Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 179 Thunder and Fire Control

Chapter 179 Thunder and Fire Control

Many things are unclear to the eyes of the authorities. Only when personal emotions and interests are involved can a matter be viewed truly objectively and impartially.

Although she knew that she was the protagonist of the incident, Ah Yin had no memory at all, so she was able to view the matter objectively and calmly.

She could see her own obsession back then, inexplicably joining the team of Soul Douluo and Soul Saint, and inexplicably feeling fond of Tang Hao, who was filled with murderous intent.

And since then, he has drifted with the crowd, and his destiny has been controlled by others. Only he knows Tang Hao's sincerity, but the problem of Haotian Sect is also particularly obvious.

Under the "care" of Tang Hao and the four-attribute clan, Ah Yin could not even break through the level 9 soul power for 3 years. It was so strange that Tang Hao should have noticed the problem even if he was as stupid as a pig.

But he chose to be silent and let it go, even if A Yin became pregnant and gave birth to a child for him. He had already made a silent choice for his sect and his lover.

The transformation of a 10-year-old soul beast before the maturity period is dangerous everywhere as long as the identity is exposed, and Ah Yin is no exception. What is greedy is the human heart, so the danger is not only for Qianxunji, but also not only for Wuhun Palace, but also for Haotian Sect. .

As long as Ah Yin breaks through level 60, she can become a human being. Without the temptation of profit from the soul ring and soul bone, all potential dangers will disappear. Don't Tang Hao understand this?
If Tang Hao had not lost the Blue Silver King grass seed, he would not have brought the grass seed to Blue Silver King to find a solution immediately, because he knew the joints from the beginning to the end.

In the past, the simple Ah Yin chose to follow his feelings and trust Tang Hao without reservation. However, Tang Hao, who seemed to outsiders to be a strong and upright man, actually cowardly chose to submit to the sect's arrangements.

Perhaps in Tang Hao's view, some things will be covered up by time as long as they are not revealed, including Haotian Sect's dirty thoughts and his own cowardly actions.

All crimes should be attributed to Qian Xunji and Wuhun Palace. The Haotian Sect will never be wrong, and Tang Hao is also not wrong, even if they are the ones with vested interests in the matter.

Ah Yin, who understood all this, heard a clicking sound deep in her heart, and a flood of memories resurfaced in her heart. She sank into the sea of ​​memories and fell into a deep sleep where memories blended together.

Instead, an angry Vivian came on board and prepared to collect the interest for Ah Yin first!

Looking at Tang Hao who was getting ready to go, Vivian's beautiful eyes flickered under her cloak. She knew Tang Hao's information very well. He was a titled Douluo with a 10-year soul ring six years ago, and with the Haotian Hammer The soul strength is much better than the ordinary elders in the Elder Hall.

Not to mention that Tang Hao also had the ring-exploding skill of a large Sumeru hammer. With her current strength, she was unable to keep him.

In addition, she was better at control, so even if she occupied the favorable location of Guyu Forest, it would be quite difficult to teach Tang Hao a lesson.

However, she did not waste this year in vain. Vivian opened her arms with sleeves, and the white and smooth backs of her hands flashed with strange lines of red and blue.

The white holy light turned into a light door, and two tall figures stepped out from it, standing on both sides of her body.

The figure on the left is tall and thin, three meters tall, covered in green and blue, wearing a vine-style armor, and his exposed skin is obviously different from that of ordinary humans.

Her hair was in the shape of a thunderbolt, and she wore a half-mask on her face, completely covering her nose upwards, revealing bright silver lips. Thunder and lightning were swirling around her body, and when the scorching heat passed through the air, it was not only slightly distorted, but also a little burnt. taste.

The figure on the right is slightly shorter than the one on the left, but the horizontal width of her figure has more than doubled. It's not because of her belly fat, but because of her two pillar-like arms on the left and right.

Moreover, the fiery red battle armor on her arms was extremely thick. It formed a rose-shaped round shield on the back of her forearm. Judging from the sharp reflections on the edges, it was not purely for protection.

The fiery red armor was fluttering with unruly wildfire, but the exposed skin was as deep as obsidian.

There is no battle armor on her face, and her almost perfect female face is dotted with a pair of bright red eyes and cinnabar-like red lips, but such a face that confuses all living beings is somewhat strange when paired with a strong man's body.

The staff appeared in front of Vivian, and the golden six-pointed star formation unfolded under her feet. Then a white beam of light shot straight into the sky, and then spread rapidly around.

The great magic, the Holy Light Realm, unfolds.

At the same time, complex totems in the shape of grass blades appeared in Vivian's eyes, and the plants in the entire Guyu Forest emitted the same life fluctuations as Vivian.

The realm of talent, the realm of life, unfolds.

With countless plants as domain nodes, the Holy Light Domain, which originally could only cover thousands of miles in radius, covers the entire Guyu Forest.

The vitality of heaven and earth in the air was quickly transformed into the power of holy light, and Tang Hao's God of Death domain was once again compressed to three meters around him. Tang Hao suddenly felt as if he was suffocating when he landed on the shore.

White vines as thick as a human waist quickly emerged from around Tang Hao and swept around him. Vivian raised her staff and pointed at Tang Hao, "Thunder, Fire Control, attack with all your strength!"

