Chapter 190 The New King (End of this volume)
One of the advantages of undead creatures when facing living creatures is that they are dead creatures and it is difficult to harm and kill them by conventional means. However, looking at Bibi Dong, all the undead monarchs understood that the death of the Crypt Demon Spider King was not unjust.

Not only was the opponent's cultivation level higher, but he also had the power of death to such an extent. He seemed to be the Spider King, crushing him in all directions and even having helpers.

There is also a reason why the Terror Knight King was so hesitant and did not choose to go to war directly:
Level [-] and level [-] will have the ability to seal the domain, but this ability can only be used by opponents who are weaker than themselves. It will generally appear in battles where the domain level is not as good as the opponent, but the strength is stronger than the opponent.

And this kind of weakness must be obvious. If there is not much difference in cultivation between the two, then the failure rate will be terrifyingly high.

Although he also has trump cards, he does not want to directly fight to the death when facing Bibi Dong, because there are essential differences between Bibi Dong and Austin Griffin.

The relationship between Austin Griffin and the Undead King is such that only one of them can survive. They, the Undead King, talk about avenging the world, and this is indeed true.

But this is not the fundamental reason why they want to risk their lives to prevent Austin Griffin from rebirth and evolution. If Austin Griffin becomes the God of Scourge again, let alone the King of the Undead, this broken world will be completely destroyed.

The threat to life was the fundamental reason why they united to kill Austin Griffin.

But the current strength of Bibi Dong and his team is obviously not much inferior to them. If they really want to keep them all here, they will have to pay a heavy price. Who will stop Austin Griffin from evolving?

If Austin Griffin evolves into eight heads, they will no longer be able to prevent it from becoming the God of Scourge again, and the result will be certain death.

This is the reason why the Terror Knight King is hesitant. The decision of blitzkrieg is correct, but the intelligence does not say that Bibi Dong's strength is almost the same as him. Didn't they agree that the Crypt Killing Spider King will fight in a group?
Moreover, the auras exuded by the other people behind Bibi Dong were obviously higher than that of his own Undead King. Only then would he and the Bone Dragon King reveal their trump cards together and have the confidence to suppress Bibi Dong.

The seven undead monarchs under his command have no obvious advantage over the other four.

"Pope of the alien plane, you are indeed strong enough to kill the Crypt Demon Spider King and replace him as the new king to occupy the Plain of Eternal Darkness, but you must promise that you will occupy the areas of other kings outside the Plain of Eternal Darkness. No intrusion.”

"And you occupy the Plains of Eternal Darkness, and you must work with us to prevent the next evolution of Austin Griffin, otherwise we will directly start a war to the death."

The Horrible Knight King turned his head and made eye contact with the other undead kings before speaking. Austin Griffin's next evolution is imminent. According to the previous rules, it will take as short as two or three years and as long as no more than ten years.

Once they work hard here today and lose their vitality, it will be difficult to make up for this time, but from another perspective, if this group of people from the alien plane are also drawn into their camp, they can prevent Austin Griffin from evolving next time. The certainty will also rise again.

This is especially important since the opponent is not a native of this world and will not be intimidated by Austin Griffin's power.

"Austin Griffin? Who is that?"

Although her hands were a little itchy, Bibi Dong didn't want to take risks due to the manpower gap. She clearly sensed that in addition to the nine undead kings, there were hundreds of Contra-level bone dragons lurking in the deep darkness behind her.

Moreover, Bibi Dong and others were also curious about the guy who was so solemn and even asked her to deal with him. Could it be that he was a real god?

"Austin Griffin is the God of Scourge, the Nine-Headed Chimera, and the culprit who made this originally beautiful world turn into what it is now..."

Based on the idea of ​​"the enemy of my enemy is my friend", compared to Bibidong and this group of visitors from another dimension, the Terror Knight King did not hide the terrifying nature of Austin Griffin at all.

"On the Disaster Day more than 6000 years ago, Austin Griffin destroyed the entire world. Even the Ten Earth Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation created by more than a dozen demigods using the power of the entire plane and covered with 72 pillars was directly smashed by him. .”

"The world was destroyed, leaving only darkness and fire. The more powerful races left through the backhand arranged by the demigods, leaving only us undead living here."

Speaking of this, the Terror Knight King looked at Bibi Dong and others with some doubts. His family knew his own affairs, and the world was already ruined like this. Why would there be powerful people from other planes coveting it?

Over the past 6000 years, there have been many visitors from other planes, but seeing that this world of darkness and fire doesn't even have a bit of fresh air, they all choose to turn around and run away. At most, some summoners will summon some creatures across planes to help them. .

However, if visitors from another dimension like Bibi Dong take a fancy to this ruined world, they will not hesitate to divide part of the land in exchange for their help.

