Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 155 Tang 3 is incomplete?

Chapter 155 Tang San is incomplete?

In the end, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, who were spiraling in the sky, separated and landed in a rarely visited place in the back mountain. Both of them had completely fainted.

Tang San was knocked unconscious by the "deeply in love" Xiao Wu with an unreserved rabbit kick, while Yu Xiaogang completely lost consciousness due to exhaustion due to excessive spraying and the severe pain of the explosion behind him.

Yu Xiaogang fell into the tree, and Tang San fell into the grass. Fortunately, the two of them, who had been flying at low altitude, suffered no subsequent damage.

Although Yu Xiaogang did pollute the environment, at least he had an accident outside the cafeteria. The task of washing the floors was not difficult. The losses of Notting College were far less severe than six years ago.

Except for some unlucky ones who rushed to the bathhouse with burning eyes to take a bath, and vowed to make the unidentified humanoid creatures flying in the sky look good.

Therefore, the dean of Notting College was more surprised than heartbroken after receiving the news. The good news is that the assets of Notting College have not suffered huge losses, and he will not be held accountable by the above.

The bad news is that there are twenty or thirty unlucky people who hate Yu Xiaogang. Most of them are students, but there are also a few teachers.

As for why Yu Xiaogang's identity was exposed?The main reason was that Xiao Wu, who was in the infirmary, mobilized all the younger brothers to report him.

Not only was she left behind, but her back was also covered with scratches. She was the unluckiest of the unlucky ones. This new and old hatred made her hate master and apprentice Yu Xiaogang deeply.

Regarding the boiling public dissatisfaction below, the dean still planned to deal with it gently as a peacemaker. The source of this matter was Yu Xiaogang, and he could not fire him. The most he could do was arrange a salary penalty.

A year's penalty of subsidies and salary is already the maximum. If the following response is not enough, the dean plans to leave the business trip to Yu Xiaogang and ask him to stay outside for a while, and then come back when the storm subsides.

Yu Xiaogang, who fell into the tree, was soon discovered. He woke up after being cleaned with a water pipe and went to the infirmary. The diagnosis was an anal fissure and severe diarrhea, which required emergency water treatment.

Fortunately, the effect of the laxative seemed to have ended, and Yu Xiaogang did not blow up the ward.

Tang San also woke up in a daze. His first feeling was that his lower body hurt. After careful inspection, he found that the two eggs were completely broken.

"Am I incomplete?!" Tang San's face was ashen, and the memories of the past flooded into his heart. Xiao Wu's rabbit kicking the eagle was so cruel that he completed the palace punishment for him in one fell swoop.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The omniscient and omnipotent book in Tang San's mind opened the pages, with undetectable pleasure.

[The story of the detected betrayal has been completed, with interesting adaptations on the basic framework, and a legend has been left in the Notting City area. The point reward has been increased to 500%, and 500 points have been obtained]

"Huh?" Looking at the contents of the crappy book, Tang San was anxious and hateful. If it weren't for this crappy mission, how could he have caused so many mistakes? Even 500 points couldn't restore him to wholeness!

Unfortunately, Tang San was destined to be helpless and furious about this untouchable book in his mind, but this book did attract his attention. If he wanted to regain his integrity, he would probably have to put his hope on it.

And the most important thing is that this book explains the mission completion and why the reward is increased five times. It is not a consolation compensation for Tang San, but a reward in other aspects.

Adapting the original story missions and leaving legends in certain areas can seemingly increase the reward range.

Tang San smacked his lips when he understood. His original understanding of the optional tasks was obviously wrong. Quality seemed to be more important than quantity. As for why there were no extra rewards for moral stories.

After thinking about it carefully, Tang San realized that the bag he threw with a hidden weapon was so fast that the beggar couldn't see the change clearly, so there was no story at all.

On the contrary, if Tang San gave the money to the beggar, and then gave himself two big mouths in public, the reward would probably be more than 100 points, so it seems that optional tasks are the way to go.

After reacting, Tang San felt excited. If points were no longer a shortcoming, he would definitely be able to get back everything he lost in the future, and even ask for more!
Therefore, after much consideration, Tang San finally chose to keep his own injury a secret. If this matter got out, he wouldn't be able to get any decent compensation from the work-study student Xiao Wu, and it couldn't be cured either.

More importantly, there was a huge risk to his reputation. Tang San didn't want to be ridiculed by others one day while wearing the title of a third eunuch.

Even though he had gained 100 points, Tang San still picked a time to complete the weird story. Since he really didn't dare to do anything about streaking, he still gained [-] points.

After exchanging the 10-year-old soul bone fragments, Tang San turned his attention to the Book of Omniscience and Omnipotence. He had a balance of 500 points. Wang Sheng was not in a hurry, he wanted to treat his injuries first.

"Spend five hundred points to exchange for the Gambler's Dice." Tang San looked at the page expectantly. There was a positive effect that could be customized on it.

[The gambler's dice has been exchanged. Five sides have positive effects, and one side has negative effects that are equivalent to the other five sides. Would you like to customize one side? 】

"Customized, I ask that my body be kept intact."

