Chapter 174
Looking at the new little guy, Guang spread his hands and said with a smile, "Whatever you want, I won't comment, I'm just a spectator."

Bibi Dong on the side also watched quietly, but it could be seen from her smiling face and the outline of her mouth that she enjoyed the lively atmosphere of the New Year.

When more people come together, it won’t be deserted. Unfortunately, most people go back to their homes during the Chinese New Year. This is the case for Miga and Duolong. Qian Renxue also wants to spend the Chinese New Year with her grandfather Qian Daoliu. To be honest, Vivian and A Yin are pretty good. Missed.

She was quite happy to have two more little ones this year. Thinking of this, Bibi Dong poured 5 cups of steaming milk tea from the big pot, then held up the cup and handed it to others with a wave of her soul power.

"Drink a cup of tea to warm yourself up first. It doesn't matter if you can't figure it out. I'll let your senior brother know the truth."

There are not too many sugar cubes in the milk tea. The fresh tea aroma is very strong, but the common bitterness of tea is basically absent. In addition, the temperature is just right enough to be scorching but not scalding your mouth.

Even the smallest piece of Amber Qing was quickly finished. Starting from the stomach, the warm breath spread throughout the body, and the cold air in the air quickly adapted.

After all, in this cold winter month and located halfway up a mountain, walking from a warm indoor to outdoor, the cold air will inevitably bring some discomfort.

Amber smacked her lips and a bright light flashed, "Sister Nana, can you fly to the sky and hang firecrackers to set off, so that you don't have to worry about altitude."

"What a great idea!" Hu Liena clapped her hands, "Qing, you are such a clever little kid. Why didn't I think of that? It just so happens that there is no wind today. Xie Yue, I will wait for you to take the firecrackers to the sky and set them off."

"It doesn't feel safe to fly them into the sky. If these firecrackers explode and scatter in all directions, the roof and walls will be blackened. You can paint the walls yourself."

Xie Yue raised questions, but no one raised the issue of safety. Even if the Dadihong was the largest firecracker, it was not a cannonball. Even if the cannonball was hit by teacher Bibi Dong, it didn't matter.

"It doesn't matter." Guang explained, "This 100-meter [-]-ring earth red is specially made. In addition to the lead wire, there is a steel wire fixed in the middle. In addition, you can set it off at the test site, so you don't have to worry about this problem."

"Xie Yue, then this glorious mission will be left to you." The little fox smiled with a smile on her face, not bothering to call her brother.

"You are such a good sister. Of course your decision is up to you." Xie Yue rolled her eyes.

"I am the commander, how can any commander do the work himself?" The little fox rolled his eyes and said, "And this is a good job, and the perspective from the sky is unique."

"And we are all looking at you from below, and you can see all of us from above. Isn't this a great location?"

"Well, how about you do this yourself." Xie Yue nodded affirmatively and handed the magic book of Sharp-tailed Swift to Hu Liena.

"Actually, there is another way." Amber Yun experienced many things and had many ideas in the palace. The atmosphere of the New Year was so good that she naturally blended into it.

"Hang a steel cable from the highest eaves to the roof below, and then wrap the firecrackers around the steel cable and set off, so there is no need for people to act as hanging points."

"This method is not bad, but how to solve the problem of blowing up the roof?" The little fox thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"If the hanging wire mainly passes through the road from that direction, there won't be this problem." Xie Yue pointed to the east. He had just seen it clearly while flying in the sky.

"If you hang the firecrackers, you don't need someone to hang them. I can hang the firecrackers with a gadget." Guang raised his hand to remind.

"And there should indeed be a big difference between viewing it on the ground and in the sky. From a sensory perspective, there is no difference."

"Then which one should we choose?" The little fox rubbed the back of his head in confusion.

"Then let's do it once." Guang came over and rubbed the little fox's soft slightly curly blond hair, "Who told you that senior brother will order one firecracker now? There are ten firecrackers, and they can be set off year after year. , have fun watching it this year.”

The explosive sound and golden-red fire light enlivened the world in the morning light of the rising sun, sweeping away the old and embracing the new year, full of new hope.


Years later,

Papal Palace,
Looking at the blond girl who came back early to clean up the Pope's palace, Bibi Dong's eyes were in a trance for a while, as if she saw the former Nana, and then greeted her with a kind face.

"Xiao Mijia, you don't have to come back so early next time. It doesn't matter if you stay at home for a few more days."

"Hey, principal, I can't get used to staying at home, so I'd better come back early. I see that Duolong guy is back too. I'll take him to the spirit fighting arena to try his fists later."

"Miga, remember to come to the lab to find me after school today." Guang, who was following Bibi Dong, threw a jade bottle at Miga.

