Chapter 180
The Clear Sky Hammer, which was so powerful that the air screamed, collided with Lei Ming's arm blade. Without any doubt, Lei Ming's arm broke and shattered!
Blue-purple thunder and lightning surged out from her arms and exploded one after another, but Tang Hao ignored it and used the remaining power of the eighth soul skill to hit the Clear Sky Hammer directly into Lei Ming's chest.

The strange thing is that, looking at his arm being smashed by the Clear Sky Hammer and his chest about to suffer the so-called fatal injury, his eyes shrouded by the thundering armor are very calm, with no pain and no fear of death.

At this critical moment, Huo Yu, who was following behind, directly knocked Lei Ming away and raised the Fire Rose Shield on his left arm to push it up.

Broken rose petals scattered waste, thump, thump, thump. . .Huo Yu took nine steps back in succession, and every time she stepped back, a large pit would explode in the ground beneath her feet.

Tang Hao also took three steps back. The intensity of the blue-purple lightning on Lei Ming's body was even greater. Being paralyzed, he was unable to use the random cloak's stacking skills normally.

Feeling the numbness in the tiger's mouth, Tang Hao looked at Huo Yu, who had only a broken gauntlet on the opposite side, and let out a long breath. The opponent was not a showman, and the hitting touch of this body was truly inhuman.

However, it was a good thing to destroy the opponent's ultimate thunder. Tang Hao turned his head and looked at the thunder with slightly narrowed pupils.

Lei Ming's half-broken arm grew rapidly like a plant under the rich white light. In just a blink of an eye, half of it had been restored, while the exploded red rose on Huo Yu's left arm was also quickly repaired under the white light.

Vivian in the distance did not release her skills specifically to serve the two of them. This was the recovery effect of the domain. No matter who the opponent was, they would not have the slightest advantage in a war of attrition.

Because Vivian's energy reserves are far more than her own, but also the plants of the entire Guyu Forest and the vitality of heaven and earth, plus the air transmission from the nearby Saint Power Pool of the Holy Light Academy.


After waking up, Tang Hao felt that the surroundings could not replenish the vitality of the world and reacted. If he could not deal with the opponent at once, then he would probably be dragged into the quagmire and consumed alive.

Even just a moment before Tang Hao launched his eighth soul skill, Vivian had already inspired the surrounding ancient trees to transform into tree people.

The next moment, Vivian's star-like shawl projected a silvery shadow, and all the trees and the surrounding holy light were thrown into it and merged into one.

"The phantom god of life: the sacred Bodhisattva with one hundred hands."

The compassionate-faced Bodhisattva rises from the ground. The size is much smaller than the last time. It is only 33 meters high. The arms on its body are only one-third of the number - 36. Even the invisible distortion covering the surrounding area has disappeared. .

On the one hand, this is because the Guyu Forest here is not Vivian's carefully managed home field, and at the same time, there is no direct blessing from the magic circle and the holy power pool.

On the other hand, this Bodhisattva looks more solid and agile than last time. Compared to Vivian's first attempt, which was jerky, she is now more proficient.

The reason why Vivian wanted to summon the phantom god was because she found that the strength of the world-eating grass was not enough to break through the airtight blockade of Tang Hao's Haotian Hammer.

And if they win by numbers, it will inevitably have an impact on the actions of Fire Control and Thunder.

"Merge." When Lei Ming and Fire Control recovered, Vivian seized the opportunity. The six arms of the Bodhisattva naturally merged and merged into a larger arm, and the huge palm print fell towards Tang Hao's head.

At the same time, the golden patterns on the densely packed white world-eating grass were bright, blocking the dozens of meters around Tang Hao like a cage of trapped animals, and the gap between Lei Ming and Tang Hao was even more severely blocked.

Haotian's Nine Jue, collapsed!

The enlarged version of the Clear Sky Hammer collided with the Bodhisattva's giant palm covered with golden patterns. Tang Hao was very dissatisfied when it was knocked away. The cracked wound on it healed quickly under the white light, and the same giant palm followed closely. Swing it back.

"Why is there such a big difference in the field?" Tang Hao, who found that he could not fly, looked gloomy and could only use the God of Death field to repel the vines that might suddenly grow under his feet.

This feeling of being blocked by someone's domain, as if being against the world and the earth, is really terrible, but in the battle between soul masters, this situation is extremely rare.

On the one hand, domain-like soul skills are extremely rare. On the other hand, competition in domains generally means competition in soul power levels. For example, Qian Daoliu Tang Chen and his friends have no chance of winning.

Vivian belongs to an extremely special category. Her cultivation level is not very high, but her essence is extremely high, and the corresponding field strength corresponds to it, not to mention that she has dual fields superimposed.

The biggest consumption problem was easily solved by sharing the holy power pool with other subordinates, which made her field level extremely high.

Being so suppressed, he had to kill the opponent first, but Tang Hao gritted his teeth as he looked at the densely packed world-eating grass between him and Vivian, the two guards of Thunder and Fire Control, and the half-length Bodhisattva dozens of meters high.

There was no hope of being able to break in. At this moment, Tang Hao hated himself extremely for not having auxiliary soul skills such as teleportation and flickering.

Now even if he uses the Big Sumeru Hammer, it will be difficult to kill Vivian. The reason why the unlucky guy Qian Xunji was seriously injured last time was entirely because he chose to fight Tang Hao in person with his sword.

