Chapter 166 Orphan Tang San
Wan Hu helped Village Chief Jack down, and Village Chief Jack sighed inwardly when he saw Tang San who had already reached the front of the Holy Soul Village.

When they sent Tang San here, they agreed that he would pick up the three children and go back together, firstly for safety, and secondly for intimacy.

As a result, Tang San came back alone without even saying a word, and according to Beini and Wan Hu's wishes, Tang San was unwilling to get close to them this year, and he didn't reply to their invitations during the weekend.

If this continues, this child will not get close to the villagers, and will most likely be out of tune with the entire village like Tang Ri.

"Tang San, if you find it inconvenient to go back and forth to the academy alone, that's fine, but remember to tell us in advance. After all, this is an agreed upon matter and cannot be taken lightly."

There was no embarrassment on Village Chief Jack's face, but he still subconsciously emphasized his tone in his words.

Tang San's parent, Tang Ri, didn't care, but as the village chief, he still had to teach him basic etiquette. After all, Tang San was still a member of the Holy Soul Village.

"I didn't break my promise. To be precise, I didn't agree to this at that time." Tang San thought of the tepid relationship with Village Chief Jack, and he didn't bring any gifts to deepen the relationship.

The most important thing is that he is now able to live independently and no longer needs the little help from Village Chief Jack.

"You!" Village Chief Jack frowned. This kid is really a descendant of Tang Ri. This shameless and annoying ability is self-taught.

"Then you have to say something. At least talk to the concierge of Notting College. We won't have to go to Notting College and spend so much time asking."

Speaking of this, Beini and Wan Hu, who were still young, couldn't help but cover their mouths. They had heard a lot about Tang San, including that he worshiped Yu Xiaogang as a breakthrough soul master, and that he and other students Something deeply contradictory.

What made them laugh the most was when a student with a resentful face vividly told them the school legend about Tang San's master and apprentice flying on the flying trapeze.

Seeing the smiling faces of Beini and Wan Hu, Tang San's expression worsened. He probably knew what they were laughing about. This was the biggest headache for him this year.

Driven by some teachers and students who were resentful because of the dean's vague treatment, the story of Tang San, a flying Kun in the air, spread rapidly throughout Notting College, and even the nearby vendors were very aware of it.

The most embarrassing time for Tang San was when he actually ate his own melon in the blacksmith shop. At that time, a blacksmith from the blacksmith shop said in his spare time that he had recently heard something interesting, saying that there was a student from Notting College nicknamed Fei Kun in the Sky. .

The most terrible thing was that after he told the story about the magic modification, he didn't know the student's name, and he and the other blacksmiths came to ask Tang San seriously.

"Little brother Tang San, don't you go to Notting Academy? Do you know the name of this flying Kun in the sky?"

At that moment Tang San's face was visibly black and red, probably the same color as the red-hot iron ingot in front of him.

. . .

"I forgot." Tang San said three words out of his mouth stiffly and became more and more disgusted as he looked at the three people in front of him, especially the nosy Village Chief Jack in front of him.

"Okay." Village Chief Jack sighed and asked again without giving up. After all, this is the only person in the history of Holy Soul Village who is born with full soul power. If he has the same virtue as Tang Ri, he, the village chief, would feel derelict in his duty.

"Then remember to hang out with Wanhu Beini and the others on weekends. We are all children from the same village. If you have any difficulties, you can help each other."

"I'm busy practicing meditation and don't have time." Tang San blinked, finally reaching a point where he could be proud of his strengths, "I broke through level 16 this year. I need to consolidate my cultivation and strive to reach the bottleneck of level 20 next year."

After saying that, Tang San turned around with a cold and arrogant expression and walked towards the mountain path that was not accessible to carriages. Hearing the quiet silence behind him, he let out a long sigh of depression and felt a sense of relief in his heart.

His plan to reach level 20 next year is not a joke, although strictly speaking, his third-level soul power has only increased by three levels this year despite the mandala snake. This is also due to the soul power-enhancing potion.

In addition to the 10-year-old soul bone fragments that must be exchanged every month, he exchanged 8 tubes of soul power-improving potions, and only 2 tubes of martial soul-improving potions.

But when he returns after the New Year, he can refine his soul bones and increase his soul power. In this way, it is not difficult for him to break through level 8 at the age of 20.

In the history of Notting College, there has never been a great soul master student, and his teacher Yu Xiaogang also praised that 8-year-old great soul masters are definitely rare even if we look at the entire continent.

. . .

Watching Tang San's leaving figure, Village Chief Jack patted his head to regain his composure. Level ten and above were soul masters, but he didn't actually know the specific divisions of soul masters, but he could still count the numbers.

A first-level soul master, a second-level great soul master, and a third-level soul master. At this rate, Tang San's talent was probably as good as or even better than Duolong's.

If you think about it carefully, there is no problem. Village Chief Jack touched his chin. When Doron was six years old, his innate soul power was level 6. He broke through level 0 when he was 12 years old. He only raised five levels this year. Wouldn't it be better for Tang San to raise six levels in one year?

