Chapter 167 Comparison
People's emotions are often complicated and contradictory, and this is especially obvious in Tang San.

In his previous life, he clearly had unique and deep feelings for the Tang Sect, but he didn't hesitate much when he did those deviant things.

He stole Xuantian Baolu and learned secretly, using Tang Sect secrets in exchange for enough resources to practice what he learned. It is true that the three finished Buddha's Wrath Tang Lotus he left behind can allow Tang Sect to calmly deal with the crisis he left behind, but what if it fails?
What if Tang San exchanged those resources and the production failed?

You must know that Fonu Tanglian ranks first among mechanical hidden weapons in the records of "Hundred Solutions to Hidden Weapons", and no one has made it in the past 200 years.

Success is gratifying, but the risk of failure can be imagined. Perhaps Tang San had thought about it. He had absolute and inexplicable confidence in his ability to make hidden weapons, but in fact, more often than not, he subconsciously ignored the consequences.

Mr. Tang Da adopted Tang San in his previous life and treated him like his own son. He even went beyond the rules and allowed Tang San to steal Xuantian Baolu, but in the end he was betrayed.

In this life, Tang San began to pursue emotional comfort after completing the highest achievement of Hidden Weapon Baijie. Even though Tang Ri's father was extremely irresponsible, he was still content with it.

From now on, I will be alone. Tang San is like a slow puppet, motionless on the ground, his mind is immersed in sadness and numb, and he is subconsciously looking for new vacancies to fill.

Teacher Yu Xiaogang, Tang San suddenly raised his head. The teacher really had nothing to say to him. Not only did he give his all, but he also tried his best.

But he was too snobbish before, and he was alienated from him because of the Soul Master Theory Encyclopedia. Later, he got angry with him because of his injury, and gave him laxatives, which made such a big joke.

It's all the fault of this broken book, Tang San gritted his teeth, yes, it was all because of the inducement of this broken book that Tang San accidentally did that kind of immoral thing.

He will definitely still do the book tasks in the future, but he will definitely not do the teacher Yu Xiaogang. Tang Ri is gone, and his home in Holy Soul Village is gone. From now on, Notting College will be his home. , teacher Yu Xiaogang is his relative.

Having made up his mind, Tang San suddenly remembered that his teacher Yu Xiaogang seemed to be spending the New Year alone in the academy, and had never heard of his friends or family.

Instead of celebrating the New Year in this unlucky village, it would be better to go back early to celebrate the New Year with the teacher. After realizing it, Tang San got up.

It was already afternoon, and he was still in a hurry to go back. He planned to take a rest for the rest of the day, and he would leave Holy Soul Village and return to Notting College tomorrow.

Since he had already planned to leave, Tang San had no intention of cleaning up the dilapidated house. He found some firewood and lit a stove fire, then set up an iron pot to steam the cooked food he had brought back.

After eating to a full belly, Tang San thought for a moment that it would be a joke to leave in such a dejected manner, so he took out firecrackers and hung them at the door, and took out red-hot charcoal to light them.

Tang San walked out of his house amidst the crackling sound in the All Saint Soul Village and walked towards the village. He had already thought about it, he planned to show off his talent as a soul master in front of the whole village, and then leave directly.

For no other reason than because he felt that his father Tang Ri's departure was largely due to the dislike of the villagers, and he was also discriminated against.

. . .

"Did you start setting off firecrackers so early?" In the open space in the middle of Holy Soul Village, someone looked towards the west end of the village after hearing the sound.

"I don't know why you are meddling in other people's business." Another villager shook his head and looked at Beini and Wan Hu next to Village Chief Jack in surprise.

"Wan Hu, please tell me more about Notting City. Your fifth master, I have never been there even once in my 30 years of life!"

"That's right, look at how good these two children look and have good clothes. They must be very lucky in Notting City."

The aunt on the side looked at the two children with envy on her face. Unfortunately, her children were not old enough, and the remaining spot in the Holy Light Academy was probably hopeless.

Other villagers also came over to eat melons with great interest, regardless of the sound of firecrackers at the west end of the village. Duolong also enjoyed this kind of treatment when he came back for the first time. The Wuhun City was as beautiful as heaven.

Now when they saw Wan Hu and Beini's appearance, they suddenly felt that Notting City was not far behind. Look, they were only less than a year old and they didn't look like they came from the village.

The most important thing is that there is still one spot for the third-level Holy Light Academy. They are not just taking advantage of it. Maybe good luck will come to their children this year.

"What we have to do every day is actually not much different from the academy. We get up at 7 o'clock in the morning, do morning exercises, eat, then go to the auditorium for morning prayer, then study, go to the square to meditate after 10 o'clock, do lunch prayer after lunch, and then Half of the afternoon is spent studying and half of the time free.”

"After dinner, there is evening prayer, and the rest is free time. After 8 o'clock, I go to the square to meditate and practice until [-] o'clock in the morning, and then go back to the dormitory to sleep."

