Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 182 Taoist monks are not tools

Chapter 182 Taoist monks are not tools

"You don't have to worry about Ah Yin, because her tragedy ended when her sacrifice was drained of value, and it has nothing to do with us at all."

Guang spread his hands and said, "The wrongdoer has the owner and the debtor has the owner. If she wants to collect debts, she also goes to Tang Hao and Haotian Sect. Plus Qianxunji, speaking of which, we have even avenged her. If Qianxunji's little old man A Yin is willing, If so, I can give her a slap in the face."

"But I inherited her favor after all." Bibi Dong touched her torso bones and sighed, "Without her soul bones, I probably wouldn't be able to survive, and she has been my pawn for more than five years. assistant."

"No, don't even think about Vivian's body. Her grass seed is just an introduction, and the cost I spent on it is even comparable to my own body." Guang responded directly and firmly.

"No, I just want her to live a normal life. With your ability, it won't be difficult to give her an ordinary body." Bibi Dong responded.

"You and I don't need to worry about this. Vivian is doing it right now. That little girl has a softer heart than you." The scene in Guang's eyes disappeared and he turned to look at Bibi Dong.

"Looking at the time, they will be back soon. Let's prepare to go ahead and kill the Crypt Demon Spider King to avoid long nights and dreams. When the time comes, you will come back to retreat, and I will take Vivian to the World of the Undead to build a bridgehead there."

Guang's eyes flashed, "As long as we can complete the construction of the bridgehead, we will no longer be a scattered exploration team. Once we are stationed, we will mainly focus on resource collection and world exploration. We can transport large numbers of people, and our efficiency will definitely be greatly improved!"

"Well, I just issued an order here to transfer Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo. When the time comes, I will arrange for Elder Demon Bear and Dugu Bo from the Elder Hall to take charge in the Tiandou Empire. In the Star Luo Empire, I will arrange for Elder Gu Douluo and She Long to take charge. Responsible."

Bibi Dong nodded lightly. Based on the subsequent operation of the World of the Dead, she even considered setting up a group of outstanding students to explore the East Spider Academy. Students who meet the standards can freely sign up to go to the World of the Dead.

The environment there is harsh and there are many undead creatures but none of them are particularly weak, which is perfect for training students.

In addition, teachers and other subordinates can also do it. Bibi Dong plans to slowly relax the admission standards for the world of the undead and no longer keep it completely confidential. She only needs to declare that the opposite side is a small secret world. Qiandaoliu, she I also thought about my words.


"Your Majesty, the Queen of Life, what is your relationship with the Blue Silver Emperor?" The Blue Silver King respectfully lowered his vines to Vivian.

Vivian, who put away the Holy Light Domain, waved her hand gently towards the Blue Silver King and replied briefly, "Just call me Vivian. You can think of her as me."

Because the matter of her and Ah Yin's one body and two souls involves too many secrets, and it is difficult to explain them.

"By the way, are you interested in becoming my vassal and transforming into a holy guard, just like Lei Ming and Huo Yu." Vivian looked at Huo Yu coming empty-handed from a distance and was very helpless, "There is no one left?"

"Vivian, you also know Lei Ming's character. He is impatient to begin with, and since he is with you and can reshape his body, he will naturally become crazy as he pleases."

Huo Yu shook her head helplessly. She and Lei Ming were not afraid of pain and death because their bodies were in the holy space of Vivian's body.

"The resources she needs to completely reshape her body are secondary. The key is that I have to remove part of her body as the core to reshape the body. In order to avoid hidden dangers, I do this once a month."

Vivian raised her hand and asked, "Do you want to go back? Or stay a little longer?"

"Stay a little longer. This place is completely different from the magma pool where I used to live." Huo Yu waved his hand.

"Look, transforming into a Holy Guard is the same as Fire Control Thunder. You put your body into the Holy Light Space in my body. There are four seats over there. After all, the space is not big."

"I can shape part of your body into a humanoid form, similar to the transformation of a soul beast, but it will not affect the display of your own strength. You can move freely in the future."

"Of course, in order to avoid panic in human society, you still cannot appear in most places in public places."

"Since it is His Majesty's kindness, I will naturally not refuse it." Blue Silver King responded respectfully.

"Don't be like this, just call me Vivian." Vivian's cheeks turned red and she waved her hands. She was not used to the feeling of being superior.

. . .

"No, no, no, that's not Ah Yin."

Tang Hao, who was as embarrassed as a prodigal dog, fell beside the creek with a face full of horror, and kept mumbling words to comfort himself.

Vivian did not respond to Tang Haoyuan's questions before leaving, but just controlled the food world grass and whipped it with two whips.

Tang Hao didn't dare to stop and ask more questions after sensing that his soul power was beginning to weaken, because the words spoken by the woman who seemed to be A Yin revealed something that he could ignore.

Of course he wants to be a good husband, but the premise is that he must be worthy of his sect, his father and his brothers.Men tend to be rational, while women tend to be emotional, so men like to reason, while women pay more attention to current emotions.

Tang Hao grew up mostly in the Haotian Sect in the first 30 years. The person who cared for him the most was his eldest brother Tang Xiao. Tang Xiao was 15 years older than Tang Hao. The term "eldest brother is like father" was vividly reflected in him.