As for Vivian, she has a very clear positioning of herself. She is a back-row controller and assistant. She is now standing on top of the Hundred-Handed Bodhisattva. She has even refined a soul bone with a flashing soul skill that can escape at any time.

She only needed to use her palms to bombard Tang Hao in turn to ensure the necessary suppression.The seventh soul skill, the true form of the Clear Sky Hammer Soul.

Tang Hao, who understood the situation, no longer hesitated. The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand quickly enlarged, and the God of Death domain also expanded with the explosion and attached to the surface of the Clear Sky Hammer, and then struck the sky with a hammer.

The shaken Buddha's palm was full of tear-shaped ravines, in which the black-red soul power exuding a destructive aura collided with the white power of holy light, making it unable to recover for a short period of time.

Vivian's face remained unchanged and she waved the staff. The remaining 24 arms merged into a huge palm and pressed down directly. The golden secret lines condensed into magnificent sun patterns on the back of the palm.

The sun in the sky is guided by the sun pattern and casts a golden pillar of light. In the middle of the light pillar, there is a trace of the most powerful sun fire.

The originally white wooden Buddha's palm quickly turned into a golden metal texture under the golden sunlight, and there was even a golden sun fire rolling on it.

"The Great Sun Tathagata Divine Palm!"

"How is that possible?" Tang Hao's expression froze as he looked at the flaming palms pressing down from the sky, covering the sky and the sun. The plant-type soul master used the ultimate fire method, which was as outrageous as the undead creature bringing the ultimate light!
Huo Yu in the distance was not idle either. She gathered all her strength and hit the ground with both arms at the right moment. Golden-red lines appeared and shot straight to the ground under Tang Hao's feet.

Lava Rose Swamp!

Under Tang Hao's feet, the golden-red patterns did not break out of the ground in the face of Tang Hao's fierce formation. Instead, they spread around with the soles of Tang Hao's feet as the center.

The sudden burst of high temperature turned the black soil into crimson lava. Waves rolled on the soles of Tang Hao's feet, and a rose quietly bloomed.

The golden flames of the Buddha's palms above the head cover the sky, and the hot and sticky magma pool under the feet has no place to draw on, and there are unknown dangers hidden.

The Blue Silver King in the distance widened his eyes. Compared to the previous Blue Silver Queen, this Emperor of Life was incomparable to heaven and earth. Not only did he have such a strong personality, but he also had the strength to match.

Looking at Tang Hao, who was caught in the middle and was about to be in bad luck, the Blue Silver King felt particularly comfortable and took the initiative to increase his soul power output in the life field by three points.

"I won't offend anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will offend them!" Tang Hao roared angrily, murderous intent spewing out from his eyes. He will repay today's revenge tenfold and a hundredfold in the future!
"Big Sumeru Hammer!"

With Tang Hao's roar, the two yellow soul rings and the two purple soul rings on his body exploded, and the God of Death domain on his body also expanded suddenly.

The pale murderous aura was like a dense cold air, covering the magma pool like ice. Tang Hao struck hard and twisted his body to spiral into the sky. He swung the huge Clear Sky Hammer and aimed it at the palm of the Great Sun Tathagata.

The Buddha's palm and the giant hammer clashed, and the golden sun flames and the black-red energy full of destruction mixed together and collided with each other.

Feeling the huge pressure coming from the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang Hao glared. This move was much more powerful than the previous 6-arm Buddha Palm.

The key is that the previous Buddha's Palm was essentially the softness of plants and was not strong, but the Great Sun Tathagata Divine Palm in front of it was extremely yang and extremely strong, completely different from just now.

What Tang Hao didn't know was that Vivian was indeed not good at attacking, let alone strong attacks, but she was an apostle of light, and she could borrow strength from light.

The assimilation of the core mysteries of the Holy Light is the core reason why the Holy Light field is extremely difficult to deal with, and the Way of the Fierce Sun that Guang has now comprehended can also be borrowed by Vivian in a short period of time.

Precise operation is not realistic, but Vivian has practiced this move with great ease.

"Explode!" Tang Hao, who had stopped fighting and planned to escape directly, gritted his teeth. The black fifth and sixth soul rings on his body exploded one after another. The Clear Sky Hammer, which had gained new power, finally gained the upper hand.


The mixed energy ripples of gold and black expanded and spread horizontally in a circular shape. Even a thousand-year-level flying soul beast would be turned into a charred corpse and then destroyed into ashes if it encountered it!
Not a single bit of the 24 arms of the Hundred-Handed Bodhisattva was left, and even the body was torn apart by the force of the earthquake with cracks all over it, but Vivian's body was not affected at all.

Tang Hao, who was shot down by the counter-shock force, injected all the remaining power of the explosive ring into the God of Death domain to temporarily restore his flying ability without falling directly into the magma pool, and prepared to turn around and run away from the Guyu Forest.

"Want to run?" Fire Control's red lips curled up as she was well prepared. Her rose magma swamp was not just a man-made magma pool. She had been hiding previously just to wait for the opportunity.

"Lava Thorn Horny Dragon!"

A black horned horned dragon as thick as five people's arms emerged from the magma pool. Its whole body was covered with dark obsidian, and the cracks all over its body were filled with flowing golden-red magma.

The horned dragon opened its mouth wide and bit into Tang Hao. Lei Ming, who had recovered from his injuries in the distance, was covered in lightning. Looking at Tang Hao, his eyes were filled with a strong aura of danger.

(End of this chapter)

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