Chapter 160 New Road
Xingluo Palace, Qingzhu Garden,

Zhu Zhuqing sat cross-legged on the futon in the middle of the bamboo forest, her brows furrowed and there was still a little stubbornness and annoyance on her face. It was obvious that she was not having an easy time these days.

Although the three princes were gone and the other two princes' mansions suffered heavy casualties and were almost empty shells, this did not prevent the people in Muguang Mansion from speaking out.

It is said that Zhu Zhuqing is arrogant and not a good match. Moreover, such a big thing happened to her when she first came here. She is probably the reincarnation of the broom star and the crow spirit. Anyway, Barabala has nothing good to say.

However, the daily rations of Qingzhuyuan were all in the hands of Muguang Mansion. Even if Zhu Zhuqing got angry, the stewards and servants of Muguang Mansion would pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Alas, have we said this?This new princess will still spread rumors and cause trouble!
In this increasingly dark situation, Zhu Zhuqing was exhausted mentally and physically. He had no choice but to avoid those annoying conversations and let the maid return to the Zhu family.

Except for three meals, she meditated and practiced alone in Qingzhu Garden, which was a helpless escape.

In the palace, it is not that people can have everything they want, or that most people are part of what they want.

Emperor Dai Tianquan can do whatever he wants, Prince Davis can do whatever he wants except his father, and even Dai Mubai, the dandy among the princes, is afraid of only a few people.

But Zhu Zhuqing was different. She was a foreign princess. How much glory she could get depended on how much Dai Mubai was willing to share with her. This kind of implicit persecution was a reality that every princess had to accept.

Men chase women across the mountain, and women chase men through layers of gauze.

As long as the woman takes the initiative, or even has to make concessions in life, then there will be no disharmony in the relationship between the two parties. If there is no harmony, it means that the woman is unwilling to compromise.

This is the core reason why the relationship between the princes and concubines of the Star Luo Empire is not bad, because those girls from the Zhu family have to face choices from the moment they marry into the palace.

Either he is unwilling to bow his head like Zhu Zhuqing and everything is inappropriate, or he can only bow his head to the prince and share part of the glory, but everything else is appropriate.

It is such a reality. Otherwise, why is it that you are not allowed to bring more people into the palace when you are 6 years old? Instead of just making a marriage contract and waiting until you are 18 to get married and enter the palace?

The Dai family of the Star Luo royal family wants to train their queen 12 years in advance so that she can only rely on the future Emperor of Star Luo and not have anything to do with the Zhu family.

But this is undoubtedly very cruel to a 6-year-old girl. This is another reason why Zhu Zhuyun does not want Zhu Zhuqing to be the prince's concubine. She has endured the hardships she has endured and does not want her own sister to have to endure them again.

At the same time, because the princess is a vassal of the prince and cannot express too much personal will, so Davis and Dai Mubai are tit for tat, and Zhu Zhuyun must show the same attitude to tit for tat with Zhu Zhuqing.

The golden lines on the back of Zhu Zhuqing's hands kept flashing, and these words were explained clearly to the little girl.

His first impression of this little unfortunate guy was pretty good. It reminded him of ten years ago, when he first saw Nana. A little girl of this age was at the time when she was lively. It was really too much to be played with like this. .

"So sister, it's not like she acts like that. She still has me in her heart, right?" The little girl suddenly opened her eyes wide, her eyes already filled with a layer of darkness and glowing with hope.

"That's useless. You are the princess and your rivals. It is impossible for her to show any tenderness to you."

Guang's merciless voice made the little girl's face turn pale. Yes, the Zhu family could not go back. The palace was actually a prison made of gold. If she could not become what the Dai family wanted, she would never be better than herself in the future. It's a little better now.

"At least, at least sister, she has me in her heart."

"If you retain this feeling, it will only make your sister more troublesome. Otherwise, what's the point of what she did before?"

"Me, me." Zhu Zhuqing looked desperate. Originally, she shouldn't have seen everything clearly so early. What did a six-year-old girl like her know?
She should have suffered more to understand all this, and she would even be misled by the Xingluo royal family's methods.

Because there were women from the Zhu family like her in history, but the Dai family also had enough confidence in their own training. No matter how Zhu Zhuqing resisted, in the end she would find that she had no other way except to rely on Dai Mubai. Optional.

But when Guang's accident helped her, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly found that her future was gloomy, without any hope.

Seeing that the originally energetic little girl was as lifeless as a dying old man, Guang coughed lightly and said, "But if you are willing, you can leave with me in a few days, but you have to change your name, and be the same as the Zhu family and the Dai family." The connection must be completely severed.”

"Follow you?" Zhu Zhuqing seemed to see an unknown other road on the dark road ahead, but she still hesitated, "What about my sister Zhu Zhuyun?"

"This is an exception. You can leave her a short letter. If you want, you can reconcile the sisters in the future, but people are unpredictable, so you can't write too much in that letter."

"I agreed." Zhu Zhuqing nodded. As long as she was not cut off from her relationship with her sister, she could accept everything else. When she left this magnificent palace, she could only feel relieved. "Well, but before that, you have to do me a little favor."

