Chapter 176 Griffin

The martial soul fusion skill Netherworld White Tiger is famous in Douluo Continent. On the one hand, the Dai family and the Zhu family have almost generations of successors to the martial soul fusion skill. On the other hand, the Netherworld White Tiger integrates offense and defense. It has no obvious shortcomings and is quite practical.

But when it comes to the core changes of the Netherworld White Tiger, even the Dai family and the Zhu family cannot explain clearly, just like being able to drive a Gundam does not mean knowing the general manufacturing principles of the Gundam.

The Xingluo Emperors of all generations only knew that the attack power and defense power of the martial soul fusion skill increased greatly. It was extremely fast and could also attack with energy. The duration was also long among the martial soul fusion skills. If it were not for the title Douluo It can't fly, it's perfect.

But in the laboratory, Guang did not hesitate to use Dai Nulong, Dai Shoucheng's grandson and his wife as test subjects, and Guang captured traces of the core changes.

"The true meaning of the Netherworld White Tiger is a change of yin and yang. You can understand and understand through the expression of power. This should be your best direction."

"I don't know the specifics, but it's definitely not the pure fierceness of the White Tiger Spirit of the Star Luo Royal Family." Guang patted Miga on the shoulder with a look of anticipation.

"As for the actual trip I told you, do you know where your sister Nana and the others were last year? You will be with them this year. In the other two years, you will select 7 people from your class to represent the Eastern Spider in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. College participates.”

"Are we going to participate in the competition in two years?" Mija's eyes widened. They are only 13 years old this year. If they participate in two years, theoretically they cannot participate in three competitions!

It's not a big deal, but does the academy trust them that much?Besides, aren’t there seniors, Sister Nana and others above them?
"That's right, I will take them as substitutes for you, so feel free to participate." Guang saw Miga's thoughts and comforted him, "Let's work hard then. In addition to the teams from Dongzhu Academy, our Wuhun Palace also has There is a team from Wuhun Academy."

"The registration quota for the finals is still given to Wuhun Academy in accordance with tradition. You have to go to the Tiandou Empire to participate. However, you do not need to participate in the first round of knockout rounds. You can start directly from the qualifiers."

"One year in the world of the dead, and in the remaining year I will take you to the great soul fighting arenas across the continent to experience it." Guang explained his arrangement, and he had almost learned the basics of the academy. It's time for something different.

"Is the world of the dead my next destination?"

"Yes, that is a new world." Guang nodded, "A new world that is very different from Douluo Continent."


undead world,

Hundreds of bone dragons exuding a terrifying aura were flying in the sky. In the center of the bone dragon, a cloak-covered lich held up his staff. Judging from its bumpy figure, it seemed to be a woman.

There is only one lich in charge of the bone dragon legion, and that is the Lich King. The purple-black realm uses her as the source to cover all the bone dragons. With the blessing of the vitality of heaven and earth, these bone dragons at the eighth level have temporarily broken through. to the ninth level.

However, the most terrifying aura does not come from these bone dragons, but from the purple-black light group directly above the Lich King's staff, which is her most powerful charged spell.

Opposite her, the opponent that a king was waiting for was unexpectedly not an undead creature from this world, nor a blue kite, but a team of six human beings.

What's strange is that they don't have soul rings, but the aura they erupt is similar to the soul saints in Douluo Continent. The golden figure headed straight towards the group of bone dragons, although the aura reaches the level of titled Douluo, it is extremely unstable and is obviously... Relying on external force to temporarily improve.

Behind them, a strange dragonborn with four heads was covered in purple light and evolving rapidly. The purple halo around him exuded a heart-stopping aura.

In the sky directly above it, the huge purple hexagram is gathering the vitality of heaven and earth and some kind of more mysterious and terrifying unknown thing.

This dragonborn looks similar to a dragonborn hybrid chimera, but the aura it exudes is filled with divine power, even more terrifying than a real dragon.

Looking at this evolving creature, not to mention the group of bone dragons, even the Lich King's soul fire is filled with natural fear.

. . .

In the sky, the huge purple hexagram exploded, and the huge purple halo spread instantly. The bone dragons were scattered in pieces, and the Lich King's charging spell was also interrupted by the knight exuding a bright aura.

At the same time, the Chimera guarded by humans has also completed its evolution, growing two more heads on top of the original four, and its aura has also been upgraded to the eighth level.

Even the evolved Chimera is far inferior to the Lich King, and even inferior to the Bone Dragon of the Bone Dragon Legion, but the purple halo on its body makes all undead creatures in this world instinctively fear it.

Even the six heads of the Chimera just focused their gazes to glare at the Lich King, and the cloak around her exploded into black mist, revealing a perfect and alluring female body, but this body had a skull on top.

This is also the characteristic of the Lich, an undead creature. From death to life, as its strength increases, the Lich will get closer to the human body. When one day the Lich King's head is covered with flesh and blood again, it means that she has begun to cross the border. Enter the realm of spirits.

