Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 177 Tang Hao and A Yin

Chapter 177 Tang Hao and A Yin

Seven years ago, King Blue Silver suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness. It was a throbbing from the depths of his blood, which meant that Queen Blue Silver was in danger of dying. After that, contact with the Queen was cut off.

King Blue Silver thought for a long time, and the biggest target of suspicion in his mind was Tang Hao. As far as he knew, Queen Blue Silver should not have reached maturity when the accident occurred, but Tang Hao's soul power cultivation level was close to that of a titled Douluo.

The temptation of a 10-year-old soul ring and soul bone to a soul master. . .

He also vaguely reminded Empress Lan Yin about this matter. Unfortunately, Empress Lan Yin was simple-minded and did not believe that people's hearts were complex and cunning, so he was not in a position to say more.

He was willing to investigate and help, but as a plant-type soul beast, he could only take root in the Guyu Forest, so he was unable to do so.

And for some unknown reason, he also felt several orders from the Blue Silver Emperor in the following years, but the strange thing was that neither of them was the former Blue Silver Emperor, and there were more than one source.

When Tang Hao came to Guyu Forest, Blue Silver King's eyes were cold. He must ask Tang Hao about the Blue Silver Emperor and Queen. If it was what he thought, then he would make Tang Hao pay the price even if he was shattered to pieces!
. . .

Following the route in his memory, Tang Hao entered the Guyu Forest without haste. He had no contact with the outside world for seven years. There was an obvious gap between his cognition and the current reality.

The Haotian Sect had indeed lost contact with him, or it could be that Tang Hao had a way to proactively contact the Haotian Sect but he didn't want to use it, and the four-attribute clan under his command had long since fallen apart.

The Power Clan and the Speed ​​Clan have become history, and only a few people live incognito.

The Po Clan and the Yu Clan completely severed all ties with Tang Haotian Sect. Because of Tang Chen's re-emergence of the Haotian Sect, the two clans chose to settle in the Xingluo Empire completely.

Therefore, the first thing Tang Hao did when he came out was to collect intelligence and understand the current situation. With his strength, it was easy to do business without capital.

It's just that the information he got made him unhappy. Wuhun Palace has expanded its power in recent years, and Haotian Sect has also been very quiet in the past year.

The Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire are also actively preparing for the Soul Master Competition in two years' time, but the Spirit Hall is taking the lead.

Everything is still the same as before, but in these years Tang Hao has wasted time and decadence, his luck has been low, and his strength has not shown any strange and inexplicable growth, but his opponent Wuhun Palace has been prospering.

The only difference was Tang Hao's son Tang San. Thinking of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, Tang Hao, who knew the details of the Blue Silver Emperor, came to Guyu Forest and planned to find the Blue Silver King here to ask Tang San for a way to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline. .

"Tang Hao, what are you doing here? Where is the Blue Silver Emperor?" The Blue Silver King saw Tang Hao's figure whipping the thick vines, and the face on it was cold and stern.

"Ah Yin, I'm sorry for her. She was hunted down by Wuhun Palace seven years ago..." Tang Hao stopped ten meters in front of Blue Silver King and chose to explain briefly and vaguely, with sadness and anger in his voice.

"The situation was critical at that time. A Yin sacrificed and I was able to escape. From then to now, I have been worse than dead, but A Yin left the child behind and possessed the blue silver grass martial spirit. I came here to ask Lan Yin How does Silver Grass evolve into Blue Silver Emperor?"

"Queen Blue Silver sacrifices!" The faces on the vines were scattered for a while, and the blue vines suspended in the sky twitched randomly. After a while, the Blue Silver King stabilized his emotions, and the faces were fixed on Tang Hao.

"You are lying!"

"I'm not lying. Xiao San is the child of A Yin and I. He inherited A Yin's bloodline, otherwise he wouldn't have the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit!" Tang Hao glared, and there was always a knot in his heart.

That is, Xiao San is not like A Yin at all, which is why Tang Hao paid less attention to this only son than ordinary people raising dogs when Tang San awakened his martial spirit from childhood to 6 years old.

It wasn't until Tang San awakened the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit that he finally saw the proof of Ah Yin's inheritance in Tang San. This also rekindled hope in his heart. Could it be that Tang San didn't look like Ah Yin because he didn't? The relationship between awakening the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor.

"That's not what I'm talking about!" The face of the Blue Silver King emerged with an angry look. "You said that the Blue Silver Emperor was sacrificed to you, so why don't you have her soul bones and the grass seeds of Nirvana and rebirth in your body?"

Wild fire, in spring.

As the emperor of the life system, the Blue Silver Emperor has the power of resurrection similar to that of the Phoenix Nirvana. Even if it is a sacrifice, even if it is hunted and the soul ring and soul bone are exploded, as long as the grass seed still survives, there is a chance to come back again!

Even if this kind of rebirth will result in the loss of all power, the essence of the Blue Silver Emperor remains unchanged, and the spiritual consciousness of the Blue Silver Emperor is immortal. As long as they have the help of subordinates like them, there is absolutely no problem in returning to the ten thousand year cultivation level in a short time. .

"Her grass seeds and soul bones." Speaking of this, Tang Hao held his head and roared, "I didn't want to, but I was seriously injured and unconscious at the time. I really don't remember where the grass seeds and soul bones fell?"

