Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 187 Shengyang Castle

Chapter 187 Shengyang Castle

"A gray silhouette of a huge scythe appeared above the head of the Crypt Demon Spider King. The Crypt Demon Spider King is no longer small, but the scythe is even bigger. The scythe blade alone is more than 30 meters long."

"With one strike, the Crypt Demon Spider King was completely lifeless. Even our soul fires were so frightened that we couldn't help ourselves when we saw that strike. It was as if we were seeing real death, and there was darkness in front of our eyes..."

Avery and Long Wu reported to the Terror Knight King and the Lich King. They were really frightened. When they saw that the Crypt Spider King was gone, their first reaction was to turn around and run away.

As for the reason why they were able to escape without being discovered, it was also very simple. The two of them were more than ten miles apart at the time, and the territory of the Crypt Demon Spider King was almost invisible.

Seeing that the soul fire of the two people was withering, the Terror Knight King and the Lich King looked at each other and knew that they were not lying.

After waving his hand for the two of them to go down, the Lich King said in a deep voice to the Horrible Knight King, "Another strong man from another world. We know the world of the undead thoroughly, and there is no king who cultivates the pure power of death."

"To be able to kill the Crypt Demon Spider King so easily, their strength should not be underestimated. I wonder if it has something to do with Austin Griffin?"

"It's okay. The opponent obviously teamed up to control the Crypt Demon Spider King to win so neatly. It can be seen that the person who took action is not very skilled." The Terror Knight King shook his head.

"And the other seven kings have responded to the message, and they will all gather together with their direct descendants within a week."

"At that time, we will gather the power of the entire world of the undead to first find out the cause of the death of the Crypt Demon Spider King and solve the problem of visitors from other worlds over there."

"It is also a good thing to detect problems early." The voice of the King of Terror Knights was full of confidence, "I have broken through the ninth level and the seventh level. We can gather everyone's strength to eliminate all hidden dangers before Austin Griffin's next evolution."

"That's right. It would be more troublesome if the problem was discovered when Austin Griffin evolved." The Lich King agreed, "But to be on the safe side, I will first use my mid-level undead creatures to find out the information."


"The news this time is a bit big. I think other kings should receive the news soon, but this is also expected." Kong said in a deep voice, "His Majesty the Pope is in retreat, and I will direct the next actions."

In front of Kong, Yue Guan and Gui Mei stood at the front and nodded. They had lived a very happy life these years, not to mention taking paid vacations at the good place of Ice and Fire.

When they were on a business trip in the Star Luo Empire, the two of them didn't need to do anything but just get benefits, so this time they gained Bibi Dong's trust and came to this strange world, they also planned to work seriously to show their loyalty.

The Soul Saints below also agreed that it doesn't matter if they work hard, but from what they said above, there seemed to be quite a few kings in this world who could compete with Titled Douluo, and they had a great sense of crisis.

As for Hu Liena, Xie Yue, Qian Renxue and Miga, they were adjusting their breath in the corner. In the battle just now, a dozen crypt spiders and other undead creatures that were almost ten thousand years old were deliberately pulled out for them to fight. They were exhausted.

In this actual battle, Miga also clearly felt the discomfort of fighting undead creatures. Fortunately, she had brothers and sisters to look after her and she adapted quickly.

Common skeletons, zombies whose bodies are as good as gold and iron, a fat abomination covered in disgusting grease with an iron hook in one hand, a hellfire that is somewhat similar to the one possessed by the spirit of the Flame Lord of the Martial Arts Academy next door, and even one that does not have an entity. The resentful spirit.

Guang's meaning is also very clear. Training in actual combat is not just a civil war between soul masters. When encountering opponents you don't understand, you need to test and understand them in actual combat. These are difficult to feel in soul masters fighting souls.

Of course, this is not difficult for the three older little guys. Firstly, Qian Renxue's sacred attributes are very effective against undead creatures. Secondly, the demonic bodies of the three of them make their already good strength even higher. A step.

Training requires just the right amount of pressure. There is no need to put too much pressure into a life-and-death crisis. Guang prefers the teaching philosophy of sweating more in daily life and bleeding less in actual combat.

"The location of the Crypt Demon Spider King's territory is very good. The energy of heaven and earth is very abundant. I like it very much. The location of the bridgehead is set here." Kong looked at the terrain of the basin surrounded by hills and was very satisfied.

"Elder Ju, Elder Ghost, you are responsible for sweeping away the nearby undead creatures that are more than ten thousand years old."

"Teacher Erlong, you are responsible for leading Hu Liena and the others to sweep away the nearby undead creatures whose strength is less than [-] years old."

"Mr. Ye is in charge of logistics."

"The five of you will follow my instructions and carry out simple terrain modification here first, and then..." Kong pointed towards the uneven areas of the surrounding hills.

He was satisfied that the place was very round and well-proportioned, and he only needed to adjust a few details before moving on to the next stage of laying out the array.

This is a bit like a washbasin. He doesn't plan to make too many arrangements. When the time comes, he will just ask Vivian to come over and officially activate the transformation circle to transform a large amount of holy soil.

