Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 194 Tiger Claw?Cat claws!

Chapter 194 Tiger Claw?Cat claws!
Hearing the playfulness in the girl's voice, Dai Mubai's face turned gloomy. He was looked down upon by others in front of his new girlfriend, and she was still a girl. With his temper, how could he endure it?
Seeing the girl stand still, an evil light flashed in Dai Mubai's eyes. He didn't have a martial soul, and he stepped forward directly. He pulled back his left arm and charged up a straight punch to hit the girl in the face. However, he was obviously shorter. , so the impact point of the fist was the girl’s lower ribs.

Tang San's expression changed when he saw his sharp movements and unison momentum. This Shao Dai had obviously practiced it before. This move was definitely a good trick when fighting soul masters of the same level to get the upper hand.

If the opponent retreats, his momentum will skyrocket. If he responds hastily, it will be difficult to gain advantage. This shows that this young master Dai has a lot of actual combat experience. No wonder he is so confident.

But the girl looked at Dai Mubai, who had seized the opportunity with a punch, and his face did not change at all. He neither retreated nor possessed his martial spirit.

She stood still with her feet still, and simply raised her left hand. It seemed extremely slow, because everyone present could clearly see her raising her hand.

But I don't know why, compared to Dai Mubai's simplest straight punch, the girl's raising of her hand took an incredibly short time, and her slender white hand inexplicably became the focus of the entire process at this moment.

This confusion of time and space and the strangely increased sense of presence gave Dai Mubai and the onlookers a nauseating feeling similar to motion sickness.

However, Dai Mubai did not affect his rhythm because of this, but insisted on hitting the girl's upper abdomen with his fist. He was sure that the girl was a soul sect, and if his punch hurt her liver, spleen and stomach, she would not feel well.

Then, the girl's shoulder-high hand suddenly disappeared when Dai Mubai's fist was still one punch away from the girl's clothes.

clap clap!

The next moment, two explosions sounded almost at the same time, and a circle of white gas exploded and spread in the air. Then Dai Mubai's right face was covered with a layer of white gas. The girl's bare hands seemed to be hit by little Alto on a steamroller. Distorted.

A big snow-white tooth stained with blood red flew out sideways along with Dai Mubai's body, and then hit the coffee table and sofa beside the wall with a bang where the guests were waiting.

The whole place was silent,

Manager Wang didn't even have time to feel sorry for the loss of the leather sofa and coffee table. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Dai Mubai struggling to get up.

The twin sisters that Dai Mubai brought back covered their mouths with eyes full of disbelief. They had seen Dai Mubai's heroic appearance while fighting souls in the Grand Soul Fighting Arena, otherwise they would not have fallen in love with him at the same time.

Tang San's eyes had long been filled with purple meaning. Full of curiosity, he activated the Purple Demon Eyes the first moment he watched the battle. His Purple Demon Eyes were now at the level of perfection, almost at the level of subtlety.

But precisely because of this, his heart was so shocked. From his perspective, the girl seemed to have a black and white aura surrounding her body at the moment she made the move, and then his clear 1080P perspective suddenly changed to 360P. There are glitches and overlaps.

As for the waiter who had the same experience as Dai Mubai, he subconsciously touched his cheek, which was as swollen as a steamed bun. It stung, and at the same time he looked at Dai Mubai with a look of sympathy.

Dai Mubai got up from the sofa with a crooked mouth. The muscles on his body were already strong, and with the cushioning of the sofa, there was nothing wrong with his body. But the feeling of this big mouth was the first time he had ever felt it in his life.

First there was the buzzing feeling in the head, and then the pain that came up after the soreness and numbness in the face, like ocean waves, one after another.

The most important thing is the shame of his self-esteem being humiliated. When did Dai Mubai suffer such grievances when he was a child? Even Davis and his new sister-in-law, whom he hated most in his heart, only made him suffer. He was in Muguang Mansion. Let’s be absolutely right.

Now that he had suffered such a big loss in front of his acquaintance Manager Wang and his new girlfriend, shame and anger suddenly filled Dai Mubai's chest. He stood up and wiped the sweet smell from the corner of his mouth, feeling He looked at the empty hole in his mouth and saw the girl's eyes spitting fire. Dai Mubai swore he would not be a human unless he could avenge this!
"Use your martial spirit. Let me see how angry you, a sick tiger, dare to show your claws in front of me." The girl retracted her hand and looked at Dai Mubai, whose face and voice were still as calm as water without any ripples.

"Hmph." Dai Mubai gritted his teeth. There was an obvious gap in his physical skills and he couldn't beat him. But it doesn't matter. This is the world of soul masters. He who uses soul power and martial souls is no better than an old grandmaster among ordinary people. Half a chance of winning.

"White Tiger, Possessed!" A layer of intense pale light suddenly burst out from his body. Dai Mubai stretched his arms to both sides at the same time, his chest lifted up, and his bones crackled.

The muscles on his body suddenly expanded, holding up the clothes on his body.Every muscle became extremely obvious under the clothes, and even the air around him seemed to have become manic.

The full head of blond hair instantly turned into black and white, with white accounting for most of it, but a few strands of black hair were particularly obvious.Four faint lines appeared on the forehead, three horizontal and one vertical, forming a king character.

