Chapter 161 Surprise
The location designated by the Five Elements Sect is actually very tricky. It is naturally impossible for Dai Tianquan to explore the terrain on the same day. In fact, he had people carefully explore this place nearly a month ago.

If possible, he would turn his passivity into an initiative and set up an ambush at that place in advance to wait.

But those who had explored the information shook their heads. That place was the outskirts of the serious Star Dou Forest, and there were many birds and animals of all kinds.

It's better to send a few less people in. If a large-scale ambush is sent in, the animals will scatter, the birds will fly, and even a fool will know something is wrong.

These creatures living here are the best sentries, and the complex terrain of the Star Dou Forest is also a good cover. Otherwise, Dai Tianquan would be so angry that he would find the ancestor of the Xu family to set up an ambush in advance.

However, when they arrived at the scheduled location, no one from the Five Elements Sect was found, not even a trace. After waiting for a while, when Dai Tianquan was confused, red smoke suddenly rose in the distance.

"It seems they are very cautious." Dai Tianquan looked gloomy. He probably knew what the other party was planning.

There was a dead old tree where the red smoke was rising. After a while, Dai Tianquan and his party rushed here and found a sealed iron can with letter paper inside.

[The redemption address is changed to the outer area on the other side of the symmetrical position of the Star Dou Forest, that is, the area of ​​the Tiandou Empire, and it will only wait until 8 o'clock in the evening. The number of people cannot exceed five. For every hour overdue, the three princes will be transferred to five Cut off a random limb among the limbs and feed it to the soul beast. 】

It's 11 o'clock in the morning, there are still 9 hours left, but Dai Tianquan's face is ashen.

The Star Dou Forest is the largest soul beast forest in the Douluo Continent. The distance would take at least six hours in a straight line, but would anyone with a brain choose to go straight through the Star Dou Great Forest?

Not to mention the risk of casualties when encountering a powerful spirit beast, if you delay for time, you will be doomed, but if you take a detour, you must go all out, otherwise, is there any point in rescuing the crippled prince?
"What to do, Your Majesty?"

"What else can I do? Travel lightly, and be sure to arrive at the redemption location at 8 o'clock in the evening." Dai Tianquan gritted his teeth, "In addition, those who are Soul Saint cultivators should not hold back. Go back to the town and tell the two people at Wuhun Palace the news. An elder."

"Remember, we will enter the town in about an hour to tell the news." Dai Tianquan calculated the time in his mind. With a time difference of one hour, even the elders of Wuhun Palace and their men could not catch up.

. . .

"The thieves from the Five Elements Sect have changed places, and are actually on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest within the Tiandou Empire." Yue Guan raised his eyebrows after receiving the news, "They are really tricky."

"What did Elder Ju say? Should we follow Dai Tianquan quickly?" The person next to him couldn't help but ask with hot eyes.

"I've said it's very troublesome, don't you guys have any brains?" Yue Guan waved his hands and said with a steady expression, "It doesn't matter that the old ghost and I are members of the Spirit Hall, you are all genuine high-level officials of the Star Luo Empire. It's straightforward to form a team. What does it mean to enter the Tiandou Empire?"

"Um..." The others looked left and right, and what Elder Ju of Wuhun Palace said was indeed correct.

From another perspective, dozens of Soul Douluo and hundreds of Soul Saints from the Tiandou Empire suddenly entered the territory of the Star Luo Empire. Their first reaction was definitely to tense up.

"Otherwise, how can we say that people from the Five Elements Sect are poisonous? Forget it, Laogui and I will take seven or eight Contras with quick hands and feet to take a look. After all, we still have to ensure the safety of His Majesty the Xingluo Emperor. "

"Others, don't leave in a hurry. It's not too late to wait for a day at the border between Tiandou Empire and Star Luo Empire."

Yue Guan waved his hand and picked 8 flying spirit Douluo to set off together, but no one noticed. He didn't care deep in his eyes, and the same was true for Ghost Douluo.

As for the core reason, it was naturally Bibi Dong's order to take as many high-level soul masters away from Star Luo City as possible. In addition, the platinum bishop Viana who stayed behind gave her a death order to only stick to the Spirit Temple and Holy Light. No matter what happens, you are not allowed to go out.

Yes, this is Light's plan. Whoever plays the redemption game with you will naturally have to get what he wants by himself, and the most precious thing among them is. . .


Xingluo Palace, 300 meters underground,
Earthy yellow ripples rippled, the originally hard earth and rocks temporarily changed their shape, and the Five Elements Demon King swam like a shark sneaking in the water.

The predecessor of the Five Elements Demon Chief is the Extermination Demon Chief. What makes it really powerful is its huge strength, speed and resistance. The Five Elements Secret Patterns engraved in the later period are actually quite average in terms of combat power and have only three main functions.

One is the small Five Elements Chaos Domain that can be used together, and the other is the Five Elements Escape Technique that they control.

It was pitch black underground, he couldn't see his fingers, and his perception of light was only a few dozen meters away. He was like a blind man here.

However, he was not unprepared. He could sense the location of the Holy Light Academy in Star Luo City, the location of the transport team's golden page book, and the location of Zhu Zhuqing.

