Chapter 154 Attacks
If the toughness value of the original Bluesilver Grass is 20, then the strengthening of the Mandragora Snake will increase by five times, 100, and 80.

The spirit improvement potion increased by 10, which was equivalent to strengthening one-eighth of a mandala snake, which was not bad. Tang San licked his lips with excitement on his face. The enhancement of the spirit ring was limited, but the potion was undoubtedly a new direction.

However, there was one thing that both Tang San and the master had overlooked: truly top-level martial spirits did not need soul rings to help strengthen their spirits.

Because the initial value of the top-level martial spirit is very high, and as the soul master's soul power level increases, the value will also increase significantly. It will not be basically finalized until the soul master fully reveals the potential of the martial soul after level 70.

As for useless martial souls like Lan Yincao, their numerical values ​​will increase extremely slowly as their soul power levels increase. The ordinary martial souls and advanced martial souls that go up will be much better than the former.

It was indeed a good idea for Tang San and Grandmaster to use spirit rings to make up for the improved waste spirit Blue Silver Grass, but it was a fool's errand to use this to compete with the top spirits.

Even if Tang San's spirit rings were of top quality from now on, the Bluesilver Grass Spirit would only be said to be barely adequate, and its strength would be close to that of a high-level spirit at most.

Just like the note on the primary martial soul improvement potion, it also has an improvement limit. It can ripen a pig as powerful as a bear, but it cannot turn a pig into a bear, let alone compare with a dragon.

Just like Tang San's second martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer, in the future, Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer without any soul rings would be stronger in actual combat capability than the Blue Silver Grass with the best soul ring ratio.

The other top-level spirits have the same optimal spirit ring matching ratio, and there is no doubt that they beat Tang San's Blue Silver Grass spirit in numerical terms.

However, in Tang San's current view, since the Bluesilver Grass was too useless and there was enough room for improvement, this elementary spirit improvement potion was still worth it.

Looking at the special items marked with a 100% discount, Tang San gritted his teeth as he looked at the 200 points and [-] points price that had arrived after taking the laxatives. Wasn't it just running naked for ten days?
In the dark night, when everyone else was blind, Tang San had the Purple Demon Eyes. No one would know about it in less than a minute.

Tang San was making his own wishful thinking in the back, while Yu Xiaogang in front couldn't help but scream when he looked at the newly erected sign at the cafeteria counter.

[Special note: Each person can purchase only 1 plate of the most expensive red plate, and a limit of 2 plates of the second most expensive green plate per person]

"This matter was reviewed and approved by the dean. If you have any opinions, please contact the dean." The cafeteria lady looked at Yu Xiaogang coldly and rolled her eyes. Not to mention Yu Xiaogang's eating method, the cafeteria suffered serious losses, and other teachers and students The opinions are also quite small.

Upon hearing the announcement, which was the dean's nod, Yu Xiaogang blushed and couldn't hold back anything else, but he wasn't too arrogant.

In addition to the restricted dishes, he only took the third most expensive black plate. Even the plates that he and Tang San filled were not enough, so he went back and got another plate.

"Teacher, can't you finish all these dishes?" Tang San asked hesitantly, looking at the three full plates in front of him. He could only eat half of the plate at most. No matter how hard Yu Xiaogang ate, he could finish the rest. ?

"Oh, you don't have to eat them all." Yu Xiaogang spread his hands and said nonchalantly. The dishes are divided into five colors. From low to high, they are white side dishes, yellow vegetarian dishes, black meat and vegetables, green meat and red special dishes.

For example, Notting City is located inland, and the large sea shrimps that were previously transported in refrigerated stores were a special supply.

"It's the time when you're growing, so you should eat more meat, vegetables and the like to relieve greasiness. As long as you eat the meat, it won't be a waste."

Yu Xiaogang's calculation method is very simple and unpretentious. If his two plates are half meat and half vegetarian, wouldn't it mean that one plate is all meat?
And the remaining dinner plate was mostly black, so Yu Xiaogang was still at a loss.

. . .

In the distance, Director Su and the other two people were holding dinner plates and watching Yu Xiaogang's behavior, they also complained one after another. It was outrageous that the elder and the younger had taken thirty or forty plates of food.

"This Yu Xiaogang went too far. The dean restricted the portion of meat dishes, so he retaliated with half meat and half vegetarian dishes. He is really a guy with a rotten conscience that oozes pus." One of the teachers couldn't bear it when the aunt in the cafeteria was paying the bill. Stay on the road of fighting against injustice.

"Yes, there's nothing wrong with him being able to eat it, but judging from Yu Xiaogang's appetite in the past two days, I don't think he can finish it." Another teacher also echoed.

"Auntie, you can apply to the dean to ban the waste of food. Any leftovers exceeding one kilogram will be fined. Each kilogram wasted will be fined one gold soul coin. It requires real money. Meal cards cannot offset the fine."

Director Su couldn't help it anymore and gave the aunt some advice. The dean asked Yu Xiaogang to come to the cafeteria to eat at the buffet, but when eating at the buffet, you should pay more attention to quality, take as much as you can, and don't waste it.

"I'll talk to the dean later." The cafeteria lady's eyes lit up. There was no obstacle for her to go to the dean for the current announcement. Similarly, it would not be troublesome to add another announcement about wasting food.