"The Jade Bone Pill can speed up the progress of your bone forging. It will be good for you to train your Mingyu body to perfection earlier."

The Mingyu Body is divided into four aspects: body tempering, tendon easing, bone forging, and marrow washing. Marrow washing comes first and must be done in the body forging pool.The progress of body tempering, tendon easing and bone forging can be improved through daily exercise. Of course, medicinal baths and elixirs can also be used to speed up the speed and avoid shortfalls.

In the past year, the world of the undead has produced a lot of new elixirs. Coupled with Miga's own talent and diligence, it is estimated that she will be able to perfect her jade body in three years.

"Thank you, senior."

"Tell me what to say and thank you. By the way, Miga, are you interested in taking a practical trip this year?" Just touching his chin, the construction of the World of the Undead has begun to take shape, security has been greatly improved, and admission standards have been relaxed. A lot.

"Hey, senior, you just have to make arrangements, I believe you." Miga waved his hand without any hesitation.

"Okay, let's talk about it in detail tonight."

. . .

"It seems like you quite like children." Bibi Dong joked as she looked at Guang entering the door.

"Isn't it good for children?" Guang leaned back on the sofa contentedly, "They are simple and lively and contain infinite future possibilities, and I can only care about a few of them to a limited extent."

"What you said is indeed true. They should have a brighter future instead of being limited to this continent." Bibi Dong's eyes flickered, and the Douluo Continent was not big or small.

A few years of time is enough to make a journey, but a few decades of time are indeed enough for a soul master to explore everything.

This is also why most titled Douluo prefer to practice in seclusion to comprehend the principles of heaven and earth instead of traveling around the mainland, because they have already experienced this kind of thing in their youth for decades.

"But there are still many places worth trying." Guang touched his chin, "The places Vivian told me are quite good. After I finish exploring the World of the Dead, I plan to visit Douluo Continent again."

"Are you writing a letter?" Bibi Dong asked curiously.

"No, she can directly give me a synchronized perspective, but I asked her not to reveal too much to me. I want to see and experience it for myself, to see what the sun looks like in different places from east to west, north and south, different terrains of mountains, rivers and forests, and different weather conditions of cloudy, sunny, rainy and foggy. What a difference."

"But one thing to say is that Vivian's choice is indeed very special. The places she went to were all inaccessible places, and she even used the power of life to enlighten a few subordinates. It was completely different from my original trip to the city in search of delicious food. A style.”

Guang agreed, "But this is also in line with her temperament and Ah Yin's temperament. The most important thing is that the solution she came up with is very good. I probably don't need to spend any time on it."

"That's right." Said Vivian, Guang's eyes lit up, "When Vivian comes back, I will arrange for her to go to the World of the Dead. With the layout I prepared, we can operate it for a month at most, and the station there can be said to be impregnable. ."

"Then we can go together and plan to kill the Crypt Demon Spider King. If you want to skip the soul ring step and refine it directly, I will use rituals to cooperate, but even if you succeed, you still have to keep the soul ring and cannot fully refine it. change."

Guang reminded, "The soul ring is the law of the world of Douluo Continent, so you must come back and pass the soul ring through the light before it can be completely refined."

"But I didn't find any problems after my other soul rings were completely refined?" Bibi Dong asked after thinking for a moment.

"The soul ring is the proof that you can break through the realm. You only need to have it as soon as your strength improves. It doesn't matter after that." Guang shook his head and explained.

"The world consciousness of this world is much worse than the world in my hometown, so the legal principles are not that strict."

"How do I put it? It's like being an official. Only when you have the official seal can you officially take office. But after you officially take office, you don't have to put the official seal on your forehead. Only certain special worlds will always check the official seal."

"It doesn't matter if you break through in the world of the undead, but you need to show off your newly acquired soul ring when you come back. This is a necessary step to avoid abnormalities that attract the attention of the world's consciousness."

"You can't be obviously different or abnormal from most living beings. We all have snow-white cotton and nothing can be seen. But if you have any abnormalities, you will have black cotton seeds, which will easily attract the attention of the world's consciousness."

"Even if you are strong enough to flip the table, it is best not to do this, because most of the world's consciousness is stubborn and cannot be flexible."

"There are only two results at that time, either to be severely injured and expelled from the world like me, or to kill the world's consciousness."

"Understood." Bibi Dong nodded, "Qingyuan met a Hellfire King when he was exploring last time. He felt that his strength was acceptable. He could catch the Crypt Spider King alone, but the terrifying Knight King and Bone Dragon King It’s probably not easy to handle.”

"What do you mean? Do you want this to be your ninth soul ring?" Guang asked curiously. After putting together the last two soul rings and the last skull, Bibi Dong's strength should make her final leap.

"No, that's not my goal."

(End of this chapter)

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