Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 178 The mystery of Ah Yin’s maturity period

Chapter 178 The mystery of Ah Yin’s maturity period

The encounter between Tang Hao, Tang Xiao and A Yin is undoubtedly a very clichéd story.

In short, when Tang Hao was 30 years old, he and his brother Tang Xiao were kicked out by his father to practice for ten years. Then at the age of 35, he met A Yin, who was ignorant and had just entered human society.

Note: There is a problem in the original work. Tang Hao first met A Yin when he was 35 years old, and then they got along for three years, and they were still 35 years old. Therefore, Tang Hao’s age was automatically postponed for 3 years. The original work party read Chapter 144 on its own.

Then the two brothers, who had never seen such a beautiful woman before, naturally treated her attentively and roped her into going on the road together. Later, in Tang Hao's words, they took good care of her and became three brothers and sisters after a crisis.

Originally, it would be difficult for these two brothers to woo human beauties because they were both quite young and slovenly, unless the beauties valued their strength and sect background.

But the ignorant Ah Yin fell for this trick. In the past three years, the relationship between the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao gradually deepened. Then Tang Xiao carried forward the spirit of the eldest brother and quit, also considering that he was older than Ah Yin.

Then the two made a lifelong commitment, and then the Wuhun Palace greedy for the 10-year soul ring and soul bone, Pope Qianxunji and four titled Douluo teamed up to surround and kill, and A Yin was forced to sacrifice.

Originally, he was able to escape one by one, but Bibi Dong robbed and killed him on the way. Although he escaped with serious injuries, he also lost Ah Yin's soul bone and grass seeds.

In Tang Hao's words, he and Ah Yin were undoubtedly a match made in heaven, and there was only one biggest villain among them, and that was Wuhundian!

Among them, Qian Xunji was undoubtedly the culprit, but he was killed by Bibi Dong, and Bibi Dong was not a good person either. A Yin's grass seeds and soul bones were probably in her hands.

After listening to Tang Hao's emotional narration, Blue Silver King looked complicated. Why does this story sound so weird?Whose 10-year-old soul beast transformed into a crazy person, and even took the initiative to form a team with human soul masters Contra and Soul Saint before it matured.

But he also knew that there should be no problem with the general context of what Tang Hao said.

"Ah Yin, do you remember when you entered the human world?" Vivian asked curiously.

"After 10 years of soul beast transformation, the level of soul power in human society is very slow to increase, but I was lucky enough to find a piece of Xuanyuan Chalcedony, which contained fist-sized Xuanyuan Chalcedony Milk."

"After absorbing it, I condensed five soul rings and my body grew into an adult."

"Then I wanted to go out and have a look, but then I forgot, and that was probably what he said after that." A Yin nodded. She was very concerned about what Tang Hao said, but she always felt that something was wrong.

Plant-like soul beasts like silence and do not like movement. Even if they enter human society, they will subconsciously settle in one place. Traveling around with Tang Xiao and Tang Hao is not in line with her temperament.

Moreover, why did she choose to partner with Soul Saint and Contra at that time? Even if she didn't know their soul power levels at the beginning, she should stay away as soon as she found out.

She probably didn't have much affection for the two brothers Tang Hao at that time, and it was a matter of life and death for her. Why did she choose to continue to follow them so unwisely before.

Even a 10-year-old soul beast that has never been in contact with human society is just naive and ignorant of the world, and it is not a retard with a brain problem.

"You said you were the Five Ring Soul King before you entered human society?" Vivian grasped another key point, "Then why have you not broken through level 12 and reached the maturity stage in the 60 years that you have been with Tang Hao?"

Is it difficult to increase your soul power by ten levels and break through to level 12 in 60 years?For soul masters with limited talents, there are some bottlenecks that are difficult to break through throughout their lives.

But Ah Yin's talent in the form of the Blue Silver Emperor is undoubtedly top-notch, even so good that even Guang Du praised her. She plans to make a body for Vivian. How come she hasn't broken through the sixth ring in 12 years.

The transformation of a 10-year-old soul beast is divided into two stages: infancy and maturity:

The infancy stage is below level 60. The soul beast at this stage is essentially still a soul beast. If it is killed, it will produce soul rings and soul bones, and it will be recognized by Titled Douluo and mentally sharp Soul Douluo.

The mature stage is above level 60. At this time, the soul beast has completely transformed and is essentially a human being. Even Qian Daoliu cannot tell it in person. Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The key is that the mature soul beast will not produce soul rings and soul bones when it transforms!Not only will it not be discovered, but there will be no profit if it is discovered. The soul beast transformation at this stage can be said to be basically safe.

If A Yin breaks through the maturity stage early, Qian Xunji will not choose to go through the thankless task of arresting people, and A Yin cannot sacrifice if she wants to, because she is no longer a soul beast at that time, but a human being, and she will not produce soul rings. Soul bone!If it were the former Ah Yin, she would not have considered this issue as she was caught up in a long emotional river, but at this moment, Ah Yin has no memory of the past, and she can analyze the whole story quite objectively.