"Really, as long as some people are of higher quality, they won't make these troublesome announcements. By the way, Director Su, let's go to another place instead of going to the stairs. How about going to the other side?"

"That's right, Director Su, the scenery over there is nice. The key is that it's far away from Yu Xiaogang so we won't be disgusted."

"Uh." Director Su's face was about to move, but he shook his head after hearing the three words Yu Xiaogang, "Forget it, you guys can just go if you're not used to it. I'd rather eat at the top of the stairs with more peace of mind."

"Hey, Director Su, you just haven't gotten used to it yet. How about we eat with you on the stairway for another week, and then you go eat there with us?" "Okay." Director Su nodded in agreement after hesitating. I feel that I have fallen into the shadow of Yu Xiaogang. When encountering difficulties, I should not subconsciously avoid them, but should solve them head on.

. . .

"Hiss." After finishing one red, four green and five plates of meat dishes, Yu Xiaogang subconsciously covered his stomach again. Why did the pain for three consecutive days feel more and more serious?

But then the tingling sensation disappeared again, and the familiar gurgling sound sounded from the stomach, which sounded even more intense than the previous two days.

Yu Xiaogang, who was busy criticizing the meat quality of the dishes, didn't pay much attention to it because he was going to see the school doctor before lunch.

Until there was a soft popping sound under Yu Xiaogang's body, and then he felt the moisture and a little bit of heat in the anus.

Did he fart?Yu Xiaogang was stunned. He had been able to control his anger freely for many years since his martial soul was stabilized. Why didn't he control it today?

Tang San was picking at the delicious dishes in front of him, not paying attention to the teacher's fart sound. If there was something so delicious, he wouldn't be willing to eat the tooth-grinding coarse grain pancakes.

But then, a subtle but special odor hit his taste buds. It was the base of the disgusting old fermentation smell, and was strangely mixed with bitter, sour and spicy flavors.

vomit!Tang San was caught off guard and felt nauseated subconsciously, almost choking, "What does this smell like?!"

Director Su, who was not far away, heard the familiar popping sound, and his whole body suddenly trembled, and his ears stood up subconsciously.

Listening to his stomach rumbling like a suddenly full blender, Yu Xiaogang's expression changed drastically.

He suddenly felt that the gas reserves in his stomach were rising rapidly, even far beyond the effect of eating white radish and soybeans, and at this rate, it would soon reach the maximum threshold.
Thinking of the consequences of gas exceeding his own capacity threshold, Yu Xiaogang reacted and suddenly recalled the scene six years ago.

"No, no, no!" Yu Xiaogang's face was earth-colored, his back was cold, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans seeped out from his forehead quickly. He had to go to the toilet quickly!

"Hiss!" Yu Xiaogang stood up hurriedly and subconsciously covered his stomach. His stomach hurt, but the gas in his stomach seemed to be generating faster.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Tang San, who also saw something was wrong at this moment, looked at the teacher with a stiff face, no way, no way, weren't the two pairs of laxatives from before okay?

"Xiao San, help me go to the toilet quickly, don't make any noise!" Yu Xiaogang's eyes lit up when he heard Tang San's voice. At this moment, his only disciple Tang San was his only hope.

"Oh, okay teacher." Tang San, who was just about to find an excuse to rub oil on his soles, swallowed his cry for help, and could only quickly move forward to help the teacher, who looked like an old woman in her seventies or eighties, with a stooped body.

But as soon as he got closer, the stench that was so close to human physiological limits suddenly intensified, and Tang San's face turned pale and he subconsciously opened his mouth to retching.

But when he opened his mouth to inhale, a stronger smell flooded into his nostrils, vomit!Tang San, who almost vomited, realized that the source of this smell was actually the teacher.

"Hurry up, Xiao San!" Yu Xiaogang tried his best to move his steps to urge Tang San, who was a little tired. The rest of his energy was used to fight against the pain in his stomach and control the back door.

For some reason, he felt that liquid was leaking out from that place, and a fierce burning sensation swept over him.

At the same time, the smell around Yu Xiaogang became stronger and stronger, and Tang San's face became paler. With a sudden decision, he directly chose to hold his breath, and tried his best to help Yu Xiaogang rush to the toilet outside the cafeteria.

"Don't come over here!" Director Su, who smelled the smell, saw Master Yu Xiaogang and his apprentice coming towards him (at the top of the stairs), completely put aside their dignity and reason, jumped up from the chair, and then walked from the top of the stairs in one stride. Leap downward.

I saw the wind blowing under his feet, taking ten steps at a time, and rushed out of the cafeteria door in the blink of an eye.

The two young teachers opposite him reacted much slower. At this moment, they stood up from their chairs and were confused. As soon as they turned around, the strange smell penetrated their nostrils.


The two people who subconsciously covered their mouths looked at Yu Xiaogang who was very close at hand, as if they were seeing a hungry rabbit, following Director Su's footsteps and leaping down the stairs.

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San had already paid no attention to other people's leisurely thoughts. Their legs were weak as they tightened the back door, their faces were covered in sweat, and they could only see the toilet outside the cafeteria.

Tang San, on the other hand, closed his mouth tightly, his nose was pressed inward, and his eyes were filled with fear. He, the chief culprit, clearly knew that Yu Xiaogang had taken three powerful laxatives in the past three days.

(End of this chapter)

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