Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 195 Rolling Character Performance

Chapter 195 Rolling Character Performance
The purple halo glowed dazzlingly under Dai Mubai's desire to survive. Tang San's pupils narrowed slightly as he watched the battle. This was the second time he had seen a thousand-year soul skill.

The last time teacher Yu Xiaogang asked the Dean of Notting College, a level 42 soul sect, to help hunt down the 600-year-old ghost vine, Tang San didn't even see the thousand-year soul ring on him.

As for Yu Xiaogang's third soul skill, he would never use it in the presence of others. Only Tang San saw the blurred version that night.

The third soul skill, White Tiger King Kong Transformation!

Dai Mubai, who had inspired a thousand-year soul skill, could only vaguely see his whole body expanding and enlarging, with two tiger claws overlapping to protect his face.

Then with a "BOOM" sound, his white tiger's fierce light wave returned home, and Dai Mubai's figure was covered by the expanding white light.

"Dai Shao*3!" Manager Wang and the sisters exclaimed at the same time. Manager Wang was worried that if the patron made a mistake in the store, he would lose a big customer.

Being able to book a room for 10 gold soul coins a day for a long time shows Dai Mubai's spending power.

As for the sisters, it was out of the girlfriend's worries about her boyfriend. After all, Dai Mubai was looking for girls from good families.

However, the sisters don't know the exact number of Dai Mubai's girlfriends, otherwise they wouldn't have this mentality now.

Facing the blast wave of the explosion, the girl stamped her feet, and the black and white air flow disappeared in an instant. The whole person and her own aura were as unmoving as a solid reef in the rapid water.

"The skin is quite thick." The girl's black pupils were facing the white light of the explosion without any discomfort. To be precise, this did not hinder her at all from observing Dai Mubai's condition.

After hearing the girl's words, Tang San quickly used his Purple Demon Eyes to observe Dai Mubai's condition. Others also looked over nervously.

The white light dissipated, and a naked upper body Dai Mubai appeared. His figure was even more swollen than that possessed by the martial spirit. His clothes were not only destroyed by the white tiger's fierce light wave, but also his own body was expanded and torn. of.

I saw that the faint blue of his eyes had been dyed blood red, with a bloodthirsty aura. The tiger claws that popped out of his hands were also shining silver and sharper than before, and the surface of his body was covered with a layer of golden light.

The muscles on his body still have black horizontal stripes, which are somewhat similar to tiger skin, but the color is a little lighter. In addition, his arms have gray-black scorch marks. Even now, he cannot catch the white tiger's fierce light wave at zero distance. There is no cost.

Dai Mubai, who was feeling aggrieved after eating his second soul skill, roared with a fierce look on his face. He couldn't believe that he couldn't even force out the martial spirit of the girl opposite him with all his soul skills.

He is not a fool. Although the girl opposite does not use martial arts, the black and white strength around her is clearly the use of soul power!
Create your own soul skills!

Dai Mubai and Tang San were the only ones present who could see the girl's true identity. It was the only possibility that she could use her soul skills so freely without the use of martial soul rings.

But before Dai Mubai could finish his roar, the girl seemed to have lost interest after seeing all of Dai Mubai's soul skills, and took the initiative to step forward to Dai Mubai for the first time.

With the sound of explosions in the air, the girl waved her arms and struck Dai Mubai headlong.

You still despise me so much!Dai Mubai looked at the girl with red eyes. His White Tiger Vajra Transformation was the second transformation skill that the White Tiger Spirit was most proud of.

The resistance to abnormal conditions, attack power, defense power, and strength are doubled at the same time. If the soul power is sufficient, it can last for half an hour.

Without the slightest hesitation, Dai Mubai waved his tiger claws to meet him. The silver claws that popped out were not reserved at all. At this moment, his tiger claws were also far better than before.

But when Dai Mubai's tiger claw met the girl's through-arm fist for the first time, Dai Mubai was stunned. This power was more than doubled compared to just now.

The girl's two arms were as fierce as two evil dragons under his touch. Every collision made his blood surge, and his claws were sore and numb.

The most terrible thing is that the strength of these arms is like a rolling tide, each wave is stronger than the last wave, and the next wave is more fierce than the last.

Tang San, who was watching with his Purple Demonic Eyes running at the side, could see clearly that the girl's arms didn't stop at all after she swung them. Instead, they drew an arc in the air with the force of the shock, and then struck out again.

It's obviously a boxing technique, but it's similar to the method of stacking force with the Luan Cloak Hammer technique.

But Tang San couldn't say that the other party had secretly learned his family's skills, because now Tang San could only use the random cloak hammering method to strike iron, which was very difficult for actual combat, let alone converting it into boxing techniques.

After only five or six strokes, Dai Mubai felt that his tiger claws were so painful that they felt as soft and weak as marshmallows.

Dai Mubai couldn't resist, but the girl didn't hold back at all, but the white energy in her hand suddenly turned into the black energy in feminine force.

Hearing just two crisp sounds, Dai Mubai's cheeks suffered again. His whole body lost the ability to resist, and his eyes were filled with golden stars.

