Chapter 168

"The strength of the 400-year-old Mandala Snake is close to that of the Soul Lord. It is a powerful soul beast that even Su Yuntao, the deacon of Wuhun Palace, can't compete with." Seeing the confused expressions on the villagers' faces, Tang San simply gave an example, which immediately aroused consternation. There was a cry.

Although the name of Saint Soul Village is very domineering, the Soul Saint has left nothing but a quota for one work-study student every year. Su Yuntao, who comes every year to do martial arts awakening for his children, is already considered by everyone to be the strongest. Soul master.

But even the soul beast that Master Su Yuntao couldn't defeat actually became Tang San's soul ring. This shows that Tang San's teacher Yu Xiaogang is a more powerful soul master, and this yellow soul ring must be extremely precious.

"My Blue Silver Grass martial spirit was reborn because it absorbed the Mandala Snake's century-old soul ring." As he spoke, Tang San's eyes flashed, the century-old soul ring flashed, and the five Blue Silver Grass made him look the most unpleasant. Five villagers were tied up.

"You can try my soul master's methods. My teacher told me that there are no useless martial spirits, only useless soul masters!"

Tang San looked at the five villagers who were blushing and unable to break away and nodded with satisfaction, with a meaningful voice, and then turned his attention to Beini and Wan Hu.

"Beini, Wan Hu, you might as well give the villagers some insight into what your soul rings look like." Tang San stared at Wan Hu with a smile on his face, "Wan Hu, don't be shy, the villagers are just curious about your soul. What does the ring look like?”

"I, my soul power is now level 8. Only when you reach level 10 can you get a soul ring and become a soul master, hehe." Wan Hu rubbed the back of his head and said sheepishly. He was still young and had a simple and honest temperament. The run was unnoticeable.

"But my first spirit ring is the same as Beni's first spirit ring. You can look at Sister Beni's and you will know what spirit ring I will have next year."

"Oh, you are only level 8, but I am different. Your soul power level is exactly twice yours, level 16. Next year, if you break through level 10 and become a soul master, I may become a great soul master."

Tang San saw the sarcasm on Wan Hu's face who was still smiling innocently, and then he looked at Beni, "Beni, how old is your first spirit ring?"

"Your Holy Light Academy treats you so well. I wonder what kind of spirit beasts are hunted for you and how old are they?" Of course Tang San has never seen Beini's spirit ring, but the first and second spirit rings of the Holy Light Academy are all white. He had heard the rumors.

Tang San's current pretense is that he intends to use Penny as a stepping stone to highlight his extraordinary qualities as Young Master Tang San.

"The first two soul rings and soul skills of our Holy Light Academy are the same. As for the soul ring years, they are all basic ten-year soul rings when they are first obtained."

Penny didn't hide anything, she was possessed by the martial soul openly, and white soul rings emerged from the soles of her feet. Compared to Tang San's century-old soul ring, the aura was indeed much different.

"However, with our devotion to the Holy Light, this soul ring will slowly increase its lifespan in the future. By then, there is hope for not only a hundred years, but also a thousand years."

"Oh, then Beni's spirit ring sounds about right. They are still young now. When they grow up, her spirit ring will naturally be the same as Tang San's, or even better." The villagers on the side agreed. road.

At the same time, some villagers asked Tang San, "Tang San, can your spirit ring increase your lifespan?"

"Increase the age limit? How is it possible?" Tang San looked in disbelief. The age of the soul ring was not determined the moment the soul beast was produced. He had never heard that the age of the soul ring could be increased.

"Impossible. My teacher Yu Xiaogang is a theoretical master in the soul master world and has profound knowledge. I have never heard from him that the life of a soul ring can be increased. You must be lying."

Tang San stared at Beini sharply, trying to see any flaw in her face, but the little girl replied without hesitation, "I'm not lying, I saw Sister Wei Na's first performance with my own eyes." The soul ring has changed from white to yellow."

Wan Hu on the side also nodded and said, "Yes, sister Wei Na's first soul ring has indeed turned yellow, and her second soul ring is probably about the same. When she breaks through level 30 and becomes a priest, she will probably have You are qualified to run for the position of dean.”

Most of the time, children wouldn't lie. When the villagers saw Wan Hu and Beni swearing to each other, they had no doubts. Even Tang San had doubts on his face. From his two lifetimes of experience, it was not difficult to tell that these two children were not lying.

"Hey, Tang San, doesn't your teacher claim to be a master of theory and knowledgeable? If he doesn't even know this, wouldn't he be a liar?"

The tied up villagers on the side had long been dissatisfied when they saw Tang San's domineering appearance before, but now they naturally took this opportunity without hesitation and directly taunted him.

"What do you call an ordinary person who is not even a soul master? My teacher's name as master is known to all soul masters with some knowledge." Tang San looked at him coldly, and the blue silver grass beside him stretched out like a poisonous snake. head.

"They are all from the village, please be careful." Village Chief Jack saw that the atmosphere was not right and hurried to the middle of the two to smooth things over. He first reprimanded the villagers, "Don't say nonsense without basis."

Then he turned around and said to Tang San gently, "Tang San, take your martial spirit back. We are all fellow villagers from the same village, and he doesn't mean all bad."