Most of this world is barren, and their undead clan is only a small remnant of the world's living creatures. They don't need a lot of land, and the undead clan cannot theoretically reproduce themselves. This is the price of their long life. "Although Austin Griffin crashed into the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation, his power also collapsed, and the possibility of truly killing him emerged..."

"We killed six of his reincarnations. This was the last time. Maybe it was because of the flashback. Austin Griffin had the help of humans from another world and successfully evolved repeatedly."

"The last time he evolved to the sixth level, his strength returned to the eighth level. Once he evolves to the ninth level again, we undead kings are naturally restrained by him and have no ability to prevent him from regaining his power and becoming the God of Scourge. When the world perishes, we will die and you will not benefit.”

"He is actually a natural god, and he also controls the destruction that corresponds to creation." Sora took a step forward, "This kind of god will not be restricted by the rules and be rejected by the world. It can be said to be an invincible existence. I wonder why you guys There is a chance to kill him.”

"I don't know this, but the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation is real. After all, the demigod's spiritual power has reached the limit of one million, and his strength has exceeded the ninth level. He just doesn't want to become a god and disperse in the world."

Not allowed by the rules?Kong's eyes flickered, and he sent a message to Bibi Dong to tell her not to talk about the inheritance of the divine throne in Douluo Continent.

"Cooperation is possible, but our territory cannot be limited to this plain of eternal darkness." Bibi Dong, who took out a map to determine the territory with the Undead King, was very dissatisfied as he looked at this small corner that only accounted for one-twentieth of the entire world.

"It can be expanded, but it depends on how much effort you put into preventing Austin Griffin from evolving." Although the Terror Knight King doesn't care about these ruined wastelands, since Bibi Dong and the others like him, he doesn't mind exchanging benefits at a suitable price.

"Deal." Bibi Dong nodded after hearing the time. Before Austin Griffin evolved, the territory of Eternal Darkness was enough for them to digest. As for her strength, she took it to the next level after killing Austin Griffin.

By then, we will definitely be able to gain more benefits from the Horrible Knight Kings. However, the strength of these Undead Kings is still the same after more than 6000 years, and they will not make any significant progress in a few more decades.

Seeing that the other party agreed, the purple-black soul fire in the gap in the pitch-black helmet of the Terror Knight King became much gentler, "All of our undead kings plan to stay in the lava hills all the time, and we will not give Austin Griffin the slightest chance to take advantage of the loopholes. How do you arrange it?" ?”

This is indeed a big problem in the eyes of the Undead King. The Lava Hills and the Plains of Eternal Darkness can be said to be the opposite of this world. Even the King has to fly for two days. If Austin Griffin evolves, Bibi Dong and the others will not set off. Daylily It's all cold.

"This problem is easy to solve. I will go with you to the place where Austin Griffin evolved and secretly set up three teleportation arrays. When Austin Griffin appears and you crush this letter stone, we will immediately After receiving the news, we rushed directly through the teleportation array."

Kong stretched out his hand and threw a pure white crystal ball to the Terror Knight King. In addition, he had a second reason for going to the lava hills. He wanted to collect the remaining breath of Austin Griffin for research and divination.

The natural god who is in charge of the way of destruction, this is the most natural raw material for a god, and it is much more advanced than the gods forged by faith in the history of Douluo Continent.

The divination is also for convenience. Bibi Dong cannot stay in the world of the dead for ten years. She is the Pope of Wuhun Palace. With her own rank, she can shorten the evolution time of Austin Griffin.

The Terror Knight King said it ranged from two to ten years, and he could at least estimate the specific year through the changes in Austin Griffin's aura.

It will be a big hunt at that time. Guang, who is far away in Douluo Continent, opens his eyes and his face is full of excitement. A natural god, if he does not have the ambition to become enlightened, is undoubtedly the best choice.

Even using raw materials to make a god is just one of the paths he can choose. If he can extract the true source of destruction, match it with the true source of assimilation of his own way of holy light, and finally refine the true source of burning of the way of the burning sun.

Under the Trinity, whether he could really break through that boundary, Guang fell into thinking. His original failure was whether he was not pure enough in assimilating the true source, or whether he had to take the quantitative route to the Trinity. He could only get the answer after trying it himself.

in the future,

Kong followed the Undead King to the lava hills. After collecting the remaining destructive energy in the air, he confirmed the real existence of Austin Griffin. Then he set up teleportation circles in three secret places and teleported away in front of the Undead King.

A week later, Vivian came to the world of the dead. . .

One month later, the Holy Sun Castle hung high in the sky like an artificial sun, and the land shrouded by the Holy Light Array was rejuvenated. . .

Time passed like running water, and five years passed in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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