Then the girl stretched out her legs to sweep Dai Mubai into a straight line, and then kicked Dai Mubai's side with her other foot as if kicking a ball.A spinning force drove Dai Mubai's body, causing him to roll in the air and land on the ground, rolling out of the hotel door as accurately as a gourd rolling on the ground.

"Follow the formalities." After finishing all this, the girl turned around and looked at Manager Wang and spoke calmly.

At this moment, Manager Wang no longer cared about Dai Mubai at all. Seeing that the girl in front of him was as honest as a trembling goat in front of a tiger, he directly pulled the waiter next to him to the front.

"Quickly, arrange the best room in our hotel for this soul master!"

The twin sisters also groped toward the hotel door with pale faces. The girl didn't pay attention and looked at Manager Wang. "Manager Wang, I heard that there is a Shrek Academy in Soto City. Do you know where it is?" "

Tang San, who knew that he might even be able to choke Dai Mubai, chose to leave quietly, but the words of the girl near the door made his ears twitch.

It was just the sudden increase in pressure behind him that made Tang San's hair stand on end, and he didn't dare to stop for a moment past the unlucky Shao Dai, who was lying unconscious.

Looking at his black and blue cheeks, Tang San swallowed his saliva, this was not an ordinary injury, this was an injury caused by a force similar to An Jin. This Shao Dai was going to suffer a lot.

Not far from the hotel, Ma Hongjun and Oscar, who were about to leave to find a place to have fun, turned around when they heard the commotion behind them.

As great soul masters, the two men were also physically stronger than ordinary people, which allowed them to easily see the source of the excitement in the distance. The unfortunate blond guy lying dead seemed to be Boss Dai?
"Boss Dai!" After careful identification, the two finally identified Dai Mubai with dark and deformed cheeks from his blond hair and trousers.

Although they didn't understand what happened, considering the strength gap between Dai Mubai and them, they conscientiously chose to move Dai Mubai directly and leave to a clinic.

But why did Boss Dai become like this?The two of them couldn't think of a reasonable explanation despite racking their brains. Could it be that the two sisters were beaten like this after they drugged Boss Dai?
Before the two of them arrived at the clinic in their wild thoughts, Dai Mubai woke up from the jolt, but the world in front of him was a little skewed and blurry.

Oscar, who was carrying Dai Mubai on his back, let out a long breath. It's good that Boss Dai is fine. He really didn't have any bad intentions. He didn't hesitate like the fat man Ma Hongjun and just ran away with Dai Mubai on his back.

Ma Hongjun, who immediately thought of asking for credit in front of Dai Mubai, was stunned when he looked at Dai Mubai, "Dai, Boss Dai, why are your mouth and eyes crooked?"

"Quickly, take me to the clinic." Dai Mubai also felt as if there was a hedgehog lying on his cheek, it was painful and itchy, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

A clinic that can be opened in a conspicuous place in Soto City, regardless of the fee, is definitely of high quality, and most of the attending doctors are soul masters.

O'Hara Clinic is a clinic run by Dr. O'Hara, the three-ring soul master. He is a healing martial soul who is very good at treating bruises and swellings.

He was full of confidence at first but immediately frowned after seeing Dai Mubai's injuries. He looked at the dazzling grinning Dai Mubai and first applied a fragrant yellow oil on him.

After seeing that Dai Mubai's condition was getting better, he summoned his martial spirit, and a green bamboo with three leaves appeared in his hand.

As the yellow second soul ring shone, a drop of crystal clear dew dripped from the second leaf of the green bamboo, falling right on the left side of Dai Mubai's face.

A bit of green light lit up, rippled with a bit of black energy, and then dissipated directly. Compared with the right side of Dai Mubai's face, if you look closely, the dark green seemed to be slightly dimmer.

Upon seeing the situation, Doctor O'Hara frowned even more. Then he carefully examined Dai Mubai's whole body, and finally took a closer look at the injuries on Dai Mubai's face.

Finally, Dr. O'Hara shook his head helplessly, "This is an injury caused by soul power. I don't have the ability to heal it on the spot."

"The patient's squinted eyes, crooked mouth, swollen face, and pain and itching are mostly caused by this special soul power. It is difficult for me to remove it with my ability, and it is also difficult to find it in the entire Soto City. A healing soul master with Soul Master or above."

"No, doctor, what should I do? Or do you know a doctor who can treat me?" Oscar asked quickly.

Dai Mubai, who was half lying on the hospital bed, also nodded quickly. He was in too much pain right now. Not to mention that his face was too shameless to be seen by others. Even the soreness and pain were enough for him to drink a pot.

"Dr. Ming is the only healing soul master in Soto City who is at the soul sect level, but I heard that he has not come back since he went out for medical consultation." Dr. O'Hara shook his head.

"However, this injury does not matter fundamentally, because the soul power on the injured person's face is slowly dissipating over time, and he will be fine even if he is left alone for a while."

"As for the patient's injuries, they are nothing. But if it is a simple bruise, I will use my ancestral secret bruise oil to treat your injuries and relieve the pain on your face at the same time."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

"But..." Dr. O'Hara looked at the burly Dai Mubai with a strange expression.

(End of this chapter)

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