"Ask him, what was Ah Yin's soul power level when we first met him, and what was his soul power level when we decided to settle down for life?" Ah Yin's voice also made King Blue Silver stunned, why did he ask this?
"Ah Yin was level 51 when we first met, and Ah Yin was level 58 when we established our relationship. I remember these clearly." Tang Hao's voice was full of sincerity, but Ah Yin's eyes darkened after hearing this.

The Blue Silver King, who seemed to have thought of something, also widened his eyes. The soul beast transformed as a sacrifice must be in its infancy below level 60. Why didn't the Blue Silver Emperor break through from level 9 to level 58 in 60 years? ! !
"Ask me again, where were Ah Yin and him during those nine years? What did they do?" Ah Yin's eyes were deep and full of calm. Although she was exploring her own past, she had an objective view of other people's affairs. of calmness.

"A Yin and I spent nine years peacefully in a small mountain village. Those were the happiest nine years for us, with a happy relationship and a child." Tang Hao recalled with a face that he thought his expression was sincere and touching.

"Ask me again, what was his soul power level when he met Ah Yin? What level was he when he returned to Haotian Sect?"

"At level 79, there were dangers in obtaining the eighth soul ring. Fortunately, the three of us worked together to overcome the difficulties, and then we became brothers and sisters." Tang Hao recalled with pride on his face.

"However, that ten-thousand-year-old soul beast also allowed me to increase my soul power by one level. When I returned to Haotian Sect, I was level 84, so I was able to break his legs and lead Ah Yin to escape when facing the titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace. .”

"Ask him again, Haotian Sect is his hometown. Has he ever taken A Yin back?" A Yin's face was expressionless, but her eyes had a touch of sadness. She knew the foundation and strength of Haotian Sect. It can be called second in the world today.

"There is a reason why I didn't take Ah Yin back to the Haotian Sect for refuge." Tang Hao's face was obviously impatient with the question, and the Haotian Sect was an unavoidable pain in his heart.

To him, the four-attribute clan is his subordinates, and even if he loses, he will not feel the pain. But the Haotian clan is a family, with not only his father, but also his brothers and uncles. It is the place where he grew up, and he must not let down the clan. .

"I can't take Ah Yin back to the Haotian Sect to be a coward, and I can't let the sect bear the pressure from me." Tang Hao glared at the Blue Silver King with tears in his eyes.

"You have to know that after this incident, Pope Qianxun Ji denounced the Haotian Sect. My father, who was seriously ill, died of illness because he could not see me, who was unfilial. I am guilty of the sect."

"Even if I am wronged by this matter, I cannot take Ah Yin back. Moreover, after my eldest brother inherited the position of the leader of the Haotian Sect, he contacted me and publicly expelled me from the Haotian Sect to reduce the pressure. In private, he will send people to help mine."

"It is because of the secret help of the sect that Ah Yin and I were able to spend nine years smoothly, and Ah Yin was able to successfully give birth to mistress."

"You said your sect has always known about Empress Blue Silver's situation?!"

Blue Silver King's voice was fierce. If a human being could barely believe the truth, but if a whole group of human beings knew about the 10-year-old spirit beast's transformation, there would only be one outcome!
"We, the Haotian clan, act openly and aboveboard. I believe in my clansmen, and Ah Yin also believes in me." Tang Hao was completely impatient at this moment.

"Have you asked enough? It's my turn, right?"

"No need to ask." A gentle female voice sounded. The white and gold vines automatically gave way to the road, and a figure wearing a white cloak came.

"Who are you?" Tang Hao turned his head angrily. Isn't he trying so hard to expose his wounds just to gain the trust of the Blue Silver King to achieve his own goal?
But when he saw that the aura of the person coming was completely consistent with the surrounding golden vines, Tang Hao understood the real source of the problem just now.

"I'm just an unknown soul master passing by." Vivian took over control of the body from A Yin.

"Unknown soul master, what are you meddling in?" Tang Hao's expression was cold, and the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand. He needed to gain trust from the Blue Silver King, but who was this stranger?
"I'm just punishing you for being irresponsible." Vivian said calmly, "Ah Yin's death was probably planned by the Haotian Sect behind you."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Tang Hao's voice rose an octave, his face turned red, and pale murderous aura raged out of his body, colliding with the white light spreading around Vivian.

"Don't insult my sect and my lover!" Tang Hao directly raised the enlarged Clear Sky Hammer with a fierce momentum, and he was about to take action with anger when the other party showed signs of speaking again.

"Tang Hao, don't take action against the Emperor of Life!" Blue Silver King also pulled out the blue vines and shouted loudly. He was not sure whether the person who came was the Blue Silver Emperor, but the other party had the same authority as the Blue Silver Emperor. , he naturally firmly supports it.

"What kind of emperor of life? She is obviously a soul master!" Tang Hao pointed at the seven halos that appeared under Vivian's feet and retorted with suppressed anger, "Moreover, she insulted my lover, how can you stand on her side?"

If he could, Tang Hao would still not give up on the Blue Silver King, because without the Blue Silver King's help, Xiao San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit would really be useless.

(End of this chapter)

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