Other villagers listened with rapt attention, "It feels a lot more relaxed than Notting College. Aren't they closed all year round?"

"It's just that you can't go out of Holy Light Monastery during your free time on weekdays. You can go to the nun sister to help, you can also go to the library, go back to the dormitory to review your homework or play. Sometimes there are also barbecue parties."

"On Sunday, except for necessary prayers, you have completely free time during the day. You can do whatever you want in the city of Notting." Wan Hu added. "Furthermore, Notting College only restricts student travel during teaching days. On weekends, you can go out to play as long as you report to the teacher, but they are not responsible for safety issues outside the college gate."

Beini explained in detail that she and Wan Hu had gone to Notting College several times and the rules there were very clear.

"Then how do you solve the problem of safety when you go out?" Other villagers and Village Chief Jack cast their gazes. As said, safety is the biggest problem restricting travel.

It doesn't matter if such a kid is a soul master, it's not impossible to get the gangsters to kidnap him and kidnap him.

"We wear the uniforms of the Holy Light Academy, which is equivalent to representing the Wuhun Temple. No one will attack us." Penny shook her head, she was still confident about this.

You must know that when something happens to a noble, it only alerts the City Lord's Palace of Notting City. But if something happens to someone from their Wuhun Palace, not only the people from the City Lord's Palace will have to be mobilized, but also the high-level soul masters from the Wuhun Palace will also investigate until the truth comes out.

Even if there is no result after many days of investigation, even for the nobles, it is probably an unsolved case, and the big nobles above will probably not care about it if it is not profitable.

But if something like this happens in the Wuhun Palace, it will only be reported to the higher level. Coupled with the new relationship with the Holy Light Academy, the upper level will not take the matter lightly.

It's not that the Holy Light Academy has never had trouble, but the Wuhun Palace uses thunderous means to scare the monkeys. Therefore, in the past two years, the people in the Holy Light Academy can be said to be the safest among the grassroots personnel in the entire continent.

After listening to Beni and Wan Hu's explanations, the villagers on the side were reassured and even more envious. They didn't know exactly what soul master meant, but in their opinion, Beni and Wan Hu's life was the best life they could imagine. .

Needless to say, safety and ease, the most important thing is dignity and good welfare. Many villagers saw the carriage that took them back to the village, and they were even more jealous of the things Beini and Wan Hu moved.

Being able to live and eat for free in Notting City is already very good. For example, Tang San went to Notting College as a work-study student, but being able to live comfortably and bring a lot of groceries home was simply something he couldn't even dream of at night.

It's a pity that there is only one quota left.

When Village Chief Jack saw the villagers gradually turning their attention to him, he cleared his throat and said, "Fellow fellow villagers, the last place in the Holy Light Academy is absolutely fair and just. Which child is more qualified will be allowed to go?"

"When the day comes when the martial soul awakens, we can all notarize it together, and there will never be any favoritism!"

While they were talking passionately, Tang San came over with some dissatisfaction. He thought that setting off firecrackers early would naturally attract those villagers who wanted to do good things.

When the time comes, those scornful villagers will naturally surround him and ask questions. Then it will be the perfect moment for Tang San to show off his results and show off.

Unexpectedly, the plan was aborted at the beginning. Until the firecrackers were set off, he didn't see a single villager coming over. He didn't even see half a person.

He walked along the village road and reached the center of the village when he heard the noisy discussion. Looking at Wan Hu and Beini in the center of the crowd, Tang San couldn't help but secretly hate them.

These two conspicuous bags are really incompatible with him and will ruin his plans no matter what.

Seeing Tang San, who went to Notting City with Beni Wanhu, coming over, a few villagers turned their heads to talk to him.

Everything in Notting City is new to them. They have a rough idea of ​​what Holy Light Academy is like, and they are also interested in what Notting Academy is like.

"Hey, Tang San, I didn't realize that the food at Notting College isn't bad. It looks much better than before. Doesn't it mean that working-study students have a harder time?"

The villagers' questions attracted the attention of Village Chief Jack. Yes, he had just remembered this. He heard that the working-study students at Notting College could only get tuition exemptions, and they had to do some handyman subsidy if they wanted to eat well.

This question was put to Tang San's lips by chance. Tang San cleared his throat and said, "Work-study students at Notting College are indeed very hard-working. Their accommodation conditions are average, and their income is only enough for the reduced tuition fees and the cheapest meals."

"Then you are?"

"I owe this to my good teacher Yu Xiaogang." Tang San raised his chin with pride on his face, "He is famous in the entire soul master world and is known as the master."

"In addition, I have become a soul master and can receive a subsidy of 1 gold soul coin every month, so I don't need to worry about anything in life."

As he spoke, Tang San raised his hand, "Possessed by a martial spirit."

A thick blue silver grass that was far different from ordinary blue silver grass emerged from the ground near him, and a yellow soul ring emerged from the soles of his feet. "With the help of my teacher, the first soul ring I obtained came from 400 years ago." Datura snake.”

(End of this chapter)

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