The two figures beside her took steps and flew towards Tang Hao, their auras rising rapidly with the blessing of the Holy Light Realm.

Vivian found a solution to her shortcomings in assisting and not being good at other aspects this year, which was to use her core power to transform plant-based soul beasts.

She is the queen who rules life. The queen is not able to cover everything, but she can recruit ministers who can cover everything.Even though plant-based soul beasts have the disadvantage of being almost impossible to move, this problem is easily solved by Vivian's core power.

She can give other beings a second awakening, improving their life level abilities and at the same time leaving her own mark on them.

To be honest, this kind of mark is rejected by most psychic beings, because it can directly interfere with their lives through the mark.
But for plant life, they are very simple. Even though many plant life in Qi Ling do not even have the concept of male and female, they follow their instincts more, and they obey Vivian almost without rejection.

Marks are insignificant to them, but advancement in life levels is what they instinctively pursue.

Lei Ming and Huo Yu are the subordinates after Vivian used her core power to awaken her. They are similar to soul beasts that have transformed and escaped from the confines of the earth, but they are still not human in nature, so they do not belong to the soul ring system, and their strength will not fade. Reverse advance.

Lei Ming's original body is a 3-year-old Thunder Hell Vine, which is the top existence in the plant system. Legend has it that the Thunder Hell Vine has the blood of the God of Thunder.

As long as you experience the baptism of the God of Thunder, you can practice quickly, and the more thunder and lightning attacks you experience.The strength will be stronger.

However, although the destructive power of the Thunder Hell Vine is very strong, it can easily be destroyed and self-destructed by lightning because it accumulates too much lightning power. Therefore, its cultivation period is not very high. It is extremely rare to reach the ten thousand year level, and it has never been seen by anyone over 5 years old. .

She was about to be destroyed, and when she met Vivian again, she chose to follow Vivian without hesitation. The thunder of thunder comes from the sky and contains the power of heaven. It is undoubtedly the ultimate thunder. In terms of attack power, it can be said to be the best in the world. The most.

Fire Control is a 5-year-old lava blood rose. Her fire attribute has not reached the extreme, because she has the lava attribute of both earth and fire systems.

The transformed Fire Control is not only extremely powerful, but compared to the purely offensive Thunder, her fiery red armor is extra thick and her defense is extremely strong.

The two of them have no gender, but they subconsciously tend to be towards Vivian when they transform, so they both tend to have a female appearance.

. . .

"What the hell is this?" Looking at the oncoming thunder and fire control, Tang Hao looked confused. He was neither a soul master nor a soul beast, and he didn't seem to be a product of soul skills.

But the aura on their bodies is not weak at all, not inferior to Titled Douluo!
The Fire Master's figure is heavier, and every step will make the earth tremble, giving people the feeling of a herd of elephants rushing.

Lei Ming on the other side was wrapped in thunder and lightning. There was basically no sound when he touched the ground, and his speed was faster. He attacked Tang Hao first.


Lei Ming's bright white lips opened, and a bolt of thunder turned into the shape of a python and shot out towards Tang Hao. At the same time, she swung her five fingers together, and the blue thunder and lightning gathered on her arm, which was more powerful and swift than a real sword!

Haotian's Nine Jue, broken!

There is a reason why Tang Hao was called the No. 1 of the three sects of the previous generation. His actual combat talent was indeed excellent, and he did not panic at all when facing the attack from the front and the white vines coming from around him.

He held the Clear Sky Hammer and swung it in a 360° circle around him, and the strange force knocked out the white vines one after another through the air.

But after seeing that the vines were not too damaged or even softened and stood up again, Tang Hao's heart sank. Even the top plant-type martial arts spirit of this vine was not strong enough.

The other party is only a seven-ring soul saint, but why does he feel that it is much more difficult than a titled Douluo?

After knocking away the vines, Tang Hao's Haotian Hammer not only did not lose its power after swinging it in a circle, it even strengthened and hit the Thunder Snake directly in front and the Thunder Snake following the Thunder Snake.

Tang Hao's mouth showed disdain. What's the use of being so big?Even if he doesn't know what is in front of him, this does not prevent him from using the Clear Sky Hammer to smash all obstacles in front of him. This is the spirit inherited by the Clear Sky Sect.

Carrying the powerful Clear Sky Hammer, he directly scattered the thunder snake. The next moment, Tang Hao's expression changed, because he felt that his body was numb, and his strength dropped by three points.

The exploding thunder light hit his body scatteredly, and it could actually penetrate his body-protecting soul power. This was the ultimate thunder!
As we all know, the top martial spirit does not necessarily have the ultimate attributes, but the ultimate attributes must be the top martial spirit!

Damn it, Tang Hao's heart sank. While increasing the strength of his body-protecting spirit power, he raised his strength and hammered the arm knife that Lei Ming was wielding.

The opponent's control system is very troublesome, and the attack system is so fierce. You must not fall into the opponent's rhythm. You must increase your efforts to destroy the opponent's cooperation.

"Die!" The black soul ring under Tang Hao's feet suddenly lit up and was directly attached to the Clear Sky Hammer. The Clear Sky Hammer enlarged in a circle and its power was greatly increased, while also bringing shock and tearing power.

The eighth soul skill, the sky-shattering and earth-shattering hammer!

(End of this chapter)

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