Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 181 Xuanming Tribulation Thunder

Chapter 181 Xuanming Tribulation Thunder

Looking at the one-horned horned dragon taking the opportunity to sneak attack, Tang Hao snorted coldly, forced his body to mobilize new power, and swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand to blast downwards.

Haotian's Nine Jue, broken!

He had already intended to leave, and just took advantage of the counterattack force of this attack to leave. Tang Hao let out a long sigh of relief. This time he was one against three. Even if he failed to fight back, he did not embarrass the Haotian Sect.

Fire Control was not as good as Lei Ming in terms of offense. After hearing Lei Ming's plan in her heart, she had already given up on attacking. The horned dragon was just a cover-up to cover up the killer move.

"Blow it up!" Huo Yu put his hands together, opened his red lips, and his eyes were golden and red.

The obsidian scales on the surface of the lava horned dragon stood up and shot directly towards Tang Haocan. Under the scales were not lava flesh, flesh and rock bones, but thick black thorns!
The tail of the horned dragon was connected to the lava pool from beginning to end. Now that the camouflage was removed, the thorns were like giant trees. The thick trunks were rooted in the magma, and then branched into six branches to twine towards Tang Hao.

Tang Hao, who used the wrong force, was caught off guard and was entangled in thorns before he had time to convert his moves. Lei Ming turned into a blue-purple thunder and rushed straight towards the restrained Tang Hao.

"Asshole!" Tang Hao, who subconsciously felt the coldness on his back, couldn't believe it. He was a titled Douluo with a 10-year soul ring and a Clear Sky Hammer spirit. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be many people in the world who could pose a threat to him. .

"Explode." Tang Hao's instinct for battle made him grit his teeth and explode his seventh soul ring to gain new strength.

Haotian's Nine Jue, collapsed!

The thick soul power turned into a shattering force that broke the thorns on his body into pieces, and then Tang Hao aimed at the thunder and blasted out with a hammer.

But what surprised Tang Hao was that Lei Ming showed no signs of dodging, but instead accelerated his speed and crashed directly into him.

Haotian's nine unique skills, pass through!

Tang Hao, who was furious in his heart, knew that tearing and destroying damage would not harm him much, so he chose to use penetrating force to directly attack his internal organs.

The giant hammer hit Lei Ming's chest without any hindrance, and Lei Ming's bright white lips opened and she let out a maniacal laugh. While her chest was sunken, she did not retreat at all. Instead, she followed the force of the Clear Sky Hammer and actively split the two halves and wrapped around Tang Tang. Hao's body.

Looking at the twisted face with a crazy smile in front of him, and feeling the upper body firmly fixed by the body transformed from thunder vines, the uncertainty in Tang Hao's heart reached its peak.

"Come and taste the taste of heavenly calamity with me!" As Lei Ming spoke, the whole world fell silent instantly.

Above the sky, a black cloud appeared directly above Tang Hao at some unknown time, and the pure black thunder of heaven fell with a crash!
There is no ninth-level thunder tribulation, only a Xuanming tribulation thunder that is so deep that there is no luster at all. The heaven and earth are silent wherever it passes, and the space is torn with cracks. All the creatures in Douluo Continent can only feel panic from the heart when they look at the thunder. .

The earth official pardons the sin, and Xuan Ming cuts off the salary. This calamity thunder does not contain any chance of survival, and it is essentially different from the natural calamity of a normal soul beast.

Forty-nine avenues, if one escapes, even the heavenly tribulation faced by the soul beast is no exception. If it cannot survive, it will inevitably lead to death. However, after surviving the tribulation, the soul beast can break through the 10-year limit, and even exceed the tenth level of thunder. You can become a god instantly if you need a god status.

But the tribulation thunder faced by the Thunder Hell Vine is completely different. There is no life for ten deaths. Even if you fight to the death to withstand the tribulation thunder, your cultivation will not improve at all, it will only purely decline, because this thunder is the thunder of extinction, without any chance of life. It can be said.