Of course, this is not the key. The bridgehead is a fortress as the name suggests. If he is sure that he can gain a foothold in the world of the dead, he will send over the components of the Holy Sun Castle that Bala has worked hard to build in the past two years for the second and third teleportation.

If the Shengyang Castle is completely built and linked with the surrounding magic circles, even if Vivian is the only one guarding it, it will probably be enough to gain a foothold in this world.By then, the output of the undead world will be astonishing, and the initial investment of the past two years can be quickly wiped out. Looking at the long term, undead creatures can only be regarded as a small part of the world's output.

For example, the lava river under your feet was completely natural. Guang arranged for the previous exploration team to bring back samples for testing.

Moreover, in addition to extracting the vitality of heaven and earth, the energy sources of the magic circle and Shengyang Castle also provide abundant and stable geothermal energy.

Thinking about it from another perspective, Guang could find a way to cut off the supply of heaven and earth energy around Shengyang Castle to form a vacuum, but he could block the underground magma with his head.

In addition, Guang found that the foundation of this world was very good, but it was ruined enough. If he opened up a pure land with the Holy Light Castle as the core, and mobilized a large amount of the surrounding heaven and earth energy to gather and transform.

It would be a very large mimicry training environment. Arranging soul masters to speed up their training or opening a medicine garden would be very good choices.

This is not a foolish dream. Even if the world here is already dominated by dark elements and fire elements, light can still be forcibly turned in the direction he desires.

This world was by no means a world of the undead before, and the vitality of heaven and earth was not dominated by dark elements and fire elements. Since others can transform the world, light can also have methods, and he even has to restrain himself.

Because the core mystery of the way of Holy Light is assimilation, the power of Holy Light can forcibly assimilate whether it is light and darkness, the five elements, or even all laws.

But light must be carefully controlled, because if the power of holy light is left alone, the assimilation speed will increase exponentially. Once the entire world is assimilated by more than [-]%, the world consciousness will definitely be desperate.

Of course, just looking at the bird-like appearance of the world now, it is estimated that the world consciousness that still exists is as fragile as a candle in the wind, and will not be as ridiculously strong as the Yuan Zhen Realm.

But if the power of Holy Light is assimilated beyond three levels, it will produce an irreversible reaction. By then, this world will no longer be needed. As for the specific result, it may explode or collapse, who knows?Just trying to reap the benefits is hard.

In comparison, the world itself is too valuable. If nothing else, as long as the world exists, it can absorb the breath of chaos from the boundary sea and continuously transform the vitality of heaven and earth.

Moreover, compared to a dead object, the ever-changing world is obviously more exciting. He doesn't want to be a boring person who burns musical instruments and boils cranes unless necessary.

Of course, he is not referring to the world of the undead, but to the world where Douluo Continent is located, where Bibi Dong and the others are their hometown. His way of the blazing sun requires sacrifices, and Bibi Dong's way of death also requires sacrifices, and maybe there will be sacrifices in the future. There are others in need.

Rabbits don't eat grass near their nests, so the World of the Undead is a good alternative. There are not many other things here except undead creatures, which can be used as sacrifices.

Having said that, he did not go to other worlds to become enlightened, but chose to choose the spiritual realm of the Yuan Zhen Realm. This was purely due to deep personal hatred, and every one of the seven major sects was a piece of shit.

As for innocent people, there must be some, and there must be many of them, but cultivation means fighting. If you are afraid of this, you are hesitant, why bother to embark on the path of cultivation?

Let’s just say that the world of the undead in front of us is in such a state of ruin. Who dares to say that there are no innocent people among these undead creatures that want to eat strangers when they see them?

If an enemy really comes to your door, just face it calmly and rely on your own abilities. It's best if you win, and it's not unfair if you lose and die.

There are many withered bones on the road to immortality. Children who have not yet refined weapons should have been reminded of this before they worshiped in the sect and opened their veins.

. . .

I have to say that Bibi Dong did the right thing in finding five power soul saints. It was amazingly fast to activate the martial soul avatar to start working.

Not to mention that one person is worth a hundred, even if they are paired with a hundred cows, they can't do it.

It doesn't matter that the soul power of Wuhun's real body consumes a lot. Ye Lao just broke through Contra this year, and Jiuxin Haitang is known as the best recovery ability in the healing system.

Coupled with the recovery potion specially prepared by Guang, the five people's martial soul true forms can last for a full four hours a day, which has tripled.

It only took two days, not to mention the construction work, even all the magic array bases were properly arranged.

When the air-conditioning power is turned on and the transformation circle is activated, all the energy of heaven and earth in the entire basin begins to be rapidly transformed into the power of the Holy Light and the basic five elements of energy. The highly toxic air full of sulfur is also purified into pure air that can be directly breathed.

Next, the five elements of vitality remained inside, and the power of holy light poured into the isolation array. The top of the hill surrounding the basin spewed out pure white holy light, and a pure white translucent hemisphere enveloped the entire basin.

(End of this chapter)

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