Chapter 186 Die
"As for impurities, it's a matter of material handling and craftsmanship in refining the medicine. If it's not handled well, there will be too many impurities in the medicine and they will accumulate in the body of the user, and to a certain extent, corresponding sequelae will appear."

"For example, the meridians are rigid and blocked, the soul power bottleneck is strengthened, and some strange problems occur in the body. Those of you who are not mature should pay special attention to this and don't take strange potions without knowing the details."

Guang casually instructed, "If you encounter any good things outside in the future, try to bring them back and I will check and process them for you before eating them."

After a short chat, Sora finished adjusting the world door, and everyone put on protective clothing and stood ready.

Seeing the serious look on the senior's face, Miga looked puzzled, and Guang reminded from the side, "Wear protective clothing and be prepared, so that the pain on the back of your head will be less."



In the world of the undead, the sky is completely silent, and the sun, moon, and stars perished together with the world's creatures on the disaster day more than 6000 years ago.

The silver moon and stars turned into meteorites and fell to the earth. Only the largest sun star remained, but it also shrank by a large circle and turned into an ugly dark red.

Even its ruined brilliance is no longer enough to illuminate the entire world. It can only illuminate less than one tenth of the world. The remaining world can only rely on the light source of the magma river to barely dispel the darkness.

In the very center of the land shrouded by the dark sun, there is a towering mountain peak. Black-red clouds and mist linger on the mountainside. All kinds of undead creatures live here, but none dare to cross the natural boundaries drawn by the blood clouds.

Because on the mountainside is the residence of the terrifying knight king, the leader of the ten kings of the undead world, even other kings cannot break in easily.

Unlike the kings in the world, there is no palace or treasure on the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was cut off flatly, leaving only a wide open space. A whole piece of obsidian was roughly chopped into a throne shape in the middle of the top of the mountain.

The terrifying knight king in black armor sat upright with a mountain of momentum. In his hand was a nearly three-meter gorgeous heavy sword, which exuded a dark purple brilliance.

Behind him, a Bone Dragon King, whose size was far larger than other bone dragons, was entrenched behind him. Its thick white bones were more delicate than jade, exuding a blue light. The wings on its back were covered with membranes, and it was also capable of flying. helpful.

Both kings exuded a pure and deep aura of darkness, which looked much scarier than the shaky dark sun directly above the sky.

Originally, this same situation would remain unchanged for thousands of years, but today, the third king came here, and she was the Lich King, wrapped tightly in a black cloak.

Others could only see the Lich King's hot and bumpy figure from the cloak, but they could not see the soul fire wrapped in the ferocious skull under her cloak.

She came to the King of Terror Knights not for anything else, but because of the news that Griffin had evolved into six heads after seven rebirths. Even she did not shirk responsibility and bluntly stated her previous two failures.

The Terror Knight King did not mean to accuse him at all. His relationship with the Lich King was indeed much closer than that between other kings.

Otherwise, why would the Lich King be in charge of hundreds of bone dragon legions? You must know that the number of bone dragons in the entire undead world definitely does not exceed 200.

"Austin Griffin can be reincarnated seven times. As long as we can kill his seven reincarnations, he will be eternally extinct. This is the seventh time and his last chance."

The Terror Knight King stood up, "The first six times we killed him were too easy. It is obvious that this was Austin Griffin's final counterattack. Your failure was not due to negligence."

"That's right." The Bone Dragon King behind the Terror Knight King also raised his dragon head, "If Austin Griffin dies so easily, we will have to worry about whether there is fraud."

"After all, he is the source of the destruction of the entire world. He is an existence above the gods. The demigods at the top of the world were so powerful. What do we, the kings of the undead, mean in front of them? But even so, they all have to do it. It’s just a matter of risking one’s life to give Austin Griffin the possibility of being killed.”

"After six songs, Austin Griffin will most likely evolve directly to eight songs. By then we will be unable to turn back, but Austin Griffin's next evolution will also be the longest in history."

"It doesn't matter if he can go to another world, because if he wants to evolve, he must come back, because his power was scattered throughout the world by the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation. His so-called evolution is to recycle his own power!"

"It doesn't matter if he has stupid pigs from another world as helpers." The terrifying knight king, two and a half meters away, grabbed the heavy sword next to him and raised it high. "Next time we will gather all the power of the entire undead world. If we don't succeed, we will be benevolent!"

"Calling all the kings, summoning all the undead creatures of level seven and above, stationed around the places where Austin Griffin evolved for the first four times, and must bury him when he next comes. This is for ourselves and for this Revenge for the ruined world!" Looking at the black-armored knight held high in front of the throne, the Lich King's soul fire rolled and jumped, as if he saw the figure that was more than 6000 years old again, and the panic in his heart dissipated.

