Chapter 170 Sneak Attack
"Forget it, please tell me first what your name is and where you live?" Duolong waved to his sister and villagers in the distance to reassure them, and then looked at the little bastard with red eyes under his feet and changed his position. the question asked.

"My name is Tang San, and I live in the blacksmith shop at the west end of the Holy Soul Village." Tang San stopped the moisture in the corners of his eyes and replied with aggrievedness. Duolong's attack at the moment was extremely cruel. Although it would not kill him, it was too painful. .

After ten slaps from both sides, Tang San felt like his soul was almost gone. His face was swollen and swollen, and the burning pain was almost numb, but each new slap could arouse him more.

"Tang San, blacksmith shop?" Duolong, who felt familiar, was full of doubts. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly realized, "It turns out it's you, a brat. I've forgotten about it this year."

Hearing Duolong's words, Tang San felt full of humiliation. He had remembered Duolong tightly this year, but he didn't know that the other party actually forgot about him Tang San!
Full of grievance and anger, Tang San looked at Duolong with pure coldness in the depths of his eyes. This Duolong already had an absolute way to kill him!

It wasn't that he didn't have a trump card, thinking silently in his heart, Tang San tried his best to restrain the murderous intent in his eyes. He had to endure it, and he had to wait for Duolong to release the spirit's possession state.

The difference between soul masters who are not possessed by martial spirits and ordinary people is not obvious. With these words in mind, Tang San felt the tight-fitting crossbow on his back and gritted his teeth. Even if he killed people in public and exposed his hidden weapon, he still wanted Duolong to die. ah!
"You boy, you have become a soul master and your wings have become stronger - you can fly." After thinking about the whole thing, Duolong saw that Tang San's expression was still unswerving, but if he was also a villager in the Holy Soul Village, there was no need to go so far.

Duolong first took his feet off Tang San's chest, raised his chin and motioned for the other party to get up, "Do you know you're wrong?"

"Ahem." Tang San struggled to get up and lay half on the ground, spitting out two blood-red white teeth, "I was wrong, Brother Dolong."

Tang San lowered his head and spoke in a soft voice, but his eyes were full of cold murderous intent. If the concierge who had humiliated him had only 1 method of death that barely met the standard, then the Duolong in front of him was at least [-], and There is no distinction between high and low kings and saints.

"Well, it's good to know that you were wrong." Doron nodded, looked at the village chief and his sister Beni coming from a distance and waved, "Village Chief Jack, what did this kid Tang San do?"

"Well, the cause of this incident is also strange. Tang Ri left the Holy Soul Village for some unknown reason. As a result, Tang San said it was due to our exclusion, and with a little quarrel, a fight broke out out of nowhere."

Village Chief Jack couldn't bear to see the miserable way Tang San was beaten. He originally wanted to teach him a lesson, but now it seemed that Duolong had done enough.

Beanie on the side did not look at Tang San, but at her brother. This was the first time she saw Duolong in the spirit-possessed state.

The current Duolong is somewhat similar to Su Yuntao of the Lone Wolf Martial Spirit, but the traces of animal transformation are lighter, especially the hands and feet still maintain the basic structure of human beings, with wolf totems like tattoos on his bare hands and face. .

"Brother, you look so handsome like this, even more handsome than before."

"Really? Brother, this is the Wind Demon Wolf Spirit. Even if it is not as good as the top martial spirit, it is almost the same. However, brother still dreams of evolving the spirit again. The Blue Moon Winged Divine Wolf can really fly."

Duolong looked at his sister whom he hadn't seen for a year and turned around, letting her run over to him and move her hands curiously. He squatted down and let her touch his paws and green wolf fur, and ignored Tang San.

He saw that Village Chief Jack and other villagers were coming, and planned to hand Tang San over to Chief Jack.

As for whether Tang San would wait for an opportunity to escape, Duolong knew very well that he had not acted lightly just now. It was already good that Tang San didn't lie down directly. Even if he ran away again, it wouldn't be difficult for him to catch him again.

"That's right." Seeing that his sister was satisfied, Duolong took back his martial spirit and looked at Village Chief Jack and said, "Tang San has a lot of metal gadgets on his body, so be sure to search him thoroughly first."

"Humph, go to hell!" Tang San, who finally waited for his chance, shouted and lowered his head, shooting a cold light at Duolong's chest!

The pure steel crossbow arrow hit the pure white light shield, and a leather talisman engraved with golden seal script in Duolong's chest pocket turned into fly ash.

Looking at the pure steel crossbow arrow that was rapidly rubbing and colliding with the light shield on his chest, Duolong finally had time to react and turned sideways. Then the crossbow arrow shattered the light shield and with only half its strength, it passed by Duolong's side and was inserted into a tree. On the tree.

Seeing the two-inch crossbow arrow more than halfway into the tree trunk, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans dripping from Duolong's forehead, the senior's original instructions reverberated in his mind.