"It's not a bad intention. What is it? That's my teacher. Once a teacher, always a father. If he insults my teacher, he is insulting my father. Village Chief Jack, get out of the way. He must apologize to my teacher in public. That's all." Tang San looked at the villagers with undisguised disgust on their faces. He was leaving anyway, so there was no need for him to compromise. Anyway, with his current strength, he could do whatever he wanted in Holy Soul Village. What!
"Tang San, you?!" Village Chief Jack couldn't help being shocked when he saw the unceremonious Tang San taking a step forward, and the Blue Silver Grass also reaching out. He didn't expect that Tang San wouldn't give him, the village chief, any face. .

You know how helpful he had been to Tang San before, even if there was some filth in the process, he didn't hesitate to give Tang San his place as a work-study student.

It is said that the love of rice brings hatred of rice, but I didn't expect that this little guy would have the same temperament as Tang Ri in just one year.

"Tang San, what do you want to do? This is the village chief!" Beini and Wan Hu rushed to the village chief. Although they didn't have much fighting power at this stage, they still had to have the courage to step forward.

"That's right, Tang San, Village Chief Jack is highly respected. Even if you become a spirit master, you can't be ruthless!" Other villagers also gathered around him with great momentum, and public sentiment was overwhelmingly against Tang San.

In contrast, Tang San was the son of the drunkard Tang Ri, and he was usually not gregarious. He was the least valued child in the village.

However, Village Chief Jack is very old and still works hard for the prosperity of the village. Anyone with a conscience will be full of gratitude and respect for him.

"Hmph, I knew you guys were all the same. My father, Tang Ri, was forced to leave by you." Tang San looked cold and stern. He was leaving anyway, so he might as well be more relaxed.

Although there was no soul master in the Holy Soul Village to compete with him as a foil to Tang Sanshao's strength, it was definitely more shocking that so many adults, even ordinary people, were defeated by a 7-year-old child like him.

Tang San licked his lips and held two bluesilver grass whips with both hands, "Get out of my way, soul masters can't be lightly insulted. That guy must kowtow and apologize for his rude remarks, or else I'll teach you a lesson too!"

"What?! Tang San is so arrogant!" After hearing Tang San's words, all the villagers immediately exploded. There are twenty or thirty strong laborers here!
"Teach me a lesson!" The leading villagers summoned their martial spirits and looked at Tang San with unkind expressions while holding up wooden sticks and hoes.

"Hmph, a bunch of rabble!" Tang San said disdainfully. He didn't have to use hidden weapons for these ordinary people. "The first soul skill, blue silver entanglement."

The thick blue silver grass was the first to wrap around the villagers with Fork and Hatchet martial arts spirits. Then Tang San swung his hand, and the two blue silver grass swept over like long whips, knocking the villagers in front of them to the ground.

Then the running ghost shadow fan rushed forward, and his figure was like a ghost. His hands turned into pure white jade color and he hit the villagers' lower back, leg bends, lower legs and other vital points without hesitation.

Accompanied by wailing, within a moment, half of the villagers were knocked down, and wailing filled the field.

Seeing that something was wrong, the remaining villagers hurriedly stood side by side with their weapons facing outwards, not giving Tang San any room to move. One of the sticks even hit Tang San on the back of the head.

But Tang San didn't cry out, and the person he knocked down didn't know what was going on, so no one knew.

"I don't believe you are a bunch of rubbish." Tang San felt the swelling on the back of his head and no longer rushed forward to act rashly. Instead, he stepped on the fallen villagers and taunted Village Chief Jack and other villagers.

"A group of ordinary people dare to challenge me, a level 16 first-level soul master. I'm not afraid of you knowing that I, Tang San, will definitely be able to break through to the great soul master level in the next two years, and by then I will be on the same level as Su Yuntao, the deacon of Wuhun Palace. "

"Looking at the way you are huddled together, you are as cowardly as a group of turtles. I think we should change the name of this Holy Soul Village to Bastard Village."

"Village Chief!" The other villagers were furious after being scolded by Tang San. They turned to look at Village Chief Jack, "Otherwise we'll all be in trouble together. I don't believe that a little kid can knock us all down."

The originally calm Village Chief Jack also became anxious after hearing the insult of the name Holy Soul Village, and there was no trace of gentleness in his expression when he looked at Tang San.

"Tang San, is this what your father Tang Ri taught you? This is too much. Our Holy Soul Village Temple is too small to accommodate you father and son!"

"Humph, my father Tang Ri has already left, and I will leave tomorrow too. Who cares about staying in this bastard village like you!"

"You!" Ignoring the reason for Tang Ri's departure, Village Chief Jack turned to look at Beni, asking if Beni, a fellow spirit master, could stand up to Tang San.

Looking at the earnest gaze of the village chief's grandfather, Penny shook her head helplessly, "Village Chief, my martial spirit has no actual combat ability now."

Just as the villagers were gritting their teeth and Tang San was laughing with his arms akimbo, a figure appeared from the intersection and shouted, "Where did you come from, you bastard, dare to come to Holy Soul Village to run wild!"

(End of this chapter)

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