This is also the grief and indignation of all the Thunder Hell Vine. It is because heaven and earth do not allow them to grow, it is because heaven and earth allow them to die!
Whenever they reach the limit, the heaven and earth will rain down Xuanming Tribulation Thunder. If they cannot survive it, they will die. If they survive, they will not break through and grow. They may even swallow too many thunder and lightning and cannot break through the sublimation essence. If they cannot control their power, they will explode and die!

It was not pleasant for Tang Hao to face the inevitable Xuanming Tribulation Thunder, even if the target of the Xuanming Tribulation Thunder was actually the thunder on his body.

The most terrible thing was that just before the Xuanming Tribulation Thunder was about to fall on Tang Hao, Lei Ming had no intention of blocking Tang Hao's sword. He let out a maniacal laugh from his bright white lips, and then he blew himself up!

The deep purple lightning flashing with golden light came into contact with Tang Hao at close range. Tang Hao, filled with grief and anger, could only explode the black eighth soul ring and activate the soul bone's defensive soul skills in order to protect himself.

But no matter how strong the defense is, it is not enough to face the ultimate thunder that explodes at zero distance, not to mention that the soul master focuses on the cultivation of martial souls instead of his own body.

Tang Hao, who was caught off guard, was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside. He turned into a black man who had just climbed out of a black coal kiln, and large areas of his skin were charred into black charcoal.

Fortunately, Lei Ming's strength comes largely from Vivian's domain increase, so the power of her self-destruction is far less outrageous, and is even much weaker than the 3-year-old Thunder Hell Vine she had before her transformation.

Tang Hao, who had no time to cry out, gritted his teeth as he looked at the approaching black thunder above his head, and Haotian Jiujue's defensive Kong Zijue was launched.

Eclectic, empty valley echoes.Even though the aura of Xuanming Tribulation Thunder was even worse, Tang Hao was relieved after successfully performing the defensive move of Clear Sky Hammer. His move incorporated most of the soul power from the explosion of the eighth soul ring, and he was confident that he could withstand [-]% of the titled Douluo in the world. attack.

The fact was exactly as Tang Hao had expected. The Xuanming Tribulation Thunder was attracted to the body of the Clear Sky Hammer which contained special power. Then Tang Hao, with a ruthless look on his face, swung the Clear Sky Hammer 360° in a circle and directed it towards Wei in the distance. Wei An blasted out from the air.

As the most powerful offensive weapon in the world, the Wuhun Haotian Hammer's unique skill is also the Haotian Jiujue developed by the peerless Douluo Tang Chen combined with the experience of the ancestors of the Haotian Sect. Even the only defensive move also has a very powerful attack. sex.

Compatibility is just the beginning. If the user's skills are proficient enough, they can even use the force to counterattack. Tang Hao plans to guide the Xuanming Tribulation Thunder adsorbed on the Clear Sky Hammer to Vivian.

But the scene he expected did not happen. The absorption power of Xuanming Tribulation Thunder exceeded Tang Hao's expectation. The reason why it was easily pulled into the Clear Sky Hammer by Tang Hao:

On the one hand, it’s because of Kong Zi Jue’s strong guidance, and on the other hand, it’s because it is aimed at the martial soul!

The Xuanming Tribulation Thunder, the Earth Official pardons sins, and the Xuanming Tribulation Thunder reduces the salary. This Tribulation Thunder was originally aimed at the cultivation years of the Thunder Hell Vine, but when it fell on Tang Hao's martial soul, it was aimed at Tang Hao's soul power level!
The dark tribulation thunder and the soul power of the Clear Sky Hammer were intertwined, constantly clashing and annihilating each other while firmly bonding together. Tang Hao, who felt that his soul power was rapidly declining, also sensed something was wrong.