Village Chief Jack didn't understand the concept of a soul master's speed of improvement, but Beini and Wan Hu looked at each other in confusion. She hurriedly took her time to break through the tenth level by the end of the year.

With the special benefits brought by the cross pendant, she was able to break through to level 13 when she obtained her first spirit ring. I heard that others could only break through to level 12 at most, but the spirit rings were no different, they were all white ten-year spirit rings.Wan Hu's progress will be much slower before he will break through level 8, ranking at the bottom of the entire third-level Holy Light Academy. However, the atmosphere there is very good, and there are very few cases of children forming gangs and fighting.

Moreover, the young nuns did not label the children based on their soul power levels, but only based on their performance in the auditorium.

"As long as you are pious and diligent enough, it doesn't matter even if you are just a little bit behind now. With small steps and small steps, you will one day become the priest of your dreams."

This is what the nun often encourages the young believers, and since piety can indeed bring about a significant increase in the speed of cultivation, everyone is still highly motivated, and they are not as excessive as Tang San in practicing day and night.

Apart from necessary homework, Holy Light Academy does not restrict priests and followers from doing what they love to do. There are no restrictions in the doctrine, and free time and financial subsidies are sufficient.

"Tang San may have absorbed a very good first spirit ring and directly broke through two to three levels like me, but rising to three or four levels in one year is really impressive." Penny praised.

Village Chief Jack and Wan Hu also understood the meaning and expressed their affirmation of Tang San's talent. Duolong also broke through to the Great Spirit Master at the age of nine.

However, Village Chief Jack looked at Tang San's back with a complex and helpless look in his eyes. He recognized this child's talent.

You must know that if it were not for the new technology developed by Wuhun Palace, Duolong, Wanhu and Beini are ordinary people who would not have the chance to become soul masters.

It's a pity that this little guy was born at the wrong time, and his innate soul power is not as good as the martial arts hall that Duolong and the others joined in terms of treatment.

But considering Tang San's background and his current temperament, Village Chief Jack didn't have much regret in his heart.


"Dad, I'm back!" Tang San opened the door happily. The depression in his heart had not dissipated, but he had already made up his mind.

During the Chinese New Year, in front of all the villagers, he would first trick Wan Hu and Beini into revealing their ten-year soul rings, and then he would inadvertently reveal his century-old soul rings, and he would be able to crush them hard by then. He and his father Tang Ri were very proud!

The blacksmith shop was still dirty and messy, even worse than before Tang San left, but this familiar mess gave Tang San a sense of closeness to home.

Unlike Yu Xiaogang's classroom and dormitory, although the conditions were very good, where did Tang San feel uncomfortable?
After Tang San thought about it, in the final analysis, it was because he didn't trust Yu Xiaogang enough and was wary, so his nerves were always half tense.

No matter how bad his alcoholic father Tang Ri was, Tang San would still subconsciously trust him, and his body would instinctively relax.

The loud and excited voice echoed in the dark blacksmith shop, and there was no response in the deserted place. Could it be that Dad Tang Ri went to drink, or was drunk and sleeping in the back room?

"Dad, are you there? I'm Tang San, I'm back!" Tang San continued to shout as he walked inside, expecting a familiar voice to yell something angrily.

But the completely extinguished stove seemed to hint at something. Tang San, who was feeling uneasy, quickly walked into the back room, but it was still empty.

Even Tang San, who was running the Purple Demon Eyes, could clearly see the thin dust on the tables and chairs in the darkness, "No, Dad, where are you?"

Anxious, Tang San dropped his backpack and searched around the small blacksmith shop, and soon found a piece of paper held down by a broken bowl.

There is very little content on it and even the writing is illegible.

By the time you read this letter, I have already left.Don't look for me, you can't find me.

Although you are still young, you have the ability to take care of yourself.Only when the young eagle spreads its wings can it fly high earlier.

Don't worry about me, your character has inherited a lot of your mother's delicacy.Dad is a useless person.You are getting older, and Dad needs to get back some things that should belong to me.One day, our father and son will meet again.

I hope you become strong, but I don't want you to become strong. You choose your own path.

If one day you feel that the profession of soul master is not good, then go back to Holy Soul Village and be a blacksmith like me.

Do not read.

Tang Hao. 】

"No, no, no, dad, where have you been?" After reading the letter, Tang San had a look of loss and helplessness on his face, and he collapsed on the broken chair with despair.

With the chair making a feeble sound, Tang San sat down on the ground, but he didn't pay any attention to it, still immersed in this endless sadness.

To be fair, this blacksmith shop is only a little better than the beggar's nest. Isn't the reason why Tang San misses it so much just because Tang Ri is here?
But now that Tang Ri was gone, he also said that Tang San would definitely not be able to find him. Tang San was full of bitterness. What was the difference between him and an orphan whose parents both died?
(End of this chapter)

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