Chapter 151 The Way to Die
On the weekend, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang said that they wanted to go out to relax. Yu Xiaogang hesitated but did not stop him. Of course, he hoped that Tang San would cultivate his mind hard every day.

But on the one hand, Tang San had just recovered from his injury and he had to pay attention to regulating his mood during the recovery period. On the other hand, he felt that Tang San had mastered the knowledge of spirit masters too quickly.

Originally, it was a good thing for his disciples to be smart, but with this trend, Yu Xiaogang found that the ink in his stomach was leaking much faster than planned. If Tang San really finished his studies in a few years, it was very likely that the disciples would starve to death.

So he deliberately slowed down the teaching of theoretical courses, but he couldn't meditate every day without taking classes. Yu Xiaogang had no choice but to give Tang San a lot of free time because he couldn't make good arrangements.

A 6-year-old child would only receive basic physical training at most, and he would also teach a little soul master theory. Apart from meditation and practice, Yu Xiaogang could not find any new activities.

Tang San had a free day and walked around the entire Notting City. First, he found a stall selling metal raw materials in the market.

There are a few pieces of ore inside that meet the requirements of high-quality ore, but the boss also knows the goods, and the price is dozens of gold soul coins.

Tang San didn't have any money in his pocket. He only had one gold soul coin from the Wuhun branch, which was far from enough. He needed to make money, and the gap was not small. According to the requirements of the omniscient book, he had to earn at least 100 gold soul coins.

Under normal circumstances, a six-year-old child could earn 100 gold soul coins a month, even if Tang San was a soul master, it was unrealistic, unless he sold himself as a slave.

But it doesn't matter, people will not be rich without evil, and horses will not be fat without night grass.

Bingqing Yujie Tang Sanshao also set his sights on the second mission: to kill a soul master or soul beast of the same level. From Tang San's point of view, this was completely a mission.

Kill three soul masters of the same level, steal his wallet, and then use the money to complete other tasks, killing three birds with one stone.

Of course, he, Tang San, was a good man and would never kill innocent people indiscriminately, so he planned to find a target with a way to kill him.

It's better to have a lot of money in your pocket and not look like a good person. When Tang San walked around Notting City, he found that all the nobles, big and small, looked like they were going to die.

Because the laws that represent the moral bottom line of the Tiandou Empire are three standards, one standard for nobles and mid-to-high-level soul masters, one standard for ordinary soul masters, and one standard for civilians.

These guys won't do all the bad things, because the living areas of nobles and commoners are clearly divided, but if you want to find fault with them, it's too easy.

The most important thing is that most of the nobles are very wealthy. As soon as Tang San saw the full money bags behind their waists, he felt that these nobles were full of sin. So many gold soul coins must have been obtained by plundering the wealth of the common people.

However, these nobles had the biggest problem. The Law of Heaven Dou valued nobles much more than civilians. The conflict between Tang San and Wang Sheng was essentially judged according to the standards of ordinary soul masters.

If judged by civilian standards, even the Notting City area would be enough to post a wanted notice.

If the nobles in Notting City really died, not to mention the soldiers from the city lord's palace being dispatched in full force, Notting City would definitely enter a state of martial law, which would have a huge impact on Tang San's future missions.

His teacher Yu Xiaogang was just a Soul Lord, so Tang San was confident of avoiding him, but there was a Soul Lord of the Soul Sect in Notting City, and it was unknown whether they had any unknown means to catch Tang San.

So unless it was absolutely necessary, Tang San didn't want to kill nobles to make him angry, so he set his sights on the second type of people, businessmen.

A businessman must be rich, and a rich businessman's hands will definitely not be completely clean. A businessman with a soul master status is richer, and more importantly, he is also a soul master. The merchant's alertness and combat effectiveness must be lower than that of a mercenary adventurer. By.

Once you’ve chosen your goal, it’s time and place.

Tang San's strength in frontal combat was currently far lower than his strength in sneak attacks using concealed weapons, and night was the best cover.

And where will the merchant appear at night?

After careful consideration, Tang San looked strange. Isn't the place with lights on in the middle of the night the red light street that teacher Yu Xiaogang likes to visit?

Teacher Yu Xiaogang also has a way to die?
No, no, no, Tang San shook his head repeatedly. Once he was a teacher, he was always a father. If he had this thought, it would be considered unfilial. How could he, a student, control what the teacher did?

Forget it, rabbits don’t eat grass from their nests. Tang San quickly crossed out the red light street next to the school. Notting City has more than one red light street. Other places can avoid accidentally injuring the teacher and eliminate the suspicion on him. .

. . .

The night was dark, with only the light of the stars, moon and red lanterns barely illuminating the road.

Tang San looked down from the top of a shady alley, watching his chosen target walk into the alley. By coincidence, he unbuttoned his trouser pockets and poured water on the wall, squirting the stinky wine in his mouth. belch.

The arm wearing the sleeve arrow stretched out, and a silent black shadow passed by, accurately hitting the back of his neck, piercing the flesh and blood and cutting off the nerves.

Looking at the stinking body on the ground, Tang San frowned as he used Ghost Shadow to follow. He first retrieved the sleeve arrows on the back of his neck, then took out his wallet and dragged the body to a nearby gutter.