"What's the deal?" Zhu Zhuqing looked puzzled. As a six-year-old girl, she was not even a soul master. What could she do?
"At least you have the status of a princess and can walk around most of the palace. Clean it up a little. Go out after dinner this evening. If I tell you to go that way, you can go that way."


Dai Tianquan was very satisfied when he saw the people around him going there with him. It can be said that he took advantage of him by redeeming him as a temporary commander this time.

Not only can he rescue his heir, but he can also take this opportunity to promote the reputation of their Xingluo royal family.

As for the safety issues that his father Dai Nulong had given him, he didn't care. Instead, he asked the queen to disguise herself and stay near him. The reason why she hid anonymously was to prevent people from the Five Elements Sect from showing up.

Even Dai Tianquan, the major forces accompanying him, only selected the number of people from the house where the incident happened to make up ten people, for fear that some people who were watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously would cause trouble, and for fear that people from the Five Elements Sect would not show up.

According to the agreement, everyone else should go to a small town 20 miles away to rest. Unless they see Dai Tianquan's signal or the time exceeds the agreed hour, no one should act rashly.

In fact, all the forces are not happy about this. They mobilized so many people not just to play house with Dai Tianquan.

However, on the one hand, Dai Tianquan gave corresponding compensation to each family, on the other hand, the two elders of Wuhun Palace did not speak up and agreed, so no one said anything more.

Everyone was gearing up and preparing to recharge their batteries. When Dai Tianquan's redemption was completed, they would launch an encirclement and suppression campaign.

This time, Wuhun Palace, as the host, offered an extremely generous reward. As long as you take the head of the leader of the Five Elements Cult, you can exchange it for a ten-thousand-year soul bone as a reward.

Thousand-year-old soul bones are a precious thing that is basically priceless in the market. In the big auction houses of the two empires, they are enough to be used as the final lot. Everyone's eyes are red.

As for the danger?
The people they summoned this time included more than 20 Soul Douluo and hundreds of Soul Saints, in addition to the two elders of Wuhun Palace and the three titled Douluo, Xingluo Emperor Dai Tianquan.

Most of the forces of the entire Xingluo City have arrived. As long as the Five Elements Sect dares to take the lead, it will be impossible to escape from the dragnet. Everyone present is confident of this.

But the problem they were worried about was that the leader of the Five Elements Sect only had five heads, and there were too many monks present to share enough!
"Then as agreed, we will wait here until one o'clock in the afternoon. Before that, the command will be given to His Majesty Dai Tianquan." Yueguan waved his hand and led the ghosts and a large number of people into the town.

Dai Tianquan, on the other hand, looked around at the people around him and nodded lightly. They were all trustworthy people who knew the inside and out, and there was no leakage of information.

A group of people moved very quickly towards the location given by the Five Elements Sect.

Dai Tianquan's eyes flickered. He knew there was something wrong with the Five Elements Sect. Although he didn't detect any clues from the last incident in the palace, he was certain that the forces in Xingluo City must have spies from the Five Elements Sect.

So in this operation, he spent a lot of money to obtain the temporary command right to act alone. He, a Titled Douluo, and nine Soul Douluo Soul Sages went to the appointment, so he wouldn't scare people away, right?
Of course, he is not a fool. He did not give up arresting the Five Elements Sect in order to redeem the prince. On the contrary, he hates the Five Elements Sect deeply and covets the ten thousand year soul bones of Wuhun Palace.

He wants it all!
He was fully prepared for this. The Queen's disguise and concealment beside him was only one of his trump cards. After all, the martial soul fusion skill Netherworld White Tiger didn't have wings and its speed was average, so it was really difficult to catch someone.

His real trump card is to secretly cooperate with the old head of the Xu family. That Lao Deng is a titled Douluo of the Star Crown Martial Spirit, capable of controlling and assisting.

When the time comes, Old Ghost Xu controls and cooperates, he directly activates the Netherworld White Tiger to suppress them, and the people of the Five Elements Sect will naturally be able to capture them.

Not to mention that when he returns in triumph with the hostages, those five heads can be exchanged for five thousand-year soul bones from the elders of Wuhun Palace, which will not only make up for the previous investment losses, but also make a fortune.

The most important thing is that the face that the Xingluo royal family lost a month ago can be regained twice as much.

Dai Tianquan couldn't help laughing when he thought that Wuhundian had carefully set up the stage, but he was the one who took the spoils. The pride and face were all his.

If Dai Tianquan hadn't said that all the people in Wuhun Palace were idiots, he would have tightened his temper. He would have been extremely wise in blaming the Five Elements Sect for the transportation team incident.

The Haotian Sect heard that he still suffered a loss in the Wuhun Palace, so it was obvious that he was also a fool. These idiots who only know brute force and don’t know how to use ideas are the best green leaves to accompany the flower of Dai Tianquan. .

In recent years, the Tiandou Empire has been weak, while their Star Luo Empire has been strong. Should we go further? Taking advantage of the competition, Dai Tianquan's mind wandered. He had already opened the champagne in his mind and was even thinking about the next thing.

(End of this chapter)

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