Because their father is the leader of the Haotian Sect and is busy with affairs on weekdays, the occasional meeting with the brothers is not to get acquainted with the relationship between father and son, but to teach the sect's righteousness of the Haotian Sect.

There are three soul bones inherited by the Haotian Sect. Tang Xiao received the first one when he was 30 years old, Tang Hao received the second one when he was 20 years old, and the last one when he was 30 years old. It was also at that time that he He was secretly designated as the leader of Haotian Sect.

According to the arrangements of Tang Hao's father, the previous head of the Haotian Sect, the two brothers have been practicing abroad for ten years. While broadening their horizons, it is best to find the other half of their lives.

Tang Hao will definitely have Contra practice when he returns to the Haotian Sect at the age of 40. With the help of his elder brother Tang Xiao, there will be no problem in taking over the position of the leader of the Haotian Sect.

Regarding the ardent hopes of his sect, his father and his eldest brother, Tang Hao did not dare to slack off at all. Even during the three-year love period when he met A Yin, he also paid attention to practice.

In the first year of his training, he had just broken through to level 70 Soul Saint. By the time he brought Ah Yin back to Haotian Sect in the eighth year, he was already level 84. Less than two levels in a year sounded unpleasant.

But in fact, the speed of improvement after Soul Saint is definitely the top level of normal cultivation.

Not to mention that the eldest brother Tang Xiao had shown the spirit of an elder brother and voluntarily quit and gave A Yin to Tang Hao. He, Tang Hao, has always been engraved in his heart.

At that time, Tang Hao was nearly 50 years old, and Tang Xiao was even more than [-] years old. According to the principle of ordering elders and younger ones, there was no doubt that Tang Hao was the one who should give up.

Brothers are like siblings, and women are like clothes.

Although Tang Hao is not that outrageous, in terms of his inner tendency, Tang Xiao, who has been with him for 38 years, is undoubtedly far superior to his girlfriend, who he has been passionately in love with for three years.

This can be seen from the fact that he immediately gave up his plan to return to Haotian Sect after being intercepted by the Titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace. He did not want to bring down the sect because of his marriage to his wife.

But the death of his father later made him feel even more tortured. He had no face to face his dead father, no face to face the Haotian Sect, and no face to face his eldest brother Tang Hao.

It was all because he fell in love with a woman, Ah Yin, that he brought such disaster to the Haotian Sect. Even in Tang Hao's heart, Ah Yin was partly to blame at that time.

He himself was too embarrassed to go back to the Haotian Sect, let alone take Ah Yin back with him. Ah Yin was not the one he was marrying in the Haotian Sect. Although she was nominally Tang Hao's official wife, she was actually worse than the mistress he maintained behind the scenes. The treatment is not good.

After all, no mistress is willing to spend nine years with Tang Hao in a small village unchanged, with no jewelry, no silks, no lunch parties, no passion and romance.

Except for Ah Yin, the ignorant 10-year-old soul beast incarnation, no human woman who matched Ah Yin's appearance could endure this kind of life.

Because Ah Yin was younger than Tang Hao and Tang Xiao during his lifetime, he was ranked third and was called mistress by Tang Hao. Even after marriage, he was mostly called this way. This is true.

The name Tang San was also born from this. Even in order to commemorate his deceased wife, Tang Hao continued to call Tang San Xiao San.

It's just that as Tang San grew up, Tang Hao couldn't find any trace of his wife in him, so he was taciturn and extremely cold. It wasn't until Tang San awakened the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit that the title "Xiao San" returned to him. Tang Hao's mouth.

Of course, in Tang Hao's opinion, these are not the reasons why he felt sorry for A Yin and was so frightened. In his opinion, marry a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog. A Yin spent 12 years with him.

He is very happy, so Ah Yin is also very happy. As for the grievances that Ah Yin has swallowed due to ignorance and love, if he can't see it, he doesn't know it.

But there is one thing he really knows, and that is why Ah Yin has not been able to break through from level 9 to level 57 in 60 years?
Ah Yin is immersed in love and doesn't care about this matter. She is more emotional and cares about emotions. As long as she is with her lover, her soul level does not matter.

From the moment this idea came into being, Ah Yin inevitably led to tragedy because she gave up on herself and chose to completely trust Tang Hao and become his vassal.

People must love themselves first and cannot bet their future on the other person's emotions.

The so-called Taoist couple must support each other and work together towards a better future, rather than abandoning oneself and becoming a vassal of the other party to make the other party better. That is a furnace, that is a tool man, not a Taoist couple.

From this point of view, it is difficult to become a Taoist couple, because it not only requires the relationship between the two, but also requires that the gap between the two should not be too big. Even if it is not possible now, at least there must be a future that can be expected.

This is what Guang taught the little guys under him, and it is also the reason why he has no plans to find a Taoist companion. Once he crosses the line of enlightenment, everything will be different.

His care for those little guys is just a kind of giving that he is willing to give without asking for anything in return, or in other words, the reward he wants to see is to see those little guys grow up and become talents.

(End of this chapter)

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