Chapter 175
The older and stronger the opponent will undoubtedly be able to produce higher quality soul rings, but for Bibi Dong, there is an essential prerequisite, and that is whether it is suitable, or whether it is conducive to digestion.

In theory, Bibi Dong, the creature in the world of the undead, is not picky about food, but the Soul-eating Spider Emperor is not only about death, but also involves the spirit.

Neither the Bone Dragon King nor the Terror Knight King is very suitable for the Soul-Eating Spider King's ability to deeply awaken or even evolve itself.

Therefore, Bibi Dong, who was very rational in this regard, chose the Lich King and the Wraith King as targets. Both were good at spells and majored in spiritual power, so they were undoubtedly particularly suitable targets.

Judging from the intelligence collected last year, the Lich King is stronger than the Wraith King, but it is located close to the terrifying Knight King riding the Bone Dragon King, which poses a greater risk.

According to the view of high-level undead creatures, the Terror Knight King is the strongest among the ten kings of the undead world, and he is also the leader of the ten kings.

The strength of the other nine kings is not much different, and it is basically impossible for each other to have the ability to kill each other, but the terrifying knight king has an overwhelming strength gap compared to the other nine kings.

Unsurprisingly, this terrifying knight king is at least as strong as a worshiper, and at most it is on par with Qian Daoliu. It would be very troublesome to bypass it and win the Lich King in away games.

"Kill the Crypt Demon Spider King first." Guang pointed at the map. The map of the World of the Undead has been roughly explored. Each of the ten kings has a territory that occupies about one-third of the entire World of the Undead. It is also the settlement area of ​​the ten races. , living conditions are relatively good.

As for the remaining two-thirds, it is named the wilderness area because life is scarce and extremely desolate. Magma rivers are everywhere. Even the vitality of heaven and earth in the air is relatively thin and full of sulfurous poisonous gas.

"There seems to be some movement in the Lich King's territory, so it's difficult to attack. The Crypt Spiders' gathering places are far away, so it's safer to attack directly." Guang Si thought.

"As for the Lich King, I plan to use the sixth Demon King of Extinction to explore the situation. In addition, by killing the Crypt Demon Spider King, we can also obtain core information about other kings from it."

"The sixth Demon King of Extinction, I remember you put the most thought into him. Is there any obvious difference compared to the Demon King of Five Elements?" Bibi Dong asked with doubts.

"Of course it is troublesome to draw the secret pattern of the void, but in terms of stealth and mobility, it is second to none among the demon leaders, and the other five extermination demon leaders can reach the top of the Titled Douluo level at most."

"The sixth Demon King of Extinction has hope of becoming a Heavenly Lord..." Guang murmured.


Looking at the mess of things in front of him, Guang looked up at Doron, then lowered his head and played with the sleeve arrows and tight-backed crossbow, and finally raised his head and asked Doron.

"Where do these things come from?"

"Senior, is there something wrong with these things?" Duolong asked with some confusion after hearing Guang's meaningful voice.

"Oh, of course there are problems with these things. Darts, flying knives, flying needles, and flying stones are all quenched with poison. Not only you, but also Notting City, where your hometown is, should have these sneaky sneaky things. "

Guang picked up a bone-penetrating needle and waved it to the side. The five-inch steel needle penetrated directly into the wooden target on the side, not even the tail was exposed.

"This stability, design and craftsmanship are not things that a small workshop can produce. Of course, these things are nothing. The key is that these two things are actually made of machines. Where did you get them?"

"Hey, they were seized from the enemy." Duolong touched the back of his head and listened to the senior, these things are quite valuable.

"Hmph!" Guang sneered while flipping through the crossbows carefully, "Forget about the small one, this one is quite powerful, and judging from its style, it hasn't been attacked by anyone, right?"

"Ah this." Doron lowered his head and fell into silence.

"Did the talisman work?"

"Yes." Duolong raised his head and told Guang everything about what happened.

"This is yours." Guang flicked his bracelet and took out something and threw it to Duolong.

Duolong took it and took a closer look. It was still a talisman, but it was not made of soft leather, but a warm white jade base with golden lines painted on it. It was much more complicated than the previous one.

"Be careful in the future." Guang continued to look at Xiu Jian without raising his head, "Besides, Duolong, are you afraid of pain?"

"Afraid of pain? Are you okay?"

"Then you can come with Miga to transform into my Mingyu body from now on." Guang raised his head and mouthed towards Miga Nunu behind him, adding another member to the screaming band of the training pool.

"Okay, senior." Doron nodded happily, but he didn't quite understand why the captain Miga behind him looked at him so strangely.

"Senior, is there anything strange about these things?" Miga jumped off the stool and ran over and asked curiously.

"It can't be said to be strange. The master Tang San studied under should be Yu Xiaogang. Yu Xiaogang was born in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and his background is normal." Guang said uncertainly.

