Chapter 169
As soon as Duolong entered the village, he felt something was wrong. There was no one outside the village, and there was even more noise in the center of the village. As soon as he turned the corner, he saw the villagers lying on the ground.

The remaining villagers looked nervously confronting a young soul master, while his sister Beni and Village Chief Jack were in the center of the crowd.

"Where did the first-ring soul master dare to come to the Holy Soul Village to run wild?" Seeing the vines and grass dancing around the visitor, and a yellow soul ring floating beside him, Duolong didn't think much, and directly yelled and charged with the spirit of possession. passed.


The first soul skill is to inspire the wolf howl.

Increase the movement speed of yourself and the soul masters of the same type by 30% within 20 seconds (can be superimposed, the effect is halved for 3 or more people, and further halved for 10 or more people, the maximum increase for a single person is 60%.), and will be used for the next time. The attack has a sharp wind effect.

Duolong and Tang San just met each other, and Tang San's taste and taste had changed a lot this year, so Duolong didn't even know who this was?
However, he had no intention of asking. He was moving extremely fast, punching Tang San with a cyan phantom.

So fast!Tang San, who had just turned around and saw Duolong, changed his expression. He was several hundred meters away and Duolong arrived in front of him in ten seconds. This speed was much faster than what his teacher Yu Xiaogang showed when he hunted the Mandala Snake. Too much.

It also far exceeded his rough estimate of Soul Lord's strength. Who would have thought that a 13-year-old boy could actually have a level of strength that was significantly stronger than his teacher Yu Xiaogang's.

But it's no wonder, Duolong's current soul power level is as high as level 36, and his martial soul has evolved from the Wind Wolf to the Wind Demon Wolf. Coupled with his physical fitness and practical literacy, there is a world of difference compared to Yu Xiaogang.

Even at this moment, Duolong did not use his two best legs, but reservedly used his fists, intending to knock the little soul master unconscious first and then capture him alive.

"No, I don't believe it!" Duolong didn't recognize Tang San, but Tang San remembered Duolong very clearly, and he naturally knew that being knocked down by the Duolong in front of him would never end well.

The first soul skill, Coil.

Tang San's eyes widened, he felt Duolong's overwhelming aura and did not dare to neglect at all. The soul power in his body was directly poured into the first soul ring without any hesitation, and more than a dozen thickened blue silver grass broke through the ground and headed towards Duolong. Long wrapped around.

At the same time, Tang San tiptoed and moved back quickly. Originally, he had planned to try two moves with Duolong, but now it seemed that the 36th move was the best move.

"Plant control soul master, it's useless!" Duolong looked at the oncoming vines and grass that were crisscrossing and falling down like a big net, and he didn't even want to waste time moving around to avoid them.

The cyan soul power gathered and waved his claws, and ten wind blades shot out of the air, chopping the seemingly thick blue silver grass into pieces like chopping melons and vegetables, and rushed directly through the air without losing any speed. .

The Wind Demon Wolf Spirit is not 01:30 better than the Gale Wolf Spirit. One of the most important abilities is to greatly improve the control of the wind element. Without soul skills, you can easily mobilize the soul power to drive the vitality of heaven and earth throughout the body. Freely form the wind blade.

"What kind of martial spirit is this? It looks a bit like Blue Silver Grass, but not as useless as Blue Silver Grass." Duolong even took the time to grab a blade of grass and check it out while moving at high speed.

"It's not much stronger than useless martial souls like Blue Silver Grass." Duolong, who easily crushed the blades of grass, could feel that the nature of the blades of grass was ordinary, but it was quite impressive in terms of quantity.

In addition, smelling the faint smell of tea in it, Duolong threw it away in disgust, "It's also a little poisonous, boy, just catch it without mercy, otherwise don't blame my fist for being merciless."

Seeing that the blue-silver winding that he had consumed a quarter of his soul power had no blocking effect on Duolong, and the distance between the two of them was only a few tens of meters, Tang San couldn't help but feel numb.

His Ghost Shadow Follower is good at rolling around in a small area, but its straight-line speed is completely incomparable with the agility-attack Doron.

Not caring about hiding it, Tang San gritted his teeth and without hesitation touched his hand to his waist. He threw the locust stone and money dart out without hesitation, and the sharp points on them also had a faint smell of tea.

This is a paralysis poison that he purified and refined from his own martial soul poison. It can paralyze the opponent's movements and weaken the opponent's strength.

Originally, the poison on the mandala snake was much stronger than the poison of his martial soul, but after being contaminated by Yu Xiaogang's third soul skill, Tang San really couldn't pass the threshold in his heart to get the poison, so he could only use simple The paralyzing poison is about to end.

"What the hell?" The fast-moving Duolong's reflexes and dynamic vision were not bad at all. He easily caught the messy things thrown by Tang San. They didn't look like martial arts abilities because there was no soul power fluctuation.

The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength. Duolong did not relax his vigilance because these gadgets were inconspicuous, but became more alert because of the unknown.

The second soul skill is the soul of the wind wolf.

A huge blue wave appeared above Duolong's head, and as he waved his hands, rolling wind waves roared out on both sides of his body, blowing all the hidden weapons thrown by Tang San to both sides.

