Chapter 188 Unexpected
The top of Dark Sun Peak,
The Dread Knight King is sitting on the throne, the Bone Dragon King is entrenched behind him, the Lich King is standing aside, and the other six monarchs are standing in the surrounding void.

From small to large they are:
It was completely a thick dark green fog, and the Wraith King kept making ear-splitting screams.

The body of the Shadow King is completely black, and is as illusory and insubstantial as a shadow, with no facial features visible at all.

The zombie king is five meters tall, his body exudes a dark golden color, his eyes are dull, and his limbs are stiff.

A skeleton king who is more than 30 meters tall and whose bones are shining with the luster of white jade.

The body is the largest, as high as [-] meters away, the waist is bigger than the height, and the whole body is pale and fat.

He is [-] meters tall, thinner than the hated king, but looks stronger, and the whole body is a hellfire king made of shining purple-red stones.

Except for the unlucky Crypt Demon Spider King who was killed, the remaining nine undead kings gathered together. Although they were all called kings, in the eyes of the high-level undead creatures watching, only the central fear knight king seemed to be the real one. Kings, other kings are more accurately like lords.

It is strange to say that undead creatures such as the Dread Knight are mostly elites in charge combat. No matter how strong the aura on their bodies is, they should be mostly blood evil.

But the Dread Knight King naturally possesses the temperament of a king, not from his racial talent, but from his unknown past.

Undead creatures naturally have a long lifespan, especially high-level undead creatures, including all monarchs. Most of them are not born undead creatures.

It was the calamity of more than 6000 years that made them what they are today, but only high-level undead creatures can vaguely remember the sporadic memories of their past.

Even the king could only recall half of the things. As for the mission of killing Griffin's seven reincarnations, it was the voice that naturally appeared in their minds when they first became undead creatures.

All kings believed that it was the revelation of the world, that it was the voice of the world, and that it was the mission left to them by this broken world.

This time all the kings and high-level undead creatures gathered together, originally to reach a consensus on sniping Griffin's last reincarnation. However, after this matter was passed without any doubt, the topic shifted to the absent Crypt Demon Spider King. .

The Lich King also stood up and spoke out at this time, informing the other kings that the Crypt Demon Spider King was dead, and that the person who did it was also a visitor from another world, but it seemed that it was not the same world as Griffin.

"I have sent most of my mid-level undead creatures to explore the territory of the Crypt Demon Spider King. Although they were seriously damaged, they also gained a lot of valuable information." The Lich King and the Dread Knight King looked at each other and understood this. When planting, you have to put away unnecessary petty thoughts, so there is no need to show off.

"The second batch of new world visitors have quite a bit of difference from our practice system. The most obvious feature is that they will have a halo around them after they explode in strength."

"After investigation, it was found that the number of halos on their bodies is roughly consistent with our ninth-level strength, so I call their strongest one the nine-ring, and compare them in order below."

Hearing that the Crypt Demon Spider King was dead, the other six kings also cheered up. Not all ninth-level kings can become kings. They are all the strongest of each race. They have survived for more than 6000 years, and their strength has already been reached. Extreme.

Except for the extremely talented Terror Knight King who has just broken through the seventh level of the ninth level, the other kings are all around the third level of the ninth level. The Crypt Demon Spider King will die, which means that they may also face the same danger.

Seeing that all the kings were paying attention to it, the Lich King also began to reveal the key points of the intelligence she had collected.

"Currently, the group of visitors from another world have set up a magic circle at the Crypt Demon Spider King's side." The Lich King said as black mist surged out of her body, forming a 360P clear picture behind her. .

"The opponent's magic circle is of sacred attributes. Not only is it not consumed, but it is constantly attracting the surrounding dark elements and fire elements to complete the transformation. If we do not intervene in time, the opponent is likely to gain a foothold here."

"They wanted to stay here permanently, and they were unkind. They killed the Crypt Demon Spider King without even saying hello. Did they take us kings seriously?!"

The Wraith King made a harsh sound. He undoubtedly hated the divine attribute the most. Seeing the white eggshell constantly transforming his favorite dark elements into divine elements, he subconsciously felt irritated and uneasy.

"I wonder how strong they are?" the Hellfire King asked in a naive voice.

"Currently, there are three known nine-ring powerhouses. One is a chrysanthemum, and the other is a ghost similar to us. The last one is the most troublesome, and is the power of death that can restrain us the most. It seems that he is also their leader. .”

"In addition, there is an unknown person who has not taken action, as well as 1 8-ring, 6 [-]-ring, and four young humans who are not very old and cultivated." The Lich King said frankly, regarding Kong She All I know is that this person is there to direct the other seven rings to do things, and his strength should be above the seventh ring.