With these two fixed signal sources and Zhu Zhuqing's mobile signal source to assist positioning, he can sneak into the place he wants to go quietly.

That guy Dai Tianquan was so suspicious that he didn't find any clues. It was entirely because he didn't leave any traces last time. He just got a copy of the latest layout map of Xingluo Palace in the Intelligence Room of Wuhun Temple.Although there are many blank spaces in the core area of ​​the palace, the Prince's Mansion is not in the core area.

Originally, it would have been more convenient to find a few agents from the Spirit Temple, but the passing wind leaves a sound and the passing goose leaves a mark. If you are caught by the tail, many things will be difficult to hide.

So Guang would rather go to the trouble and ask Zhu Zhuqing to help with the positioning and make some arrangements.

With a map and intelligence, it is not difficult for the Five Elements Demon King to infiltrate.

The two brothers Dai Mubai and Davis were indeed tied to the top of an ancient tree on the outskirts of the Star Forest, and there was a timing smoke with them.

Guang gave them veterinary anesthesia, tied their limbs apart, and sealed their mouths tightly. They definitely couldn't run away, but there was no problem in making some noise after they woke up.

It's just that the probability of getting help by making some noise in that place is much lower than the probability of attracting a soul beast. This shows that he respects his personal destiny, and the two brothers love each other.

And their location is neither in the Star Luo Empire to the south nor the Tian Dou Empire to the north, but on the border of the Star Luo Empire and the Tian Dou Empire due west.

According to the marks on the map, if Dai Tianquan wanted to reach the second location as quickly as possible, it was best to take a detour from the east. Even if he arrived early, it would be useless. The scheduled smoke there would not be ignited until 8 o'clock.

Dai Mubai and Davis were at the third location, and the scheduled smoke would not be lit until three in the morning. In this way, Dai Tianquan had to lead a group of idiots to run around the Star Forest.

Including the journey from Star Luo City to Star Dou Forest, they would have to travel almost day and night, and the end point was a thousand miles away from Star Luo City.

There was no one there except the two unlucky brothers, and the tens of millions of gold soul coins he got were of no use. They were just weights to make them think they were real.

Of course, even the outer Star Dou Forest is not safe. Will the two brothers be okay if he ties them to a tree for two days?It depends on their own luck.

Anyway, Guang's purpose of delaying time was achieved. His goal was to be Star Luo City from beginning to end.

. . .

To say who is the richest family in Xingluo City, it is undoubtedly the Dai family as the royal family, and the Dai family also has martial soul fusion skills. Just licking his lips, Dai Tianquan has obviously left, but Dai Nu Most of the dragons stay in the palace to guard the family.

The most valuable thing in the entire Xingluo royal family is the White Tiger Martial Spirit's Titled Douluo. Being able to cultivate to a Titled Douluo means that his White Tiger Martial Spirit will never be bad, and the 9th ring of cultivation can inspire the White Tiger Martial Spirit to almost the same level. .

To be honest, Dai Nulong alone is worth more than thirty Dai Mubai.

There is no doubt that Dai Nulong is in the Zong Lao Yuan. This is very clear, but even the information about the Zong Lao Yuan from Wuhun Temple is blank. No one knows what the arrangement is.

As for the above ground part, Zhu Zhuqing did not have the authority to enter the core area of ​​the palace, so he switched to the first target and locked the location of the golden page book first.

Where will Dai Tianquan put the stolen goods?It's probably a treasure trove, and it's the most secret kind.

These days, the security of the treasure house mainly relies on two points, peripheral guards and internal mechanisms. However, just walking a straight line from the ground is undoubtedly beyond the scope of thinking of the treasure house designers.

It's not that there are no earth-escape soul masters, but as the light feels, it's pitch black underground. How do you know the location of the treasure house?
You must know that in order to maintain confidentiality, the above-ground parts of the treasure house are often inconspicuous, and there is nothing special about them. This is also one of the security guarantees of the treasure house.

First, go to the Royal Treasure House of the Star Luo Empire to shop for zero yuan, and then give Dai Nulong a trick to lure the snake out of its hole. The eyes of the Five Elements Demon King flashed with golden light.

He really didn't know anything about the Zong Lao Yuan, but wouldn't it be over if he attracted Dai Nulong from a strange place to a familiar place?
. . .

"Well, they have arrived at the treasure house. If you see a corner over there, go there and shrink down."

Zhu Zhuqing breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the guards walk away. Her heart was beating hard now. This area and time had long exceeded the range that she could travel normally.

After all, she was just a princess with only a name. If it were Zhu Zhuyun, there would be no problem. In the following period, if it weren't for Mr. Gray Robe's reminder, she would have been found to have been seriously injured.

Of course, even though she was very scared, she still chose to believe that Mr. Gray Robe walked all the way to the dark. After all, except for this location, the rest of the road was dim.

After hearing Mr. Gray Robe's words, she ran to the corner and huddled up in a small ball. The golden lines on the back of her hands lit up quickly, and the light around Zhu Zhuqing was distorted.

(End of this chapter)

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