"But why do these two gadgets have nothing to do with soul power, and can even ordinary people use them?" Guang opened his mouth to express his confusion. The things are good, and the technology inside is also of great reference value, but how can they be used by ordinary people? A feeling of déjà vu. "Forget it, let's talk about this later." Just put down the thing. Even if it is a replica, this thing is not as powerful as a gun or a lightsaber. Just throw it to Si Long's new ideas.

"Doron, you go back first." Seeing Doron leave, Guang took Miga to a quiet room to sit together.

"Miga, the main reason I called you here this time is because I want to ask you something." Guang looked at the little blond girl in front of him and put away his smile, his voice was deliberately solemn, "You should think carefully before answering me, there is no need to rush. For a while.”

"What's the matter, senior?" Miga felt that Guang's clear expression meant that he put aside distracting thoughts and listened quietly.

Guang took out two test tubes from the storage ring. One contained a fiery red liquid, which carried the warm aura of Miga's subconscious intimacy.

The liquid in the other tube was black and white, with clouds and mist rolling in it. For some reason, Miga felt an inexplicable and strange depression when he looked at it.

"This is the transformation potion of True Yang Blood Yanhu, and it is also the path you are taking now." Guang pointed at the first test tube and introduced.

"This is another transformation potion, a new choice I give you." Guang pointed to the second test tube.

"Is there any difference?" Miga looked confused at the two potions, and asked directly out of trust in the light.

"Before I talk about the potion, let me ask you a question, how many emperors are there in the Tiandou Empire?" Guangyi pointed out.

"Now there is one."

"Little clever guy." Guang smiled, but that was not what he emphasized. "No matter what period of time, the Tiandou Empire only has one reigning emperor. The same is true for the Star Luo Empire. Even our Spirit Hall has only one pope."

"That's right." Miga nodded affirmatively.

"As the saying goes, different paths lead to the same destination, there are similarities between spiritual practice and the country, that is, a field can only have one peak." Guang continued.

"For example, your principal and my teacher Bibi Dong study the way of death, so all practitioners of the way of death are Bibi Dong's natural enemies, without exception, unless you are willing to be her inferior forever."

"This natural opposition appears in all aspects. The first is the matching of resources. The resources that are suitable for Bibi Dong are also suitable for other competitors. It is okay at the beginning, but when you really step into the path of spiritual practice, you will find that there are more monks and less rice."

"You cannot become stronger without fighting, and powerlessness and death will follow."

"Secondly, when you reach the level of Titled Douluo or Domain, you can control the power of heaven and earth to improve your overall strength. But at this time, your competitors can also compete for control of the power of heaven and earth, causing your strength to be corresponding. decline."

"Third, to be cruel, when you reach the level of Titled Douluo, you and your competitors can treat each other as a great tonic, similar to a soul master hunting soul beasts to obtain soul rings and soul bones, but more direct .”

"Finally, there is only one place for the enlightened person on each path, which is unique. It is said that the enlightened person will have complete control over the corresponding path. No living being can defeat Him and replace Him in terms of His achievements."

"By the way, I practice the Way of the Fierce Sun, and one of its essences is burning."

"So is this what the senior means?" Miga lowered his head and realized that True Yang Blood Yanhu obviously overlapped with the senior's path.

"You are a good child. Your talent and character are what I value most. I believe you will definitely find a different scenery on your own path."

Guang sighed, he really cherishes his talent. Miga's heart is simple and firm. He is strong, stronger, and the strongest. This is the purity he admires the most, and therefore he does not want to become his opponent.

"I understand, senior, I will choose another path." Miga raised her head and smiled. She was very happy that the senior told her so much without any concealment. In order to repay this trust, she didn't even ask what the other path was. .

Because she also trusts the light, just like she trusts herself.

Feeling Miga's trust, Guang couldn't help but reach out and rub her little head, "Don't worry, senior won't trick you. This Netherworld White Tiger Transformation Potion is still very suitable for you."

"First of all, they are all tigers, so the transformation is not too troublesome. Secondly, its power is very strange and has more potential than a simple fire explosion."

"Netherworld White Tiger?" After hearing Guang's words, Miga was stunned for a moment, "Isn't that the martial soul fusion skill of the Xingluo royal family?"

"It's this, but it's not complete, because the complete Nether White Tiger is the power of the divine level, and the world does not allow it to exist for a long time." Guang explained, "You take it one step at a time so that there is no need to think too much."

"It's great to become a god." Miga's eyes lit up, and she knew that the senior would not trick her.

"As long as there is a chance, the transformation of the Netherworld White Tiger will cause you to lose control of the power of fire, but it will greatly improve your strength, speed and physical fitness." Guang taught based on a year of research.

"But the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit does not have its own way. As your practice deepens..."

(End of this chapter)

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