Chapter 150 Phantom God
Feeling the terrifying increase caused by the burning white flames all over his body, Guang felt that his immature body of the blazing sun had reached the level of ten yangs at this moment.

This is also thanks to the enthusiastic sponsorship of the Great Elder of the Haotian Sect. This high-quality fuel is quite amazing. It not only accelerates the maturity of his body of the blazing sun, but also in this process of burning and digestion, his strength will usher in a great development. Amplitude increase.

Unrivaled strength surged freely in his body, which made him choose to challenge the most capable old man in front of him in a one-on-one fight without hesitation.

"Bastard." Tang Yuanshan's eyes were on fire. There was a reason why the five elders came to save people together. The five titled Douluo with the Clear Sky Hammer spirit could just use the fusion technique to shake the world.

In terms of power alone, it can even collide head-on with the sect leader Tang Chen. In Tiandou City, it can be said to be wanton and rampant. Who knew that the people of Wuhun Palace did not respect martial ethics and actually attacked their old comrades who had been in seclusion at the mountain gate all year round.

With one person missing, they can only fight on their own, and their deterrence has dropped by a notch.

The sixth soul skill is the Earth Fire Hammer.

The blazing fire exploded, and the huge reaction force pushed the sledgehammer in Tang Yuanshan's hand to blast out.

He was caught off guard just now, and with the powerful blow that inspired his soul skills now, even if he was facing a priest from the Spirit Hall, he couldn't even hope to take advantage of the Clear Sky Hammer in a head-to-head confrontation.

The air parted in advance like a sea wave, and the flames on Guang's body fluctuated as they danced, but the indomitable momentum in his eyes did not weaken at all, but instead became deeper and deeper like a volcano about to erupt.

The hammer and fist collided at the next moment, boom!
The black-red and golden auras are tit-for-tat, dividing the heaven and the earth. Amidst the sharp whistling sound, the earth cracks, and the billowing air currents bring up the flying dust.

Click, click, click, listening to the subtle sound of the left fist, Guang was not surprised. The secret sword itself was not so strong, but the connection between them was indeed not as seamless as one.

However, you only have a hammer and I have two fists. The white flames condensed into balls and pressed against Guang's heels. The new power was transmitted from the feet to the lumbar spine and to the shoulders, like a long bow that was tightened and loosened.

His right fist, which was comparable to a siege pestle, hit Tang Yuanshan, whose face turned pale. Didn't the opponent bear the force of the shock?There is still energy left!

The eyes lit by light are particularly bright. Under his skin are not flesh and bones, but burning flames!

"Second brother!" The remaining three people saw the second elder who was in a state of decline and became anxious. Looking at the wooden dragon entangled with them, the three of them looked at each other and exploded together.

The sixth soul skill is the skull-crushing bone-breaking hammer.

The eighth soul skill is the serial crushing hammer.

The sixth soul skill is the Blood Tiger Roaring Sky Hammer.

Vivian looked at the three of them with calm eyes. Four grassy horned dragons rolled their bodies, white light patterns appeared on their bodies, and the holy light in the air gathered at their tails.

The dragon wags its tail!
The wooden dragon that had barely reached the title level did not shatter into pieces like the tree man, but it was also broken into several sections. However, Vivian's purpose of delaying time was achieved.

She held the staff in both hands, casting a silver shadow like a shawl of starlight, and all the remaining trees, together with the surrounding holy light, threw themselves into it and merged into one.

"The phantom god of life: the sacred Bodhisattva with one hundred hands."

The hundred-meter-tall body is taller than the real body of Wuhun. The wooden body is extremely smooth and has reflective enamel. The holy face is extremely handsome, regardless of gender, and there is a compassionate smile at the corner of the mouth.

The one hundred and eight arms are covered with white secret lines. The texture is not wood, but similar to the world-eating grass, but the power fluctuations on it are far beyond that, making people's scalp numb.

At the same time as the Bodhisattva appeared, a colorless halo spread from his body, enclosing a radius of a thousand meters. There was no color at all, but subtle distortions could be seen at the boundaries.

Vivian also appeared on top of the Bodhisattva at the next moment. Her face was unusually pale. This move was quite a burden for her even if she used the force, but the effect was extremely obvious.

"Join forces!" The fifth elder shouted as he looked at the other two. The three of them were only level 91. Looking at this guy who was blocking the sky and the sun, it was like facing Tang Chen directly.

"Fifth Brother, that move is not enough to shake the world." The Seventh Elder tightened his grip on the Haotian Hammer, and for the first time, he had a shadow on the titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall. The world's number one offensive weapon, the Spirit, seemed a little inadequate. look.

"Then just use the hammers of the three of them to crack the earth, otherwise there will be no chance." The Sixth Elder gritted his teeth. Their ninth soul skill was still black, and there was no essential improvement in power.

"Together." The fifth elder shouted with his eyes widened and his face red. They are the elders of the Haotian Sect. If they all fall into the trap of this Haotian Sect, they will lose face.

"The seventh soul skill, martial soul true body*3."

The three enlarged versions of the Clear Sky Hammer met at one point, their size rapidly enlarged, and the auras of the three titled Douluo all converged into one, and a huge Clear Sky Hammer that far exceeded the previous one appeared in the void.

"Is that okay, old man? The elders of the Haotian Sect are not at this level, are they?" The flames flying around Guang's body became more and more powerful, the aura on his body became more and more prosperous, and the fists in his hands became heavier and heavier like a tsunami.