Yes, the ten kings working together will definitely kill Austin Griffin completely. This is the ambition of all living beings in the world, and it is also the only mission of the survivors to remain as undead to this day.

"I will arrange for my corpse shaman to ride on the bone dragon to convey the summoning order to the other eight kings." The Lich King spoke softly, not worrying at all whether the other kings would be able to come as promised.

Not only because the power of the Dread Knight King is unparalleled in the entire world of the undead, no one dares to disobey it, but also because the rebirth and return of Austin Griffin is related to the survival of all survivors in the world of the undead.

Every king and every high-level undead creature knows very well that once Austin Griffin evolves and regains his scattered power in the world, the nine-headed Chimera God of Scourge will return.

At that time, this broken world will be completely destroyed, and the survivors like them will also be wiped out!

The territory of the Crypt Demon Spider King is very different from other areas in the world of the undead, because spiders like darkness and prefer the dark element but reject the fire element, so its territory is the darkest place in the entire world of the undead.

There are basically no lava rivers here, and there are mostly black mountains. Originally, as the name suggests, the Crypt Spider likes to dig holes and live underground.

But the crust of the world of the undead at the moment is very thin, and it is easy to dig into the magma when digging holes, so the Crypt Demon Spider King spent a lot of effort to move more than a dozen hills to the core of his territory.

A circle of hills surrounded his residence, forming an artificial valley. At the same time, his territory was the farthest away from the territory of the Dread Knight King, and no trace of the dark sun could shine through.

In addition, the earth's crust is relatively thick, and there are only a few magma streams at most, so the living environment is not much different from that of a cave.

The seventh-level corpse witch sits on the eighth-level bone dragon, which is not too slow. The bone dragon has the ability to fly, and the corpse witch can also cast lightening spells on it. Even the furthest underground demon spider king can't It only takes three days to arrive.

No matter how fast Austin Griffin's growth rate is, it will at least be measured in years. This time is enough for the entire world of the undead to mobilize troops and gather together.

The reason why corpse witches are sent to convey the summoning order is because corpse witches are the nearest human beings and the most intelligent among the undead creatures. If they just send bone dragons, they will not be able to explain.

The Corpse Witch who was sent to invite the Crypt Demon Spider King was named Avery, and the Bone Dragon was named Long Wu. Their names came from their previous lives, and they were not born undead creatures.

Avery sat cross-legged on Long Wu's spine and was very worried about the news about Austin Griffin. He was a seventh-level corpse witch who would definitely join the war. When the time comes, he would be the floor tile of combat power. If there was any danger, he would definitely be the first to be unlucky. .

Long Wu, who was under him, didn't think too much. The dragons were relatively straight-tempered, so they just listened to the Dragon King's arrangements. They didn't need to give directions when they went to find the Crypt Demon Spider King. They just flew in whichever direction was darkest.

"Okay, it's almost here. Avery, don't worry so much. When the ten kings take action together, it might be solved directly without us having to do anything."

Long Wu was a witness to the last evolution of Austin Griffin. In his opinion, there was not a single ninth-level human being in that group, and even the leader was a ninth-level person who was forcibly promoted by external forces.

In two years' time, that group of humans will all reach the ninth level. It's true that most of their ten monarchs have the strength of the ninth and third levels, and the terrifying knight king has just broken through the ninth and seventh levels.

There is no doubt that I have the advantage in this comparison. Long Wu's thoughts are exactly the opposite of Avery's. In his opinion, the sky is falling and the kings are holding it up. What are they doing?

"That's what you said. I'd better think about how to report the situation to the Crypt Demon Spider King." Corpse Witch Avery nodded in agreement. The Lich King sent him to deliver the message because he was better at talking.

A painful roar suddenly came from a distance. Avery and Long Wu were stunned at the same time. This voice, this breath?Looks like a ninth-level king? !
The black and white light tore through the darkness, and the black and white energy like a Tai Chi diagram appeared directly above the basin where the Crypt Demon Spider King lived.

In the far distance, the soul fire of Avery and Long Wu was beating wildly. This aura was undoubtedly the ninth level above them, but they didn't recognize it!
What's even more terrible is that in the middle of the black and white air, a large spider with a body length of 20 meters and a full twelve legs is as helpless as a small insect frozen in amber.

But looking at his purple-black body with patches of gray spots, Avery and Long Wu looked at each other. That was the target of their report this time - the Crypt Demon Spider King!
"Die." The calm female voice resounded throughout the world. It was not loud, but the strange thing was that even Avery and Long Wu who were very far away could hear it quite clearly. It was like the whisper of the god of death, which sent chills all over their bodies. .

(End of this chapter)

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