"In addition, two of the opponent's nine-ring experts can use unique domain skills to control the Crypt Demon Spider King, and then the Crypt Demon Spider King is killed by the opponent with one strike."

The 360P image behind the Lich King was transformed, revealing the death scene of the Crypt Spider King that Avery and Long Wu had seen. "The opponent's domain ability is unknown, but even if it does, we kings who stand at the top of the undead creatures all have domains, and the Crypt Demon Spider King was obviously attacked and beaten to death, so you don't have to worry."

The King of Fear Knights sitting on the throne said bluntly, "Even if the strongest person on the other side has the domain restraint of the power of death, we don't have to worry. I have advanced to the ninth level and seventh level, and have mastered the ability of domain sealing. When the time comes, it will be up to me." Kill the opponent’s strongest person.”

Hearing this, the other kings also reacted. The Dread Knight King was staying with the ninth-level and third-level Bone Dragon King. This strength must not be afraid of sneak attacks.

But if they foolishly return to their territory alone, they may very well be the second Crypt Spider King.

The meaning of the Dread Knight King is also very obvious. He and the Bone Dragon King jointly have a strength second only to the demigods, and they have domain sealing skills that can prevent the opponent's attribute restraint. It can be said to be a sure win.

If they go together, they only need to deal with the other people on the other side. Listening to the Lich King's words, it is obvious that their side is completely crushed in terms of quantity and quality.

Even if the opponent has any arrangements in such a short period of time, they are still vulnerable in front of their nine kings, because they are the strongest fighting force in the entire undead world, and even a dilapidated world is still a world.

Seeing that there was no rejection on the faces of the other kings, the Horrible Knight King stood up and said, "We must first settle down before we fight against foreigners. We must eliminate all hidden dangers before we prepare to join forces to kill the last reincarnation of Austin Griffin."

"Whether or not this second batch of visitors from another world has anything to do with Austin Griffin, just looking at their sneak attack and killing the Crypt Demon Spider King shows that they have no good intentions."

"So we have to take the lead and annihilate them before they gain a foothold in our world. I've finished my words. Who is in favor and who is against?"

When it comes to his own future safety, naturally no king will jump out and speak against the strongest terrifying knight king.

After the unanimous vote, the disembodied Shadow King asked, "When will we take action and how many people will we bring?"

"That's right, this place is too far from the territory of the Crypt Demon Spider King. If we bring all our direct descendants with us, we will have to take a full day off to set off." The Hellfire King, the slowest one, said to the side.

"No need, the nine of us will go immediately." King Dread Knight stood up from the throne with cold eyes, "Just bring the Lich King's bone dragon army to surround it to prevent anyone from escaping."

"The opponent has very few manpower, and the only variable is those unknown magic formations, but we respond in the same way and also choose to attack at full speed. We can definitely catch them off guard!"

The Dread Knight King pulled out the purple-black heavy sword that was taller than him and said with a majestic voice, "Let's go!"

. . .

Among the nine kings, the Shadow King is a natural assassin, but it is unrealistic for him to silently cross the sacred magic circle and enter the Yin people.

Therefore, the strategy of the Dread Knight King is also very simple. With the top strength and speed of the nine people, they can reach their destination even if they maintain their condition for two days.

When the time comes, they will use force to suppress others in a dignified manner, and it will be useless no matter what the opponent's arrangements are.

And through the induction array that amplifies perception, Kong Zai also knew about three hours in advance that nine powerful auras that surpassed ordinary titled Douluo were coming in a straight line.

"This is too strange!" Kong informed everyone of the news immediately while frowning in confusion. He arranged to kill the Crypt Demon Spider King at that time without concealing that he had a corresponding plan.

According to known intelligence, the undead monarchs are stationed in their respective territories, and there are no conventional means of transmitting information across the air.

Judging from the map of the undead world, it takes at least a week for the message to be transmitted to other undead monarchs, and with the strength they show, other undead monarchs will not come to them individually to die.

They must gather in one place to discuss and then come back. Even if they don't bring their subordinates to maximize efficiency, it will take half a month anyway.

By then Vivian had arrived and the installation of Shengyang Castle was completed, and they had enough confidence to accept war or peace.

But now only ten days have passed and people are here!And they didn't come directly from their respective territories from all directions in the shortest time. They obviously came together after consultation.

Are the undead so efficient?Sora didn't know that because of Austin Griffin's relationship, the actual situation had already deviated from the predicted trajectory. Now it was too late to teleport for the second time. His plan could be said to be directly scrapped.
(End of this chapter)

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