Chapter 172
"I'll give you 5 minutes to go in and pack your things. You won't be allowed to take a step forward in Holy Soul Village from now on."

Hearing Duolong's cold and unceremonious voice behind him, Tang San, who was only wearing ragged clothes, felt aggrieved but had no choice but to go back to the blacksmith shop and pick up his backpack. There was really nothing to clean up here, so he only needed to pick up the things he had left behind. Just go up.

Village Chief Jack looked at Tang San's limping figure as he left and asked with some worry: "Doron, I think Tang San's condition is not very good. It's getting late now. Can he return to Notting City by himself?" ?”

"Village Chief Jack, Tang San is a soul master. He can't get into trouble with his soul power. Besides, he brought food. At most, he will sleep outside for one night."

Duolong shook his head and said mercilessly, then turned around and saw a red firecracker hanging on the lintel of the blacksmith shop.


The sound of firecrackers was very festive in this cold winter season, symbolizing farewell to the old and welcoming the new. Tang San gritted his teeth when he heard the sound of firecrackers behind him.

But now that the sky was getting dark, it was too reluctant to go back to Notting City overnight, and he didn't want others to see his current appearance, so Tang San planned to spend the night in a small cave on the other side of the hill.

First find some firewood to make a fire, and then simply treat the wounds on your body, and then return to Notting City tomorrow. Tang San also buried a sum of stolen money in the back of Notting College. When the time comes, he will secretly take it out and find a doctor to take care of it. Let’s talk about the injury.

At night, snowflakes are flying,
Tang San, who was sitting in the leaky cave, was very annoyed when he looked at the small fire in front of him. The dry branches nearby had been picked up long ago. What he found were all wood with high moisture. Not to mention how smoky and scorching the fire was. Still young.

What's even worse is that it's still snowing outside. The depth of this small cave is only half a meter. When the wind sweeps away the cold snowflakes, they melt into water and take away the warmth that is not rich in the first place.

Tang San, who was in pain all over, had a pig-headed face and was huddled in the innermost part of the cave, chewing on the dry food that choked his throat, and opening and closing his chapped lips to curse silently.

No, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years. Feeling the wounds on his body that were not serious but constantly painful, Tang San finally made up his mind, Wang Sheng could talk about it later, he wanted to recover from his injuries now.

"Spend five hundred points to redeem the Gambler's Dice." Tang San, shivering from the cold, opened his purple sausage and said.

[The gambler's dice has been exchanged. Five sides have positive effects, and one side has negative effects that are equivalent to the other five sides. Would you like to customize one side? 】

"Customized, except for my physical mutilation, I ask for my body to be restored to its intact state."

[Yes, due to the strong Qi of the host, the other four aspects are recovery from sharp weapon injuries, recovery from body injuries, recovery from sequelae on the left hand, and recovery from sequelae on the right hand. The negative effect becomes aggravation of sequelae on both hands. Negative entry: Twitching hand strengthened + 1.

Twitching hand (enhancement +1): Every 5 times a hidden weapon is used, the hand will twitch.

Do you want to throw? 】

"Huh?!" Tang San's eyes widened. To be honest, his customization requirements this time were higher than last time. He had been prepared to make new customizations, but who knew that not only did he pass the requirements, but there were also small guarantees on the other four sides. ?
Could it be that the conscience of this broken book was discovered, and it was full of energy. It was right, he, Tang San, must be the protagonist of fate in his two lives. Tang San, who finally felt a trace of warmth in this biting winter night, spoke with hope.


[The gambler's die is one point, which triggers negative effects and worsens the sequelae of the hands. Negative entries: twitching hands are strengthened by +1. 】

"Do not!!!"

Snowflakes were falling outside, Tang San was kneeling on the ground, his voice was shrill and desperate, as if he was expounding a sentence, gambling dogs will not die well.


Wuhun City, East Spider Academy,

Bibi Dong lived in Cuizhuyuan before inheriting the throne of the Pope, but after inheriting the throne, she changed her address and ordered people to build a Spider Emperor Garden on the mountainside behind the East Spider Academy as her new residence, which coincided with Guang's. The laboratory is adjacent.

There is no wall or obvious distinction between the two. From the outside, it is not even possible to tell the difference between the two. The range can only be roughly determined by the height of the building.

The house in Spider Emperor Garden is gorgeous and tall and is on the uppermost floor of the mountainside. The laboratory is below and the house is at most two floors above the ground.

At this moment, the students of Dongzhu Academy were all going home to visit their relatives during the holidays. The Amber Lake at the foot of the mountain was unusually quiet, but the mountainside was actually lively.

Zhu Zhuqing, no, her name should be Hu Boqing at this moment, climbed out of bed sleepily, looking at her sister Hu Poyun who had already climbed up, pinching her little face with disgust. "Qing, you little bastard who sleeps poorly, why did you come to my room again? I was sleeping well, but you kicked me in the face and woke me up from my dream."

"Hey, sister, did you also have a good dream?" Hu Boqing rubbed her eyes and got up and yawned, "Good morning, sister."

"The holidays are so comfortable, it would be strange not to have a good dream." Amber Yun looked at her sister's confused expression and did not continue to talk about dreams, "It's not too early now, let's go to the kitchen to help."