In extreme fear, the Lich King waved his bone staff, and the purple-black energy balls shot towards Griffin on the opposite side one after another like a machine cannon. It seemed that only in this way could she feel a little safer in her heart.

"Roar" Chimera roared again, and the strong purple intention rippled again, and the Lich King's attack suddenly turned into nothing in front of the purple intention.

It flapped its huge wings and the knight with the golden armor flew up boldly, smashing into pieces a bone dragon that was desperately protecting the soul fire.The next moment, the golden light shone, and it disappeared into the dark night sky together with the knight.

"No!" The Lich King was extremely angry after reacting. She once again allowed Austin Griffin, a natural disaster, to escape. She was a step late when evolving four heads, and was timid when evolving six heads. Lost opportunity.

After the anger, her heart was filled with coldness, and the soul fire in the skull curled up subconsciously. She had a hunch that the next evolution of Austin Griffin might be the last chance for all their undead kings.

"No, I want to summon all the kings!" The Lich King suddenly raised his head, "Gather all the power of the world of the undead. The next time is probably the last chance!"


Douluo Continent, Guyu Forest,
There are ancient trees here, but the location is remote and there are not many spirit beasts active, so few spirit masters visit.

At this moment, Vivian, who was wearing a white cloak with a hood buttoned up and whose face and figure could not be clearly seen, came here following her feeling.

The reason why she dresses like this is because a young and beautiful woman walking alone in the wilderness can easily cause trouble. Although dressing like this cannot prevent trouble, it can at least significantly reduce the frequency.

But if she still gets into trouble, Vivian won't be merciful.

"This place is nice. The aura of life is very strong. In particular, the Bluesilver Grass is much more prosperous than other forests. There is also a person with a particularly special aura. Ah Yin, is this your hometown?"

"No, I just remember that there seems to be an old friend here." A Yin's voice was full of kindness and confusion, "My hometown is not here, it has become a place where people were killed by lightning."

"I remember that when I broke through the 10-year limit, the catastrophe was particularly fierce. I couldn't sustain my injuries, so I had no choice but to transform into a human being."

After Vivian stepped into Guyu Forest, the bluesilver grass here began to move inexplicably and exuded a happy smell, but the tangled psychic plant spirit beast at the center of Guyu Forest had a confused look on its face.

It is made up of more than a dozen vines that are as thick as a human waist. It is taller than the ancient trees on the side. It is the leader of the Blue Silver Grass here, the ten thousand year soul beast Blue Silver King.

Logically speaking, if the former Blue Silver Emperor Queen Ah Yin came here, the Blue Silver King would feel excited and come to greet her before she reached the forest.

But at this moment, Vivian has her own understanding of life control, and her whole body's aura has been perfectly controlled. The upper level can completely sense the lower level, but the lower level cannot sense the level of the upper level.

The reason why the Blue Silver Grass behaves strangely is not because it instinctively senses the arrival of the Emperor of Life, but because Vivian does not deliberately restrain her life power, and wherever she goes, everyone can enjoy the blessings of life.

If the mountain is not high, there will be immortals; if the water is not deep, there will be dragons.

Not only can the subject life near Vivian accelerate their growth, but some of the shackles that should be impregnable will also naturally loosen their restrictions.

It was this kind of benign change that made the Blue Silver King in the center of Guyu Forest feel something strange. After he carefully sensed it through his subordinate Blue Silver Grass, he still didn't notice any trace of Vivian.

But on the other side of the forest, he sensed a human soul master who made people feel complicated.

It was a man wearing a gray robe, a wild beard, and a greasy and dirty face. He was Tang Hao. His shabby clothes had not been changed, or in other words, he didn't care about these things at all.

Although by human standards Tang Hao has changed a lot over the years, King Blue Silver's perspective on living beings is obviously different from that of humans, so he easily recognized Tang Hao, the human who had deceived Queen Blue Silver. Soul master.

Blue Silver King had only met Tang Hao a few times, and he undoubtedly had a very bad impression of him. Firstly, Tang Hao was a human soul master. Secondly, Tang Hao had a domineering temperament and was full of evil spirits. This would make the peaceful plant soul master subconsciously Reject and stay away.

However, Emperor Lanyin made it clear that he had made a lifelong commitment to her. King Blue Silver would give priority to obeying Empress Blue Silver's orders even if he felt repulsed in his heart, and he would always have enough respect for Tang Hao.

However, Emperor Lanyin has lost contact with her for many years since the accident. What does Tang Hao want to do this time?Human faces emerged from the thick vines.

He is already 8 years old, and limited by his bloodline, he can only go so far, but his intelligence is already the same as that of humans.

As for the accident that year, Blue Silver King looked puzzled. Seven years ago. . .

(End of this chapter)

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