Chapter 173 Welcome
The forces in the Star Luo Empire headed by the Dai family were in bad luck, but the two sisters had a much better life than expected.

The Five Elements Demon King returned directly to Wuhun City after doing a lot of work in Xingluo City. Guang also made up his mind that for the sake of safety, the Five Elements Demon King would only use the next time to develop the world of the undead.

The two little sisters spent a strange journey in the sky that they had never experienced before. It was probably the feeling of flying in the sky in a fully transparent airplane.

The soul power shield of the Five Elements Demon King makes the sense of flying not too bad. The air he breathes is refreshing and slightly thin, and the whole person's mind seems to be broadened.

The Douluo Continent felt like it was shrinking rapidly. The mountains, rivers and rivers below were all visible but were so unfamiliar. Zhu Zhuqing didn't know where it was below, but Zhu Zhuyun, who had studied geography in detail, could indeed roughly distinguish the scenery below.

Because the most accurate map at this time is the map drawn by the flying spirit master and the highly skilled painting spirit master from a high altitude, and this kind of expensive map is not lacking in the long-standing Star Luo royal family.

Therefore, Zhu Zhuqing simply lamented that the perspective of the sky is completely different from that of the earth, just like the difference between mortals and gods. It is impossible to imagine it without seeing and experiencing it.

And Zhu Zhuyun could indeed roughly judge the direction of the Five Elements Demon King's flight, which was all the way to the northeast through the border between the Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire. There seemed to be only one major force in this straight line - Wuhun City, the headquarters of Wuhun Palace.

This conjecture made Zhu Zhuyun unbelievable, and the light-controlled Five Elements Demon King did not try to hide it, and led people directly into the laboratory area of ​​the East Spider Academy in Wuhun City.

And Guang took Mashiro and directly told the little sisters who landed that this was the East Spider Advanced Soul Master Academy in Wuhun City, and it was also the headquarters of Bibi Dong's direct lineage.

They don't have to change their names, but their surnames need to be changed to Amber. At the same time, he will arrange for them to go to the East Spider Academy to study and exercise freely, but they will not be registered and they cannot expose the ghost spirit cat martial arts in front of others for a year.

As for why it was within one year, it was because two people were required to conduct cooperative experiments in the first year.

Studying in the academy sounded good, but the experiments made the wary Zhu Zhuyun a little uneasy. But in this place, it can be said that people are fighting for their own good, and it is probably useless to object.

Hikaru asked Mashiro to arrange two adjacent guest rooms for the two sisters and give them two pairs of chopsticks for breakfast and dinner. As for lunch, it would be more convenient to go to the college cafeteria.

The academy was also simple, asking Mashiro to take the two sisters to Qingyuan's house and then ask Liu Erlong to take care of them. The two sisters also started a new life for a year in confusion and longing.

how to say?Guang didn't care about anything in particular. He had too many things on his hands, but the two sisters gradually felt at ease.

Get up in the morning and go to the kitchen to have breakfast, and then go down the mountain to study and exercise with other students. 13-year-old Amber Yun goes to Miga's class, while 6-year-old Amber Qing studies with the third class students of the same age.

The course for the two of them was not easy. The younger Hu Boqing didn't know the level of her peers, and she also had a hard-working nature. Although the course did not have requirements, she was not lazy at all.

The big Amber Yun knows a lot of things, so she can see more things that are horrifying to think about, such as artificial martial arts spirits that are roughly the same, or the average performance of these students who are one year younger than her.

The most terrifying thing is Miga. This little girl is one year younger than her. It is said that she was originally a useless martial spirit, but now she is the second-stage artificial martial spirit Fierce Blood Tiger.

But the overwhelming combat power shown by Miga in the spirit fight made Amber Cloud shudder. Objectively speaking, she actually found that Davis, who was also a tiger spirit, had no chance of winning.

Don't tell her about the innate differences between men and women. Amber Yun saw with her own eyes in the training room that Miga easily left a fist mark of more than an inch on the fine iron ingot without being possessed by a martial spirit. Is this Tema a human?

One thing that the two sisters have in common is self-discipline. After seeing the standards of her peers, Amber Cloud had no other thoughts and began to devote herself to learning and training. Improving her own strength is definitely not a wrong thing.

As for the experimental part that worries Amber Cloud the most after returning from school, after experiencing it several times, he found that the problem is not that big. On the one hand, the experiment cycle is very long and once a week. On the other hand, Guang's technique is very neat and the time is very short.

The main link is that Guang prepared various injections on the spot and injected them all over their bodies, and then recorded various feedbacks from the two.

Neither of them had any negative feelings, but the changes in the martial soul surprised them. The originally pure black ghost civet had white lines. They felt that the power of their martial soul was greatly increased after being possessed, and it also brought with it a... Series changes.

But none of them were obvious questions, and even the confused light who couldn't help but speak to Amber Cloud didn't mean to hide it.

