tang Yuanchen's body and level 93 soul power.

The golden fire carried the gentle breath of life, not violent but extremely fast. In a moment, Tang Yuanchen disappeared from this world forever, leaving not even a corner of his clothes left.

The golden flames supported by his body and lifelong cultivation all merged into the sun pattern on the back of Guang's hand. When the last ray of flames merged in, the golden color on it seemed to be purer, and the incandescence on his arms and sword claws gradually extinguished. , changing into a normal flesh and blood posture.

Wang Jin's disguise completely disappeared, and under the light of a pure white mask, he looked at the four figures rising into the sky with sledgehammers smashing blades of grass, and licked his lips, "The five titled Douluo take it seriously, but it's a pity that Tang Chen didn't come. Where did you get the chance?"

Behind him, Vivian threw away the seven grass-leaf cocoon bags wrapped in the captives. She raised her scepter high, and half of the dozens of tree people moved closer to each other and transformed.

"The Grass and Trees Horny Dragon."

The four wooden dragons roared loudly, flying into the sky with her and Guang, and confronted the four astonished elders of the Haotian Sect in the sky. "Which one do you choose, raise your hands to surrender or be destroyed in ashes?" Guang's voice was filled with unabashed arrogance and contempt.

The four guys in front of me can't reach level 93 at most. If they all stay here today, what will that guy Tang Chen choose?He is very curious.

The first elder Tang Yuanchen died, and the command power passed to the second elder Tang Yuanshan. "I didn't expect that the worshipers of Wuhun Palace would hide their faces and attack secretly. Our Haotian Sect admits defeat this time."

Even if it was a sneak attack, Tang Yuanchen, the level 93 great elder, was burned to the ground without leaving any ashes. Tang Yuanshan would not believe that the masked man in front of him was the new elder of Wuhun Palace. There was no doubt that it was an attack by someone above level 96. .

Their Haotian Sect was deceived and fell into a trap this time. Looking at the five flying soul saints and Contra Tang Yuanshan who were captured below, Tang Yuanshan was heartbroken to death. All the high-level flying soul masters of their Haotian Sect went in. From now on, I can only fly by myself when traveling.

"But your Highness Wuhun is so tricky, aren't you afraid of an all-out war?" Tang Yuanshan gritted his teeth, feeling the aura of the wooden dragon under the opponent's feet approaching the titled Douluo and the increasingly dense white light shavings around him, and he immediately gave up the idea of ​​fighting to the death.

"A full-scale war? Your Haotian Sect is weak now, why don't you look for trouble first without thinking about the consequences? Although our Wuhun Palace will not cause trouble, we will not be afraid of it. If the Haotian Sect wants to destroy the sect, it can just start a war."

Guang's eyes were cold. If the Haotian Sect really jumped out like this, it would be better to kill him first and bulldoze the gate of the Haotian Sect first. Tang Chen was the only one left and there was no way to kill him.

Qian Daoliu was only inferior to Tang Chen in terms of frontal combat power. In terms of speed, he could completely lock on that guy. When the time comes, let the three worshipers Qingluan Douluo bring Yue Guan, Gui Mei, Bibi Dong and the other four worshipers to surround and kill him. Chen also has only one word for death.

"Second brother, we have to avenge eldest brother!"

"Shut up. One of the opponents is above level 96, and the other is about the same. The four of us are still on the other side's home court. The 36 move plan is the best plan. We should go back and report to the sect leader first."

Tang Yuanshan suppressed the anger in his heart and flew directly towards the outside of the Holy Light Courtyard. He had already felt that something was wrong with the environment, but for a moment he actually felt that his body was crumbling.

"Then let's die here." Seeing that the other party noticed that he was stalling for time with his trash talk, Guang no longer concealed himself, and the golden secret sword flowed out of his body, and he rushed forward.

Vivian raised her scepter and pointed it into the void, invisible ripples spread, "The realm is forbidden."

The next moment, the four members of the Haotian Sect felt that their connection with the vitality of heaven and earth was completely cut off, and they fell straight from the sky without any support.

"Go." Following the pointing of Vivian's scepter, the four tallest tree men below ran out and waved thick wooden sticks more than ten meters long towards the four falling Haotian Sect members.

The direction of their waving was precisely from the periphery of the Holy Light Courtyard to the center, with the clear purpose of keeping these four people in the Holy Light Courtyard.

Due to its huge size and relative clumsiness, the other tree men did not surround him together. Instead, they ran to the wall of the Holy Light Courtyard and lined up in three lines to block the four people's path.

The seventh soul skill, Haotian True Body.

Haotian's Nine Jue, broken!

The four black Clear Sky Hammers were quickly enlarged and swung out, colliding with the trees' sticks. The black soul power shot out like thunder that destroyed everything.

The huge wooden stick was no better than a crispy biscuit in front of Wuhun, the world's number one offensive weapon. The powerful Clear Sky Hammer smashed through the wooden stick and directly bombarded the tree man's chest.

These four trees, whose destructive power was close to the strength of ordinary soul saints and martial souls, were instantly torn into pieces.

"Come on!"

The second elder looked anxious. He had already sensed that something was wrong. He could not get any supplement from the power of heaven and earth. Not only had his strength been weakened, but his soul skill consumption had also increased significantly. The most important thing was that he could not get the slightest supplement from the vitality of heaven and earth.

"Where are you going?" A pair of light fists flashed behind the second elder and put on golden ferocious gloves. They were exaggerated in size and full of sharp corners.

The waist drives the whole body to exert force, and the fierce punch is aimed at the second elder's back, like a terrifying caliber artillery fired face to face, the invisible air forms a white air barrier on the surface of the fist.

The second elder, who hastily turned around to defend himself, blocked the Clear Sky Hammer in front of him and flew several hundred meters away. He who was possessed by a martial spirit would not be as unlucky as the first elder.

Guang, who failed to hit the target, did not hesitate at all. He retracted his legs and kicked back. The silver-white world-eating grass was just right behind him as a pedal.

"Come again, old man."

The light in mid-air had a bright gaze, and he punched with all his strength in one go. The golden fist carried tremendous power, and a white light shone in the center of the sun pattern on the back of his hand.

White flames emerged from Guang's left arm and spread to his whole body. From a distance, he looked like a meteor with a white tail flame.

Fire meteor!

It's better to break one finger than to injure ten. Let's kill this level 93 white-browed Laoden first.

(End of this chapter)

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