Chapter 189

Kong's eyes flashed without concealing the strength of the king's aura, and the expressions of other people present also changed drastically. Nine top-level undead creatures that were at least level 93 were approaching, and their corresponding titled Douluo was less than half of the opponent's.

"An unexpected situation occurred." Bibi Dong, who had just emerged from the barrier, stepped forward and spoke calmly, "This is a strange world after all. It is understandable that fate is not on our side."

"But what we have achieved today has never been due to fate, but to strength." Bibi Dong clenched her fist and raised it high. The pressure of her soul power radiated in all directions. Even Ju Gui and the two could feel the feeling as if they were in the deep sea. Terrible pressure.

"Since we can't make tricks, let's make up for it with strength. Use our fists to prove that we are qualified to gain a foothold in this world. I will take the lead in the charge!"

"As expected of the Pope we follow." Yue Guan, whose strength has exceeded level 95, and Gui Mei on the side looked at each other, and both saw the other's deep recognition. Bibi Dong's soul power level had obviously surpassed them both.

But a few people remember that Bibi Dong is only 42 years old this year. In today's Douluo Continent, becoming a titled Douluo before the age of 50 can be called an unparalleled genius. For example, Tang Hao broke through to the title Douluo at the age of 47. .

Now that Bibi Dong's soul power cultivation has surpassed that of the elders, what kind of talent is it to be able to compete with the worshipers?

Yue Guan and Gui Mei are almost certain that Bibi Dong will be able to become a level 99 peerless Douluo like Da Chong Feng and Tang Hao. The only unknown thing is only a matter of time. As for going higher, it is beyond their imagination.

"The opponent seems to have a level 97 king, and his aura matches that of another level 93 king. Can you withstand it?" Guang glanced at Bibi Dong and said.

"No problem." Bibi Dong said with a deep look, "I feel that my current strength should be enough to try to compete with Qiandaoliu, and directly absorb the power of this underground demon spider without even retaining the soul bone. The harvest is greater than I imagined, and I want to test my current strength level from them."

"Then let's start the war." Kong nodded lightly. Their Titled Douluo level was a little lower, but their quality was higher. Yue Guan and Gui Mei were already level 95, not to mention Bibi Dong.

"But to be on the safe side, Liu Erlong, you should take the others to the supply point No. 3 where we came from and stand by. Then you don't have to worry about whether you will fight or retreat. It will be convenient for the four of us."

Kong turned his head and saw the five uneasy Soul Saints speaking out. It would be feasible for Liu Erlong and others to hold the two kings back, but why bother?

The hard work of practicing to improve the soul power level in daily life is not to take risks and cross-level battles, but to compete at the same level or even cross-level battles in the opposite direction.

Why put yourself in danger if it's not necessary? You can't rely on your life every time, right?If your life is not strong enough, you can just die. Well, that's not what you do in practice. Even if the child of the world escapes from death, it will consume a lot of luck.

"Let Mr. Ye take them to supply point No. [-]. My martial spirit has environmental advantages and is equipped with light attribute restraint. It will not be a big problem to block an undead king."

Liu Erlong took the initiative and said that she knew that if she failed to set up the arrangements here these days, all the investment would be in vain. What she had gained in the past seven years was more than ten times more than the previous 26 years combined.

Needless to say, the soul power level has been greatly improved. There are also two thousand-year-old soul bones. In addition to the torso bone produced by the 8-year-old bright fire phoenix bird of the eighth soul ring, there is also a left leg bone that flashes soul skills.

And under Guang's arrangement, her martial soul has basically evolved completely. It is not a holy dragon of light, but a true dragon with the attribute of fire as the main attribute and the light attribute as the supplement.

The most important thing is that she has felt very warm during the 7 years she has lived at Dongzhu College. Her bosses take care of her, and her students are considerate. . .She felt good about living a life that was neither lonely nor sad.

As a member of the East Spider Academy, she is willing to take risks for the benefit of the academy, and she can fight with Titled Douluo-level powerhouses without reservation. She has a fiery and warlike temperament and is full of excitement.

Kong, who was originally planning to refuse, hesitated when he saw Liu Erlong's eyes. Considering Liu Erlong's actual combat ability, he changed his mind and said, "Okay, I'll give you one when the time comes, but you have to listen to me."


The pure white holy light collides with the mixed heaven and earth energy in the air. It stands to reason that the dark element with the largest proportion should have a violent repulsive reaction with the holy light, but this is not the case.

Although the holy light is pure white, it has a rendering power like ink. It can easily blend with various elements and render them into the same color and the same fluctuation at a speed visible to the naked eye until the two are completely consistent.

Then the assimilated holy power naturally merges into the magic circle. Most of it flows into the holy power pool for accumulation, and a small part flows into the traction magic circle. An invisible traction force continuously flows the vitality of heaven and earth hundreds of miles around here. Traction.