The remaining soul power of his eighth soul ring had been completely dissolved in a matter of seconds, but the amount of Xuanming Tribulation Thunder was still less than half, and what had been dissolved now was his own soul power!

What made Tang Hao's complexion change the most was that he actually felt that the soul power he had consumed was permanent. Although it was only a small part, in the Holy Light Domain, he did not have the energy of heaven and earth to replenish his soul power. This kind of permanent The proportion of declining soul power is slowly increasing!

Not only can he not replenish his external soul power, but his soul power level is still declining. Who can bear this!
Feeling that his soul power level dropped from level 93 to 92, Tang Hao completely lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight. In the end, the bright red 10-year-old soul ring was exploded by him without hesitation.

The rich and abundant soul power is more than the previous eight soul rings combined, and it also contains abundant vitality, which can offset the Xuanming Tribulation Thunder and restore Tang Hao to full health and mana.

But Tang Hao had no intention of fighting at all, because he knew nothing about the opponent's cloaked man. All his trump cards had been wiped out, but he didn't know what other trump cards the opponent had.

Once the soul power of the ninth soul ring explosion ring is exhausted, without the soul ring, he is just a fat fish, ready to be slaughtered.

Haotian has nine unique features, the word "sha" is unique, and the body is as free and easy as the body, and it lights up and disappears in an instant.

The Killing God Realm acted as a plow to break the shackles of the Holy Light Realm, and Tang Hao drove the Clear Sky Hammer into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Vivian looked at Tang Hao, who was running away like a frightened bird, and had no intention of pursuing him. The message that had just been sent was a clear warning:

If Tang Hao explodes his 10-year-old ninth soul ring, don't chase him anymore, because this guy has a history of seance. The source of the Blood Sword disaster in the Tiandou Empire six years ago was Tang Hao's death. Shura god possesses the spirit.

"I'll let you go this time. Next time I meet you, I will definitely avenge Ah Yin and kill you with my own hands." The cloak on Vivian's head fell back, revealing a face that was five times similar to Ah Yin's before. .

Tang Hao, who had already rushed to the outskirts of Guyu Forest, turned around and was about to say a few harsh words, but when he saw Vivian's face clearly, his expression changed drastically, "What is your relationship with Ah Yin?!"

. . .

Wuhun City, Pope's Palace,
After finishing her official duties, Bibi Dong stood up and stretched her arms with her arms together. She looked at Guang, who was lying on the sofa with empty eyes, and asked, "How is Ah Yin's condition?"

"It's just that the original memory blockade has been unlocked. It only takes a little time to digest and absorb. I just isolated her memory, not stripped it away." Guang shook his head gently, with the scene of Guyu Forest flashing in his eyes.

"By the way, was Tang Hao almost level 93 seven years ago?" Guang asked Xiang Bibi Dong.

"That's right, he was sacrificed by Ah Yin and reached the peak of level 92. As long as he recovers from his injuries, he will probably be able to break through to level 93. Why do you ask this?" Bibi Dong was a little curious, "What is his current soul power level?"

"Originally it was level 93, but now it has dropped back to level 92. It seems that he has not improved at all over the years. The Xuanming Tribulation Thunder is really good. It would be great if he could store more points or even create them."

Guang can clearly see that even if the Titled Douluo resists this Xuanming Tribulation Thunder and loses it by two or three levels, it will not be a problem. Of course, there is no bottleneck in rebuilding it, but it requires a lot of effort.

Tang Hao's use of his soul ring to ward off disasters may seem clever, but in fact he is extremely stupid. Especially since he has used his 10-year soul ring to ward off disasters. If the Xuanming Tribulation Thunder can reduce his soul power level, can't it also reduce the age of his soul ring? ?
In particular, Tang Hao also used the ring explosion method to shatter the stable soul power structure in the soul ring and actively relied on the Xuanming Tribulation Thunder. This was truly a smart act.

(End of this chapter)

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