His hands have changed the most, they are twice as big as before. White hair covers the entire palm. With the flick of his ten fingers, dagger-like sharp claws are constantly protruding and retracting from the palm.Each of the sharp claws was like a blade, eight inches long, shining with a gloomy cold light.

Dai Mubai's upper body slowly leaned forward, his eyes and four pupils all turned a deep blue, giving people the impression that he was like a killing machine.

Under his feet, three shining rings rose one after another, two yellow and one purple. As the soul rings circulated, the surging soul power formed a wave-like pressure and hit his face.

"Dai Mubai, Martial Spirit White Tiger, Level 37 War Spirit Lord. Please give me some advice." After being possessed by the Martial Spirit, his red and swollen face seemed to have been suppressed. His injuries were less obvious, and the martial spirit and soul power levels were reported. , which means a formal challenge.His four sinister eyes were fixed on the girl. Dai Mubai was also deeply curious and confident about the girl's name, martial spirit, and soul power level.

Generally speaking, as long as the girl's soul power level is not as high as his, or she is not a Soul Sect, his chances of winning will be very high. Even if the opponent is a Soul Sect, it is easy to handle if the martial soul is not a control type.

It doesn't matter if they are both of the attack type. Dai Mubai is confident that the White Tiger Spirit will definitely be the first among similar martial spirits in the entire Douluo Continent.

"Haha, you don't need a martial spirit to beat a sick tiger like you." The girl's words made Dai Mubai blush. This was simply the most naked humiliation in the soul master world, and it also left onlookers stunned. A soul master wouldn't use a martial spirit. Strength can be described as the difference between heaven and earth.

This is also the meaning of the existence of ordinary people's army - the cannon fodder that consumes the soul master's soul power can be easily killed by the military formation as long as the soul master is dragged until the soul power is exhausted.

"Then let me see how many of you dare to utter such arrogant words." Dai Mubai's four pupils were extremely cold, and he rushed towards the girl, his claws flicked out with cold sharp claws, and his whole body looked like a real Tigers generally exude a cruel and violent aura.

Looking at Dai Mubai's tiger claws, which were as sharp as ten small daggers, the girl opened her steps for the first time, and then faced Dai Mubai with both fists, ignoring his sharp claws!

Bang bang bang!

The girl's hands covered in white air collided with Dai Mubai's tiger claws. The seemingly soft white air was stronger than fine steel when faced with Sen Leng's tiger claws.

Dai Mubai's tiger claws not only didn't take advantage of him at all, but were shocked by the fierce force of the girl's fists, causing his blood to surge and his hands and feet to go limp.

"Tiger claws? Cat claws!"

The girl's next punch was even harder, knocking Dai Mubai back one step. When his fists were sore and weak, he raised his right fist high. The next moment, with a crisp blasting sound, he struck Dai Mubai with a through-arm fist. Bai's left cheek was thrown down violently!

The first soul skill, the white tiger protects the body!

Looking at both sides of his face asking for a treatment, Dai Mubai became anxious and immediately gave up the idea of ​​not using soul skills. Violent white light spurted out from his body and condensed into a light mask to block the girl like a meteor hammer. A sharp blow.

Seeing the girl with the soul shield, her eyes turned cold, the strength in her hands increased sharply, and the white air covering the surface became thicker.

After a crisp explosion, there was a fine clicking sound under the girl's fist, and the soul shield under her fist quickly appeared with tiny cracks like spider webs centered on her fist.

Is this okay? !Dai Mubai, whose outlook was shattered, no longer cared about being reserved. The second yellow soul ring under his feet lit up directly. He opened his mouth wide, and his soul power condensed in his mouth to form a white light wave.

The second soul skill, Baihu Lieguangbo.

The moment before the White Tiger's protective barrier approached its limit, Dai Mubai was almost face to face and sprayed the light waves from his mouth angrily at the girl in front of him. No matter how outrageous the opponent's punches and kicks were, they were still physical attacks. It was up to her to see what she would do in the face of energy attacks.

"One Qi gives birth to two virtues."

Looking at the energy light waves hitting her face so close, the girl still opened her red lips lightly, and waved her hands at the same time. One hand was filled with white energy, and the other was covered with black energy. The surrounding air was like glue under the pull of invisible force. thick.

Then the light wave rotated obediently between the girl's hands. Not only did the violent energy fluctuations in it become quieter, but the size also shrunk, with no burrs on the surface and a more rounded shape.

Then the girl quickly spun around, and then took out the light wave in her hand towards Dai Mubai's face.

Control the crane and capture the dragon? !Tang San was dumbfounded when he looked at the girl's moves. He actually saw the shadow of the Tang Clan's unique skill of Controlling a Crane and Capturing a Dragon. It was not a plagiarism, but a roughly similar principle.

The most important thing is that his Controlling Crane and Capturing Dragon has no ability to send back Dai Shao's White Tiger Fierce Light Wave. At most, he can only use the invisible force of soul power to control hidden weapons and interfere with the opponent's movements.

"No!" Dai Mubai's four pupils dilated at the same time as he looked at the white tiger's fierce light wave that was approaching the door again. He knew very well the power of his second soul skill.

(End of this chapter)

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