This year's life has been completely beyond her expectations. Originally, she thought that following her sister to join the Five Elements Sect would mean wandering around after being hungry, but she really couldn't bear to leave alone.

Who would have thought that the outcome of the matter was completely beyond her expectation. The Five Elements Sect was actually a cover created by the Wuhun Palace. Amber Cloud felt shuddered when she thought of the elders of the Wuhun Palace who came to Xingluo City to fight against the Five Elements Sect. .

"Catch a Thief" happened in reality. The big defeat of the Xingluo royal family was not unjust. Fortunately, he followed his sister and surrendered to the enemy in time. Amber Yun is still frightened when he thinks about it.

On that day, Xingluo Emperor Dai Tianquan and his men traveled for a day in disgrace and did find Davis and Dai Mubai. Dai Shoucheng and another princess were not found, but considering that no one accepted the ransom, Dai Tianquan probably still made a profit.

The reason why it is said to be approximate is that Davis and Dai Mubai were in very bad condition. They were pale, had concave cheeks, and had high fever and coma. These were not problems after being treated. However, the accompanying doctor quickly gave Dai Tianquan an explosive diagnosis. information.

The two princes are severely deficient in body and bones. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are injured due to overwork and seven injuries. Considering their ages, if they cannot make up for it in time, it will be a problem to continue the family line.

Dai Tianquan planned for a month, made enough exchanges of interests, and finally led a group of people to run around for a long time without saying anything. Is it possible that the two sons he rescued may even be useless? !

Just when Dai Tianquan's eyes were red and he was furious, another big news came from Xingluo City. His hometown in Xingluo City had been stolen, and his father Dai Nulong and his mother were gone!

Moreover, the royal treasury was wiped out, and his treasury was gone! !Even his two prospective daughters-in-law, the child brides Davis and Dai Mubai had not yet slept with were gone! ! !
Dai Tianquan, who was feeling thunderous in his heart, was mentally strong enough not to pout him on the spot. But before the subordinates on the side had time to eat, the content of the second letter also made them dumbfounded.

The Xu family, the Xia family, and the Li family were robbed in public by the Five Elements Sect, causing heavy losses. The financial aspects have not yet been calculated, but all Contras were captured alive! ! !
"What?!" The ancestor of the Xu family who had been following him couldn't help but jump out, with an old face more ferocious than a man-eating tiger.

As a result, a group of jealous rabbit-like guys didn't bother to rest and rushed back towards Xingluo City. However, when they returned, all they saw was a pile of mess in their own house, and the people of the Five Elements Sect had disappeared without a trace. Missing.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo almost didn't laugh out loud after hearing the news. After announcing the news directly, they chose to follow the public's wishes and return directly. No one wanted to be the next unlucky person to have their home stolen.

This operation failed, and all the major forces were disgraced. The main losses were the Dai family, the Xia family, the Li family, and the Xu family. The other forces were all in vain with no substantial losses.

Among them, the Dai family, as the royal family, suffered the most. The two elders of the Zong Lao Yuan had a direct fight. Dai Tianquan moved to the Zong Lao Yuan to settle down. He made up his mind not to leave the palace and at the same time carried out a general purge of his own family.

Because according to the few words left by Dai Nulong, Dai Tianquan has also set his sights on his own brother. It is related to the stability of his throne and the stability of the Star Luo Empire. This time, he will choose to kill him even if he does not have enough evidence. , show no mercy.

Especially at this critical moment, special means must be used!
The two elders of Wuhun Palace approached Dai Tianquan again to discuss the annihilation of the Five Elements Sect. Dai Tianquan also expressed his absolute support. As long as no one was involved, everything else would be easy to discuss.

Yue Guan also made it very clear that it would be enough for him and Ghost Douluo to find seven or eight more Ghost Douluo manpower, but to destroy the Five Elements Sect, intelligence should come first.

Therefore, the Star Luo Empire had to provide Wuhun Palace with corresponding local conveniences to catch the clues of the Five Elements Sect.

As long as there are no risks, Dai Tianquan is still willing to open some restrictions without much loss.

In addition, because the royal treasury was robbed, Dai Tianquan was in short supply of precious medicinal materials to treat Davis and Dai Mubai. It was too late to rely on the Chamber of Commerce to purchase them temporarily. He could only purchase them from other major forces. Wuhun Palace was undoubtedly the best trading partner. .

Shangyue Guan nodded in agreement to this point, but the price was very high, and it was not about money, but about the expansion of the Holy Light Academy within the Star Luo Empire.

In the end, Dai Tianquan agreed to part of it, but it was not that Wuhundian relented on the price, but that he only wanted the medicinal materials for one person.

The Xu family was second in strength and suffered losses. Even after hearing about Dai Nulong's accident, the Xu family's titled Douluo ancestor heartily chose to stay behind closed doors, and the entire Xu family turned into a tortoise.

Because the current losses are already crippling, if the Titled Douluo makes another mistake, their Xu family may be overturned. This is a risk that the family power cannot bear.

The same is true for the Li family and the Xia family, who are close to the Dai family. Their families did not have titled Douluo, and now that all the Contras are dead, the result can be imagined. . .

(End of this chapter)

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