It was almost, just almost, that Duolong was going to die in front of his own sister!
The same words appeared in Tang San's mind, what the hell is this white spherical energy mask that wraps Duolong's whole body?It was actually able to temporarily block the crossbow arrows from his tightly-packed crossbow!
But Tang San, whose cards were all gone, had no other choice. Tang San bit his tongue and woke up. The Xuan Tian Kung in his body completely went wild regardless of the endurance of his meridians, and the wounds on his body were temporarily sealed by his soul power.

Then he ejected directly from the ground and rushed towards the nearest house with layers of phantoms. "Run!" This was the only thought in Tang San's mind.

"Want to run?!" Looking at Tang San who still had the energy to run, Duolong, who had just had a close encounter with the God of Death, also realized that evil comes from cowardice.

Directly possess the spirit of martial arts and follow closely.


The first soul skill is to inspire the wolf howl.This time, he didn't hold back at all. His strong body and aura were cold and stern with a wolf-like aura. The cyan air flow wrapped around his feet, and his kick was as sharp as a knife.

"No!" Tang San's face was filled with despair when his purple devil eyes caught Duolong's movements. This speed and power were too overwhelming, and the ghost shadowing technique was completely useless.


With the sound of the silk cracking, Tang San flew into the air, and there was a long and narrow bloody gash on his body, as if he had been slashed with a knife.

Watching Tang San fall, Duolong didn't hold back at all this time. He directly stepped on the ground and hit Tang San's abdomen with his knee.

Tang San's eyes widened and he opened his mouth wide, almost spitting out his lunch. Then Duolong grabbed Tang San's collar and put away his wolf claw with his other hand, but it was covered with soul power.

There was a crisp snap that everyone present could hear clearly. Tang San's eyes went black and he fainted. Duolong looked at Tang San whose mouth had been crooked and had a look of disgust on his face, but he was no longer careless.

In the spirit-possessed state, he directly grabbed the unconscious Tang San and Village Chief Jack, asked for a hemp rope, found a big tree that could be hugged by one person, and tied Tang San's hands and feet firmly, and then searched him all over.


Notting City, Notting Junior Soul Master Academy,

Yu Xiaogang looked at the gray-robed man in his 50s in disbelief. He could not imagine that this decadent and slovenly man was his idol, the former Haotian Douluo Tang Hao.

When Tang Hao looked at Yu Xiaogang in front of him, he felt a little complicated. He didn't expect that Tang Hao's son would become a disciple of his old friend in a small place like Notting City.

It is true that the two have not seen each other for 20 years, and they only had a few encounters at the beginning, but Tang Hao still knows Yu Xiaogang's ability, or it may be said that most of the direct descendants of all major forces know Yu Xiaogang's level.

No one cares about his title of theoretical master, but it is an unquestionable fact that his knowledge comes from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and Wuhundian.

Before Tang San could return to the Haotian Sect to recognize his ancestor, Yu Xiaogang was undoubtedly a good teacher to teach him early training, especially now that Tang Hao needed time to adjust to his decadence and had no time to lead Tang San in boring basic training.

"Yu Xiaogang, we met a few times back then. Others may think you are just a lunatic, but I know that you are a persistent person."

Tang Hao spoke lightly. He had been mostly decadent this year. Once in a while, when he came to Notting City and saw Tang San practicing under Yu Xiaogang's disciples, he no longer cared about it. Only when he was drunk could he vaguely see that. Tao figure.

But in the future, he had to do things, so he couldn't be so drunk, so he drank much more than before this year.

Yu Xiaogang, who gradually calmed down, looked at Tang Hao and asked, "It seems that I guessed right. You are indeed Xiaosan's father. He has gone home, why are you here?"

"It is precisely because he came home that I am here. I know that you accepted him as your disciple. As a father, I should have come to see you long ago. I am leaving, and the only one I care about is him, so, I hope to entrust the mistress to you."

Tang Hao made no secret of his purpose. He was alone now and had no subordinates. What he wanted to do and teach Tang San could not be done at the same time, and he also knew that he was not the one to teach Tang San the basics.

Yu Xiaogang, who took a deep breath, also asked questions. Unfortunately, Tang Hao didn't think highly of this useless direct descendant of the Shangsan Sect, and he didn't bother to talk to Yu Xiaogang about some things.

"He has decided to take an extraordinary path. Being with me is cruel to him. Well, I have finished what I want to say. No matter when, please remember that he is my son."

After saying that, Tang Hao threw a black token to Yu Xiaogang. The token was the same as the one the master showed when he brought Tang San into the Soul Hunting Forest. However, the pattern on this token was different. That's a whole six.

This is the Pope's Order. It was jointly formulated by Wuhun Palace and the three upper sects. There are only six in the whole continent, one for each of the upper three sects. The remaining three are all in the hands of Wuhun Palace. The Pope's Order has great power. Seeing an order is like seeing the Pope.

"In addition, Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace is unfathomable. Wherever she goes, you and Mistress remember to avoid it in advance." Tang Hao hesitated and reminded, he can help solve other problems, even for titled Douluo. , but Bibi Dong still forgot it.

"Why? Didn't you kill the previous Pope Qian Xunji?" Yu Xiaogang raised his head and expressed doubts. One of the biggest reasons why he regarded Tang Hao as his idol was that Tang Hao killed one of his enemies. Chihiroji.

(End of this chapter)

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