First, he carefully pulled out the dagger and used the soul power to change the wound on the back of his neck into a stab wound, then stabbed him twice on the waist and threw it into the gutter.Tang San wouldn't be so cautious if only one person died, but this system was a monthly task, which meant that what Tang San did was not accidental, but most likely regular.

Handling it cleanly can prevent others from catching it, and even Tang San plans to only take the coins and not the stolen goods, unless it is the kind of storage ring used by the teacher Yu Xiaogang.

However, touching the gorgeous money bag in his hand, the contented Tang San did not reject this kind of daily life in the future. He even opened the money bag in the moonlight and carefully took stock of his first harvest.

7 gold soul coins, 15 silver soul coins, and 8 bronze soul coins. Tang San frowned slightly as he counted the money. The money seemed to be much less than he expected.

Seeing that the task of killing the soul master of the same level marked in the book of omniscience and omnipotence has been completed, Tang San was even more excited. Why is this guy not so rich even though he is a soul master?

In fact, it's not that the person in front of me is poor. Who would bring all his wealth with him when he went to whore? Even if he didn't expect someone like Tang San to kill people and steal goods, he still had to consider the relationship between pickpockets and the weight of coins.

The most important thing is that this guy's wallet was probably bulging before leaving, but it would be nice to have less than half of it left after paying for the prostitute after coming out of the red light street.

"That's all, it's just a matter of coming a few more times." Tang San shook his head. Using the silent sleeve arrows to sneak attack him was very risky and cost-effective. Even if he encountered a serious challenge, he could just use the Ghost Shadow to escape in the dark. yes.

Now that you have completed the killing mission and earned 100 gold soul coins and fine ores, you can reach the guaranteed level.

After that, the monthly tasks can be skipped. Tang San shook his head and the remaining three tasks were troublesome and had low rewards.

The probability of confessing to Xiao Wu and succeeding is about the same as pie in the sky. It would be very troublesome to recruit ten younger brothers and have to conflict with Xiao Wu and the others.

He didn't even have the materials for the three high-quality hidden weapons. Even if he had high-quality ore, he would still need to establish a good relationship with the blacksmith in the blacksmith shop and carefully build them while no one was paying attention.

As for those optional tasks, to be honest Tang San was very excited.

Although the first three tasks were immediately crossed out by Tang San, the fifth moral task was very simple, anonymously giving 100 copper soul coins to 10 beggars.

There are many beggars in Notting City, and the total cost is only 1000 copper soul coins, which is only 1 gold soul coin. The 100 points gained are equivalent to completing the three-month regular task, but the difficulty is completely different.

As for the fourth immoral story about putting laxatives in the water that the teacher Yu Xiaogang drank for three days, Tang San was very hesitant because he didn't know the value of points very well at the moment, so he couldn't bear to suffer the teacher yet. Determined.

Calculated in this way, there are only 200 points, and the things that can be exchanged are very limited, such as 10-year-old soul bone fragments for 200 points, martial soul improvement potions for 100 points, and soul power enhancement potions for 100 points.

. . .

"Is this the soul power-enhancing potion?" Tang San thought thoughtfully as he looked at the small glass bottle that appeared out of thin air in his hand. His Purple Demon Eyes were operating to the extreme and he couldn't see where the bottle came from.

"That's all, let's have a drink first." Tang San looked at the teacher Yu Xiaogang meditating in the distance with his eyes closed and shook his head. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't go back to the work-study dormitory, he really didn't want to live with Yu Xiaogang. Many Things are very inconvenient.

Forget it, other places still cost money. He was a poor student and couldn't spend the stolen money at all. Tang San gave up the idea.

Confirming that Yu Xiaogang was still concentrating on meditation, Tang San stabilized his mind, unscrewed the cork of the bottle and drank the light blue liquid in one gulp. The liquid was very refreshing and had a hint of sweetness.

Tang San could clearly feel the liquid flowing from his throat to his stomach, then changing from cool to warm and dissipating from his stomach, with traces of warm current flowing into his meridians.

Opening his eyes, Tang San couldn't help the joy on his face. He could feel the soul power in his body rising significantly. The level 13 soul power he had raised with the soul ring was not only completely stabilized, but even vaguely touched. It means meeting level 14.

Unfortunately, it was too little. Tang San shook his head with regret on his face. The medicine was very effective but the liquid was too little. If he had three more pills, not two, he was confident that he could break through level 14 this month.

The price of 100 points can be said to be very cost-effective, but it is a pity that the purchase of this thing is limited to 1 piece.

Really, more real than gold. After Tang San reacted, he immediately changed his mentality, and the first thing he set his sights on was the discounted item.

He has specifically asked his teacher Yu Xiaogang that the 10-year-old soul ring and soul bone are the top of the list of soul masters' dreams. They are the most desired thing among soul masters in the world, and the price is immeasurable.

If he could exchange for 1 piece of shard every month, 8 years and 4 months would really not be a loss.

But the fragments cost 200 points, and he also wanted the 100-point primary spirit improvement potion, the 500 points for apprehending Wang Sheng, and the 500 points for the dice.

Tang San looked at his 0-point balance and looked ugly. He was really short of points!

(End of this chapter)

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