This is an experiment in the evolution of martial souls. The ultimate direction of evolution is the Netherworld White Tiger. The raw materials for evolution come from the "friendly sponsorship" of Davis and Dai Mubai.

Of course, even if the experimental results reach the ideal level after one year, it is basically impossible for them to evolve into the Nether White Tiger Spirit. They are just taking a big step in the direction of benign evolution.The most important thing is that their martial arts should have changed drastically, so after one year, they will not have so many restrictions and can register directly for school.

Evolving in the direction of the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit? !Amber Cloud's eyes were not so wide when they first rose into the sky. Has Wuhun Palace's research reached this level?
Even if it's called Wuhun Palace, it can't be so far removed from other forces.

Hu Boqing is young and her knowledge has not yet been finalized, but she accepts everything quickly. This is one of the main reasons why Guang and Bibi Dong established the school and started recruiting students from scratch.

If selected from the Intermediate Soul Master Academy, a monk who has become a monk halfway is not suitable for the job. The most important thing is that he is not reliable enough and can easily be mixed with others and become a wedding dress for others.

Now the martial spirits of the two sisters have been basically finalized. The name Nether Civet Cat can be officially removed. The white stripes on their bodies after being possessed by the martial spirits are already very clear.

There is even a white king character that intersects on the forehead. Of course, it does not mean that the martial arts of the two have evolved into tigers. They are just covered in tiger stripes. It is not satisfactory to call them tiger striped civets.

Although theoretically adding the word "Netherworld" would be more appropriate, in order to avoid unnecessary attention and trouble, the two chose this simple name.

This year, the sisters' life cannot be said to be very comfortable, but it is fulfilling and satisfying. It is surprising that the sisters can get along day and night, not to mention they have made new friends.

Not to mention Mashiro-san, who gently meets all their reasonable needs, there are also many people who come to the light laboratory frequently, and the most enthusiastic one is Hu Liena.

She did not reject the two sisters brought back to her by her senior brother. Instead, she patted her chest and expressed that she would take good care of them. In this way, Xie Yue's relationship with them was also acceptable.

Bibi Dong and Qing Yuan didn't mind giving the little guys a smile. Miga and Duolong who came to eat and drink were classmates. The teacher Liu Erlong also had a good relationship with other classmates.

As for Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu had originally agreed not to let her continue exploring the world of the dead. However, not knowing what Qian Renxue said to her grandfather, she came back to apply to join the exploration team of the world of the dead.

Qian Daoliu also remained silent, but by default increased the funding for Dongzhu Academy by [-]%. This was not a small number, and Bibi Dong, who was being merciless, could not gossip and just let it go.

She knew Qian Daoliu's plan in her heart, but on the one hand, she had absolute confidence in herself. Neither Qian Daoliu nor the future Qian Renxue had the ability to force her to give up.

On the other hand, she is not particularly concerned about the position of Pope, because from her perspective, the Pope of Wuhun Palace is not the end point. She does not need to develop Wuhun Palace to passively improve her position. She has her own way to go.

. . .

"It's almost time for breakfast." Mashiro smiled at the two sisters who wanted to help. "You two got up just in time. Nana and Xie Yue said they were going to put on a hundred thousand ring earth red. You just happened to go out to watch it. Watch the fun."

Dadihong is the largest firecracker commonly seen in Wuhun City during the Chinese New Year. The gunpowder is wrapped in red paper. It usually rings a hundred times, and the sound is clear and loud. After being set off, the red paper on the ground is quite festive, so it is called Dadihong.

"A hundred thousand firecrackers, how long is that!" Hu Boqing stuck out her tongue. The largest firecracker she had ever seen at Zhu's house was only three thousand, and it still had to be propped up on the roof of a three-story building. pole.

"Do Wuhun City still make [-]-ring firecrackers?" Amber Yun, who calculated the length of the firecrackers in his mind, was also full of doubts.

"It's all to welcome the new year. Of course the firecrackers are very long. I think they must be at least 100 meters long." Mashiro replied with a smile.

"Of course the neighborhood won't sell such long firecrackers. Guang specially asked someone to customize them. Nana said to hang up the firecrackers first and then have breakfast. After dinner, she asked everyone to come and watch them together. But I guess not It’s easy to find a place, you two are smart, just give her some ideas and help.”

Mashiro's thought was indeed correct. After the two sisters came out, they saw Hu Liena in trouble.

She originally planned to hang the firecrackers from the roof of Spider Emperor Garden above, and then spread them all the way down the mountain, like a red carpet.

Then Xie Yue used Sharp-tailed Swift's magic book to carefully lay out the firecrackers, but while watching the excitement, Guang shook his head and reminded that the firecrackers would explode black if they were placed against the house. If it was an eyesore, the little fox would be punished by painting the wall afterwards.

"Yun, Qing, you are here just in time. Please help me think about how to set off these firecrackers so powerfully?" Hu Liena was not very satisfied when she looked at the firecrackers laid out, because the buildings here are not symmetrical and have different slopes. It looks weird when I get up.

(End of this chapter)

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