If the vitality of heaven and earth is like a sea, then the area where the Holy Light Array is located is like an abyss that constantly swallows the vitality of heaven and earth.Generally undead creatures cannot see this change, but the undead kings who have the domain and can easily control the vitality of heaven and earth with corresponding attributes are very aware of this change.

After simply calculating the approximate amount of vitality in the world, all the undead kings cast admiring glances at the Dread Knight King. It was obvious that this group of visitors from another world had an unknown plan.

Unfortunately, the speed of their arrival was estimated to be much faster than the other party expected, thus giving them an absolute advantage.

However, the Dread Knight King did not respond to the other undead kings. The raging soul fire in the dark helmet stared at the white light in the distance, where he could vaguely see five figures.

They were all the five strongest visitors from another world reported in the intelligence. Just by looking at their reactions, I had already anticipated their arrival, and the figure headed by the other party had subconsciously reacted vigilantly just by seeing his body.

"The opponent's strength is not weak, so deal with it carefully." The terrifying knight king looked at the Bone Dragon King at his feet with a calm voice. Even if he is a strong man at the same level, he is confident that he will never lose with the help of the Bone Dragon King.

Yue Guan and Gui Mei looked at each other in the distance, "Here we come." Their perceptions were not that strong, but the darkness over there was suddenly too deep, and even the occasional red light from the lava stream was completely covered. .

The rich dark elements and fire elements condensed into thick elemental clouds under the nine undead kings. When the two sides could see each other's faces clearly, the rich dark elements and fire elements surged over like a sea tide.

The holes in Kong's mask's eyes lit up, and the holy light under his feet shot out like a volcano directly above. A pure white light pillar extended from the earth to the end of the sky.

The huge pillar of holy light not only easily blocked the oncoming elemental clouds for the five people, but also assimilated the surrounding heaven and earth energy at a speed visible to the naked eye. For a time, even the heaven and earth became much brighter.

Feeling the pure energy of heaven and earth of the same attribute spurting out from the back light beam, Yue Guan, Gui Mei and Liu Erlong were surprised and even more confident at the same time.

"Powerful powers from another plane, why did you come to our world? Why did you kill our compatriots, the Crypt Demon Spider King? I am the King of Terror Knights and the Knight of Undead Judgment. My words represent the ten kings of my clan."

The Terror Knight King raised his head, and the Bone Dragon King's mind at his feet would lead him to fly forward for a distance. As the Terror Knight King pointed his purple-black epee into the sky, he and the Bone Dragon King's auras became one.

A huge ghost face condensed into black mist appeared behind the Horrible Knight King. Along with the roaring sound, darkness swept across all directions. The air made a permeating corrosive sound wherever it went, and the dark realm unfolded.

For a moment, the light around the Holy Light Pillar dimmed instantly, and the light pillar itself also caused obvious ripples as the darkness passed by.

Before the other kings could get proud, Bibi Dong also stepped forward in the air, and was face to face with the terrifying knight king no more than a few kilometers away.

As soon as the combat boots fell, the gray realm spread. There were no magnificent sights or loud sounds, only a heart-stopping silence, accompanied by Bibi Dong's cold voice that spread in all directions.

"I am the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong. There is no master in the world. Only the virtuous will occupy it. That little spider did not respect his superiors and deserved his death. I will take my place here. Do you have any objections?"

Bibi Dong's whole body was now covered in purple-gray armor. She did not unfold her six purple wings, but instead had eight slender spider legs.

The last section of the spider leg was so deep that no trace of light could be seen, only bright red mottled fine lines that occasionally flickered like the ocean tide. At the same time, slender arm blades of the same material spread out from Bibi Dong's arm armor.

This is not an innate thing, but the natal weapon Ten Tie Blade that Guang spent a lot of money to refine for her. Although it looks slender, it is actually stronger than imagined, and it also comes with powerful special effects.

Such terrifying weapons make Bibi Dong's melee combat reach an extremely terrifying state. After all, most people can use the two-sword style at most, and the more outrageous ones can use the three-sword style. Who can withstand the ten-sword style?
Feeling that he was easily squeezed back into the dark realm, the terrifying knight king's purple-black eyes became more solemn. He did not choose to take action directly but chose to test because he felt enough pressure from Bibi Dong.

The pure attribute of death restrains these undead monarchs even more than the two attributes of holiness and light. To be precise, the two attributes of holiness and light are confrontations, just like light and darkness, water and fire.

The restraint relationship between the two is not absolute. It mainly depends on the cultivation level and domain level of the two. However, the attributes of death are different. To be precise, this is equivalent to the current control of the immediate superior.

The encounter between the undead and the God of Death is probably the same as the encounter between a pig and the butcher. Bibi Dong's cultivation level is obviously not at the level of the God of Death, but the purity of her death power makes the nine undead kings spread out their soul fire in the realm. Trembling instinctively.

(End of this chapter)

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