[It is detected that the request exceeds the upper limit, please customize the content again]

"Asshole." Tang San gritted his teeth and continued, "The luck in his heart was completely gone." "Customized, my lower body will be intact as before."

[Detected that the request exceeds the upper limit, please re-customize the content] "Then it's okay to keep my limbs intact!" Tang San cursed angrily, if that didn't work, why would he exchange the Gambler's Dice?
[Yes, because the customization content is close to the upper limit, the other four sides become whiteboards, the negative effects become aggravation of hand sequelae, and a negative entry is obtained: twitching hands.

Twitching hands: Every ten times a hidden weapon is used, the hand will twitch.

Do you want to throw? 】

"Throw." Tang San saw the negative impact and breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't really care about this issue, because even if he was unlucky, he could still win back with the Gambler's Dice in the future.

As soon as Tang San finished speaking, a six-sided dice that only he could see spun rapidly in front of him, and finally slowly dropped to 1 point.

[The gambler's die is one, which triggers negative effects, worsens the sequelae of his hands, and obtains a negative entry: twitching hands. 】

"Asshole, you are cheating with the dice, you already have a way to die in this book!" Tang San's face turned the color of pig liver, and the 500 points he had paid so much to gain were actually cast in the worst possible way!

Logically speaking, your first luck shouldn't be good, right?Only in this way can he be attracted to buy dice continuously.

Originally, Tang San's calculations were ringing in his mind. As long as he pulled out a miracle for the first time, he would never touch this thing again. After all, Tang San also knew about scams, so he would give him some sweetness first and then add some leeks.

In the end, I don't know whether this crappy book was really stupid or predicted his prediction, but actually gave him a clue to quit gambling.


Star Luo Empire, Star Luo City.

The unabashed arrival of the two elders of Wuhun Palace attracted the attention of everyone in Star Luo City, big and small. Everyone knew the cause of the matter. The main reason was that the Five Elements Sect robbed their transport team and silenced them. Five people died. A soul saint.

Among them, a few families with ulterior motives murmured the most. They knew that the Haotian Sect seemed to be arrested in the Tiandou Empire, so it was still a question of whether the Five Elements Sect's move to the Spirit Hall would be accepted.

Regardless of whether they were harboring evil intentions or not, the families in Xingluo City sent envoys to deliver gifts and inquire about what the Spirit Hall was saying.

Soon, Ju Douluo Yue Guan came forward to announce that their Wuhun Palace defined the Five Elements Sect as a terrorist organization that is no different from the evil soul masters, and hoped that all the forces in Xingluo would launch a crusade at the same time.

Moreover, their Wuhun Temple plans to take the lead in establishing a continent-wide peace organization. The main purpose is to coordinate the major forces to jointly destroy terrorist organizations such as the evil soul master and the Five Elements Sect.

Although the various envoys cannot make decisions for the family, most of them know their own family's intentions. The Five Elements Sect does not even look down on the royal family. It breaks into the palace at night and captures the prince, which shows that it is restless.

For the sake of one's own interests, it is better to eradicate this restless factor in order to feel at ease, so the atmosphere in Wuhun Temple has always been smooth.

If Wuhundian wants to build a platform, then let him do it. It just so happens that he can be the leader. All the forces feel guilty when they see the Five Elements Sect's ability to capture Soul Douluo alive. They can feel at ease if they are dealt with early.

Star Luo Palace,

Dai Tianquan took a long breath after receiving the news from Wuhun Temple from the envoy. Wuhun Temple did not carefully investigate the culprit and directly identified the Five Elements Sect as the murderer. This was what he was most looking forward to.

In this way, he can safely eat the stolen goods without worrying about the consequences.

"Hahaha, those people in Wuhun Palace are so arrogant that they don't even need to use their brains. As long as I use a little trick, I can make them help to destroy the Five Elements Sect."

While looking forward to the harvest, Dai Tianquan put his thoughts on the Five Elements Sect. As for the situation on Tiandou's side, he was beyond his reach.

Tang Chen was the most powerful in the world, and there were double-digit titled Douluo in the Tiandou forces. There was nothing to worry about in terms of strength. In contrast, Dai Tianquan was more worried about his three sons.

If possible, he would naturally want to save all three sons, but if he is too greedy, he may end up with nothing.

Dai Tianquan, who is full of rationality, understands that it is only right to save one person first, but how to decide the priority of saving people?
Dai Tianquan quickly made a choice, giving priority to saving his eldest son Davis. As for the secondary goal, Dai Shouben had no doubt. After all, he also knew that Dai Mubai was a good-for-nothing.

But one thing Dai Tianquan was hesitant about was that Davis and Dai Mubai were both captured by themselves, and the princes Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing were fine.

Dai Shoucheng was arrested along with his wife.

Dai Tianquan doesn't feel sorry for the Zhu family, he just values ​​the role of their martial soul fusion skill pendant. The Xing Luo Emperor with martial soul fusion skill is definitely better than the Xing Luo Emperor without martial soul fusion skill.

So Dai Mubai only had to save one, and Dai Shoucheng had to save two. The difficulty skyrocketed.

(End of this chapter)

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