Tang Yuanshan's throat was full of sweet smell, and his internal organs ached faintly. After connecting more than ten punches, his position was already thousands of meters away from the beginning.What he couldn't accept the most was that Guang's body seemed to be completely ignoring the reaction force and was not burdened at all. Each punch was heavier than the last, and even the damage to both fists was quickly restored by the burning of the white flames.

"Huh?" Looking at the Clear Sky Hammer with a handle nearly a hundred meters long in the distance, the bald man slowed down his movements and frowned slightly. Is it linked to the same source?Fortunately, he learned from the memory of the fourth elder that the move that shook the world required five people to display its true power.

"Vivian, use that move." Guang pressed one hand to the ground while transmitting a message to Vivian. A triangular secret pattern appeared between the eyebrows, and in it, a white pool of water was looming.

"Shenluo Baishou." Vivian lightly opened her red lips, the pearl on the top of the scepter in her hand shone brightly, and the surrounding air continued to twist.

At the same time, the Bodhisattva's hundred hands quickly stretched out, targeting the Clear Sky Hammer and the three elders in the void.

"It's useless." The fifth elder who led the hammer to crack the earth showed joy on his face. The fusion skill was completed, but the other party was still half a step too slow, "Go to hell!"

The black Haotian Hammer fell with a crash, making a piercing sound of explosions, aiming directly at the head of the White-Handed Bodhisattva, where Vivian's head was.

Boom boom boom!
Big hands blocked the path of the Clear Sky Hammer. The five elders and the three of them exerted all their soul power. Blood-red magic patterns appeared on the hammer head of the Clear Sky Hammer. Black-red illusory brilliance appeared, and the aura of destruction was strong.

The silver-white hands of the Bodhisattva shattered one after another when they touched the demonic light of destruction. Even if it was quickly regenerated and hit the top, it could only slow down the falling speed of the Clear Sky Hammer. Judging from the trend, it was still unable to withstand it.

The spirit of the Clear Sky Hammer, the world's number one offensive weapon, is not a boast, but a truth that has been proven for thousands of years. Even three level 91 titled Douluo, they can exert a terrifying destructive power close to that of a level 97 titled Douluo. .

"Haha, the Haotian Hammer is the best in the world, and the Haotian Sect is invincible. Turn it into scum for me." The three elders looked happy, and they didn't show any pity for the jade.

Avenge your eldest brother and clear your sect’s name!They shouted wildly in their hearts, but they didn't notice that Vivian's face didn't change at all, and she even closed her eyes.

Senluo Baishou refers to both visible hands and invisible hands.

The distortion that surrounded the thousand-mile radius became more and more serious, and the light on the Hundred-Handed Sacred Bodhisattva became dimmer. Vivian raised her right hand that was not holding the staff, and slowly held it empty with the palm facing up.

"Mysterious truth, the Kingdom of Buddha is in the palm of your hand!"

108 twisted hands that cannot be observed continuously stretch out from the halo of the border, and then follow a certain shape to converge and form, like five fingers connecting heaven and earth.

Distortion also appeared in Vivian's empty-held right hand. The colors and images in it were precisely the demarcated land with a radius of one kilometer.

"I will save the day!"

With a clear sound, Vivian floated in the air. Around her, the sacred Bodhisattva, the nearly [-]-meter-long Clear Sky Hammer, the three Clear Sky Sect elders, and everything else for a thousand meters disappeared, leaving only A fleeting sliver of silver light in the sky.

And the scenery with a radius of one kilometer flashed away in the triangular secret pattern on Guang's forehead at the next moment, and fell into the white pool of water.

But compared to the pool of water, this thousand-meter-long scene is as big as a black sesame seed.

Guang did not continue to suppress the second elder Tang Yuanshan, and finally gave him some chance to breathe, not to recover his soul power, but to recover from the fatigue and strain of his physical body.

He was going to cooperate with Lao Wu, Lao Liu, Lao Qi and the others. He would first stop the guy in front of him and let Lao Wu and the others kill the short-haired female title in a reasonable manner. Then the four of them would surround and kill the enshrinement in the Wuhun Hall in front of them, and finally rescue Lao Si and the others.

The scene at the next moment made him stunned. He was dueling with the strongest priest on the opposite side, and all three of his teammates were killed in a three-on-one fight. What the hell.

"How could this be?"

Tang Yuanshan, whose eyes were full of disbelief, could not accept the fact before him. The five of them were elders of the Haotian Sect, titled Douluo, and the world's most powerful offensive weapon spirits. How could they be wiped out without causing any trouble?

He was the only one left who had no chance of running away. Tang Yuanshan's mouth was full of bitterness and his mood was extremely complicated.

Their Haotian Sect did not underestimate the enemy. They sent a total of five titled Douluo, but why did the fight end like this?
Thinking of the captured fourth son again, Tang Yuanshan felt dizzy. Two-thirds of the Haotian Sect's nine titled Douluo had been lost in the blink of an eye.

Even if the sect leader Tang Chen had the power to reach heaven, he would still be unable to survive alone!
"No, how could your Wuhun Palace have such a coincidence?" Tang Yuanshan, who was thinking about what happened before and after, seemed to have thought of something and said angrily, "Some bastard is playing Infernal Affairs!"

"It's the Tiandou royal family! What happened tonight is that your Wuhun Palace conspired with them to invite you to the urn!" Tang Yuanshan's eyes were spitting fire. It was the other party who pretended to be a spy and killed his eldest brother in a sneak attack that led to this series of consequences.

Otherwise, they would never have fallen to this level with their head-on assault and their invincible attack that shook the world.

(End of this chapter)

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