"By the way, as the Blue Silver King, don't you have a way to locate the grass seeds and soul bones?" An idea flashed in Tang Hao's mind, and he suddenly raised his head and stared at the Blue Silver King, with murderous aura overflowing from his body. The horror and evil that are completely opposite to life.

"Hmph, you are a beast who plotted to murder the Blue Silver Empress. Not to mention that I couldn't get the information about the Empress. Even if I knew it, I would never tell you."

The Blue Silver King's vines were tumbling, and he was filled with anger. Of course, he didn't have any clues about the Blue Silver Emperor. After Tang Hao said this, he remembered those several calls from the Emperor of Life.If the sources are different, could it be that one is the soul bone of the emperor and the empress, and the other is the reborn body of the empress after nirvana?

But looking at Tang Hao with the murderous aura in front of him, he didn't have a good impression at all.

Facing the pressure of Tang Hao's Titled Douluo level, looking at the nine soul rings emerging from the soles of his feet, especially the bright red soul ring, the Blue Silver King's eyes turned red, and he had no intention of compromising.

Of course, he was not stupid. He chose the Bluesilver Grass that spread out the aura of life and wanted to connect the entire Guyu Forest, so that he could be sure to fight against Tang Hao, who had a strong aura.

But after he made this move, he was stunned the next moment. A higher-ranking being easily took over the control of all the Bluesilver Grass, and even the plants in the Guyu Forest faintly expressed their surrender.

Even he felt the fear and closeness from his heart and wanted to obey subconsciously, but this feeling was not from the Blue Silver Empress?

White vines with golden patterns burst out of the ground and surrounded Tang Hao. The air was filled with white light spots. The realm of life limited Tang Hao's God of Death realm to within ten meters of his body.

This Blue Silver King actually has such strength? !Feeling the pressure in the air that was as thick as glue, Tang Hao's face darkened. He hated explaining the past because it would make him face his mistakes again.

Therefore, facing the Blue Silver King, he was more inclined to use his strength to force the Blue Silver King into submission, instead of opening his wounds and explaining his past failures in detail to the outsider, the Blue Silver King.

But I didn't expect that the Blue Silver King in front of me was not a soft persimmon. The realm that bound him to the God of Killing realm was a realm of life attributes.

"Keep asking him, I will support you, but don't do anything." The voice that only Blue Silver King could hear sounded from his heart, with a sense of familiarity.

This voice?The Blue Silver King was stunned for a moment, and then quickly figured out where that familiarity came from from the voice, because he had been rooted here all his life and had come into contact with only a handful of living beings.

Could this be the Nirvana reincarnation of the Empress?The Blue Silver King was ecstatic and full of doubts at the same time. These white and gold grasses did not seem to be the orthodox Blue Silver King.

But the empress is the empress, and no minister can explore any secrets. King Lanyin quickly suppressed the doubts in his heart and chose to follow the empress's orders.

Because it is a plant soul beast, it only has a rather vague human face to the outside world, so the Blue Silver King did not reveal any flaws.

"Human, if you want to start a war, then start a war, but you must make everything clear about the Blue Silver Empress today!"

"Huh." Tang Hao let out a long breath, and took the initiative to put away the God of Killing Domain and Martial Spirit on his body. Since he couldn't be powerful, he could only be reasonable.

After all, whether Xiao San wants to evolve his martial soul or he wants to find A Yin's grass seeds and soul bones, he cannot do without the help of Blue Silver King.

"what do you wish to ask?"

In the distance, A Yin, who had taken over her body, looked confused. She had no memory of Tang Hao, only memories of before she transformed into a human being.

What Tang Hao said shocked her, and she could feel that Tang Hao's ninth soul ring did come from her, so she planned to use the Blue Silver King's mouth to gain an objective understanding of her lost past.

The reason why she didn't choose to believe it directly was because she always felt a little uneasy. She didn't like the aura of Tang Hao, and she could feel that the Blue Silver King was quite repulsive to Tang Hao.

"Let's start with how he and Ah Yin met for the first time?" The superior voice made King Lan Yin subconsciously startled. Could it be that Queen Lan Yin had recognized the wrong person, but the doubts in his heart did not hinder him. Paraphrase the question.

Tang Hao was stunned when he heard the question, and frowned, "This kind of thing belongs to the privacy between A Yin and I, is it something you can ask?"

"It's okay, just ask, I want to hear what he has to say?" Ah Yin's voice was calm and full of expectation. She has been following her instincts for nearly a year, and as a result, she has found many high-level plant souls like the Blue Silver King. beast.

For her unknown past to be objectively described in another person's mouth, she was still a little excited, especially the huge information revealed in Tang Hao's previous words.

She seemed to have been the lover of this sloppy man in the past, and they had a child, and her previous death was closely related to this man named Tang Hao, and even her soul ring was on him.

As for his own soul bone, how could Ah Yin and Bibi Dong get along day and night without feeling the condensation of his former body?As expected, Bibi Dong brought the grass seeds and soul bones back. What does she have to do with my death?Ah Yin felt inexplicably sad.

Ah Yin has been hiding these things in her heart, but today these secrets will be revealed by her own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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