Driven by the strong wind, Duolong not only lost the wind resistance, but was pushed forward by the wind behind him. In the blink of an eye, the distance between him and Tang San was reduced by half.

"Riding the strong wind?!" Tang San felt his chest was tight and his mouth was full of bitterness. His hidden weapon was like a scholar meeting a soldier when his hidden weapon met the guy who controlled the wind. He couldn't explain it.No matter what weird throwing technique, once the air flow changes, the direction will naturally lose control, but looking at Duolong's clenched fist, Tang San, who felt a chill on his back, couldn't sit still and wait for death.

He threw the more lethal bone-penetrating needles and lancets together, in order to slightly slow down Duolong's speed, allowing him to run away from the open space and take advantage of the ghost shadow fan's ability to move around.

But no matter whether Tang San throws a hidden weapon, the strong wind will have no effect. After all, he is only a 16th level soul master and a 7-year-old child. The strength of the hidden weapon he throws is comparable to that of the strong wind controlled by a 36th level soul master. There is no comparison at all.

"Damn it!" Looking at Duolong, who was nearly ten meters behind him, Tang San also completely lost all hope of luck. He stopped and turned around to face the enemy. The moment Duolong's fist poked out, he exerted force on his arm and three black shadows shot directly at him. Xiang Duolong’s face!
No matter how small the sleeve arrow is, it can be regarded as a mechanical concealed weapon. It is much more powerful than a thrown concealed weapon. Moreover, at such a short distance, Duolong has no time to use the strong wind to deflect it, so it is undoubtedly the best time.

"How dare you try your best with a small skill!" Duolong, who had been on guard for a long time, opened his mouth when he saw the black shadow, "Ho!"

Thin green wind blades whizzed out from his mouth, growing in size as they faced the wind, directly knocking down four sleeve arrows to the ground, and there were even five remaining wind blades that continued to grow in size and shot at Tang San.

"What?!" Tang San, who had always disdained the beast spirit masters, widened his eyes. In his opinion, the beast spirit masters were standard targets. They could control the blue silver grass and use hidden weapons to attack from a distance.

But he didn't expect Duolong to retaliate in the same way. The five wind blades were already the size of wooden stakes before Tang San's eyes. The cold and sharp energy made Tang San's pupils shrink.

Extreme Purple Magic Eyes.

Tang San's eyes glowed with the purple light of the rising sun, and he directly saw through the trajectories of the five wind blades. If the wind blades weren't harder to grasp than hidden weapons, he would have been able to perform a wave of catching hidden weapons with his bare hands.

What's the best body shape for dodging?Tang San frowned as he looked at the wind blades. There were too many five wind blades and not enough space.

Control the crane and capture the dragon.

In the meantime, he stretched out his hands to activate his soul power, and invisible gravity acted on the two wind blades to deflect them, while Tang San's figure moved through the gaps between the wind blades like an iron bridge with a vague shadow.

"Hey, you're such a nimble kid, if I had told you to dodge a year ago." Duolong's lips curled up. He usually had to fight with Miga. If Tang San could dodge the wind blade so easily, Then he won't be beaten to death.

His eyes turned blue, and he invisibly controlled the wind blade to deviate from its original trajectory, and the dodge path Tang San calculated became a waste.

"Ah!" Tang San fell to the ground after feeling three hot and severe pains on his body, his face filled with disbelief. How could the trajectory predicted by his Purple Demon Eye be wrong?

But before he could think about it, Duolong rushed in front of him and kicked him upwards. Tang San, who felt that his intestines were almost broken, bent into a prawn and floated in the air.

Then Duolong directly reached out and grabbed Tang San's collar to prevent him from falling to the ground. He didn't take a closer look at Tang San's appearance or ask any questions.

Without any hesitation, there were two loud loud mouths. Tang San's shiny little face turned red instantly, and his whole ears were buzzing.

Tang San, whose brain was almost shut down, felt the pain all over his body and his eyes turned red, "Ah, I want you to die." He opened his mouth wide and bit Duolong's hand that was grabbing his collar.

Duolong retracted his hand slightly in disgust, punched Tang San in the face, and two big blood-red white teeth flew out.

Tang San, who was almost knocked unconscious by a punch, fell to the ground again. Before he could struggle to get up, Duolong kicked him over, and then stepped on Tang San's chest, almost knocking his breath away.

Then Duolong knelt down and slapped four loud loud mouths again. After this time, Tang San became more obedient and lay on the ground no longer struggling.

Although the resentment on his face could not be concealed, there was obvious fear and confusion in the eyes of the wide-open dead fish.

Duolong looked at the little pig head with purple and swollen cheeks under his feet and asked calmly, "Tell me, why did you come to Holy Soul Village to cause trouble?"

"I'm not making trouble." Tang San tasted the sweet taste in his mouth and suppressed the anger in his heart, making a gasping sound.

Bang, bang, bang, four loud loud mouths again, "Speak to me carefully, wasn't it your fault that so many villagers fell to the ground?"

"I, I." Tang San, who subconsciously wanted to argue, felt the pain in his cheeks and fearfully swallowed the words back into his throat. The frustration in his heart was surging in his stomach and had nowhere to vent, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but get wet.

"Speak!" Duolong raised his hand and said loudly again. The method taught by the senior was really good. He hadn't asked anything yet, but he felt that his originally angry mood had been much relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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